Commit 8cb02753 authored by Thibaud Michaud's avatar Thibaud Michaud Committed by V8 LUCI CQ

[wasm] Materialize suspender in JS-to-wasm wrapper

Instead of creating the Suspender object in JS and passing it to the
stack-switching js-to-wasm wrapper, the wrapper now automatically
creates the Suspender object and forwards it as an extra parameter to
the wasm function. See:

Bug: v8:12191
Change-Id: I2badee823f4223a293632f93e7e59f24c49d0820
Commit-Queue: Thibaud Michaud <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAndreas Haas <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarJakob Kummerow <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#81890}
parent 9d3c0b6c
......@@ -2999,20 +2999,19 @@ void SaveState(MacroAssembler* masm, Register active_continuation, Register tmp,
FillJumpBuffer(masm, jmpbuf, suspend);
// Returns the new continuation in rax.
void AllocateContinuation(MacroAssembler* masm, Register function_data,
Register wasm_instance, Register suspender) {
// Returns the new suspender in rax.
void AllocateSuspender(MacroAssembler* masm, Register function_data,
Register wasm_instance) {
MemOperand GCScanSlotPlace =
MemOperand(rbp, BuiltinWasmWrapperConstants::kGCScanSlotCountOffset);
__ Move(GCScanSlotPlace, 3);
__ Move(GCScanSlotPlace, 2);
__ Push(wasm_instance);
__ Push(function_data);
__ Push(suspender); // Argument.
__ LoadAnyTaggedField(
MemOperand(wasm_instance, wasm::ObjectAccess::ToTagged(
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kWasmAllocateContinuation);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kWasmAllocateSuspender);
__ Pop(function_data);
__ Pop(wasm_instance);
static_assert(kReturnRegister0 == rax);
......@@ -3174,7 +3173,9 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
// The number of parameters according to the signature.
constexpr int kParamCountOffset =
constexpr int kReturnCountOffset = kParamCountOffset - kSystemPointerSize;
constexpr int kSuspenderOffset =
constexpr int kReturnCountOffset = kSuspenderOffset - kSystemPointerSize;
constexpr int kValueTypesArrayStartOffset =
kReturnCountOffset - kSystemPointerSize;
// A boolean flag to check if one of the parameters is a reference. If so, we
......@@ -3186,7 +3187,9 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
// registers (so no GC scan is needed).
constexpr int kFunctionDataOffset = kHasRefTypesOffset - kSystemPointerSize;
constexpr int kLastSpillOffset = kFunctionDataOffset;
constexpr int kNumSpillSlots = 7;
constexpr int kNumSpillSlots =
(-TypedFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeFromFp - kLastSpillOffset) >>
__ subq(rsp, Immediate(kNumSpillSlots * kSystemPointerSize));
// Put the in_parameter count on the stack, we only need it at the very end
// when we pop the parameters off the stack.
......@@ -3221,17 +3224,21 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
Label suspend;
if (stack_switch) {
// Set the suspender spill slot to a sentinel value, in case a GC happens
// before we set the actual value.
__ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, RootIndex::kUndefinedValue);
__ movq(MemOperand(rbp, kSuspenderOffset), kScratchRegister);
Register active_continuation = rbx;
__ LoadRoot(active_continuation, RootIndex::kActiveContinuation);
SaveState(masm, active_continuation, rcx, &suspend);
Register suspender = rax;
constexpr int kReceiverOnStackSize = kSystemPointerSize;
constexpr int kFirstParamOffset =
kFPOnStackSize + kPCOnStackSize + kReceiverOnStackSize;
__ movq(suspender, MemOperand(rbp, kFirstParamOffset));
AllocateContinuation(masm, function_data, wasm_instance, suspender);
AllocateSuspender(masm, function_data, wasm_instance);
Register suspender = rax; // Fixed.
__ movq(MemOperand(rbp, kSuspenderOffset), suspender);
Register target_continuation = rax;
__ LoadAnyTaggedField(
FieldOperand(suspender, WasmSuspenderObject::kContinuationOffset));
suspender = no_reg;
Register target_continuation = rax; // fixed
// Save the old stack's rbp in r9, and use it to access the parameters in
// the parent frame.
// We also distribute the spill slots across the two stacks as needed by
......@@ -3249,9 +3256,11 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
// +-----------------+ +-----------------+
// |kGCScanSlotCount | |kGCScanSlotCount |
// +-----------------+ +-----------------+
// | kInParamCount | | / |
// +-----------------+ +-----------------+
// | kParamCount | | / |
// +-----------------+ +-----------------+
// | kInParamCount | | / |
// | kSuspender | | / |
// +-----------------+ +-----------------+
// | / | | kReturnCount |
// +-----------------+ +-----------------+
......@@ -3283,6 +3292,9 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
// this marks the base of the stack segment for the stack frame iterator.
__ EnterFrame(StackFrame::STACK_SWITCH);
__ subq(rsp, Immediate(kNumSpillSlots * kSystemPointerSize));
// Set a sentinel value for the suspender spill slot in the new frame.
__ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, RootIndex::kUndefinedValue);
__ movq(MemOperand(rbp, kSuspenderOffset), kScratchRegister);
Register original_fp = stack_switch ? r9 : rbp;
......@@ -3424,6 +3436,22 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
returns_size = no_reg;
Register valuetype = r12;
Label numeric_params_done;
if (stack_switch) {
// Prepare for materializing the suspender parameter. We don't materialize
// it here but in the next loop that processes references. Here we only
// adjust the pointers to keep the state consistent:
// - Skip the first valuetype in the signature,
// - Adjust the param limit which is off by one because of the extra
// param in the signature,
// - Set HasRefTypes to 1 to ensure that the reference loop is entered.
__ addq(valuetypes_array_ptr, Immediate(kValueTypeSize));
__ subq(param_limit, Immediate(kSystemPointerSize));
__ movq(MemOperand(rbp, kHasRefTypesOffset), Immediate(1));
__ cmpq(current_param, param_limit);
__ j(equal, &numeric_params_done);
// -------------------------------------------
// Param evaluation loop.
// -------------------------------------------
......@@ -3443,7 +3471,7 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
__ cmpq(valuetype, Immediate(wasm::kWasmI32.raw_bit_field()));
__ j(not_equal, &convert_param);
__ JumpIfNotSmi(param, &convert_param);
// Change the paramfrom Smi to int32.
// Change the param from Smi to int32.
__ SmiUntag(param);
// Zero extend.
__ movl(param, param);
......@@ -3462,6 +3490,7 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
__ cmpq(current_param, param_limit);
__ j(not_equal, &loop_through_params);
__ bind(&numeric_params_done);
// -------------------------------------------
// Second loop to handle references.
......@@ -3490,6 +3519,17 @@ void GenericJSToWasmWrapperHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, bool stack_switch) {
__ Move(current_param,
kFPOnStackSize + kPCOnStackSize + kReceiverOnStackSize);
if (stack_switch) {
// Materialize the suspender param
__ movq(param, MemOperand(original_fp, kSuspenderOffset));
__ movq(MemOperand(current_int_param_slot, 0), param);
__ subq(current_int_param_slot, Immediate(kSystemPointerSize));
__ addq(valuetypes_array_ptr, Immediate(kValueTypeSize));
__ addq(ref_param_count, Immediate(1));
__ cmpq(current_param, param_limit);
__ j(equal, &ref_params_done);
Label ref_loop_through_params;
Label ref_loop_end;
// Start of the loop.
......@@ -4142,6 +4182,10 @@ void Generate_WasmResumeHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, wasm::OnResume on_resume) {
__ subq(rsp, Immediate(3 * kSystemPointerSize));
__ movq(MemOperand(rbp, kParamCountOffset), param_count);
__ movq(MemOperand(rbp, kInParamCountOffset), param_count);
// Set a sentinel value for the spill slot visited by the GC.
__ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, RootIndex::kUndefinedValue);
__ movq(MemOperand(rbp, BuiltinWasmWrapperConstants::kSuspenderOffset),
param_count = no_reg;
......@@ -652,7 +652,6 @@ namespace internal {
T(WasmTrapStringOffsetOutOfBounds, "string offset out of bounds") \
T(WasmTrapStringIsolatedSurrogate, \
"Failed to encode string as UTF-8: contains unpaired surrogate") \
T(WasmTrapReentrantSuspender, "re-entering an active/suspended suspender") \
T(WasmExceptionError, "wasm exception") \
/* Asm.js validation related */ \
T(AsmJsInvalid, "Invalid asm.js: %") \
......@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ class BuiltinWasmWrapperConstants : public TypedFrameConstants {
static constexpr int kInParamCountOffset = TYPED_FRAME_PUSHED_VALUE_OFFSET(1);
// The number of parameters according to the signature.
static constexpr int kParamCountOffset = TYPED_FRAME_PUSHED_VALUE_OFFSET(2);
static constexpr int kSuspenderOffset = TYPED_FRAME_PUSHED_VALUE_OFFSET(3);
class ConstructFrameConstants : public TypedFrameConstants {
......@@ -2332,6 +2332,10 @@ void StackSwitchFrame::Iterate(RootVisitor* v) const {
&Memory<Address>(sp() + scan_count * kSystemPointerSize));
v->VisitRootPointers(Root::kStackRoots, nullptr, spill_slot_base,
// Also visit fixed spill slots that contain references.
FullObjectSlot suspender_slot(
&Memory<Address>(fp() + BuiltinWasmWrapperConstants::kSuspenderOffset));
v->VisitRootPointer(Root::kStackRoots, nullptr, suspender_slot);
// static
......@@ -797,21 +797,12 @@ void SyncStackLimit(Isolate* isolate) {
} // namespace
// Allocate a new continuation, and prepare for stack switching by updating the
// Allocate a new suspender, and prepare for stack switching by updating the
// active continuation, active suspender and stack limit.
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_WasmAllocateContinuation) {
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_WasmAllocateSuspender) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
if (!args[0].IsWasmSuspenderObject()) {
return ThrowWasmError(isolate, MessageTemplate::kWasmTrapJSTypeError);
Handle<WasmSuspenderObject> suspender =
handle(WasmSuspenderObject::cast(args[0]), isolate);
if (suspender->state() != WasmSuspenderObject::kInactive) {
return ThrowWasmError(isolate,
Handle<WasmSuspenderObject> suspender = WasmSuspenderObject::New(isolate);
// Update the continuation state.
auto parent = handle(WasmContinuationObject::cast(
......@@ -833,7 +824,7 @@ RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_WasmAllocateContinuation) {*suspender);
return *target;
return *suspender;
// Update the stack limit after a stack switch, and preserve pending interrupts.
......@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ namespace internal {
F(WasmDebugBreak, 0, 1) \
F(WasmArrayCopy, 5, 1) \
F(WasmArrayNewSegment, 5, 1) \
F(WasmAllocateContinuation, 1, 1) \
F(WasmAllocateSuspender, 0, 1) \
F(WasmSyncStackLimit, 0, 1) \
F(WasmCreateResumePromise, 2, 1) \
F(WasmStringNewWtf8, 5, 1) \
......@@ -2022,13 +2022,15 @@ void WebAssemblyFunctionType(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args) {
handle(sfi->wasm_exported_function_data(), i_isolate);
sig = wasm_exported_function->sig();
if (data->suspend()) {
// If this export is suspendable, the function returns a
// If this export is suspendable, the first parameter of the original
// function is an externref (suspender) which does not appear in the
// wrapper function's signature. The wrapper function also returns a
// promise as an externref instead of the original return type.
size_t param_count = sig->parameter_count();
DCHECK_GE(param_count, 1);
DCHECK_EQ(sig->GetParam(0), i::wasm::kWasmAnyRef);
i::wasm::FunctionSig::Builder builder(&zone, 1, param_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) {
i::wasm::FunctionSig::Builder builder(&zone, 1, param_count - 1);
for (size_t i = 1; i < param_count; ++i) {
......@@ -1795,10 +1795,8 @@ Handle<WasmContinuationObject> WasmContinuationObject::New(
Handle<WasmSuspenderObject> WasmSuspenderObject::New(Isolate* isolate) {
Handle<JSFunction> suspender_cons(
isolate->native_context()->wasm_suspender_constructor(), isolate);
// Suspender objects should be at least as long-lived as the instances of
// which it will wrap the imports/exports, allocate in old space too.
auto suspender = Handle<WasmSuspenderObject>::cast(
isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(suspender_cons, AllocationType::kOld));
// Instantiate the callable object which resumes this Suspender. This will be
// used implicitly as the onFulfilled callback of the returned JS promise.
......@@ -1713,6 +1713,7 @@
['arch != x64', {
# Stack switching is only supported on x64.
'wasm/stack-switching': [SKIP],
'wasm/stack-switching-export': [SKIP],
}], # arch != x64
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