Commit 7b1e8304 authored by's avatar

Remove String::Visit


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent f9fa6194
......@@ -3130,93 +3130,57 @@ String* String::GetUnderlying() {
template<class Visitor, class ConsOp>
void String::Visit(
template<class Visitor>
ConsString* String::VisitFlat(Visitor* visitor,
String* string,
unsigned offset,
Visitor& visitor,
ConsOp& cons_op,
int32_t type,
unsigned length) {
ASSERT(length == static_cast<unsigned>(string->length()));
const int offset) {
int slice_offset = offset;
const int length = string->length();
ASSERT(offset <= length);
unsigned slice_offset = offset;
while (true) {
ASSERT(type == string->map()->instance_type());
int32_t type = string->map()->instance_type();
switch (type & (kStringRepresentationMask | kStringEncodingMask)) {
case kSeqStringTag | kOneByteStringTag:
SeqOneByteString::cast(string)->GetChars() + slice_offset,
length - offset);
return NULL;
case kSeqStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag:
SeqTwoByteString::cast(string)->GetChars() + slice_offset,
length - offset);
return NULL;
case kExternalStringTag | kOneByteStringTag:
ExternalAsciiString::cast(string)->GetChars() + slice_offset,
length - offset);
return NULL;
case kExternalStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag:
ExternalTwoByteString::cast(string)->GetChars() + slice_offset,
length - offset);
return NULL;
case kSlicedStringTag | kOneByteStringTag:
case kSlicedStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag: {
SlicedString* slicedString = SlicedString::cast(string);
slice_offset += slicedString->offset();
string = slicedString->parent();
type = string->map()->instance_type();
case kConsStringTag | kOneByteStringTag:
case kConsStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag:
string = cons_op.Operate(string, &offset, &type, &length);
if (string == NULL) return;
slice_offset = offset;
ASSERT(length == static_cast<unsigned>(string->length()));
return ConsString::cast(string);
// TODO(dcarney): Remove this class after conversion to VisitFlat.
class ConsStringCaptureOp {
inline ConsStringCaptureOp() : cons_string_(NULL) {}
inline String* Operate(String* string, unsigned*, int32_t*, unsigned*) {
cons_string_ = ConsString::cast(string);
return NULL;
ConsString* cons_string_;
template<class Visitor>
ConsString* String::VisitFlat(Visitor* visitor,
String* string,
int offset,
int length,
int32_t type) {
ASSERT(length >= 0 && length == string->length());
ASSERT(offset >= 0 && offset <= length);
ConsStringCaptureOp op;
Visit(string, offset, *visitor, op, type, static_cast<unsigned>(length));
return op.cons_string_;
......@@ -3399,12 +3363,7 @@ const uint16_t* ExternalTwoByteString::ExternalTwoByteStringGetData(
String* ConsStringNullOp::Operate(String*, unsigned*, int32_t*, unsigned*) {
return NULL;
unsigned ConsStringIteratorOp::OffsetForDepth(unsigned depth) {
int ConsStringIteratorOp::OffsetForDepth(int depth) {
return depth & kDepthMask;
......@@ -3432,45 +3391,9 @@ void ConsStringIteratorOp::Pop() {
bool ConsStringIteratorOp::HasMore() {
return depth_ != 0;
void ConsStringIteratorOp::Reset() {
depth_ = 0;
String* ConsStringIteratorOp::ContinueOperation(int32_t* type_out,
unsigned* length_out) {
bool blew_stack = false;
String* string = NextLeaf(&blew_stack, type_out, length_out);
// String found.
if (string != NULL) {
// Verify output.
ASSERT(*length_out == static_cast<unsigned>(string->length()));
ASSERT(*type_out == string->map()->instance_type());
return string;
// Traversal complete.
if (!blew_stack) return NULL;
// Restart search from root.
unsigned offset_out;
string = Search(&offset_out, type_out, length_out);
// Verify output.
ASSERT(string == NULL || offset_out == 0);
ASSERT(string == NULL ||
*length_out == static_cast<unsigned>(string->length()));
ASSERT(string == NULL || *type_out == string->map()->instance_type());
return string;
uint16_t StringCharacterStream::GetNext() {
ASSERT(buffer8_ != NULL && end_ != NULL);
// Advance cursor if needed.
// TODO(dcarney): Ensure uses of the api call HasMore first and avoid this.
if (buffer8_ == end_) HasMore();
ASSERT(buffer8_ < end_);
return is_one_byte_ ? *buffer8_++ : *buffer16_++;
......@@ -3479,41 +3402,39 @@ uint16_t StringCharacterStream::GetNext() {
StringCharacterStream::StringCharacterStream(String* string,
ConsStringIteratorOp* op,
unsigned offset)
int offset)
: is_one_byte_(false),
op_(op) {
Reset(string, offset);
void StringCharacterStream::Reset(String* string, unsigned offset) {
void StringCharacterStream::Reset(String* string, int offset) {
buffer8_ = NULL;
end_ = NULL;
int32_t type = string->map()->instance_type();
unsigned length = string->length();
String::Visit(string, offset, *this, *op_, type, length);
ConsString* cons_string = String::VisitFlat(this, string, offset);
op_->Reset(cons_string, offset);
if (cons_string != NULL) {
string = op_->Next(&offset);
if (string != NULL) String::VisitFlat(this, string, offset);
bool StringCharacterStream::HasMore() {
if (buffer8_ != end_) return true;
if (!op_->HasMore()) return false;
unsigned length;
int32_t type;
String* string = op_->ContinueOperation(&type, &length);
int offset;
String* string = op_->Next(&offset);
ASSERT_EQ(offset, 0);
if (string == NULL) return false;
ASSERT(string->length() != 0);
ConsStringNullOp null_op;
String::Visit(string, 0, *this, null_op, type, length);
String::VisitFlat(this, string);
ASSERT(buffer8_ != end_);
return true;
void StringCharacterStream::VisitOneByteString(
const uint8_t* chars, unsigned length) {
const uint8_t* chars, int length) {
is_one_byte_ = true;
buffer8_ = chars;
end_ = chars + length;
......@@ -3521,7 +3442,7 @@ void StringCharacterStream::VisitOneByteString(
void StringCharacterStream::VisitTwoByteString(
const uint16_t* chars, unsigned length) {
const uint16_t* chars, int length) {
is_one_byte_ = false;
buffer16_ = chars;
end_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(chars + length);
......@@ -8826,34 +8826,47 @@ void FlatStringReader::PostGarbageCollection() {
String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Operate(String* string,
unsigned* offset_out,
int32_t* type_out,
unsigned* length_out) {
ConsString* cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);
// Set up search data.
void ConsStringIteratorOp::Initialize(ConsString* cons_string, int offset) {
ASSERT(cons_string != NULL);
root_ = cons_string;
consumed_ = *offset_out;
// Now search.
return Search(offset_out, type_out, length_out);
consumed_ = offset;
// Force stack blown condition to trigger restart.
depth_ = 1;
maximum_depth_ = kStackSize + depth_;
String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Search(unsigned* offset_out,
int32_t* type_out,
unsigned* length_out) {
String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Continue(int* offset_out) {
ASSERT(depth_ != 0);
ASSERT_EQ(0, *offset_out);
bool blew_stack = StackBlown();
String* string = NULL;
// Get the next leaf if there is one.
if (!blew_stack) string = NextLeaf(&blew_stack);
// Restart search from root.
if (blew_stack) {
ASSERT(string == NULL);
string = Search(offset_out);
// Ensure future calls return null immediately.
if (string == NULL) Reset(NULL);
return string;
String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Search(int* offset_out) {
ConsString* cons_string = root_;
// Reset the stack, pushing the root string.
depth_ = 1;
maximum_depth_ = 1;
frames_[0] = cons_string;
const unsigned consumed = consumed_;
unsigned offset = 0;
const int consumed = consumed_;
int offset = 0;
while (true) {
// Loop until the string is found which contains the target offset.
String* string = cons_string->first();
unsigned length = string->length();
int length = string->length();
int32_t type;
if (consumed < offset + length) {
// Target offset is in the left branch.
......@@ -8864,7 +8877,7 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Search(unsigned* offset_out,
// Tell the stack we're done decending.
// Tell the stack we're done descending.
} else {
// Descend right.
......@@ -8876,7 +8889,6 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Search(unsigned* offset_out,
if ((type & kStringRepresentationMask) == kConsStringTag) {
cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);
// TODO(dcarney) Add back root optimization.
// Need this to be updated for the current string.
......@@ -8884,11 +8896,11 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Search(unsigned* offset_out,
// Account for the possibility of an empty right leaf.
// This happens only if we have asked for an offset outside the string.
if (length == 0) {
// Reset depth so future operations will return null immediately.
// Reset so future operations will return null immediately.
return NULL;
// Tell the stack we're done decending.
// Tell the stack we're done descending.
// Pop stack so next iteration is in correct place.
......@@ -8897,8 +8909,6 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Search(unsigned* offset_out,
// Adjust return values and exit.
consumed_ = offset + length;
*offset_out = consumed - offset;
*type_out = type;
*length_out = length;
return string;
......@@ -8906,9 +8916,7 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::Search(unsigned* offset_out,
String* ConsStringIteratorOp::NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack,
int32_t* type_out,
unsigned* length_out) {
String* ConsStringIteratorOp::NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack) {
while (true) {
// Tree traversal complete.
if (depth_ == 0) {
......@@ -8916,7 +8924,7 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack,
return NULL;
// We've lost track of higher nodes.
if (maximum_depth_ - depth_ == kStackSize) {
if (StackBlown()) {
*blew_stack = true;
return NULL;
......@@ -8927,16 +8935,13 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack,
if ((type & kStringRepresentationMask) != kConsStringTag) {
// Pop stack so next iteration is in correct place.
unsigned length = static_cast<unsigned>(string->length());
int length = string->length();
// Could be a flattened ConsString.
if (length == 0) continue;
*length_out = length;
*type_out = type;
consumed_ += length;
return string;
cons_string = ConsString::cast(string);
// TODO(dcarney) Add back root optimization.
// Need to traverse all the way left.
while (true) {
......@@ -8945,10 +8950,8 @@ String* ConsStringIteratorOp::NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack,
type = string->map()->instance_type();
if ((type & kStringRepresentationMask) != kConsStringTag) {
unsigned length = static_cast<unsigned>(string->length());
int length = string->length();
ASSERT(length != 0);
*length_out = length;
*type_out = type;
consumed_ += length;
return string;
......@@ -9223,25 +9226,29 @@ class StringComparator {
explicit inline State(ConsStringIteratorOp* op)
: op_(op), is_one_byte_(true), length_(0), buffer8_(NULL) {}
inline void Init(String* string, unsigned len) {
int32_t type = string->map()->instance_type();
String::Visit(string, 0, *this, *op_, type, len);
inline void Init(String* string) {
ConsString* cons_string = String::VisitFlat(this, string);
if (cons_string != NULL) {
int offset;
string = op_->Next(&offset);
String::VisitFlat(this, string, offset);
inline void VisitOneByteString(const uint8_t* chars, unsigned length) {
inline void VisitOneByteString(const uint8_t* chars, int length) {
is_one_byte_ = true;
buffer8_ = chars;
length_ = length;
inline void VisitTwoByteString(const uint16_t* chars, unsigned length) {
inline void VisitTwoByteString(const uint16_t* chars, int length) {
is_one_byte_ = false;
buffer16_ = chars;
length_ = length;
void Advance(unsigned consumed) {
void Advance(int consumed) {
ASSERT(consumed <= length_);
// Still in buffer.
if (length_ != consumed) {
......@@ -9254,18 +9261,16 @@ class StringComparator {
// Advance state.
int32_t type = 0;
unsigned length = 0;
String* next = op_->ContinueOperation(&type, &length);
int offset;
String* next = op_->Next(&offset);
ASSERT_EQ(0, offset);
ASSERT(next != NULL);
ConsStringNullOp null_op;
String::Visit(next, 0, *this, null_op, type, length);
String::VisitFlat(this, next);
ConsStringIteratorOp* const op_;
bool is_one_byte_;
unsigned length_;
int length_;
union {
const uint8_t* buffer8_;
const uint16_t* buffer16_;
......@@ -9283,18 +9288,18 @@ class StringComparator {
template<typename Chars1, typename Chars2>
static inline bool Equals(State* state_1, State* state_2, unsigned to_check) {
static inline bool Equals(State* state_1, State* state_2, int to_check) {
const Chars1* a = reinterpret_cast<const Chars1*>(state_1->buffer8_);
const Chars2* b = reinterpret_cast<const Chars2*>(state_2->buffer8_);
return RawStringComparator<Chars1, Chars2>::compare(a, b, to_check);
bool Equals(unsigned length, String* string_1, String* string_2) {
ASSERT(length != 0);
state_1_.Init(string_1, length);
state_2_.Init(string_2, length);
bool Equals(String* string_1, String* string_2) {
int length = string_1->length();
while (true) {
unsigned to_check = Min(state_1_.length_, state_2_.length_);
int to_check = Min(state_1_.length_, state_2_.length_);
ASSERT(to_check > 0 && to_check <= length);
bool is_equal;
if (state_1_.is_one_byte_) {
......@@ -9358,7 +9363,6 @@ bool String::SlowEquals(String* other) {
// before we try to flatten the strings.
if (this->Get(0) != other->Get(0)) return false;
// TODO(dcarney): Compare all types of flat strings with a Visitor.
if (IsSeqOneByteString() && other->IsSeqOneByteString()) {
const uint8_t* str1 = SeqOneByteString::cast(this)->GetChars();
const uint8_t* str2 = SeqOneByteString::cast(other)->GetChars();
......@@ -9369,7 +9373,7 @@ bool String::SlowEquals(String* other) {
StringComparator comparator(isolate->objects_string_compare_iterator_a(),
return comparator.Equals(static_cast<unsigned>(len), this, other);
return comparator.Equals(this, other);
......@@ -9504,49 +9508,31 @@ bool String::IsTwoByteEqualTo(Vector<const uc16> str) {
class IteratingStringHasher: public StringHasher {
static inline uint32_t Hash(String* string, uint32_t seed) {
const unsigned len = static_cast<unsigned>(string->length());
IteratingStringHasher hasher(len, seed);
if (hasher.has_trivial_hash()) {
return hasher.GetHashField();
int32_t type = string->map()->instance_type();
ConsStringNullOp null_op;
String::Visit(string, 0, hasher, null_op, type, len);
// Flat strings terminate immediately.
if (hasher.consumed_ == len) {
return hasher.GetHashField();
IteratingStringHasher hasher(string->length(), seed);
// Nothing to do.
if (hasher.has_trivial_hash()) return hasher.GetHashField();
ConsString* cons_string = String::VisitFlat(&hasher, string);
// The string was flat.
if (cons_string == NULL) return hasher.GetHashField();
// This is a ConsString, iterate across it.
ConsStringIteratorOp op;
unsigned offset = 0;
unsigned leaf_length = len;
string = op.Operate(string, &offset, &type, &leaf_length);
while (true) {
ASSERT(hasher.consumed_ < len);
String::Visit(string, 0, hasher, null_op, type, leaf_length);
if (hasher.consumed_ == len) break;
string = op.ContinueOperation(&type, &leaf_length);
// This should be taken care of by the length check.
ASSERT(string != NULL);
ConsStringIteratorOp op(cons_string);
int offset;
while (NULL != (string = op.Next(&offset))) {
String::VisitFlat(&hasher, string, offset);
return hasher.GetHashField();
inline void VisitOneByteString(const uint8_t* chars, unsigned length) {
AddCharacters(chars, static_cast<int>(length));
consumed_ += length;
inline void VisitOneByteString(const uint8_t* chars, int length) {
AddCharacters(chars, length);
inline void VisitTwoByteString(const uint16_t* chars, unsigned length) {
AddCharacters(chars, static_cast<int>(length));
consumed_ += length;
inline void VisitTwoByteString(const uint16_t* chars, int length) {
AddCharacters(chars, length);
inline IteratingStringHasher(int len, uint32_t seed)
: StringHasher(len, seed),
consumed_(0) {}
unsigned consumed_;
: StringHasher(len, seed) {
......@@ -9209,29 +9209,10 @@ class String: public Name {
return NonOneByteStart(chars, length) >= length;
// TODO(dcarney): Replace all instances of this with VisitFlat.
template<class Visitor, class ConsOp>
static inline void Visit(String* string,
unsigned offset,
Visitor& visitor,
ConsOp& cons_op,
int32_t type,
unsigned length);
template<class Visitor>
static inline ConsString* VisitFlat(Visitor* visitor,
String* string,
int offset,
int length,
int32_t type);
template<class Visitor>
static inline ConsString* VisitFlat(Visitor* visitor,
String* string,
int offset = 0) {
int32_t type = string->map()->instance_type();
return VisitFlat(visitor, string, offset, string->length(), type);
int offset = 0);
static Handle<FixedArray> CalculateLineEnds(Handle<String> string,
bool include_ending_line);
......@@ -9617,57 +9598,63 @@ class ConsStringNullOp {
// This maintains an off-stack representation of the stack frames required
// to traverse a ConsString, allowing an entirely iterative and restartable
// traversal of the entire string
// Note: this class is not GC-safe.
class ConsStringIteratorOp {
inline ConsStringIteratorOp() {}
String* Operate(String* string,
unsigned* offset_out,
int32_t* type_out,
unsigned* length_out);
inline String* ContinueOperation(int32_t* type_out, unsigned* length_out);
inline void Reset();
inline bool HasMore();
inline ConsStringIteratorOp(ConsString* cons_string, int offset = 0) {
Reset(cons_string, offset);
inline void Reset(ConsString* cons_string, int offset = 0) {
depth_ = 0;
// Next will always return NULL.
if (cons_string == NULL) return;
Initialize(cons_string, offset);
// Returns NULL when complete.
inline String* Next(int* offset_out) {
*offset_out = 0;
if (depth_ == 0) return NULL;
return Continue(offset_out);
// TODO(dcarney): Templatize this out for different stack sizes.
static const unsigned kStackSize = 32;
static const int kStackSize = 32;
// Use a mask instead of doing modulo operations for stack wrapping.
static const unsigned kDepthMask = kStackSize-1;
static const int kDepthMask = kStackSize-1;
static inline unsigned OffsetForDepth(unsigned depth);
static inline int OffsetForDepth(int depth);
inline void PushLeft(ConsString* string);
inline void PushRight(ConsString* string);
inline void AdjustMaximumDepth();
inline void Pop();
String* NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack, int32_t* type_out, unsigned* length_out);
String* Search(unsigned* offset_out,
int32_t* type_out,
unsigned* length_out);
inline bool StackBlown() { return maximum_depth_ - depth_ == kStackSize; }
void Initialize(ConsString* cons_string, int offset);
String* Continue(int* offset_out);
String* NextLeaf(bool* blew_stack);
String* Search(int* offset_out);
unsigned depth_;
unsigned maximum_depth_;
// Stack must always contain only frames for which right traversal
// has not yet been performed.
ConsString* frames_[kStackSize];
unsigned consumed_;
ConsString* root_;
int depth_;
int maximum_depth_;
int consumed_;
// Note: this class is not GC-safe.
class StringCharacterStream {
inline StringCharacterStream(String* string,
ConsStringIteratorOp* op,
unsigned offset = 0);
int offset = 0);
inline uint16_t GetNext();
inline bool HasMore();
inline void Reset(String* string, unsigned offset = 0);
inline void VisitOneByteString(const uint8_t* chars, unsigned length);
inline void VisitTwoByteString(const uint16_t* chars, unsigned length);
inline void Reset(String* string, int offset = 0);
inline void VisitOneByteString(const uint8_t* chars, int length);
inline void VisitTwoByteString(const uint16_t* chars, int length);
bool is_one_byte_;
......@@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ class ConsStringStats {
void Reset();
void VerifyEqual(const ConsStringStats& that) const;
unsigned leaves_;
unsigned empty_leaves_;
unsigned chars_;
unsigned left_traversals_;
unsigned right_traversals_;
int leaves_;
int empty_leaves_;
int chars_;
int left_traversals_;
int right_traversals_;
......@@ -250,11 +250,11 @@ void ConsStringStats::Reset() {
void ConsStringStats::VerifyEqual(const ConsStringStats& that) const {
CHECK(this->leaves_ == that.leaves_);
CHECK(this->empty_leaves_ == that.empty_leaves_);
CHECK(this->chars_ == that.chars_);
CHECK(this->left_traversals_ == that.left_traversals_);
CHECK(this->right_traversals_ == that.right_traversals_);
CHECK_EQ(this->leaves_, that.leaves_);
CHECK_EQ(this->empty_leaves_, that.empty_leaves_);
CHECK_EQ(this->chars_, that.chars_);
CHECK_EQ(this->left_traversals_, that.left_traversals_);
CHECK_EQ(this->right_traversals_, that.right_traversals_);
......@@ -270,14 +270,14 @@ class ConsStringGenerationData {
double leftness_;
double rightness_;
double empty_leaf_threshold_;
unsigned max_leaves_;
int max_leaves_;
// Cached data.
Handle<String> building_blocks_[kNumberOfBuildingBlocks];
String* empty_string_;
MyRandomNumberGenerator rng_;
// Stats.
ConsStringStats stats_;
unsigned early_terminations_;
int early_terminations_;
......@@ -356,23 +356,14 @@ void AccumulateStats(Handle<String> cons_string, ConsStringStats* stats) {
void AccumulateStatsWithOperator(
ConsString* cons_string, ConsStringStats* stats) {
unsigned offset = 0;
int32_t type = cons_string->map()->instance_type();
unsigned length = static_cast<unsigned>(cons_string->length());
ConsStringIteratorOp op;
String* string = op.Operate(cons_string, &offset, &type, &length);
CHECK(string != NULL);
while (true) {
ConsStringIteratorOp op(cons_string);
String* string;
int offset;
while (NULL != (string = op.Next(&offset))) {
// Accumulate stats.
CHECK_EQ(0, offset);
stats->chars_ += string->length();
// Check for completion.
bool keep_going_fast_check = op.HasMore();
string = op.ContinueOperation(&type, &length);
if (string == NULL) return;
// Verify no false positives for fast check.
......@@ -380,7 +371,7 @@ void AccumulateStatsWithOperator(
void VerifyConsString(Handle<String> root, ConsStringGenerationData* data) {
// Verify basic data.
CHECK(static_cast<unsigned>(root->length()) == data->stats_.chars_);
CHECK_EQ(root->length(), data->stats_.chars_);
// Recursive verify.
ConsStringStats stats;
AccumulateStats(ConsString::cast(*root), &stats);
......@@ -625,9 +616,9 @@ static void VerifyCharacterStream(
// Want to test the offset == length case.
if (offset > length) offset = length;
StringCharacterStream flat_stream(
flat_string, &cons_string_iterator_op_1, static_cast<unsigned>(offset));
flat_string, &cons_string_iterator_op_1, offset);
StringCharacterStream cons_stream(
cons_string, &cons_string_iterator_op_2, static_cast<unsigned>(offset));
cons_string, &cons_string_iterator_op_2, offset);
for (int i = offset; i < length; i++) {
uint16_t c = flat_string->Get(i);
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