Commit 81a3f7bf authored by's avatar

Make Parser class have no friends and fewer things to depend on it.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 1b0e2597
......@@ -1155,13 +1155,13 @@ void ObjectTemplate::SetInternalFieldCount(int value) {
ScriptData* ScriptData::PreCompile(const char* input, int length) {
unibrow::Utf8InputBuffer<> buf(input, length);
return i::Parser::PreParse(i::Handle<i::String>(), &buf, NULL);
return i::ParserApi::PreParse(i::Handle<i::String>(), &buf, NULL);
ScriptData* ScriptData::PreCompile(v8::Handle<String> source) {
i::Handle<i::String> str = Utils::OpenHandle(*source);
return i::Parser::PreParse(str, NULL, NULL);
return i::ParserApi::PreParse(str, NULL, NULL);
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> MakeFunctionInfo(CompilationInfo* info) {
// Only allow non-global compiles for eval.
ASSERT(info->is_eval() || info->is_global());
if (!Parser::Parse(info)) return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
if (!ParserApi::Parse(info)) return Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>::null();
// Measure how long it takes to do the compilation; only take the
// rest of the function into account to avoid overlap with the
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::Compile(Handle<String> source,
if (pre_data == NULL
&& FLAG_lazy
&& source_length >= FLAG_min_preparse_length) {
pre_data = Parser::PartialPreParse(source, NULL, extension);
pre_data = ParserApi::PartialPreParse(source, NULL, extension);
// Create a script object describing the script to be compiled.
......@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ bool Compiler::CompileLazy(CompilationInfo* info) {
// Generate the AST for the lazily compiled function.
if (Parser::Parse(info)) {
if (ParserApi::Parse(info)) {
// Measure how long it takes to do the lazy compilation; only take the
// rest of the function into account to avoid overlap with the lazy
// parsing statistics.
......@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ Handle<Object> RegExpImpl::Compile(Handle<JSRegExp> re,
PostponeInterruptsScope postpone;
RegExpCompileData parse_result;
FlatStringReader reader(pattern);
if (!Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, flags.is_multiline(), &parse_result)) {
if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, flags.is_multiline(),
&parse_result)) {
// Throw an exception if we fail to parse the pattern.
......@@ -267,7 +268,8 @@ bool RegExpImpl::CompileIrregexp(Handle<JSRegExp> re, bool is_ascii) {
RegExpCompileData compile_data;
FlatStringReader reader(pattern);
if (!Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, flags.is_multiline(), &compile_data)) {
if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, flags.is_multiline(),
&compile_data)) {
// Throw an exception if we fail to parse the pattern.
// THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. We already pre-parsed it successfully once.
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ static void CompileScriptForTracker(Handle<Script> script) {
// Build AST.
CompilationInfo info(script);
if (Parser::Parse(&info)) {
if (ParserApi::Parse(&info)) {
// Compile the code.
LiveEditFunctionTracker tracker(info.function());
if (Compiler::MakeCodeForLiveEdit(&info)) {
......@@ -87,112 +87,6 @@ class PositionStack {
template <typename T, int initial_size>
class BufferedZoneList {
BufferedZoneList() : list_(NULL), last_(NULL) {}
// Adds element at end of list. This element is buffered and can
// be read using last() or removed using RemoveLast until a new Add or until
// RemoveLast or GetList has been called.
void Add(T* value) {
if (last_ != NULL) {
if (list_ == NULL) {
list_ = new ZoneList<T*>(initial_size);
last_ = value;
T* last() {
ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
return last_;
T* RemoveLast() {
ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
T* result = last_;
if (list_ != NULL && list_->length() > 0)
last_ = list_->RemoveLast();
last_ = NULL;
return result;
T* Get(int i) {
ASSERT(0 <= i && i < length());
if (list_ == NULL) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, i);
return last_;
} else {
if (i == list_->length()) {
ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
return last_;
} else {
return list_->at(i);
void Clear() {
list_ = NULL;
last_ = NULL;
int length() {
int length = (list_ == NULL) ? 0 : list_->length();
return length + ((last_ == NULL) ? 0 : 1);
ZoneList<T*>* GetList() {
if (list_ == NULL) {
list_ = new ZoneList<T*>(initial_size);
if (last_ != NULL) {
last_ = NULL;
return list_;
ZoneList<T*>* list_;
T* last_;
// Accumulates RegExp atoms and assertions into lists of terms and alternatives.
class RegExpBuilder: public ZoneObject {
void AddCharacter(uc16 character);
// "Adds" an empty expression. Does nothing except consume a
// following quantifier
void AddEmpty();
void AddAtom(RegExpTree* tree);
void AddAssertion(RegExpTree* tree);
void NewAlternative(); // '|'
void AddQuantifierToAtom(int min, int max, RegExpQuantifier::Type type);
RegExpTree* ToRegExp();
void FlushCharacters();
void FlushText();
void FlushTerms();
bool pending_empty_;
ZoneList<uc16>* characters_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> terms_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> text_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> alternatives_;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define LAST(x) last_added_ = x;
#define LAST(x)
: pending_empty_(false),
......@@ -352,124 +246,13 @@ void RegExpBuilder::AddQuantifierToAtom(int min,
class RegExpParser {
RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in,
Handle<String>* error,
bool multiline_mode);
RegExpTree* ParsePattern();
RegExpTree* ParseDisjunction();
RegExpTree* ParseGroup();
RegExpTree* ParseCharacterClass();
// Parses a {...,...} quantifier and stores the range in the given
// out parameters.
bool ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out);
// Parses and returns a single escaped character. The character
// must not be 'b' or 'B' since they are usually handle specially.
uc32 ParseClassCharacterEscape();
// Checks whether the following is a length-digit hexadecimal number,
// and sets the value if it is.
bool ParseHexEscape(int length, uc32* value);
uc32 ParseControlLetterEscape();
uc32 ParseOctalLiteral();
// Tries to parse the input as a back reference. If successful it
// stores the result in the output parameter and returns true. If
// it fails it will push back the characters read so the same characters
// can be reparsed.
bool ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out);
CharacterRange ParseClassAtom(uc16* char_class);
RegExpTree* ReportError(Vector<const char> message);
void Advance();
void Advance(int dist);
void Reset(int pos);
// Reports whether the pattern might be used as a literal search string.
// Only use if the result of the parse is a single atom node.
bool simple();
bool contains_anchor() { return contains_anchor_; }
void set_contains_anchor() { contains_anchor_ = true; }
int captures_started() { return captures_ == NULL ? 0 : captures_->length(); }
int position() { return next_pos_ - 1; }
bool failed() { return failed_; }
static const int kMaxCaptures = 1 << 16;
static const uc32 kEndMarker = (1 << 21);
enum SubexpressionType {
CAPTURE, // All positive values represent captures.
class RegExpParserState : public ZoneObject {
RegExpParserState(RegExpParserState* previous_state,
SubexpressionType group_type,
int disjunction_capture_index)
: previous_state_(previous_state),
builder_(new RegExpBuilder()),
disjunction_capture_index_(disjunction_capture_index) {}
// Parser state of containing expression, if any.
RegExpParserState* previous_state() { return previous_state_; }
bool IsSubexpression() { return previous_state_ != NULL; }
// RegExpBuilder building this regexp's AST.
RegExpBuilder* builder() { return builder_; }
// Type of regexp being parsed (parenthesized group or entire regexp).
SubexpressionType group_type() { return group_type_; }
// Index in captures array of first capture in this sub-expression, if any.
// Also the capture index of this sub-expression itself, if group_type
// is CAPTURE.
int capture_index() { return disjunction_capture_index_; }
// Linked list implementation of stack of states.
RegExpParserState* previous_state_;
// Builder for the stored disjunction.
RegExpBuilder* builder_;
// Stored disjunction type (capture, look-ahead or grouping), if any.
SubexpressionType group_type_;
// Stored disjunction's capture index (if any).
int disjunction_capture_index_;
uc32 current() { return current_; }
bool has_more() { return has_more_; }
bool has_next() { return next_pos_ < in()->length(); }
uc32 Next();
FlatStringReader* in() { return in_; }
void ScanForCaptures();
uc32 current_;
bool has_more_;
bool multiline_;
int next_pos_;
FlatStringReader* in_;
Handle<String>* error_;
bool simple_;
bool contains_anchor_;
ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>* captures_;
bool is_scanned_for_captures_;
// The capture count is only valid after we have scanned for captures.
int capture_count_;
bool failed_;
// A temporary scope stores information during parsing, just like
// a plain scope. However, temporary scopes are not kept around
// after parsing or referenced by syntax trees so they can be stack-
// allocated and hence used by the pre-parser.
class TemporaryScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
explicit TemporaryScope(Parser* parser);
explicit TemporaryScope(TemporaryScope** variable);
int NextMaterializedLiteralIndex() {
......@@ -518,27 +301,25 @@ class TemporaryScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
int loop_count_;
// Bookkeeping
Parser* parser_;
TemporaryScope** variable_;
TemporaryScope* parent_;
friend class Parser;
TemporaryScope::TemporaryScope(Parser* parser)
TemporaryScope::TemporaryScope(TemporaryScope** variable)
: materialized_literal_count_(0),
parent_(parser->temp_scope_) {
parser->temp_scope_ = this;
parent_(*variable) {
*variable = this;
TemporaryScope::~TemporaryScope() {
parser_->temp_scope_ = parent_;
*variable_ = parent_;
......@@ -1141,20 +922,20 @@ VariableProxy* PreParser::Declare(Handle<String> name, Variable::Mode mode,
class Target BASE_EMBEDDED {
Target(Parser* parser, AstNode* node)
: parser_(parser), node_(node), previous_(parser_->target_stack_) {
parser_->target_stack_ = this;
Target(Target** variable, AstNode* node)
: variable_(variable), node_(node), previous_(*variable) {
*variable = this;
~Target() {
parser_->target_stack_ = previous_;
*variable_ = previous_;
Target* previous() { return previous_; }
AstNode* node() { return node_; }
Parser* parser_;
Target** variable_;
AstNode* node_;
Target* previous_;
......@@ -1162,17 +943,17 @@ class Target BASE_EMBEDDED {
class TargetScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
explicit TargetScope(Parser* parser)
: parser_(parser), previous_(parser->target_stack_) {
parser->target_stack_ = NULL;
explicit TargetScope(Target** variable)
: variable_(variable), previous_(*variable) {
*variable = NULL;
~TargetScope() {
parser_->target_stack_ = previous_;
*variable_ = previous_;
Parser* parser_;
Target** variable_;
Target* previous_;
......@@ -1184,22 +965,26 @@ class TargetScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
class LexicalScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
LexicalScope(Parser* parser, Scope* scope)
: parser_(parser),
prev_level_(parser->with_nesting_level_) {
parser_->top_scope_ = scope;
parser_->with_nesting_level_ = 0;
LexicalScope(Scope** scope_variable,
int* with_nesting_level_variable,
Scope* scope)
: scope_variable_(scope_variable),
prev_level_(*with_nesting_level_variable) {
*scope_variable = scope;
*with_nesting_level_variable = 0;
~LexicalScope() {
parser_->top_scope_ = prev_scope_;
parser_->with_nesting_level_ = prev_level_;
*scope_variable_ = prev_scope_;
*with_nesting_level_variable_ = prev_level_;
Parser* parser_;
Scope** scope_variable_;
int* with_nesting_level_variable_;
Scope* prev_scope_;
int prev_level_;
......@@ -1262,8 +1047,8 @@ bool Parser::PreParseProgram(Handle<String> source,
if (allow_natives_syntax_ || extension_ != NULL) mode_ = PARSE_EAGERLY;
DummyScope top_scope;
LexicalScope scope(this, &top_scope);
TemporaryScope temp_scope(this);
LexicalScope scope(&this->top_scope_, &this->with_nesting_level_, &top_scope);
TemporaryScope temp_scope(&this->temp_scope_);
ZoneListWrapper<Statement> processor;
bool ok = true;
ParseSourceElements(&processor, Token::EOS, &ok);
......@@ -1297,8 +1082,9 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseProgram(Handle<String> source,
FunctionLiteral* result = NULL;
{ Scope* scope = factory()->NewScope(top_scope_, type, inside_with());
LexicalScope lexical_scope(this, scope);
TemporaryScope temp_scope(this);
LexicalScope lexical_scope(&this->top_scope_, &this->with_nesting_level_,
TemporaryScope temp_scope(&this->temp_scope_);
ZoneListWrapper<Statement> body(16);
bool ok = true;
ParseSourceElements(&body, Token::EOS, &ok);
......@@ -1356,8 +1142,9 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseLazy(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> info) {
Handle<String> no_name = factory()->EmptySymbol();
Scope* scope =
factory()->NewScope(top_scope_, Scope::GLOBAL_SCOPE, inside_with());
LexicalScope lexical_scope(this, scope);
TemporaryScope temp_scope(this);
LexicalScope lexical_scope(&this->top_scope_, &this->with_nesting_level_,
TemporaryScope temp_scope(&this->temp_scope_);
FunctionLiteralType type =
info->is_expression() ? EXPRESSION : DECLARATION;
......@@ -1683,7 +1470,7 @@ void* Parser::ParseSourceElements(ZoneListWrapper<Statement>* processor,
// elements. This way, all scripts and functions get their own
// target stack thus avoiding illegal breaks and continues across
// functions.
TargetScope scope(this);
TargetScope scope(&this->target_stack_);
ASSERT(processor != NULL);
InitializationBlockFinder block_finder;
......@@ -1807,7 +1594,7 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
// fall-through. It is much easier just to wrap the entire
// try-statement in a statement block and put the labels there
Block* result = NEW(Block(labels, 1, false));
Target target(this, result);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, result);
TryStatement* statement = ParseTryStatement(CHECK_OK);
if (statement) {
......@@ -2023,7 +1810,7 @@ Block* Parser::ParseBlock(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
// Construct block expecting 16 statements.
Block* result = NEW(Block(labels, 16, false));
Target target(this, result);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, result);
Expect(Token::LBRACE, CHECK_OK);
while (peek() != Token::RBRACE) {
Statement* stat = ParseStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2418,7 +2205,7 @@ Block* Parser::WithHelper(Expression* obj,
ZoneList<BreakTarget*>* target_list = NEW(ZoneList<BreakTarget*>(0));
TargetCollector collector(target_list);
Statement* stat;
{ Target target(this, &collector);
{ Target target(&this->target_stack_, &collector);
stat = ParseStatement(labels, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2501,7 +2288,7 @@ SwitchStatement* Parser::ParseSwitchStatement(ZoneStringList* labels,
// 'switch' '(' Expression ')' '{' CaseClause* '}'
SwitchStatement* statement = NEW(SwitchStatement(labels));
Target target(this, statement);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, statement);
Expect(Token::SWITCH, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2558,7 +2345,7 @@ TryStatement* Parser::ParseTryStatement(bool* ok) {
TargetCollector collector(target_list);
Block* try_block;
{ Target target(this, &collector);
{ Target target(&this->target_stack_, &collector);
try_block = ParseBlock(NULL, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2594,7 +2381,7 @@ TryStatement* Parser::ParseTryStatement(bool* ok) {
catch_var = top_scope_->NewTemporary(Factory::catch_var_symbol());
Literal* name_literal = NEW(Literal(name));
Expression* obj = NEW(CatchExtensionObject(name_literal, catch_var));
{ Target target(this, &catch_collector);
{ Target target(&this->target_stack_, &catch_collector);
catch_block = WithHelper(obj, NULL, true, CHECK_OK);
} else {
......@@ -2653,7 +2440,7 @@ DoWhileStatement* Parser::ParseDoWhileStatement(ZoneStringList* labels,
DoWhileStatement* loop = NEW(DoWhileStatement(labels));
Target target(this, loop);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
Expect(Token::DO, CHECK_OK);
Statement* body = ParseStatement(NULL, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2686,7 +2473,7 @@ WhileStatement* Parser::ParseWhileStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
WhileStatement* loop = NEW(WhileStatement(labels));
Target target(this, loop);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
Expect(Token::WHILE, CHECK_OK);
Expect(Token::LPAREN, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2716,7 +2503,7 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
ParseVariableDeclarations(false, &each, CHECK_OK);
if (peek() == Token::IN && each != NULL) {
ForInStatement* loop = NEW(ForInStatement(labels));
Target target(this, loop);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
Expect(Token::IN, CHECK_OK);
Expression* enumerable = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2750,7 +2537,7 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
expression = NewThrowReferenceError(type);
ForInStatement* loop = NEW(ForInStatement(labels));
Target target(this, loop);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
Expect(Token::IN, CHECK_OK);
Expression* enumerable = ParseExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
......@@ -2769,7 +2556,7 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseForStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
// Standard 'for' loop
ForStatement* loop = NEW(ForStatement(labels));
Target target(this, loop);
Target target(&this->target_stack_, loop);
// Parsed initializer at this point.
......@@ -3859,8 +3646,9 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(Handle<String> var_name,
// Parse function body.
{ Scope* scope =
factory()->NewScope(top_scope_, Scope::FUNCTION_SCOPE, inside_with());
LexicalScope lexical_scope(this, scope);
TemporaryScope temp_scope(this);
LexicalScope lexical_scope(&this->top_scope_, &this->with_nesting_level_,
TemporaryScope temp_scope(&this->temp_scope_);
// FormalParameterList ::
......@@ -5217,7 +5005,7 @@ bool ScriptDataImpl::HasError() {
// Preparse, but only collect data that is immediately useful,
// even if the preparser data is only used once.
ScriptDataImpl* Parser::PartialPreParse(Handle<String> source,
ScriptDataImpl* ParserApi::PartialPreParse(Handle<String> source,
unibrow::CharacterStream* stream,
v8::Extension* extension) {
Handle<Script> no_script;
......@@ -5275,7 +5063,7 @@ int ScriptDataImpl::ReadNumber(byte** source) {
ScriptDataImpl* Parser::PreParse(Handle<String> source,
ScriptDataImpl* ParserApi::PreParse(Handle<String> source,
unibrow::CharacterStream* stream,
v8::Extension* extension) {
Handle<Script> no_script;
......@@ -5290,7 +5078,7 @@ ScriptDataImpl* Parser::PreParse(Handle<String> source,
bool Parser::ParseRegExp(FlatStringReader* input,
bool RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(FlatStringReader* input,
bool multiline,
RegExpCompileData* result) {
ASSERT(result != NULL);
......@@ -5312,7 +5100,7 @@ bool Parser::ParseRegExp(FlatStringReader* input,
bool Parser::Parse(CompilationInfo* info) {
bool ParserApi::Parse(CompilationInfo* info) {
ASSERT(info->function() == NULL);
FunctionLiteral* result = NULL;
Handle<Script> script = info->script();
......@@ -177,13 +177,8 @@ class ScriptDataImpl : public ScriptData {
class Parser {
class ParserApi {
Parser(Handle<Script> script, bool allow_natives_syntax,
v8::Extension* extension, ParserMode is_pre_parsing,
ParserFactory* factory, ParserLog* log, ScriptDataImpl* pre_data);
virtual ~Parser() { }
// Parses the source code represented by the compilation info and sets its
// function literal. Returns false (and deallocates any allocated AST
// nodes) if parsing failed.
......@@ -199,11 +194,246 @@ class Parser {
static ScriptDataImpl* PartialPreParse(Handle<String> source,
unibrow::CharacterStream* stream,
v8::Extension* extension);
// A BuffferedZoneList is an automatically growing list, just like (and backed
// by) a ZoneList, that is optimized for the case of adding and removing
// a single element. The last element added is stored outside the backing list,
// and if no more than one element is ever added, the ZoneList isn't even
// allocated.
// Elements must not be NULL pointers.
template <typename T, int initial_size>
class BufferedZoneList {
BufferedZoneList() : list_(NULL), last_(NULL) {}
// Adds element at end of list. This element is buffered and can
// be read using last() or removed using RemoveLast until a new Add or until
// RemoveLast or GetList has been called.
void Add(T* value) {
if (last_ != NULL) {
if (list_ == NULL) {
list_ = new ZoneList<T*>(initial_size);
last_ = value;
T* last() {
ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
return last_;
T* RemoveLast() {
ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
T* result = last_;
if ((list_ != NULL) && (list_->length() > 0))
last_ = list_->RemoveLast();
last_ = NULL;
return result;
T* Get(int i) {
ASSERT((0 <= i) && (i < length()));
if (list_ == NULL) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, i);
return last_;
} else {
if (i == list_->length()) {
ASSERT(last_ != NULL);
return last_;
} else {
return list_->at(i);
void Clear() {
list_ = NULL;
last_ = NULL;
int length() {
int length = (list_ == NULL) ? 0 : list_->length();
return length + ((last_ == NULL) ? 0 : 1);
ZoneList<T*>* GetList() {
if (list_ == NULL) {
list_ = new ZoneList<T*>(initial_size);
if (last_ != NULL) {
last_ = NULL;
return list_;
ZoneList<T*>* list_;
T* last_;
// Accumulates RegExp atoms and assertions into lists of terms and alternatives.
class RegExpBuilder: public ZoneObject {
void AddCharacter(uc16 character);
// "Adds" an empty expression. Does nothing except consume a
// following quantifier
void AddEmpty();
void AddAtom(RegExpTree* tree);
void AddAssertion(RegExpTree* tree);
void NewAlternative(); // '|'
void AddQuantifierToAtom(int min, int max, RegExpQuantifier::Type type);
RegExpTree* ToRegExp();
void FlushCharacters();
void FlushText();
void FlushTerms();
bool pending_empty_;
ZoneList<uc16>* characters_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> terms_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> text_;
BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> alternatives_;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define LAST(x) last_added_ = x;
#define LAST(x)
class RegExpParser {
RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in,
Handle<String>* error,
bool multiline_mode);
static bool ParseRegExp(FlatStringReader* input,
bool multiline,
RegExpCompileData* result);
RegExpTree* ParsePattern();
RegExpTree* ParseDisjunction();
RegExpTree* ParseGroup();
RegExpTree* ParseCharacterClass();
// Parses a {...,...} quantifier and stores the range in the given
// out parameters.
bool ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out);
// Parses and returns a single escaped character. The character
// must not be 'b' or 'B' since they are usually handle specially.
uc32 ParseClassCharacterEscape();
// Checks whether the following is a length-digit hexadecimal number,
// and sets the value if it is.
bool ParseHexEscape(int length, uc32* value);
uc32 ParseControlLetterEscape();
uc32 ParseOctalLiteral();
// Tries to parse the input as a back reference. If successful it
// stores the result in the output parameter and returns true. If
// it fails it will push back the characters read so the same characters
// can be reparsed.
bool ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out);
CharacterRange ParseClassAtom(uc16* char_class);
RegExpTree* ReportError(Vector<const char> message);
void Advance();
void Advance(int dist);
void Reset(int pos);
// Reports whether the pattern might be used as a literal search string.
// Only use if the result of the parse is a single atom node.
bool simple();
bool contains_anchor() { return contains_anchor_; }
void set_contains_anchor() { contains_anchor_ = true; }
int captures_started() { return captures_ == NULL ? 0 : captures_->length(); }
int position() { return next_pos_ - 1; }
bool failed() { return failed_; }
static const int kMaxCaptures = 1 << 16;
static const uc32 kEndMarker = (1 << 21);
enum SubexpressionType {
CAPTURE, // All positive values represent captures.
class RegExpParserState : public ZoneObject {
RegExpParserState(RegExpParserState* previous_state,
SubexpressionType group_type,
int disjunction_capture_index)
: previous_state_(previous_state),
builder_(new RegExpBuilder()),
disjunction_capture_index_(disjunction_capture_index) {}
// Parser state of containing expression, if any.
RegExpParserState* previous_state() { return previous_state_; }
bool IsSubexpression() { return previous_state_ != NULL; }
// RegExpBuilder building this regexp's AST.
RegExpBuilder* builder() { return builder_; }
// Type of regexp being parsed (parenthesized group or entire regexp).
SubexpressionType group_type() { return group_type_; }
// Index in captures array of first capture in this sub-expression, if any.
// Also the capture index of this sub-expression itself, if group_type
// is CAPTURE.
int capture_index() { return disjunction_capture_index_; }
// Linked list implementation of stack of states.
RegExpParserState* previous_state_;
// Builder for the stored disjunction.
RegExpBuilder* builder_;
// Stored disjunction type (capture, look-ahead or grouping), if any.
SubexpressionType group_type_;
// Stored disjunction's capture index (if any).
int disjunction_capture_index_;
uc32 current() { return current_; }
bool has_more() { return has_more_; }
bool has_next() { return next_pos_ < in()->length(); }
uc32 Next();
FlatStringReader* in() { return in_; }
void ScanForCaptures();
uc32 current_;
bool has_more_;
bool multiline_;
int next_pos_;
FlatStringReader* in_;
Handle<String>* error_;
bool simple_;
bool contains_anchor_;
ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>* captures_;
bool is_scanned_for_captures_;
// The capture count is only valid after we have scanned for captures.
int capture_count_;
bool failed_;
class Parser {
Parser(Handle<Script> script, bool allow_natives_syntax,
v8::Extension* extension, ParserMode is_pre_parsing,
ParserFactory* factory, ParserLog* log, ScriptDataImpl* pre_data);
virtual ~Parser() { }
// Pre-parse the program from the character stream; returns true on
// success, false if a stack-overflow happened during parsing.
bool PreParseProgram(Handle<String> source, unibrow::CharacterStream* stream);
......@@ -409,11 +639,6 @@ class Parser {
Expression* NewThrowError(Handle<String> constructor,
Handle<String> type,
Vector< Handle<Object> > arguments);
friend class Target;
friend class TargetScope;
friend class LexicalScope;
friend class TemporaryScope;
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static bool CheckParse(const char* input) {
ZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT);
FlatStringReader reader(CStrVector(input));
RegExpCompileData result;
return v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result);
return v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result);
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static SmartPointer<const char> Parse(const char* input) {
ZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT);
FlatStringReader reader(CStrVector(input));
RegExpCompileData result;
CHECK(v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(result.tree != NULL);
SmartPointer<const char> output = result.tree->ToString();
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static bool CheckSimple(const char* input) {
ZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT);
FlatStringReader reader(CStrVector(input));
RegExpCompileData result;
CHECK(v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(result.tree != NULL);
return result.simple;
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ static MinMaxPair CheckMinMaxMatch(const char* input) {
ZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT);
FlatStringReader reader(CStrVector(input));
RegExpCompileData result;
CHECK(v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(result.tree != NULL);
int min_match = result.tree->min_match();
......@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ static void ExpectError(const char* input,
ZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT);
FlatStringReader reader(CStrVector(input));
RegExpCompileData result;
CHECK_EQ(false, v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(!v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, false, &result));
CHECK(result.tree == NULL);
SmartPointer<char> str = result.error->ToCString(ALLOW_NULLS);
......@@ -473,7 +473,8 @@ static RegExpNode* Compile(const char* input, bool multiline, bool is_ascii) {
FlatStringReader reader(CStrVector(input));
RegExpCompileData compile_data;
if (!v8::internal::Parser::ParseRegExp(&reader, multiline, &compile_data))
if (!v8::internal::RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(&reader, multiline,
return NULL;
Handle<String> pattern = Factory::NewStringFromUtf8(CStrVector(input));
RegExpEngine::Compile(&compile_data, false, multiline, pattern, is_ascii);
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