Commit 89ffd6c2 authored by's avatar

Implement transcendental cache probing in generated code on ARM.

Fixed hash code computation on ia32 and x64 to match the runtime
system (change arithmetic shift right to logical shift right).

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 407aaa98
......@@ -5087,18 +5087,28 @@ void CodeGenerator::GenerateCallFunction(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
void CodeGenerator::GenerateMathSin(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
ASSERT_EQ(args->length(), 1);
// Load the argument on the stack and jump to the runtime.
if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VFP3)) {
TranscendentalCacheStub stub(TranscendentalCache::SIN);
frame_->CallStub(&stub, 1);
} else {
frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kMath_sin, 1);
void CodeGenerator::GenerateMathCos(ZoneList<Expression*>* args) {
ASSERT_EQ(args->length(), 1);
// Load the argument on the stack and jump to the runtime.
if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VFP3)) {
TranscendentalCacheStub stub(TranscendentalCache::COS);
frame_->CallStub(&stub, 1);
} else {
frame_->CallRuntime(Runtime::kMath_cos, 1);
......@@ -7090,7 +7100,7 @@ void NumberToStringStub::GenerateLookupNumberStringCache(MacroAssembler* masm,
CpuFeatures::Scope scope(VFP3);
__ CheckMap(object,
......@@ -8236,6 +8246,110 @@ Handle<Code> GetBinaryOpStub(int key, BinaryOpIC::TypeInfo type_info) {
void TranscendentalCacheStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Argument is a number and is on stack and in r0.
Label runtime_call;
Label input_not_smi;
Label loaded;
if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VFP3)) {
// Load argument and check if it is a smi.
__ BranchOnNotSmi(r0, &input_not_smi);
CpuFeatures::Scope scope(VFP3);
// Input is a smi. Convert to double and load the low and high words
// of the double into r2, r3.
__ IntegerToDoubleConversionWithVFP3(r0, r3, r2);
__ b(&loaded);
__ bind(&input_not_smi);
// Check if input is a HeapNumber.
__ CheckMap(r0,
// Input is a HeapNumber. Load it to a double register and store the
// low and high words into r2, r3.
__ Ldrd(r2, r3, FieldMemOperand(r0, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ bind(&loaded);
// r2 = low 32 bits of double value
// r3 = high 32 bits of double value
// Compute hash:
// h = (low ^ high); h ^= h >> 16; h ^= h >> 8; h = h & (cacheSize - 1);
__ eor(r1, r2, Operand(r2));
__ eor(r1, r1, Operand(r1, LSR, 16));
__ eor(r1, r1, Operand(r1, LSR, 8));
if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(ARMv7)) {
const int kTranscendentalCacheSizeBits = 9;
ASSERT_EQ(1 << kTranscendentalCacheSizeBits,
__ ubfx(r1, r1, 0, kTranscendentalCacheSizeBits);
} else {
__ and_(r1, r1, Operand(TranscendentalCache::kCacheSize - 1));
// r2 = low 32 bits of double value.
// r3 = high 32 bits of double value.
// r1 = TranscendentalCache::hash(double value).
__ mov(r0,
// r0 points to cache array.
__ ldr(r0, MemOperand(r0, type_ * sizeof(TranscendentalCache::caches_[0])));
// r0 points to the cache for the type type_.
// If NULL, the cache hasn't been initialized yet, so go through runtime.
__ cmp(r0, Operand(0));
__ b(eq, &runtime_call);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Check that the layout of cache elements match expectations.
{ TranscendentalCache::Element test_elem[2];
char* elem_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&test_elem[0]);
char* elem2_start = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&test_elem[1]);
char* elem_in0 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(test_elem[0].in[0]));
char* elem_in1 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(test_elem[0].in[1]));
char* elem_out = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&(test_elem[0].output));
CHECK_EQ(12, elem2_start - elem_start); // Two uint_32's and a pointer.
CHECK_EQ(0, elem_in0 - elem_start);
CHECK_EQ(kIntSize, elem_in1 - elem_start);
CHECK_EQ(2 * kIntSize, elem_out - elem_start);
// Find the address of the r1'st entry in the cache, i.e., &r0[r1*12].
__ add(r1, r1, Operand(r1, LSL, 1));
__ add(r0, r0, Operand(r1, LSL, 2));
// Check if cache matches: Double value is stored in uint32_t[2] array.
__ ldm(ia, r0, r4.bit()| r5.bit() | r6.bit());
__ cmp(r2, r4);
__ b(ne, &runtime_call);
__ cmp(r3, r5);
__ b(ne, &runtime_call);
// Cache hit. Load result, pop argument and return.
__ mov(r0, Operand(r6));
__ pop();
__ Ret();
__ bind(&runtime_call);
__ TailCallExternalReference(ExternalReference(RuntimeFunction()), 1, 1);
Runtime::FunctionId TranscendentalCacheStub::RuntimeFunction() {
switch (type_) {
// Add more cases when necessary.
case TranscendentalCache::SIN: return Runtime::kMath_sin;
case TranscendentalCache::COS: return Runtime::kMath_cos;
return Runtime::kAbort;
void StackCheckStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Do tail-call to runtime routine. Runtime routines expect at least one
// argument, so give it a Smi.
......@@ -9550,8 +9664,11 @@ void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_, scratch_,
Factory::heap_number_map(), index_not_number_, true);
__ CheckMap(index_,
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ push(index_); // Consumed by runtime conversion function.
......@@ -589,6 +589,21 @@ class CodeGenerator: public AstVisitor {
// Compute a transcendental math function natively, or call the
// TranscendentalCache runtime function.
class TranscendentalCacheStub: public CodeStub {
explicit TranscendentalCacheStub(TranscendentalCache::Type type)
: type_(type) {}
void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm);
TranscendentalCache::Type type_;
Major MajorKey() { return TranscendentalCache; }
int MinorKey() { return type_; }
Runtime::FunctionId RuntimeFunction();
class GenericBinaryOpStub : public CodeStub {
GenericBinaryOpStub(Token::Value op,
......@@ -10290,13 +10290,14 @@ void TranscendentalCacheStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ mov(ecx, ebx);
__ xor_(ecx, Operand(edx));
__ mov(eax, ecx);
__ sar(eax, 16);
__ shr(eax, 16);
__ xor_(ecx, Operand(eax));
__ mov(eax, ecx);
__ sar(eax, 8);
__ shr(eax, 8);
__ xor_(ecx, Operand(eax));
__ and_(Operand(ecx), Immediate(TranscendentalCache::kCacheSize - 1));
// ST[0] == double value.
// ebx = low 32 bits of double value.
// edx = high 32 bits of double value.
......@@ -8189,14 +8189,15 @@ void TranscendentalCacheStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ movl(rcx, rdx);
__ movl(rax, rdx);
__ movl(rdi, rdx);
__ sarl(rdx, Immediate(8));
__ sarl(rcx, Immediate(16));
__ sarl(rax, Immediate(24));
__ shrl(rdx, Immediate(8));
__ shrl(rcx, Immediate(16));
__ shrl(rax, Immediate(24));
__ xorl(rcx, rdx);
__ xorl(rax, rdi);
__ xorl(rcx, rax);
__ andl(rcx, Immediate(TranscendentalCache::kCacheSize - 1));
// ST[0] == double value.
// rbx = bits of double value.
// rcx = TranscendentalCache::hash(double value).
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