Commit 71fbe7d4 authored by's avatar

Ensure that JSProxy::Fix gives the generated JSObject map a constructor

All JSObjects in V8 either have a map()->constructor() field or are
JSFunctions. JSProxy::Fix, however, was not enforcing this, and
Object.observe's use of JSObject::GetCreationContext() exposed this.

Note that this is not Object.observe-specific: the API call
v8::Object::CreationContext() also would have revealed this bug.

This patch chooses Object as a reasonable constructor to put on the
newly-fixed object's map. Note that this has no effect on the "constructor"
property in JS. In doing so, I've also tightened up the code underlying
JSProxy::Fix to only support JSObject and JSFunction as possible output


Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 887ba6c1
......@@ -1777,20 +1777,19 @@ Handle<JSProxy> Factory::NewJSFunctionProxy(Handle<Object> handler,
void Factory::ReinitializeJSReceiver(Handle<JSReceiver> object,
InstanceType type,
void Factory::ReinitializeJSProxy(Handle<JSProxy> proxy, InstanceType type,
int size) {
// Allocate fresh map.
// TODO(rossberg): Once we optimize proxies, cache these maps.
Handle<Map> map = NewMap(type, size);
// Check that the receiver has at least the size of the fresh object.
int size_difference = object->map()->instance_size() - map->instance_size();
int size_difference = proxy->map()->instance_size() - map->instance_size();
DCHECK(size_difference >= 0);
// Allocate the backing storage for the properties.
int prop_size = map->InitialPropertiesLength();
......@@ -1811,24 +1810,31 @@ void Factory::ReinitializeJSReceiver(Handle<JSReceiver> object,
// Put in filler if the new object is smaller than the old.
if (size_difference > 0) {
Address address = object->address();
Address address = proxy->address();
heap->CreateFillerObjectAt(address + map->instance_size(), size_difference);
heap->AdjustLiveBytes(address, -size_difference, Heap::FROM_MUTATOR);
// Reset the map for the object.
Handle<JSObject> jsobj = Handle<JSObject>::cast(object);
Handle<JSObject> jsobj = Handle<JSObject>::cast(proxy);
// Reinitialize the object from the constructor map.
heap->InitializeJSObjectFromMap(*jsobj, *properties, *map);
// The current native context is used to set up certain bits.
// TODO(adamk): Using the current context seems wrong, it should be whatever
// context the JSProxy originated in. But that context isn't stored anywhere.
Handle<Context> context(isolate()->native_context());
// Functions require some minimal initialization.
if (type == JS_FUNCTION_TYPE) {
Handle<JSFunction> js_function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(object);
Handle<Context> context(isolate()->native_context());
Handle<JSFunction> js_function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(proxy);
InitializeFunction(js_function, shared.ToHandleChecked(), context);
} else {
// Provide JSObjects with a constructor.
......@@ -1866,13 +1872,13 @@ void Factory::ReinitializeJSGlobalProxy(Handle<JSGlobalProxy> object,
void Factory::BecomeJSObject(Handle<JSReceiver> object) {
ReinitializeJSReceiver(object, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize);
void Factory::BecomeJSObject(Handle<JSProxy> proxy) {
ReinitializeJSProxy(proxy, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize);
void Factory::BecomeJSFunction(Handle<JSReceiver> object) {
ReinitializeJSReceiver(object, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
void Factory::BecomeJSFunction(Handle<JSProxy> proxy) {
ReinitializeJSProxy(proxy, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
......@@ -449,13 +449,6 @@ class Factory V8_FINAL {
Handle<Object> construct_trap,
Handle<Object> prototype);
// Reinitialize a JSReceiver into an (empty) JS object of respective type and
// size, but keeping the original prototype. The receiver must have at least
// the size of the new object. The object is reinitialized and behaves as an
// object that has been freshly allocated.
void ReinitializeJSReceiver(
Handle<JSReceiver> object, InstanceType type, int size);
// Reinitialize an JSGlobalProxy based on a constructor. The object
// must have the same size as objects allocated using the
// constructor. The object is reinitialized and behaves as an
......@@ -464,8 +457,8 @@ class Factory V8_FINAL {
Handle<JSFunction> constructor);
// Change the type of the argument into a JS object/function and reinitialize.
void BecomeJSObject(Handle<JSReceiver> object);
void BecomeJSFunction(Handle<JSReceiver> object);
void BecomeJSObject(Handle<JSProxy> object);
void BecomeJSFunction(Handle<JSProxy> object);
Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<String> name,
Handle<Code> code,
......@@ -707,6 +700,12 @@ class Factory V8_FINAL {
Handle<JSFunction> NewFunction(Handle<Map> map,
Handle<String> name,
MaybeHandle<Code> maybe_code);
// Reinitialize a JSProxy into an (empty) JS object of respective type and
// size, but keeping the original prototype. The receiver must have at least
// the size of the new object. The object is reinitialized and behaves as an
// object that has been freshly allocated.
void ReinitializeJSProxy(Handle<JSProxy> proxy, InstanceType type, int size);
} } // namespace v8::internal
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --harmony-proxies
var proxy = Proxy.create({ fix: function() { return {}; } });
Object.observe(proxy, function(){});
var functionProxy = Proxy.createFunction({ fix: function() { return {}; } }, function(){});
Object.observe(functionProxy, function(){});
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