Commit 71a6d70d authored by's avatar

Traitify ParserBase and move functions there.

The long-term goal is to move all recursive descent functions from Parser and
PreParser into ParserBase, but first they need to be unified.

- The functions moved in this CL: ParseIdentifier, ParseIdentifierName,
ParseIdentifierNameOrGetOrSet, ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord.
- IOW, this CL removes Parser::ParseIdentifier and PreParser::ParseIdentifier
  and adds ParserBase::ParseIdentifier, etc.
- Error reporting used to require virtual funcs; now error reporting is moved to
  the Traits too, and ParserBase no longer needs to be virtual.
- I had to move PreParser::Identifier out of the PreParser class, because
otherwise PreParserTraits cannot use it in a typedef.


Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent f46da9d4
......@@ -533,8 +533,78 @@ Parser::FunctionState::~FunctionState() {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of Parser
bool ParserTraits::is_classic_mode() const {
return parser_->top_scope_->is_classic_mode();
bool ParserTraits::is_generator() const {
return parser_->current_function_state_->is_generator();
bool ParserTraits::IsEvalOrArguments(Handle<String> identifier) const {
return identifier.is_identical_to(
parser_->isolate()->factory()->eval_string()) ||
void ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args) {
MessageLocation location(parser_->script_,
Factory* factory = parser_->isolate()->factory();
Handle<FixedArray> elements = factory->NewFixedArray(args.length());
for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) {
Handle<String> arg_string = factory->NewStringFromUtf8(CStrVector(args[i]));
elements->set(i, *arg_string);
Handle<JSArray> array = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(elements);
Handle<Object> result = factory->NewSyntaxError(message, array);
parser_->isolate()->Throw(*result, &location);
void ParserTraits::ReportMessage(const char* message,
Vector<Handle<String> > args) {
Scanner::Location source_location = parser_->scanner().location();
ReportMessageAt(source_location, message, args);
void ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
const char* message,
Vector<Handle<String> > args) {
MessageLocation location(parser_->script_,
Factory* factory = parser_->isolate()->factory();
Handle<FixedArray> elements = factory->NewFixedArray(args.length());
for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) {
elements->set(i, *args[i]);
Handle<JSArray> array = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(elements);
Handle<Object> result = factory->NewSyntaxError(message, array);
parser_->isolate()->Throw(*result, &location);
Handle<String> ParserTraits::GetSymbol() {
int symbol_id = -1;
if (parser_->pre_parse_data() != NULL) {
symbol_id = parser_->pre_parse_data()->GetSymbolIdentifier();
return parser_->LookupSymbol(symbol_id);
Parser::Parser(CompilationInfo* info)
: ParserBase(&scanner_, info->isolate()->stack_guard()->real_climit()),
: ParserBase(&scanner_,
symbol_cache_(0, info->zone()),
......@@ -793,62 +863,6 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseLazy(Utf16CharacterStream* source) {
Handle<String> Parser::GetSymbol() {
int symbol_id = -1;
if (pre_parse_data() != NULL) {
symbol_id = pre_parse_data()->GetSymbolIdentifier();
return LookupSymbol(symbol_id);
void Parser::ReportMessage(const char* message, Vector<const char*> args) {
Scanner::Location source_location = scanner().location();
ReportMessageAt(source_location, message, args);
void Parser::ReportMessage(const char* message, Vector<Handle<String> > args) {
Scanner::Location source_location = scanner().location();
ReportMessageAt(source_location, message, args);
void Parser::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args) {
MessageLocation location(script_,
Factory* factory = isolate()->factory();
Handle<FixedArray> elements = factory->NewFixedArray(args.length());
for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) {
Handle<String> arg_string = factory->NewStringFromUtf8(CStrVector(args[i]));
elements->set(i, *arg_string);
Handle<JSArray> array = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(elements);
Handle<Object> result = factory->NewSyntaxError(message, array);
isolate()->Throw(*result, &location);
void Parser::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
const char* message,
Vector<Handle<String> > args) {
MessageLocation location(script_,
Factory* factory = isolate()->factory();
Handle<FixedArray> elements = factory->NewFixedArray(args.length());
for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) {
elements->set(i, *args[i]);
Handle<JSArray> array = factory->NewJSArrayWithElements(elements);
Handle<Object> result = factory->NewSyntaxError(message, array);
isolate()->Throw(*result, &location);
void* Parser::ParseSourceElements(ZoneList<Statement*>* processor,
int end_token,
bool is_eval,
......@@ -1081,8 +1095,8 @@ Module* Parser::ParseModuleLiteral(bool* ok) {
!it.done(); it.Advance()) {
if (scope->LocalLookup( == NULL) {
Handle<String> name(;
Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -1121,7 +1135,8 @@ Module* Parser::ParseModulePath(bool* ok) {
ReportMessage("invalid_module_path", Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
return NULL;
result = member;
......@@ -1231,7 +1246,8 @@ Block* Parser::ParseImportDeclaration(bool* ok) {
ReportMessage("invalid_module_path", Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
return NULL;
VariableProxy* proxy = NewUnresolved(names[i], LET, interface);
......@@ -1439,8 +1455,7 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
// Statement:
// GeneratorDeclaration
if (!top_scope_->is_classic_mode()) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner().peek_location(), "strict_function",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(scanner().peek_location(), "strict_function");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -1619,7 +1634,8 @@ void Parser::Declare(Declaration* declaration, bool resolve, bool* ok) {
ReportMessage("module_type_error", Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
......@@ -1777,12 +1793,6 @@ Block* Parser::ParseVariableStatement(VariableDeclarationContext var_context,
bool Parser::IsEvalOrArguments(Handle<String> string) {
return string.is_identical_to(isolate()->factory()->eval_string()) ||
// If the variable declaration declares exactly one non-const
// variable, then *out is set to that variable. In all other cases,
// *out is untouched; in particular, it is the caller's responsibility
......@@ -1928,8 +1938,7 @@ Block* Parser::ParseVariableDeclarations(
Declare(declaration, mode != VAR, CHECK_OK);
if (declaration_scope->num_var_or_const() > kMaxNumFunctionLocals) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), "too_many_variables",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), "too_many_variables");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -2232,7 +2241,7 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseContinueStatement(bool* ok) {
message = "unknown_label";
args = Vector<Handle<String> >(&label, 1);
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), message, args);
ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), message, args);
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -2270,7 +2279,7 @@ Statement* Parser::ParseBreakStatement(ZoneStringList* labels, bool* ok) {
message = "unknown_label";
args = Vector<Handle<String> >(&label, 1);
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), message, args);
ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), message, args);
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -3013,14 +3022,6 @@ Expression* Parser::ParseConditionalExpression(bool accept_IN, bool* ok) {
int ParserBase::Precedence(Token::Value tok, bool accept_IN) {
if (tok == Token::IN && !accept_IN)
return 0; // 0 precedence will terminate binary expression parsing
return Token::Precedence(tok);
// Precedence >= 4
Expression* Parser::ParseBinaryExpression(int prec, bool accept_IN, bool* ok) {
ASSERT(prec >= 4);
......@@ -3863,8 +3864,7 @@ ZoneList<Expression*>* Parser::ParseArguments(bool* ok) {
Expression* argument = ParseAssignmentExpression(true, CHECK_OK);
result->Add(argument, zone());
if (result->length() > Code::kMaxArguments) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), "too_many_arguments",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), "too_many_arguments");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -4095,8 +4095,7 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
top_scope_->DeclareParameter(param_name, VAR);
if (num_parameters > Code::kMaxArguments) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), "too_many_parameters",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(scanner().location(), "too_many_parameters");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -4187,8 +4186,10 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
if (arg != NULL) {
args = Vector<const char*>(&arg, 1);
ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location(logger.start(), logger.end()),
logger.message(), args);
Scanner::Location(logger.start(), logger.end()),
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -4262,33 +4263,27 @@ FunctionLiteral* Parser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
// since the function can declare itself strict.
if (!top_scope_->is_classic_mode()) {
if (IsEvalOrArguments(function_name)) {
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(function_name_location, "strict_eval_arguments");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
if (name_is_strict_reserved) {
ReportMessageAt(function_name_location, "unexpected_strict_reserved",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(function_name_location, "unexpected_strict_reserved");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
if (eval_args_error_log.IsValid()) {
ReportMessageAt(eval_args_error_log, "strict_eval_arguments",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(eval_args_error_log, "strict_eval_arguments");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
if (dupe_error_loc.IsValid()) {
ReportMessageAt(dupe_error_loc, "strict_param_dupe",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(dupe_error_loc, "strict_param_dupe");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
if (reserved_loc.IsValid()) {
ReportMessageAt(reserved_loc, "unexpected_strict_reserved",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(reserved_loc, "unexpected_strict_reserved");
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -4397,7 +4392,8 @@ Expression* Parser::ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok) {
// Check that the function is defined if it's an inline runtime call.
if (function == NULL && name->Get(0) == '_') {
ReportMessage("not_defined", Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
Vector<Handle<String> >(&name, 1));
*ok = false;
return NULL;
......@@ -4407,88 +4403,6 @@ Expression* Parser::ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok) {
bool ParserBase::peek_any_identifier() {
Token::Value next = peek();
return next == Token::IDENTIFIER ||
next == Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD ||
next == Token::YIELD;
bool ParserBase::CheckContextualKeyword(Vector<const char> keyword) {
if (peek() == Token::IDENTIFIER &&
scanner()->is_next_contextual_keyword(keyword)) {
return true;
return false;
void ParserBase::ExpectSemicolon(bool* ok) {
// Check for automatic semicolon insertion according to
// the rules given in ECMA-262, section 7.9, page 21.
Token::Value tok = peek();
if (tok == Token::SEMICOLON) {
if (scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() ||
tok == Token::RBRACE ||
tok == Token::EOS) {
Expect(Token::SEMICOLON, ok);
void ParserBase::ExpectContextualKeyword(Vector<const char> keyword, bool* ok) {
Expect(Token::IDENTIFIER, ok);
if (!*ok) return;
if (!scanner()->is_literal_contextual_keyword(keyword)) {
*ok = false;
void ParserBase::ReportUnexpectedToken(Token::Value token) {
// We don't report stack overflows here, to avoid increasing the
// stack depth even further. Instead we report it after parsing is
// over, in ParseProgram.
if (token == Token::ILLEGAL && stack_overflow()) {
Scanner::Location source_location = scanner()->location();
// Four of the tokens are treated specially
switch (token) {
case Token::EOS:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_eos");
case Token::NUMBER:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_token_number");
case Token::STRING:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_token_string");
case Token::IDENTIFIER:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location,
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_reserved");
case Token::YIELD:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location,
is_classic_mode() ? "unexpected_token_identifier"
: "unexpected_strict_reserved");
const char* name = Token::String(token);
ASSERT(name != NULL);
source_location, "unexpected_token", Vector<const char*>(&name, 1));
Literal* Parser::GetLiteralUndefined(int position) {
return factory()->NewLiteral(
isolate()->factory()->undefined_value(), position);
......@@ -4501,68 +4415,6 @@ Literal* Parser::GetLiteralTheHole(int position) {
// Parses an identifier that is valid for the current scope, in particular it
// fails on strict mode future reserved keywords in a strict scope. If
// allow_eval_or_arguments is kAllowEvalOrArguments, we allow "eval" or
// "arguments" as identifier even in strict mode (this is needed in cases like
// "var foo = eval;").
Handle<String> Parser::ParseIdentifier(
AllowEvalOrArgumentsAsIdentifier allow_eval_or_arguments,
bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next == Token::IDENTIFIER) {
Handle<String> name = GetSymbol();
if (allow_eval_or_arguments == kDontAllowEvalOrArguments &&
!top_scope_->is_classic_mode() && IsEvalOrArguments(name)) {
ReportMessage("strict_eval_arguments", Vector<const char*>::empty());
*ok = false;
return name;
} else if (top_scope_->is_classic_mode() &&
(next == Token::YIELD && !is_generator()))) {
return GetSymbol();
} else {
*ok = false;
return Handle<String>();
// Parses and identifier or a strict mode future reserved word, and indicate
// whether it is strict mode future reserved.
Handle<String> Parser::ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(
bool* is_strict_reserved, bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next == Token::IDENTIFIER) {
*is_strict_reserved = false;
} else if (next == Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD ||
(next == Token::YIELD && !is_generator())) {
*is_strict_reserved = true;
} else {
*ok = false;
return Handle<String>();
return GetSymbol();
Handle<String> Parser::ParseIdentifierName(bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next != Token::IDENTIFIER &&
next != Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD &&
!Token::IsKeyword(next)) {
*ok = false;
return Handle<String>();
return GetSymbol();
void Parser::MarkAsLValue(Expression* expression) {
VariableProxy* proxy = expression != NULL
? expression->AsVariableProxy()
......@@ -4588,18 +4440,6 @@ void Parser::CheckStrictModeLValue(Expression* expression,
// Checks whether an octal literal was last seen between beg_pos and end_pos.
// If so, reports an error. Only called for strict mode.
void ParserBase::CheckOctalLiteral(int beg_pos, int end_pos, bool* ok) {
Scanner::Location octal = scanner()->octal_position();
if (octal.IsValid() && beg_pos <= octal.beg_pos && octal.end_pos <= end_pos) {
ReportMessageAt(octal, "strict_octal_literal");
*ok = false;
void Parser::CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(Scope* scope, bool* ok) {
Declaration* decl = scope->CheckConflictingVarDeclarations();
if (decl != NULL) {
......@@ -4613,28 +4453,12 @@ void Parser::CheckConflictingVarDeclarations(Scope* scope, bool* ok) {
Scanner::Location location = position == RelocInfo::kNoPosition
? Scanner::Location::invalid()
: Scanner::Location(position, position + 1);
ReportMessageAt(location, "redeclaration", args);
ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(location, "redeclaration", args);
*ok = false;
// This function reads an identifier name and determines whether or not it
// is 'get' or 'set'.
Handle<String> Parser::ParseIdentifierNameOrGetOrSet(bool* is_get,
bool* is_set,
bool* ok) {
Handle<String> result = ParseIdentifierName(ok);
if (!*ok) return Handle<String>();
if (scanner().is_literal_ascii() && scanner().literal_length() == 3) {
const char* token = scanner().literal_ascii_string().start();
*is_get = strncmp(token, "get", 3) == 0;
*is_set = !*is_get && strncmp(token, "set", 3) == 0;
return result;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parser support
......@@ -5683,7 +5507,7 @@ bool Parser::Parse() {
Scanner::Location loc = pre_parse_data->MessageLocation();
const char* message = pre_parse_data->BuildMessage();
Vector<const char*> args = pre_parse_data->BuildArgs();
ReportMessageAt(loc, message, args);
ParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(loc, message, args);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) {
......@@ -404,10 +404,44 @@ class RegExpParser BASE_EMBEDDED {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward declaration.
class Parser;
class SingletonLogger;
class Parser : public ParserBase {
class ParserTraits {
typedef Parser* ParserType;
// Return types for traversing functions.
typedef Handle<String> IdentifierType;
explicit ParserTraits(Parser* parser) : parser_(parser) {}
// Helper functions for recursive descent.
bool is_classic_mode() const;
bool is_generator() const;
bool IsEvalOrArguments(Handle<String> identifier) const;
// Reporting errors.
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args);
void ReportMessage(const char* message, Vector<Handle<String> > args);
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
const char* message,
Vector<Handle<String> > args);
// Identifiers:
static IdentifierType EmptyIdentifier() {
return Handle<String>();
IdentifierType GetSymbol();
Parser* parser_;
class Parser : public ParserBase<ParserTraits> {
explicit Parser(CompilationInfo* info);
~Parser() {
......@@ -427,6 +461,8 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase {
bool Parse();
friend class ParserTraits;
static const int kMaxNumFunctionLocals = 131071; // 2^17-1
enum Mode {
......@@ -521,10 +557,6 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase {
Mode old_mode_;
virtual bool is_classic_mode() {
return top_scope_->is_classic_mode();
// Returns NULL if parsing failed.
FunctionLiteral* ParseProgram();
......@@ -541,17 +573,6 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase {
// Report syntax error
void ReportInvalidPreparseData(Handle<String> name, bool* ok);
void ReportMessage(const char* message, Vector<const char*> args);
void ReportMessage(const char* message, Vector<Handle<String> > args);
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location, const char* type) {
ReportMessageAt(location, type, Vector<const char*>::empty());
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location loc,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args);
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location loc,
const char* message,
Vector<Handle<String> > args);
void set_pre_parse_data(ScriptDataImpl *data) {
pre_parse_data_ = data;
......@@ -571,9 +592,6 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase {
? top_scope_ : top_scope_->DeclarationScope();
// Check if the given string is 'eval' or 'arguments'.
bool IsEvalOrArguments(Handle<String> string);
// All ParseXXX functions take as the last argument an *ok parameter
// which is set to false if parsing failed; it is unchanged otherwise.
// By making the 'exception handling' explicit, we are forced to check
......@@ -660,8 +678,6 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase {
// Magical syntax support.
Expression* ParseV8Intrinsic(bool* ok);
bool is_generator() const { return current_function_state_->is_generator(); }
bool CheckInOrOf(bool accept_OF, ForEachStatement::VisitMode* visit_mode);
Handle<String> LiteralString(PretenureFlag tenured) {
......@@ -684,20 +700,10 @@ class Parser : public ParserBase {
Handle<String> GetSymbol();
// Get odd-ball literals.
Literal* GetLiteralUndefined(int position);
Literal* GetLiteralTheHole(int position);
Handle<String> ParseIdentifier(AllowEvalOrArgumentsAsIdentifier, bool* ok);
Handle<String> ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(
bool* is_strict_reserved, bool* ok);
Handle<String> ParseIdentifierName(bool* ok);
Handle<String> ParseIdentifierNameOrGetOrSet(bool* is_get,
bool* is_set,
bool* ok);
// Determine if the expression is a variable proxy and mark it as being used
// in an assignment or with a increment/decrement operator. This is currently
// used on for the statically checking assignments to harmony const bindings.
......@@ -55,6 +55,68 @@ int isfinite(double value);
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
bool PreParserTraits::is_classic_mode() const {
return pre_parser_->scope_->language_mode() == CLASSIC_MODE;
bool PreParserTraits::is_generator() const {
return pre_parser_->scope_->is_generator();
void PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args) {
args.length() > 0 ? args[0] : NULL);
void PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location,
const char* type,
const char* name_opt) {
->LogMessage(location.beg_pos, location.end_pos, type, name_opt);
void PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(int start_pos,
int end_pos,
const char* type,
const char* name_opt) {
pre_parser_->log_->LogMessage(start_pos, end_pos, type, name_opt);
PreParserIdentifier PreParserTraits::GetSymbol() {
Scanner* scanner = pre_parser_->scanner();
if (scanner->current_token() == Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD) {
return PreParserIdentifier::FutureReserved();
} else if (scanner->current_token() ==
return PreParserIdentifier::FutureStrictReserved();
} else if (scanner->current_token() == Token::YIELD) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Yield();
if (scanner->is_literal_ascii()) {
// Detect strict-mode poison words.
if (scanner->literal_length() == 4 &&
!strncmp(scanner->literal_ascii_string().start(), "eval", 4)) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Eval();
if (scanner->literal_length() == 9 &&
!strncmp(scanner->literal_ascii_string().start(), "arguments", 9)) {
return PreParserIdentifier::Arguments();
return PreParserIdentifier::Default();
PreParser::PreParseResult PreParser::PreParseLazyFunction(
LanguageMode mode, bool is_generator, ParserRecorder* log) {
log_ = log;
......@@ -235,8 +297,10 @@ PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseStatement(bool* ok) {
Statement statement = ParseFunctionDeclaration(CHECK_OK);
Scanner::Location end_location = scanner()->location();
if (!scope_->is_classic_mode()) {
ReportMessageAt(start_location.beg_pos, end_location.end_pos,
"strict_function", NULL);
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
} else {
......@@ -352,16 +416,14 @@ PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseVariableDeclarations(
Scanner::Location location = scanner()->peek_location();
ReportMessageAt(location, "strict_const", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(location, "strict_const");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
if (var_context != kSourceElement &&
var_context != kForStatement) {
Scanner::Location location = scanner()->peek_location();
ReportMessageAt(location.beg_pos, location.end_pos,
"unprotected_const", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->peek_location(), "unprotected_const");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
......@@ -376,18 +438,14 @@ PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseVariableDeclarations(
// * It is a Syntax Error if the code that matches this production is not
// contained in extended code.
if (!is_extended_mode()) {
Scanner::Location location = scanner()->peek_location();
ReportMessageAt(location.beg_pos, location.end_pos,
"illegal_let", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->peek_location(), "illegal_let");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
if (var_context != kSourceElement &&
var_context != kForStatement) {
Scanner::Location location = scanner()->peek_location();
ReportMessageAt(location.beg_pos, location.end_pos,
"unprotected_let", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->peek_location(), "unprotected_let");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
......@@ -531,8 +589,7 @@ PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseWithStatement(bool* ok) {
// 'with' '(' Expression ')' Statement
Expect(Token::WITH, CHECK_OK);
if (!scope_->is_classic_mode()) {
Scanner::Location location = scanner()->location();
ReportMessageAt(location, "strict_mode_with", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "strict_mode_with");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
......@@ -676,8 +733,7 @@ PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseThrowStatement(bool* ok) {
Expect(Token::THROW, CHECK_OK);
if (scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext()) {
Scanner::Location pos = scanner()->location();
ReportMessageAt(pos, "newline_after_throw", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "newline_after_throw");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
......@@ -705,7 +761,7 @@ PreParser::Statement PreParser::ParseTryStatement(bool* ok) {
Token::Value tok = peek();
if (tok != Token::CATCH && tok != Token::FINALLY) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "no_catch_or_finally", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "no_catch_or_finally");
*ok = false;
return Statement::Default();
......@@ -788,8 +844,8 @@ PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParseAssignmentExpression(bool accept_IN,
expression.IsIdentifier() &&
expression.AsIdentifier().IsEvalOrArguments()) {
Scanner::Location after = scanner()->location();
ReportMessageAt(before.beg_pos, after.end_pos,
"strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(before.beg_pos, after.end_pos,
"strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
......@@ -882,8 +938,8 @@ PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParseUnaryExpression(bool* ok) {
expression.IsIdentifier() &&
expression.AsIdentifier().IsEvalOrArguments()) {
Scanner::Location after = scanner()->location();
ReportMessageAt(before.beg_pos, after.end_pos,
"strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(before.beg_pos, after.end_pos,
"strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
......@@ -905,8 +961,8 @@ PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParsePostfixExpression(bool* ok) {
expression.IsIdentifier() &&
expression.AsIdentifier().IsEvalOrArguments()) {
Scanner::Location after = scanner()->location();
ReportMessageAt(before.beg_pos, after.end_pos,
"strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
PreParserTraits::ReportMessageAt(before.beg_pos, after.end_pos,
"strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
......@@ -1249,7 +1305,7 @@ PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParseRegExpLiteral(bool seen_equal,
bool* ok) {
if (!scanner()->ScanRegExpPattern(seen_equal)) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "unterminated_regexp", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "unterminated_regexp");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
......@@ -1258,7 +1314,7 @@ PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParseRegExpLiteral(bool seen_equal,
if (!scanner()->ScanRegExpFlags()) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "invalid_regexp_flags", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "invalid_regexp_flags");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
......@@ -1366,31 +1422,27 @@ PreParser::Expression PreParser::ParseFunctionLiteral(
// since the function can declare itself strict.
if (!scope_->is_classic_mode()) {
if (function_name.IsEvalOrArguments()) {
ReportMessageAt(function_name_location, "strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(function_name_location, "strict_eval_arguments");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
if (name_is_strict_reserved) {
function_name_location, "unexpected_strict_reserved", NULL);
ReportMessageAt(function_name_location, "unexpected_strict_reserved");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
if (eval_args_error_loc.IsValid()) {
ReportMessageAt(eval_args_error_loc, "strict_eval_arguments",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(eval_args_error_loc, "strict_eval_arguments");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
if (dupe_error_loc.IsValid()) {
ReportMessageAt(dupe_error_loc, "strict_param_dupe",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(dupe_error_loc, "strict_param_dupe");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
if (reserved_error_loc.IsValid()) {
ReportMessageAt(reserved_error_loc, "unexpected_strict_reserved",
Vector<const char*>::empty());
ReportMessageAt(reserved_error_loc, "unexpected_strict_reserved");
*ok = false;
return Expression::Default();
......@@ -1464,142 +1516,4 @@ PreParser::Expression PreParser::GetStringSymbol() {
PreParser::Identifier PreParser::GetIdentifierSymbol() {
if (scanner()->current_token() == Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD) {
return Identifier::FutureReserved();
} else if (scanner()->current_token() ==
return Identifier::FutureStrictReserved();
} else if (scanner()->current_token() == Token::YIELD) {
return Identifier::Yield();
if (scanner()->is_literal_ascii()) {
// Detect strict-mode poison words.
if (scanner()->literal_length() == 4 &&
!strncmp(scanner()->literal_ascii_string().start(), "eval", 4)) {
return Identifier::Eval();
if (scanner()->literal_length() == 9 &&
!strncmp(scanner()->literal_ascii_string().start(), "arguments", 9)) {
return Identifier::Arguments();
return Identifier::Default();
// Parses an identifier that is valid for the current scope, in particular it
// fails on strict mode future reserved keywords in a strict scope. If
// allow_eval_or_arguments is kAllowEvalOrArguments, we allow "eval" or
// "arguments" as identifier even in strict mode (this is needed in cases like
// "var foo = eval;").
PreParser::Identifier PreParser::ParseIdentifier(
AllowEvalOrArgumentsAsIdentifier allow_eval_or_arguments,
bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next == Token::IDENTIFIER) {
PreParser::Identifier name = GetIdentifierSymbol();
if (allow_eval_or_arguments == kDontAllowEvalOrArguments &&
!scope_->is_classic_mode() && name.IsEvalOrArguments()) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "strict_eval_arguments", NULL);
*ok = false;
return name;
} else if (scope_->is_classic_mode() &&
(next == Token::YIELD && !scope_->is_generator()))) {
return GetIdentifierSymbol();
} else {
*ok = false;
return Identifier::Default();
// Parses and identifier or a strict mode future reserved word, and indicate
// whether it is strict mode future reserved.
PreParser::Identifier PreParser::ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(
bool* is_strict_reserved, bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next == Token::IDENTIFIER) {
*is_strict_reserved = false;
} else if (next == Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD ||
(next == Token::YIELD && !scope_->is_generator())) {
*is_strict_reserved = true;
} else {
*ok = false;
return Identifier::Default();
return GetIdentifierSymbol();
PreParser::Identifier PreParser::ParseIdentifierName(bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next != Token::IDENTIFIER &&
next != Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD &&
!Token::IsKeyword(next)) {
*ok = false;
return Identifier::Default();
return GetIdentifierSymbol();
#undef CHECK_OK
// This function reads an identifier and determines whether or not it
// is 'get' or 'set'.
PreParser::Identifier PreParser::ParseIdentifierNameOrGetOrSet(bool* is_get,
bool* is_set,
bool* ok) {
Identifier result = ParseIdentifierName(ok);
if (!*ok) return Identifier::Default();
if (scanner()->is_literal_ascii() &&
scanner()->literal_length() == 3) {
const char* token = scanner()->literal_ascii_string().start();
*is_get = strncmp(token, "get", 3) == 0;
*is_set = !*is_get && strncmp(token, "set", 3) == 0;
return result;
void PreParser::ObjectLiteralChecker::CheckProperty(Token::Value property,
PropertyKind type,
bool* ok) {
int old;
if (property == Token::NUMBER) {
old = finder_.AddNumber(scanner()->literal_ascii_string(), type);
} else if (scanner()->is_literal_ascii()) {
old = finder_.AddAsciiSymbol(scanner()->literal_ascii_string(), type);
} else {
old = finder_.AddUtf16Symbol(scanner()->literal_utf16_string(), type);
PropertyKind old_type = static_cast<PropertyKind>(old);
if (HasConflict(old_type, type)) {
if (IsDataDataConflict(old_type, type)) {
// Both are data properties.
if (language_mode_ == CLASSIC_MODE) return;
} else if (IsDataAccessorConflict(old_type, type)) {
// Both a data and an accessor property with the same name.
} else {
ASSERT(IsAccessorAccessorConflict(old_type, type));
// Both accessors of the same type.
*ok = false;
} } // v8::internal
......@@ -36,18 +36,19 @@ namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Common base class shared between parser and pre-parser.
class ParserBase {
template <typename Traits>
class ParserBase : public Traits {
ParserBase(Scanner* scanner, uintptr_t stack_limit)
: scanner_(scanner),
ParserBase(Scanner* scanner, uintptr_t stack_limit,
typename Traits::ParserType this_object)
: Traits(this_object),
allow_for_of_(false) { }
// TODO(mstarzinger): Only virtual until message reporting has been unified.
virtual ~ParserBase() { }
// Getters that indicate whether certain syntactical constructs are
// allowed to be parsed by this instance of the parser.
......@@ -87,8 +88,6 @@ class ParserBase {
bool stack_overflow() const { return stack_overflow_; }
void set_stack_overflow() { stack_overflow_ = true; }
virtual bool is_classic_mode() = 0;
INLINE(Token::Value peek()) {
if (stack_overflow_) return Token::ILLEGAL;
return scanner()->peek();
......@@ -132,25 +131,99 @@ class ParserBase {
bool peek_any_identifier();
void ExpectSemicolon(bool* ok);
bool CheckContextualKeyword(Vector<const char> keyword);
void ExpectContextualKeyword(Vector<const char> keyword, bool* ok);
void ExpectSemicolon(bool* ok) {
// Check for automatic semicolon insertion according to
// the rules given in ECMA-262, section 7.9, page 21.
Token::Value tok = peek();
if (tok == Token::SEMICOLON) {
if (scanner()->HasAnyLineTerminatorBeforeNext() ||
tok == Token::RBRACE ||
tok == Token::EOS) {
Expect(Token::SEMICOLON, ok);
bool peek_any_identifier() {
Token::Value next = peek();
return next == Token::IDENTIFIER ||
next == Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD ||
next == Token::YIELD;
// Strict mode octal literal validation.
void CheckOctalLiteral(int beg_pos, int end_pos, bool* ok);
bool CheckContextualKeyword(Vector<const char> keyword) {
if (peek() == Token::IDENTIFIER &&
scanner()->is_next_contextual_keyword(keyword)) {
return true;
return false;
void ExpectContextualKeyword(Vector<const char> keyword, bool* ok) {
Expect(Token::IDENTIFIER, ok);
if (!*ok) return;
if (!scanner()->is_literal_contextual_keyword(keyword)) {
*ok = false;
// Checks whether an octal literal was last seen between beg_pos and end_pos.
// If so, reports an error. Only called for strict mode.
void CheckOctalLiteral(int beg_pos, int end_pos, bool* ok) {
Scanner::Location octal = scanner()->octal_position();
if (octal.IsValid() && beg_pos <= octal.beg_pos &&
octal.end_pos <= end_pos) {
ReportMessageAt(octal, "strict_octal_literal");
*ok = false;
// Determine precedence of given token.
static int Precedence(Token::Value token, bool accept_IN);
static int Precedence(Token::Value token, bool accept_IN) {
if (token == Token::IN && !accept_IN)
return 0; // 0 precedence will terminate binary expression parsing
return Token::Precedence(token);
// Report syntax errors.
void ReportUnexpectedToken(Token::Value token);
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location, const char* type) {
ReportMessageAt(location, type, Vector<const char*>::empty());
void ReportMessage(const char* message, Vector<const char*> args) {
Scanner::Location source_location = scanner()->location();
Traits::ReportMessageAt(source_location, message, args);
virtual void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location source_location,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args) = 0;
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location, const char* message) {
Traits::ReportMessageAt(location, message, Vector<const char*>::empty());
void ReportUnexpectedToken(Token::Value token);
// Recursive descent functions:
// Parses an identifier that is valid for the current scope, in particular it
// fails on strict mode future reserved keywords in a strict scope. If
// allow_eval_or_arguments is kAllowEvalOrArguments, we allow "eval" or
// "arguments" as identifier even in strict mode (this is needed in cases like
// "var foo = eval;").
typename Traits::IdentifierType ParseIdentifier(
bool* ok);
// Parses an identifier or a strict mode future reserved word, and indicate
// whether it is strict mode future reserved.
typename Traits::IdentifierType ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(
bool* is_strict_reserved,
bool* ok);
typename Traits::IdentifierType ParseIdentifierName(bool* ok);
// Parses an identifier and determines whether or not it is 'get' or 'set'.
typename Traits::IdentifierType ParseIdentifierNameOrGetOrSet(bool* is_get,
bool* is_set,
bool* ok);
// Used to detect duplicates in object literals. Each of the values
// kGetterProperty, kSetterProperty and kValueProperty represents
......@@ -218,6 +291,176 @@ class ParserBase {
class PreParserIdentifier {
static PreParserIdentifier Default() {
return PreParserIdentifier(kUnknownIdentifier);
static PreParserIdentifier Eval() {
return PreParserIdentifier(kEvalIdentifier);
static PreParserIdentifier Arguments() {
return PreParserIdentifier(kArgumentsIdentifier);
static PreParserIdentifier FutureReserved() {
return PreParserIdentifier(kFutureReservedIdentifier);
static PreParserIdentifier FutureStrictReserved() {
return PreParserIdentifier(kFutureStrictReservedIdentifier);
static PreParserIdentifier Yield() {
return PreParserIdentifier(kYieldIdentifier);
bool IsEval() { return type_ == kEvalIdentifier; }
bool IsArguments() { return type_ == kArgumentsIdentifier; }
bool IsEvalOrArguments() { return type_ >= kEvalIdentifier; }
bool IsYield() { return type_ == kYieldIdentifier; }
bool IsFutureReserved() { return type_ == kFutureReservedIdentifier; }
bool IsFutureStrictReserved() {
return type_ == kFutureStrictReservedIdentifier;
bool IsValidStrictVariable() { return type_ == kUnknownIdentifier; }
enum Type {
explicit PreParserIdentifier(Type type) : type_(type) {}
Type type_;
friend class PreParserExpression;
// Bits 0 and 1 are used to identify the type of expression:
// If bit 0 is set, it's an identifier.
// if bit 1 is set, it's a string literal.
// If neither is set, it's no particular type, and both set isn't
// use yet.
class PreParserExpression {
static PreParserExpression Default() {
return PreParserExpression(kUnknownExpression);
static PreParserExpression FromIdentifier(PreParserIdentifier id) {
return PreParserExpression(kIdentifierFlag |
(id.type_ << kIdentifierShift));
static PreParserExpression StringLiteral() {
return PreParserExpression(kUnknownStringLiteral);
static PreParserExpression UseStrictStringLiteral() {
return PreParserExpression(kUseStrictString);
static PreParserExpression This() {
return PreParserExpression(kThisExpression);
static PreParserExpression ThisProperty() {
return PreParserExpression(kThisPropertyExpression);
static PreParserExpression StrictFunction() {
return PreParserExpression(kStrictFunctionExpression);
bool IsIdentifier() { return (code_ & kIdentifierFlag) != 0; }
// Only works corretly if it is actually an identifier expression.
PreParserIdentifier AsIdentifier() {
return PreParserIdentifier(
static_cast<PreParserIdentifier::Type>(code_ >> kIdentifierShift));
bool IsStringLiteral() { return (code_ & kStringLiteralFlag) != 0; }
bool IsUseStrictLiteral() {
return (code_ & kStringLiteralMask) == kUseStrictString;
bool IsThis() { return code_ == kThisExpression; }
bool IsThisProperty() { return code_ == kThisPropertyExpression; }
bool IsStrictFunction() { return code_ == kStrictFunctionExpression; }
// First two/three bits are used as flags.
// Bit 0 and 1 represent identifiers or strings literals, and are
// mutually exclusive, but can both be absent.
enum {
kUnknownExpression = 0,
// Identifiers
kIdentifierFlag = 1, // Used to detect labels.
kIdentifierShift = 3,
kStringLiteralFlag = 2, // Used to detect directive prologue.
kUnknownStringLiteral = kStringLiteralFlag,
kUseStrictString = kStringLiteralFlag | 8,
kStringLiteralMask = kUseStrictString,
// Below here applies if neither identifier nor string literal.
kThisExpression = 4,
kThisPropertyExpression = 8,
kStrictFunctionExpression = 12
explicit PreParserExpression(int expression_code) : code_(expression_code) {}
int code_;
class PreParser;
class PreParserTraits {
typedef PreParser* ParserType;
// Return types for traversing functions.
typedef PreParserIdentifier IdentifierType;
explicit PreParserTraits(PreParser* pre_parser) : pre_parser_(pre_parser) {}
// Helper functions for recursive descent.
bool is_classic_mode() const;
bool is_generator() const;
static bool IsEvalOrArguments(IdentifierType identifier) {
return identifier.IsEvalOrArguments();
// Reporting errors.
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args);
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location,
const char* type,
const char* name_opt);
void ReportMessageAt(int start_pos,
int end_pos,
const char* type,
const char* name_opt);
// Identifiers:
static IdentifierType EmptyIdentifier() {
return PreParserIdentifier::Default();
IdentifierType GetSymbol();
PreParser* pre_parser_;
// Preparsing checks a JavaScript program and emits preparse-data that helps
// a later parsing to be faster.
// See preparse-data-format.h for the data format.
......@@ -230,8 +473,11 @@ class ParserBase {
// rather it is to speed up properly written and correct programs.
// That means that contextual checks (like a label being declared where
// it is used) are generally omitted.
class PreParser : public ParserBase {
class PreParser : public ParserBase<PreParserTraits> {
typedef PreParserIdentifier Identifier;
typedef PreParserExpression Expression;
enum PreParseResult {
......@@ -240,7 +486,7 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase {
PreParser(Scanner* scanner,
ParserRecorder* log,
uintptr_t stack_limit)
: ParserBase(scanner, stack_limit),
: ParserBase(scanner, stack_limit, this),
parenthesized_function_(false) { }
......@@ -278,6 +524,8 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase {
ParserRecorder* log);
friend class PreParserTraits;
// These types form an algebra over syntactic categories that is just
// rich enough to let us recognize and propagate the constructs that
// are either being counted in the preparser data, or is important
......@@ -300,142 +548,6 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase {
class Expression;
class Identifier {
static Identifier Default() {
return Identifier(kUnknownIdentifier);
static Identifier Eval() {
return Identifier(kEvalIdentifier);
static Identifier Arguments() {
return Identifier(kArgumentsIdentifier);
static Identifier FutureReserved() {
return Identifier(kFutureReservedIdentifier);
static Identifier FutureStrictReserved() {
return Identifier(kFutureStrictReservedIdentifier);
static Identifier Yield() {
return Identifier(kYieldIdentifier);
bool IsEval() { return type_ == kEvalIdentifier; }
bool IsArguments() { return type_ == kArgumentsIdentifier; }
bool IsEvalOrArguments() { return type_ >= kEvalIdentifier; }
bool IsYield() { return type_ == kYieldIdentifier; }
bool IsFutureReserved() { return type_ == kFutureReservedIdentifier; }
bool IsFutureStrictReserved() {
return type_ == kFutureStrictReservedIdentifier;
bool IsValidStrictVariable() { return type_ == kUnknownIdentifier; }
enum Type {
explicit Identifier(Type type) : type_(type) { }
Type type_;
friend class Expression;
// Bits 0 and 1 are used to identify the type of expression:
// If bit 0 is set, it's an identifier.
// if bit 1 is set, it's a string literal.
// If neither is set, it's no particular type, and both set isn't
// use yet.
class Expression {
static Expression Default() {
return Expression(kUnknownExpression);
static Expression FromIdentifier(Identifier id) {
return Expression(kIdentifierFlag | (id.type_ << kIdentifierShift));
static Expression StringLiteral() {
return Expression(kUnknownStringLiteral);
static Expression UseStrictStringLiteral() {
return Expression(kUseStrictString);
static Expression This() {
return Expression(kThisExpression);
static Expression ThisProperty() {
return Expression(kThisPropertyExpression);
static Expression StrictFunction() {
return Expression(kStrictFunctionExpression);
bool IsIdentifier() {
return (code_ & kIdentifierFlag) != 0;
// Only works corretly if it is actually an identifier expression.
PreParser::Identifier AsIdentifier() {
return PreParser::Identifier(
static_cast<PreParser::Identifier::Type>(code_ >> kIdentifierShift));
bool IsStringLiteral() { return (code_ & kStringLiteralFlag) != 0; }
bool IsUseStrictLiteral() {
return (code_ & kStringLiteralMask) == kUseStrictString;
bool IsThis() {
return code_ == kThisExpression;
bool IsThisProperty() {
return code_ == kThisPropertyExpression;
bool IsStrictFunction() {
return code_ == kStrictFunctionExpression;
// First two/three bits are used as flags.
// Bit 0 and 1 represent identifiers or strings literals, and are
// mutually exclusive, but can both be absent.
enum {
kUnknownExpression = 0,
// Identifiers
kIdentifierFlag = 1, // Used to detect labels.
kIdentifierShift = 3,
kStringLiteralFlag = 2, // Used to detect directive prologue.
kUnknownStringLiteral = kStringLiteralFlag,
kUseStrictString = kStringLiteralFlag | 8,
kStringLiteralMask = kUseStrictString,
// Below here applies if neither identifier nor string literal.
kThisExpression = 4,
kThisPropertyExpression = 8,
kStrictFunctionExpression = 12
explicit Expression(int expression_code) : code_(expression_code) { }
int code_;
class Statement {
static Statement Default() {
......@@ -546,27 +658,6 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase {
bool is_generator_;
// Report syntax error
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location,
const char* message,
Vector<const char*> args) {
args.length() > 0 ? args[0] : NULL);
void ReportMessageAt(Scanner::Location location,
const char* type,
const char* name_opt) {
log_->LogMessage(location.beg_pos, location.end_pos, type, name_opt);
void ReportMessageAt(int start_pos,
int end_pos,
const char* type,
const char* name_opt) {
log_->LogMessage(start_pos, end_pos, type, name_opt);
// All ParseXXX functions take as the last argument an *ok parameter
// which is set to false if parsing failed; it is unchanged otherwise.
// By making the 'exception handling' explicit, we are forced to check
......@@ -622,18 +713,8 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase {
bool* ok);
void ParseLazyFunctionLiteralBody(bool* ok);
Identifier ParseIdentifier(AllowEvalOrArgumentsAsIdentifier, bool* ok);
Identifier ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(bool* is_strict_reserved,
bool* ok);
Identifier ParseIdentifierName(bool* ok);
Identifier ParseIdentifierNameOrGetOrSet(bool* is_get,
bool* is_set,
bool* ok);
// Logs the currently parsed literal as a symbol in the preparser data.
void LogSymbol();
// Log the currently parsed identifier.
Identifier GetIdentifierSymbol();
// Log the currently parsed string literal.
Expression GetStringSymbol();
......@@ -641,10 +722,6 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase {
virtual bool is_classic_mode() {
return scope_->language_mode() == CLASSIC_MODE;
bool is_extended_mode() {
return scope_->language_mode() == EXTENDED_MODE;
......@@ -658,6 +735,154 @@ class PreParser : public ParserBase {
bool parenthesized_function_;
template<class Traits>
void ParserBase<Traits>::ReportUnexpectedToken(Token::Value token) {
// We don't report stack overflows here, to avoid increasing the
// stack depth even further. Instead we report it after parsing is
// over, in ParseProgram.
if (token == Token::ILLEGAL && stack_overflow()) {
Scanner::Location source_location = scanner()->location();
// Four of the tokens are treated specially
switch (token) {
case Token::EOS:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_eos");
case Token::NUMBER:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_token_number");
case Token::STRING:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_token_string");
case Token::IDENTIFIER:
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_token_identifier");
return ReportMessageAt(source_location, "unexpected_reserved");
case Token::YIELD:
return ReportMessageAt(
this->is_classic_mode() ? "unexpected_token_identifier"
: "unexpected_strict_reserved");
const char* name = Token::String(token);
ASSERT(name != NULL);
source_location, "unexpected_token", Vector<const char*>(&name, 1));
template<class Traits>
typename Traits::IdentifierType ParserBase<Traits>::ParseIdentifier(
AllowEvalOrArgumentsAsIdentifier allow_eval_or_arguments,
bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next == Token::IDENTIFIER) {
typename Traits::IdentifierType name = this->GetSymbol();
if (allow_eval_or_arguments == kDontAllowEvalOrArguments &&
!this->is_classic_mode() && this->IsEvalOrArguments(name)) {
ReportMessageAt(scanner()->location(), "strict_eval_arguments");
*ok = false;
return name;
} else if (this->is_classic_mode() &&
(next == Token::YIELD && !this->is_generator()))) {
return this->GetSymbol();
} else {
*ok = false;
return Traits::EmptyIdentifier();
template <class Traits>
typename Traits::IdentifierType ParserBase<
Traits>::ParseIdentifierOrStrictReservedWord(bool* is_strict_reserved,
bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next == Token::IDENTIFIER) {
*is_strict_reserved = false;
} else if (next == Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD ||
(next == Token::YIELD && !this->is_generator())) {
*is_strict_reserved = true;
} else {
*ok = false;
return Traits::EmptyIdentifier();
return this->GetSymbol();
template <class Traits>
typename Traits::IdentifierType ParserBase<Traits>::ParseIdentifierName(
bool* ok) {
Token::Value next = Next();
if (next != Token::IDENTIFIER && next != Token::FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD &&
next != Token::FUTURE_STRICT_RESERVED_WORD && !Token::IsKeyword(next)) {
*ok = false;
return Traits::EmptyIdentifier();
return this->GetSymbol();
template <class Traits>
typename Traits::IdentifierType
ParserBase<Traits>::ParseIdentifierNameOrGetOrSet(bool* is_get,
bool* is_set,
bool* ok) {
typename Traits::IdentifierType result = ParseIdentifierName(ok);
if (!*ok) return Traits::EmptyIdentifier();
if (scanner()->is_literal_ascii() &&
scanner()->literal_length() == 3) {
const char* token = scanner()->literal_ascii_string().start();
*is_get = strncmp(token, "get", 3) == 0;
*is_set = !*is_get && strncmp(token, "set", 3) == 0;
return result;
template <typename Traits>
void ParserBase<Traits>::ObjectLiteralChecker::CheckProperty(
Token::Value property,
PropertyKind type,
bool* ok) {
int old;
if (property == Token::NUMBER) {
old = finder_.AddNumber(scanner()->literal_ascii_string(), type);
} else if (scanner()->is_literal_ascii()) {
old = finder_.AddAsciiSymbol(scanner()->literal_ascii_string(), type);
} else {
old = finder_.AddUtf16Symbol(scanner()->literal_utf16_string(), type);
PropertyKind old_type = static_cast<PropertyKind>(old);
if (HasConflict(old_type, type)) {
if (IsDataDataConflict(old_type, type)) {
// Both are data properties.
if (language_mode_ == CLASSIC_MODE) return;
} else if (IsDataAccessorConflict(old_type, type)) {
// Both a data and an accessor property with the same name.
} else {
ASSERT(IsAccessorAccessorConflict(old_type, type));
// Both accessors of the same type.
*ok = false;
} } // v8::internal
#endif // V8_PREPARSER_H
......@@ -1108,8 +1108,9 @@ enum ParserSyncTestResult {
void SetParserFlags(i::ParserBase* parser, i::EnumSet<ParserFlag> flags) {
template <typename Traits>
void SetParserFlags(i::ParserBase<Traits>* parser,
i::EnumSet<ParserFlag> flags) {
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