Commit 7fccbfe9 authored by Michael Starzinger's avatar Michael Starzinger Committed by Commit Bot

[wasm] Be more rigorous about {HandleScope} in interpreter.

This seals any surrounding {HandleScope} when the interpreter enters the
main interpreter loop. It ensures that there are no accidental leaks of
handles into the surrounding scope and enforces that operations dealing
with handles open their own scope.

Change-Id: I43d479129bef60beb7565022b24577f8bf1dc522
Reviewed-on: 's avatarClemens Hammacher <>
Commit-Queue: Michael Starzinger <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#60601}
parent e3a0aca0
......@@ -1729,9 +1729,11 @@ class ThreadImpl {
auto size = Pop().to<uint32_t>();
auto src = Pop().to<uint32_t>();
auto dst = Pop().to<uint32_t>();
Isolate* isolate = instance_object_->GetIsolate();
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); // Avoid leaking handles.
bool ok = WasmInstanceObject::CopyTableEntries(
instance_object_->GetIsolate(), instance_object_,
imm.table_dst.index, imm.table_src.index, dst, src, size);
isolate, instance_object_, imm.table_dst.index, imm.table_src.index,
dst, src, size);
if (!ok) DoTrap(kTrapTableOutOfBounds, pc);
len += imm.length;
return ok;
......@@ -2351,7 +2353,6 @@ class ThreadImpl {
// it to 0 here such that we report the same position as in compiled code.
frames_.back().pc = 0;
Isolate* isolate = instance_object_->GetIsolate();
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
return HandleException(isolate) == WasmInterpreter::Thread::HANDLED;
......@@ -2376,6 +2377,7 @@ class ThreadImpl {
bool DoThrowException(const WasmException* exception,
uint32_t index) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
Isolate* isolate = instance_object_->GetIsolate();
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); // Avoid leaking handles.
Handle<WasmExceptionTag> exception_tag(
......@@ -2522,6 +2524,10 @@ class ThreadImpl {
code->locals.type_list.size() +
stack_limit_ - stack_.get() - frames_.back().sp);
// Seal the surrounding {HandleScope} to ensure that all cases within the
// interpreter switch below which deal with handles open their own scope.
// This avoids leaking / accumulating handles in the surrounding scope.
SealHandleScope shs(instance_object_->GetIsolate());
Decoder decoder(code->start, code->end);
pc_t limit = code->end - code->start;
......@@ -3041,9 +3047,10 @@ class ThreadImpl {
MemoryIndexImmediate<Decoder::kNoValidate> imm(&decoder,
uint32_t delta_pages = Pop().to<uint32_t>();
Isolate* isolate = instance_object_->GetIsolate();
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); // Avoid leaking handles.
Handle<WasmMemoryObject> memory(instance_object_->memory_object(),
Isolate* isolate = memory->GetIsolate();
int32_t result = WasmMemoryObject::Grow(isolate, memory, delta_pages);
len = 1 + imm.length;
......@@ -3438,10 +3445,8 @@ class ThreadImpl {
ExternalCallResult CallImportedFunction(uint32_t function_index) {
DCHECK_GT(module()->num_imported_functions, function_index);
// Use a new HandleScope to avoid leaking / accumulating handles in the
// outer scope.
Isolate* isolate = instance_object_->GetIsolate();
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); // Avoid leaking handles.
ImportedFunctionEntry entry(instance_object_, function_index);
Handle<Object> object_ref(entry.object_ref(), isolate);
......@@ -3473,7 +3478,7 @@ class ThreadImpl {
return {ExternalCallResult::SIGNATURE_MISMATCH};
HandleScope scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); // Avoid leaking handles.
FunctionSig* signature = module()->signatures[sig_index];
Handle<Object> object_ref = handle(entry.object_ref(), isolate);
WasmCode* code =
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