Commit 87756345 authored by's avatar

Add a "read" extension to the shell programs. This global function

reads the contents of a file into a string and returns it.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 6290e197
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ bool ExecuteString(v8::Handle<v8::String> source,
bool print_result,
bool report_exceptions);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> Print(const v8::Arguments& args);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> Read(const v8::Arguments& args);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> Load(const v8::Arguments& args);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> Quit(const v8::Arguments& args);
v8::Handle<v8::Value> Version(const v8::Arguments& args);
......@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ int RunMain(int argc, char* argv[]) {
v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> global = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();
// Bind the global 'print' function to the C++ Print callback.
global->Set(v8::String::New("print"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(Print));
// Bind the global 'read' function to the C++ Read callback.
global->Set(v8::String::New("read"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(Read));
// Bind the global 'load' function to the C++ Load callback.
global->Set(v8::String::New("load"), v8::FunctionTemplate::New(Load));
// Bind the 'quit' function
......@@ -135,6 +138,25 @@ v8::Handle<v8::Value> Print(const v8::Arguments& args) {
// The callback that is invoked by v8 whenever the JavaScript 'read'
// function is called. This function loads the content of the file named in
// the argument into a JavaScript string.
v8::Handle<v8::Value> Read(const v8::Arguments& args) {
if (args.Length() != 1) {
return v8::ThrowException(v8::String::New("Bad parameters"));
v8::String::Utf8Value file(args[0]);
if (*file == NULL) {
return v8::ThrowException(v8::String::New("Error loading file"));
v8::Handle<v8::String> source = ReadFile(*file);
if (source.IsEmpty()) {
return v8::ThrowException(v8::String::New("Error loading file"));
return source;
// The callback that is invoked by v8 whenever the JavaScript 'load'
// function is called. Loads, compiles and executes its argument
// JavaScript file.
......@@ -163,6 +163,22 @@ Handle<Value> Shell::Print(const Arguments& args) {
Handle<Value> Shell::Read(const Arguments& args) {
if (args.Length() != 1) {
return ThrowException(String::New("Bad parameters"));
String::Utf8Value file(args[0]);
if (*file == NULL) {
return ThrowException(String::New("Error loading file"));
Handle<String> source = ReadFile(*file);
if (source.IsEmpty()) {
return ThrowException(String::New("Error loading file"));
return source;
Handle<Value> Shell::Load(const Arguments& args) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) {
HandleScope handle_scope;
......@@ -381,6 +397,7 @@ void Shell::Initialize() {
HandleScope scope;
Handle<ObjectTemplate> global_template = ObjectTemplate::New();
global_template->Set(String::New("print"), FunctionTemplate::New(Print));
global_template->Set(String::New("read"), FunctionTemplate::New(Read));
global_template->Set(String::New("load"), FunctionTemplate::New(Load));
global_template->Set(String::New("quit"), FunctionTemplate::New(Quit));
global_template->Set(String::New("version"), FunctionTemplate::New(Version));
......@@ -555,6 +572,8 @@ void ShellThread::Run() {
Handle<ObjectTemplate> global_template = ObjectTemplate::New();
......@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ class Shell: public i::AllStatic {
static Handle<Value> Yield(const Arguments& args);
static Handle<Value> Quit(const Arguments& args);
static Handle<Value> Version(const Arguments& args);
static Handle<Value> Read(const Arguments& args);
static Handle<Value> Load(const Arguments& args);
// The OS object on the global object contains methods for performing
// operating system calls:
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