Commit 96d85bb8 authored by's avatar

Add better consistency check and error output to plot script.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 17d21a51
......@@ -67,4 +67,13 @@ cat $log_file |
$tools_path/codemap.js $tools_path/profile.js $tools_path/profile_view.js \
$tools_path/logreader.js $tools_path/tickprocessor.js \
$tools_path/profviz/composer.js $tools_path/profviz/stdio.js \
-- $@ $options 2>/dev/null | gnuplot > timer-events.png
-- $@ $options 2>/dev/null > timer-events.plot
if [[ $success != 0 ]] ; then
cat timer-events.plot
cat timer-events.plot | gnuplot > timer-events.png
rm -f timer-events.plot
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ = function() {
function PlotScriptComposer(kResX, kResY) {
function PlotScriptComposer(kResX, kResY, error_output) {
// Constants.
var kV8BinarySuffixes = ["/d8", "/"];
var kStackFrames = 8; // Stack frames to display in the plot.
......@@ -149,7 +149,10 @@ function PlotScriptComposer(kResX, kResY) {
// Utility functions.
function assert(something, message) {
if (!something) print(new Error(message).stack);
if (!something) {
var error = new Error(message);
function FindCodeKind(kind) {
......@@ -208,70 +211,16 @@ function PlotScriptComposer(kResX, kResY) {
// Public methods.
this.collectData = function(input, distortion_per_entry) {
var last_timestamp = 0;
// Parse functions.
var parseTimeStamp = function(timestamp) {
int_timestamp = parseInt(timestamp);
assert(int_timestamp >= last_timestamp, "Inconsistent timestamps.");
last_timestamp = int_timestamp;
distortion += distortion_per_entry;
return parseInt(timestamp) / 1000 - distortion;
var processTimerEventStart = function(name, start) {
// Find out the thread id.
var new_event = TimerEvents[name];
if (new_event === undefined) return;
var thread_id = new_event.thread_id;
start = Math.max(last_time_stamp[thread_id] + kMinRangeLength, start);
// Last event on this thread is done with the start of this event.
var last_event = event_stack[thread_id].top();
if (last_event !== undefined) {
var new_range = new Range(last_time_stamp[thread_id], start);
last_time_stamp[thread_id] = start;
var processTimerEventEnd = function(name, end) {
// Find out about the thread_id.
var finished_event = TimerEvents[name];
var thread_id = finished_event.thread_id;
assert(finished_event === event_stack[thread_id].pop(),
"inconsistent event stack");
end = Math.max(last_time_stamp[thread_id] + kMinRangeLength, end);
var new_range = new Range(last_time_stamp[thread_id], end);
last_time_stamp[thread_id] = end;
var processCodeCreateEvent = function(type, kind, address, size, name) {
var code_entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(size, name);
code_entry.kind = kind;
code_map.addCode(address, code_entry);
var processCodeMoveEvent = function(from, to) {
code_map.moveCode(from, to);
var processCodeDeleteEvent = function(address) {
var processSharedLibrary = function(name, start, end) {
var code_entry = new CodeMap.CodeEntry(end - start, name);
code_entry.kind = -2; // External code kind.
for (var i = 0; i < kV8BinarySuffixes.length; i++) {
var suffix = kV8BinarySuffixes[i];
if (name.indexOf(suffix, name.length - suffix.length) >= 0) {
code_entry.kind = -1; // V8 runtime code kind.
return int_timestamp / 1000 - distortion;
code_map.addLibrary(start, code_entry);
var processTimerEventStart = function(name, start) {
// Find out the thread id.
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ your computer's performance.">
or alternatively,<br/>
Chrome with
<span class="tt">
--no-sandbox --js-flags="--prof --noprof-lazy --log-timer-events
--no-sandbox --js-flags="--prof --log-timer-events"
</span> to produce <span class="tt">v8.log</span>.
......@@ -117,6 +117,11 @@ your computer's performance.">
command-line utility
</a> instead.
If you expect multiple V8 instances to run concurrently, for example
with several tabs in Chrome,<br/>
add the V8 flag <span class="tt">--logfile=v8.%p.log</span>
so that each instance writes to its own log file.
......@@ -42,15 +42,6 @@ var worker_scripts = [
function plotWorker() {
var worker = null;
var delegateList = {
"log" : log,
"error" : logError,
"displayplot" : displayplot,
"displayprof" : displayprof,
"range" : setRange,
"script" : scriptLoaded
function initialize() {
worker = new Worker("worker.js");
......@@ -89,6 +80,16 @@ function plotWorker() {
if (worker) worker.terminate();
var delegateList = {
"log" : log,
"error" : logError,
"displayplot" : displayplot,
"displayprof" : displayprof,
"range" : setRange,
"script" : scriptLoaded,
"reset" : this.reset
......@@ -233,9 +234,6 @@ function start(event) {
function getSelectedFile() {
var file = ui.file.files[0];
if (!file) throw Error("No valid file selected.");
if (!file.type.toString().match(/text/)) {
throw Error("'" + escape( + "' is not a text file.");
return file;
......@@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ if (!isNaN(range_end)) range_end_override = range_end;
var kResX = 1600;
var kResY = 600;
var psc = new PlotScriptComposer(kResX, kResY);
function log_error(text) {
var psc = new PlotScriptComposer(kResX, kResY, log_error);
psc.collectData(readline, distortion_per_entry);
psc.findPlotRange(range_start_override, range_end_override);
print("set terminal pngcairo size " + kResX + "," + kResY +
......@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ function load_scripts(scripts) {
function log_error(text) {
self.postMessage({"call": "error", "args": text});
self.postMessage({"call": "reset"});
function run(args) {
var file = args["file"];
var resx = args["resx"];
......@@ -121,7 +127,7 @@ function run(args) {
var input_file_name = "input_temp";
var output_file_name = "output.svg";
var psc = new PlotScriptComposer(resx, resy);
var psc = new PlotScriptComposer(resx, resy, log_error);
var objects = 0;
time("Collecting events (" + content_lines.length + " entries)",
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