Commit 7af79ae6 authored by mlippautz's avatar mlippautz Committed by Commit bot

Reland "[heap] Introduce parallel compaction algorithm."

This reverts commit 7a0a0b8b.

- The number of parallel tasks is still 1, i.e., we only compact on the main
- Remove emergency memory (PagedSpace, and CodeRange)
- Introduce partial compaction of pages.
- Logic for multiple tasks is in place.


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#30796}
parent 5f44a910
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -554,8 +554,11 @@ class MarkCompactCollector {
// Synchronize sweeper threads.
base::Semaphore pending_sweeper_jobs_semaphore_;
// Synchronize compaction threads.
base::Semaphore pending_compaction_jobs_semaphore_;
// Synchronize compaction tasks.
base::Semaphore pending_compaction_tasks_semaphore_;
// Number of active compaction tasks (including main thread).
intptr_t concurrent_compaction_tasks_active_;
bool evacuation_;
......@@ -713,12 +716,17 @@ class MarkCompactCollector {
void EvacuateNewSpace();
void EvacuateLiveObjectsFromPage(Page* p, PagedSpace* target_space);
void EvacuatePages();
bool EvacuateLiveObjectsFromPage(Page* p, PagedSpace* target_space);
void EvacuatePages(CompactionSpaceCollection* compaction_spaces);
void EvacuatePagesInParallel();
int NumberOfParallelCompactionTasks() {
// TODO(hpayer, mlippautz): Figure out some logic to determine the number
// of compaction tasks.
return 1;
void WaitUntilCompactionCompleted();
void EvacuateNewSpaceAndCandidates();
......@@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ CodeRange::CodeRange(Isolate* isolate)
emergency_block_() {}
current_allocation_block_index_(0) {}
bool CodeRange::SetUp(size_t requested) {
......@@ -140,7 +139,6 @@ bool CodeRange::SetUp(size_t requested) {
current_allocation_block_index_ = 0;
LOG(isolate_, NewEvent("CodeRange", code_range_->address(), requested));
return true;
......@@ -276,24 +274,6 @@ void CodeRange::ReleaseBlock(const FreeBlock* block) {
void CodeRange::ReserveEmergencyBlock() {
const size_t requested_size = MemoryAllocator::CodePageAreaSize();
if (emergency_block_.size == 0) {
ReserveBlock(requested_size, &emergency_block_);
} else {
DCHECK(emergency_block_.size >= requested_size);
void CodeRange::ReleaseEmergencyBlock() {
if (emergency_block_.size != 0) {
emergency_block_.size = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MemoryAllocator
......@@ -492,6 +472,7 @@ MemoryChunk* MemoryChunk::Initialize(Heap* heap, Address base, size_t size,
chunk->progress_bar_ = 0;
chunk->high_water_mark_.SetValue(static_cast<intptr_t>(area_start - base));
chunk->mutex_ = NULL;
chunk->available_in_small_free_list_ = 0;
chunk->available_in_medium_free_list_ = 0;
......@@ -974,8 +955,7 @@ PagedSpace::PagedSpace(Heap* heap, AllocationSpace space,
: Space(heap, space, executable),
emergency_memory_(NULL) {
end_of_unswept_pages_(NULL) {
area_size_ = MemoryAllocator::PageAreaSize(space);
......@@ -1003,30 +983,38 @@ void PagedSpace::TearDown() {
void PagedSpace::MoveOverFreeMemory(PagedSpace* other) {
DCHECK(identity() == other->identity());
// Destroy the linear allocation space of {other}. This is needed to
// (a) not waste the memory and
// (b) keep the rest of the chunk in an iterable state (filler is needed).
// Move over the free list. Concatenate makes sure that the source free list
// gets properly reset after moving over all nodes.
intptr_t freed_bytes = free_list_.Concatenate(other->free_list());
// Moved memory is not recorded as allocated memory, but rather increases and
// decreases capacity of the corresponding spaces. Used size and waste size
// are maintained by the receiving space upon allocating and freeing blocks.
void PagedSpace::MergeCompactionSpace(CompactionSpace* other) {
// Unmerged fields:
// area_size_
// allocation_info_
// emergency_memory_
// end_of_unswept_pages_
// unswept_free_bytes_
// anchor_
// It only makes sense to merge compatible spaces.
DCHECK(identity() == other->identity());
// Destroy the linear allocation space of {other}. This is needed to (a) not
// waste the memory and (b) keep the rest of the chunk in an iterable state
// (filler is needed).
int linear_size = static_cast<int>(other->limit() - other->top());
other->Free(other->top(), linear_size);
// Move over the free list.
// Update and clear accounting statistics.
// Move over pages.
PageIterator it(other);
......@@ -1110,9 +1098,6 @@ bool PagedSpace::Expand() {
if (!heap()->deserialization_complete()) p->MarkNeverEvacuate();
DCHECK(Capacity() <= heap()->MaxOldGenerationSize());
DCHECK(heap()->CommittedOldGenerationMemory() <=
heap()->MaxOldGenerationSize() +
......@@ -1182,51 +1167,6 @@ void PagedSpace::ReleasePage(Page* page) {
intptr_t PagedSpace::MaxEmergencyMemoryAllocated() {
// New space and large object space.
static const int spaces_without_emergency_memory = 2;
static const int spaces_with_emergency_memory =
LAST_SPACE - FIRST_SPACE + 1 - spaces_without_emergency_memory;
return Page::kPageSize * spaces_with_emergency_memory;
void PagedSpace::CreateEmergencyMemory() {
if (identity() == CODE_SPACE) {
// Make the emergency block available to the allocator.
CodeRange* code_range = heap()->isolate()->code_range();
if (code_range != NULL && code_range->valid()) {
DCHECK(MemoryAllocator::CodePageAreaSize() == AreaSize());
emergency_memory_ = heap()->isolate()->memory_allocator()->AllocateChunk(
AreaSize(), AreaSize(), executable(), this);
void PagedSpace::FreeEmergencyMemory() {
Page* page = static_cast<Page*>(emergency_memory_);
DCHECK(page->LiveBytes() == 0);
DCHECK(AreaSize() == page->area_size());
emergency_memory_ = NULL;
void PagedSpace::UseEmergencyMemory() {
// Page::Initialize makes the chunk into a real page and adds it to the
// accounting for this space. Unlike PagedSpace::Expand, we don't check
// CanExpand first, so we can go over the limits a little here. That's OK,
// because we are in the process of compacting which will free up at least as
// much memory as it allocates.
Page* page = Page::Initialize(heap(), emergency_memory_, executable(), this);
emergency_memory_ = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
void PagedSpace::Print() {}
......@@ -2133,9 +2073,10 @@ intptr_t FreeListCategory::Concatenate(FreeListCategory* category) {
if (category->top() != NULL) {
// This is safe (not going to deadlock) since Concatenate operations
// are never performed on the same free lists at the same time in
// reverse order.
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> target_lock_guard(mutex());
base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> source_lock_guard(category->mutex());
// reverse order. Furthermore, we only lock if the PagedSpace containing
// the free list is know to be globally available, i.e., not local.
if (!this->owner()->owner()->is_local()) mutex()->Lock();
if (!category->owner()->owner()->is_local()) category->mutex()->Lock();
DCHECK(category->end_ != NULL);
free_bytes = category->available();
if (end_ == NULL) {
......@@ -2147,6 +2088,8 @@ intptr_t FreeListCategory::Concatenate(FreeListCategory* category) {
base::NoBarrier_Store(&top_, category->top_);
available_ += category->available();
if (!category->owner()->owner()->is_local()) category->mutex()->Unlock();
if (!this->owner()->owner()->is_local()) mutex()->Unlock();
return free_bytes;
......@@ -2254,7 +2197,13 @@ void FreeListCategory::RepairFreeList(Heap* heap) {
FreeList::FreeList(PagedSpace* owner) : owner_(owner), heap_(owner->heap()) {
FreeList::FreeList(PagedSpace* owner)
: owner_(owner),
huge_list_(this) {
......@@ -268,6 +268,19 @@ class SlotsBuffer;
// any heap object.
class MemoryChunk {
// |kCompactionDone|: Initial compaction state of a |MemoryChunk|.
// |kCompactingInProgress|: Parallel compaction is currently in progress.
// |kCompactingFinalize|: Parallel compaction is done but the chunk needs to
// be finalized.
// |kCompactingAborted|: Parallel compaction has been aborted, which should
// for now only happen in OOM scenarios.
enum ParallelCompactingState {
// Only works if the pointer is in the first kPageSize of the MemoryChunk.
static MemoryChunk* FromAddress(Address a) {
return reinterpret_cast<MemoryChunk*>(OffsetFrom(a) & ~kAlignmentMask);
......@@ -458,6 +471,10 @@ class MemoryChunk {
base::Release_Store(&parallel_sweeping_, state);
AtomicValue<ParallelCompactingState>& parallel_compaction_state() {
return parallel_compaction_;
bool TryLock() { return mutex_->TryLock(); }
base::Mutex* mutex() { return mutex_; }
......@@ -566,6 +583,7 @@ class MemoryChunk {
+ kPointerSize // AtomicValue high_water_mark_
+ kPointerSize // base::Mutex* mutex_
+ kPointerSize // base::AtomicWord parallel_sweeping_
+ kPointerSize // AtomicValue parallel_compaction_
+ 5 * kPointerSize // AtomicNumber free-list statistics
+ kPointerSize // base::AtomicWord next_chunk_
+ kPointerSize; // base::AtomicWord prev_chunk_
......@@ -726,6 +744,7 @@ class MemoryChunk {
base::Mutex* mutex_;
base::AtomicWord parallel_sweeping_;
AtomicValue<ParallelCompactingState> parallel_compaction_;
// PagedSpace free-list statistics.
AtomicNumber<intptr_t> available_in_small_free_list_;
......@@ -986,9 +1005,6 @@ class CodeRange {
bool UncommitRawMemory(Address start, size_t length);
void FreeRawMemory(Address buf, size_t length);
void ReserveEmergencyBlock();
void ReleaseEmergencyBlock();
// Frees the range of virtual memory, and frees the data structures used to
// manage it.
......@@ -1031,12 +1047,6 @@ class CodeRange {
List<FreeBlock> allocation_list_;
int current_allocation_block_index_;
// Emergency block guarantees that we can always allocate a page for
// evacuation candidates when code space is compacted. Emergency block is
// reserved immediately after GC and is released immedietely before
// allocating a page for evacuation.
FreeBlock emergency_block_;
// Finds a block on the allocation list that contains at least the
// requested amount of memory. If none is found, sorts and merges
// the existing free memory blocks, and searches again.
......@@ -1518,6 +1528,13 @@ class AllocationStats BASE_EMBEDDED {
void DecreaseCapacity(intptr_t size_in_bytes) {
capacity_ -= size_in_bytes;
DCHECK_GE(capacity_, 0);
void IncreaseCapacity(intptr_t size_in_bytes) { capacity_ += size_in_bytes; }
intptr_t capacity_;
intptr_t max_capacity_;
......@@ -1533,7 +1550,8 @@ class AllocationStats BASE_EMBEDDED {
// the end element of the linked list of free memory blocks.
class FreeListCategory {
FreeListCategory() : top_(0), end_(NULL), available_(0) {}
explicit FreeListCategory(FreeList* owner)
: top_(0), end_(NULL), available_(0), owner_(owner) {}
intptr_t Concatenate(FreeListCategory* category);
......@@ -1573,6 +1591,8 @@ class FreeListCategory {
int FreeListLength();
FreeList* owner() { return owner_; }
// top_ points to the top FreeSpace* in the free list category.
base::AtomicWord top_;
......@@ -1581,6 +1601,8 @@ class FreeListCategory {
// Total available bytes in all blocks of this free list category.
int available_;
FreeList* owner_;
......@@ -1673,6 +1695,8 @@ class FreeList {
FreeListCategory* large_list() { return &large_list_; }
FreeListCategory* huge_list() { return &huge_list_; }
PagedSpace* owner() { return owner_; }
// The size range of blocks, in bytes.
static const int kMinBlockSize = 3 * kPointerSize;
......@@ -1969,17 +1993,14 @@ class PagedSpace : public Space {
// Return size of allocatable area on a page in this space.
inline int AreaSize() { return area_size_; }
void CreateEmergencyMemory();
void FreeEmergencyMemory();
void UseEmergencyMemory();
intptr_t MaxEmergencyMemoryAllocated();
bool HasEmergencyMemory() { return emergency_memory_ != NULL; }
// Merges {other} into the current space. Note that this modifies {other},
// e.g., removes its bump pointer area and resets statistics.
void MergeCompactionSpace(CompactionSpace* other);
void MoveOverFreeMemory(PagedSpace* other);
virtual bool is_local() { return false; }
// PagedSpaces that should be included in snapshots have different, i.e.,
// smaller, initial pages.
......@@ -2040,12 +2061,6 @@ class PagedSpace : public Space {
// end_of_unswept_pages_ page.
Page* end_of_unswept_pages_;
// Emergency memory is the memory of a full page for a given space, allocated
// conservatively before evacuating a page. If compaction fails due to out
// of memory error the emergency memory can be used to complete compaction.
// If not used, the emergency memory is released after compaction.
MemoryChunk* emergency_memory_;
// Mutex guarding any concurrent access to the space.
base::Mutex space_mutex_;
......@@ -2739,12 +2754,40 @@ class CompactionSpace : public PagedSpace {
Free(start, size_in_bytes);
virtual bool is_local() { return true; }
// The space is temporary and not included in any snapshots.
virtual bool snapshotable() { return false; }
// A collection of |CompactionSpace|s used by a single compaction task.
class CompactionSpaceCollection : public Malloced {
explicit CompactionSpaceCollection(Heap* heap)
: old_space_(heap, OLD_SPACE, Executability::NOT_EXECUTABLE),
code_space_(heap, CODE_SPACE, Executability::EXECUTABLE) {}
CompactionSpace* Get(AllocationSpace space) {
switch (space) {
return &old_space_;
return &code_space_;
return nullptr;
CompactionSpace old_space_;
CompactionSpace code_space_;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Old object space (includes the old space of objects and code space)
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