Refactoring: Extract git checks in push and merge scripts.

This extracts the pattern "if call git fails: raise exception", which is spread all over the place. Now all calls to git are required to return gracefully and give a uniform exception message if they don't.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 7a948d32
......@@ -220,6 +220,10 @@ class NoRetryException(Exception):
class GitFailedException(Exception):
class CommonOptions(object):
def __init__(self, options, manual=True):
self.requires_editor = True
......@@ -320,7 +324,10 @@ class Step(object):
def Git(self, args="", prefix="", pipe=True, retry_on=None):
cmd = lambda: self._side_effect_handler.Command("git", args, prefix, pipe)
return self.Retry(cmd, retry_on, [5, 30])
result = self.Retry(cmd, retry_on, [5, 30])
if result is None:
raise GitFailedException("'git %s' failed." % args)
return result
def SVN(self, args="", prefix="", pipe=True, retry_on=None):
cmd = lambda: self._side_effect_handler.Command("svn", args, prefix, pipe)
......@@ -361,8 +368,7 @@ class Step(object):
if re.match(r".*\s+%s$" % name, line):
msg = "Branch %s exists, do you want to delete it?" % name
if self.Confirm(msg):
if self.Git("branch -D %s" % name) is None:
self.Die("Deleting branch '%s' failed." % name)
self.Git("branch -D %s" % name)
print "Branch %s deleted." % name
msg = "Can't continue. Please delete branch %s and try again." % name
......@@ -393,8 +399,7 @@ class Step(object):
# Fetch unfetched revisions.
if self.Git("svn fetch") is None:
self.Die("'git svn fetch' failed.")
self.Git("svn fetch")
def PrepareBranch(self):
# Get ahold of a safe temporary branch and check it out.
......@@ -457,7 +462,9 @@ class Step(object):
# Takes a file containing the patch to apply as first argument.
def ApplyPatch(self, patch_file, reverse_patch=""):
args = "apply --index --reject %s \"%s\"" % (reverse_patch, patch_file)
if self.Git(args) is None:
except GitFailedException:
def FindLastTrunkPush(self):
......@@ -484,8 +491,7 @@ class UploadStep(Step):
% (author, reviewer, force_flag))
# TODO(machenbach): Check output in forced mode. Verify that all required
# base files were uploaded, if not retry.
if self.Git(args, pipe=False) is None:
self.Die("'git cl upload' failed, please try again.")
self.Git(args, pipe=False)
def MakeStep(step_class=Step, number=0, state=None, config=None,
......@@ -91,10 +91,8 @@ class CreateBranch(Step):
MESSAGE = "Create a fresh branch for the patch."
def RunStep(self):
args = "checkout -b %s svn/%s" % (self.Config(BRANCHNAME),
if self.Git(args) is None:
self.die("Creating branch %s failed." % self.Config(BRANCHNAME))
self.Git("checkout -b %s svn/%s" % (self.Config(BRANCHNAME),
class SearchArchitecturePorts(Step):
......@@ -226,24 +224,17 @@ class CommitLocal(Step):
MESSAGE = "Commit to local branch."
def RunStep(self):
if self.Git("commit -a -F \"%s\"" % self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE)) is None:
self.Die("'git commit -a' failed.")
self.Git("commit -a -F \"%s\"" % self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE))
class CommitRepository(Step):
MESSAGE = "Commit to the repository."
def RunStep(self):
if self.Git("checkout %s" % self.Config(BRANCHNAME)) is None:
self.Die("Cannot ensure that the current branch is %s"
% self.Config(BRANCHNAME))
self.Git("checkout %s" % self.Config(BRANCHNAME))
if self.Git("cl presubmit", "PRESUBMIT_TREE_CHECK=\"skip\"") is None:
self.Die("Presubmit failed.")
if self.Git("cl dcommit -f --bypass-hooks",
retry_on=lambda x: x is None) is None:
self.Die("Failed to commit to %s" % self._status["merge_to_branch"])
self.Git("cl presubmit", "PRESUBMIT_TREE_CHECK=\"skip\"")
self.Git("cl dcommit -f --bypass-hooks", retry_on=lambda x: x is None)
class PrepareSVN(Step):
......@@ -252,8 +243,7 @@ class PrepareSVN(Step):
def RunStep(self):
if self._options.revert_bleeding_edge:
if self.Git("svn fetch") is None:
self.Die("'git svn fetch' failed.")
self.Git("svn fetch")
args = ("log -1 --format=%%H --grep=\"%s\" svn/%s"
% (self["new_commit_msg"], self["merge_to_branch"]))
commit_hash = self.Git(args).strip()
......@@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ class FreshBranch(Step):
def RunStep(self):
args = "checkout -b %s svn/bleeding_edge" % self.Config(BRANCHNAME)
if self.Git(args) is None:
self.Die("Creating branch %s failed." % self.Config(BRANCHNAME))
class DetectLastPush(Step):
......@@ -268,9 +267,7 @@ class CommitLocal(Step):
review = "\n\nTBR=%s" % self._options.reviewer
review = ""
if self.Git("commit -a -m \"%s%s\""
% (self["prep_commit_msg"], review)) is None:
self.Die("'git commit -a' failed.")
self.Git("commit -a -m \"%s%s\"" % (self["prep_commit_msg"], review))
class CommitRepository(Step):
......@@ -283,12 +280,8 @@ class CommitRepository(Step):
if self.Git("cl presubmit", "PRESUBMIT_TREE_CHECK=\"skip\"") is None:
self.Die("'git cl presubmit' failed, please try again.")
if self.Git("cl dcommit -f --bypass-hooks",
retry_on=lambda x: x is None) is None:
self.Die("'git cl dcommit' failed, please try again.")
self.Git("cl presubmit", "PRESUBMIT_TREE_CHECK=\"skip\"")
self.Git("cl dcommit -f --bypass-hooks", retry_on=lambda x: x is None)
class StragglerCommits(Step):
......@@ -296,8 +289,7 @@ class StragglerCommits(Step):
def RunStep(self):
if self.Git("svn fetch") is None:
self.Die("'git svn fetch' failed.")
self.Git("svn fetch")
self.Git("checkout svn/bleeding_edge")
args = "log -1 --format=%%H --grep=\"%s\"" % self["prep_commit_msg"]
self["prepare_commit_hash"] = self.Git(args).strip()
......@@ -342,9 +334,7 @@ class NewBranch(Step):
MESSAGE = "Create a new branch from trunk."
def RunStep(self):
if self.Git("checkout -b %s svn/trunk" % self.Config(TRUNKBRANCH)) is None:
self.Die("Checking out a new branch '%s' failed." %
self.Git("checkout -b %s svn/trunk" % self.Config(TRUNKBRANCH))
class ApplyChanges(Step):
......@@ -380,8 +370,7 @@ class CommitTrunk(Step):
def RunStep(self):
self.Git("add \"%s\"" % self.Config(VERSION_FILE))
if self.Git("commit -F \"%s\"" % self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE)) is None:
self.Die("'git commit' failed.")
self.Git("commit -F \"%s\"" % self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE))
Command("rm", "-f %s*" % self.Config(COMMITMSG_FILE))
......@@ -423,10 +412,9 @@ class TagRevision(Step):
MESSAGE = "Tag the new revision."
def RunStep(self):
if self.Git(("svn tag %s -m \"Tagging version %s\""
self.Git(("svn tag %s -m \"Tagging version %s\""
% (self["version"], self["version"])),
retry_on=lambda x: x is None) is None:
self.Die("'git svn tag' failed.")
retry_on=lambda x: x is None)
class CheckChromium(Step):
......@@ -466,14 +454,9 @@ class UpdateChromiumCheckout(Step):
def RunStep(self):
if self.Git("checkout master") is None:
self.Die("'git checkout master' failed.")
if self.Git("pull") is None:
self.Die("'git pull' failed, please try again.")
args = "checkout -b v8-roll-%s" % self["trunk_revision"]
if self.Git(args) is None:
self.Die("Failed to checkout a new branch.")
self.Git("checkout master")
self.Git("checkout -b v8-roll-%s" % self["trunk_revision"])
class UploadCL(Step):
......@@ -497,17 +480,13 @@ class UploadCL(Step):
print "Please enter the email address of a reviewer for the roll CL: ",
self.DieNoManualMode("A reviewer must be specified in forced mode.")
rev = self.ReadLine()
args = ("commit -am \"Update V8 to version %s "
self.Git("commit -am \"Update V8 to version %s "
"(based on bleeding_edge revision r%s).\n\nTBR=%s\""
% (self["version"], self["svn_revision"], rev))
if self.Git(args) is None:
self.Die("'git commit' failed.")
author_option =
author = " --email \"%s\"" % author_option if author_option else ""
force_flag = " -f" if self._options.force_upload else ""
if self.Git("cl upload%s --send-mail%s" % (author, force_flag),
pipe=False) is None:
self.Die("'git cl upload' failed, please try again.")
self.Git("cl upload%s --send-mail%s" % (author, force_flag), pipe=False)
print "CL uploaded."
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