Commit 709be02b authored by cbruni's avatar cbruni Committed by Commit bot

[tools] improve the ic-explorer

- drilldown lazy and recursive
- improve parsing


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#33774}
parent da5f4a6a
......@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@
.key {
padding-left: 1em;
.drilldown-group-title {
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0.5em 0 0.2em 0;
"use strict"
......@@ -30,7 +34,9 @@ var entries = [];
class Entry {
constructor(id, line) { = id;
this.line = line;
var parts = line.split(" ");
if (parts.length < 6) return
this.isValid = false;
if (parts[0][0] !== "[") return;
if (parts[1] === "patching") return;
......@@ -44,32 +50,27 @@ class Entry {
if (this.type.length == 0) return;
if (this.type.indexOf('BinaryOpIC(') === 0) {
this.type = "BinaryOpIC";
this.isNative = parts[8] == "native"
var offset = this.isNative ? 1 : 0;
var split = parts[0].split('(');
this.state = "(" + split[1] + " => " + parts[2];
this.position = parts[6];
this.file = parts[8 + offset];
var offset = this.parsePositionAndFile(parts, 6);
if (offset == -1) return
if (this.file === undefined) return
this.file = this.file.slice(0,-1);
} else {
this.position = parts[2];
this.isNative = parts[4] == "native"
var offset = this.isNative ? 1 : 0;
this.file = parts[4 + offset];
this.state = parts[5 + offset];
var offset = this.parsePositionAndFile(parts, 2);
if (offset == -1) return
this.state = parts[++offset];
if (this.type !== "CompareIC") {
// if there is no address we have a smi key
var address = parts[6 + offset];
var address = parts[++offset];
if (address !== undefined && address.indexOf("0x") === 0) {
this.key = parts.slice(7 + offset).join(" ");
this.key = parts.slice(++offset).join(" ");
} else {
this.key = address;
this.filePosition = this.file + " " + this.position;
this.isValid = true;
if (this.key) {
var isStringKey = false
if (this.key.indexOf("<String[") === 0) {
......@@ -87,10 +88,27 @@ class Entry {
this.key = this.key + "\"";
this.isValid = true;
parsePositionAndFile(parts, start) {
// find the position of 'at' in the parts array.
var offset = start;
for (var i = start+1; i<parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] == 'at') break;
if (parts[offset] !== 'at') return -1;
this.position = parts.slice(start, offset).join(' ');
offset += 1;
this.isNative = parts[offset] == "native"
offset += this.isNative ? 1 : 0;
this.file = parts[offset];
return offset;
function updateSize() {
function loadFile() {
var files = document.getElementById("uploadInput").files;
var file = files[0];
......@@ -126,7 +144,32 @@ function updateSize() {
var properties = ['type', 'category', 'file', 'filePosition', 'state' , 'key', 'isNative']
function groupBy(entries, property, subGroup) {
class Group {
constructor(property, key, entry) { = property;
this.key = key;
this.count = 1;
this.entries = [entry];
this.percentage = undefined;
this.groups = undefined;
add(entry) {
this.count ++;
createSubGroups() {
this.groups = {};
for (var i=0; i<properties.length; i++) {
var subProperty = properties[i];
if ( == subProperty) continue;
this.groups[subProperty] = groupBy(this.entries, subProperty);
function groupBy(entries, property) {
var accumulator = {};
accumulator.__proto__ = null;
var length = entries.length;
......@@ -134,33 +177,23 @@ function groupBy(entries, property, subGroup) {
var entry = entries[i];
var key = entry[property];
if (accumulator[key] == undefined) {
accumulator[key] = { key: key, count: 1, entries: [ entry ]};
accumulator[key] = new Group(property, key, entry)
} else {
var record = accumulator[key];
if (record.entries == undefined) console.log([record, entry]);
record.count ++;
var group = accumulator[key];
if (group.entries == undefined) console.log([group, entry]);
var result = []
for (var key in accumulator) {
var record = accumulator[key];
record.percentage = Math.round(record.count / length * 100 * 100) / 100;
if (subGroup) subGroupBy(record, property);
var group = accumulator[key];
group.percentage = Math.round(group.count / length * 100 * 100) / 100;
result.sort((a,b) => { return b.count - a.count });
return result;
function subGroupBy(record, originalProperty) {
record.groups = {};
for (var i=0; i<properties.length; i++) {
var property = properties[i];
if (property == originalProperty) continue;
record.groups[property] = groupBy(record.entries, property, false);
......@@ -170,7 +203,8 @@ function updateTable() {
var tableBody = document.getElementById("table-body");
display(groupBy(entries, key, true), tableBody, true);
var groups = groupBy(entries, key, true);
display(groups, tableBody);
function selecedOption(node) {
......@@ -183,10 +217,7 @@ function removeAllChildren(node) {
function display(entries, parent, showDetails) {
if (showDetails) {
function display(entries, parent) {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
function td(tr, content, className) {
......@@ -194,60 +225,67 @@ function display(entries, parent, showDetails) {
td.innerHTML = content;
td.className = className
return tr
return td
var max = Math.min(1000, entries.length)
for (var i = 0; i<max; i++) {
var entry = entries[i];
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
tr.entry = entry;
td(tr, '<span onclick="toggleDetails(this)">details</a>', 'details');
td(tr, entry.percentage +"%", 'percentage');
td(tr, entry.count, 'count');
td(tr, entry.key, 'key');
var omitted = entries.length - max;
if (omitted > 0) {
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var td = td(tr, 'Omitted ' + omitted + " entries.");
td.colSpan = 4;
function drillDown(entry, tr) { = "details-" + i;
function displayDrilldown(entry, previousSibling) {
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.className = "entry-details"; = "none";
// indent by one td.
var td = document.createElement("td");
td.colSpan = 3;
for (var key in entry.groups) {
td.appendChild(drillDownGroup(entry, key));
td.appendChild(displayDrilldownGroup(entry, key));
// Append the new TR after previousSibling.
previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(tr, previousSibling.nextSibling)
function drillDownGroup(entry, key) {
function displayDrilldownGroup(entry, key) {
var max = 20;
var group = entry.groups[key];
var div = document.createElement("div")
div.innerHTML = key;
div.className = 'drilldown-group-title'
div.innerHTML = key + ' [top ' + max + ']';
var table = document.createElement("table");
display(group.slice(0, 20), table, false)
display(group.slice(0, max), table, false)
return div;
for (var i = 0; i<entries.length; i++) {
var entry = entries[i];
var tr = document.createElement("tr"); = "row-" + i; = i;
if (showDetails) {
td(tr, '<span onclick="toggleDetails(this)">details</a>', 'details');
td(tr, entry.percentage +"%", 'percentage');
td(tr, entry.count, 'count');
td(tr, entry.key, 'key');
if (showDetails) {
tr = document.createElement("tr");
drillDown(entry, tr);
function toggleDetails(node) {
var tr = node.parentNode.parentNode;
var id = 'details-';
var details = document.getElementById(id);
var entry = tr.entry;
// Create subgroup in-place if the don't exist yet.
if (entry.groups === undefined) {
displayDrilldown(entry, tr);
var details = tr.nextSibling;
var display =;
if (display != "none") {
display = "none";
......@@ -281,7 +319,7 @@ function initGroupKeySelect() {
<form name="fileForm">
<input id="uploadInput" type="file" name="files" onchange="updateSize();" >
<input id="uploadInput" type="file" name="files" onchange="loadFile();" >
trace entries: <span id="count">0</span>
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