Commit 6fd04d82 authored by's avatar

Redesign of the internal type system.

Besides addressing a fundamental flaw, this significantly simplifies
several aspects of the system.  The downside is a loss of precision
and a loss of algebraic properties.

Range types are now fully implemented.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 43538e57
......@@ -11,165 +11,151 @@ namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Range-related custom order on doubles.
// We want -0 to be less than +0.
static bool dle(double x, double y) {
return x <= y && (x != 0 || IsMinusZero(x) || !IsMinusZero(y));
static bool deq(double x, double y) {
return dle(x, y) && dle(y, x);
// NOTE: If code is marked as being a "shortcut", this means that removing
// the code won't affect the semantics of the surrounding function definition.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Glb and lub computation.
// Range-related helper functions.
// The largest bitset subsumed by this type.
// The result may be invalid (max < min).
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Glb(TypeImpl* type) {
typename TypeImpl<Config>::Limits TypeImpl<Config>::Intersect(
Limits lhs, Limits rhs) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (type->IsBitset()) {
return type->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsUnion()) {
UnionHandle unioned = handle(type->AsUnion());
return unioned->Get(0)->BitsetGlb(); // Other BitsetGlb's are kNone anyway.
} else {
return kNone;
Limits result(lhs);
if (lhs.min->Number() < rhs.min->Number()) result.min = rhs.min;
if (lhs.max->Number() > rhs.max->Number()) result.max = rhs.max;
return result;
// The smallest bitset subsuming this type.
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(TypeImpl* type) {
typename TypeImpl<Config>::Limits TypeImpl<Config>::Union(
Limits lhs, Limits rhs) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (type->IsBitset()) {
return type->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsUnion()) {
UnionHandle unioned = handle(type->AsUnion());
bitset result = kNone;
for (int i = 0; i < unioned->Length(); ++i) {
result |= unioned->Get(i)->BitsetLub();
Limits result(lhs);
if (lhs.min->Number() > rhs.min->Number()) result.min = rhs.min;
if (lhs.max->Number() < rhs.max->Number()) result.max = rhs.max;
return result;
} else if (type->IsClass()) {
// Little hack to avoid the need for a region for handlification here...
return Config::is_class(type) ? Lub(*Config::as_class(type)) :
} else if (type->IsConstant()) {
return type->AsConstant()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsRange()) {
return type->AsRange()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsContext()) {
return type->AsContext()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsArray()) {
return type->AsArray()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsFunction()) {
return type->AsFunction()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else {
return kNone;
// The smallest bitset subsuming this type, ignoring explicit bounds.
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::InherentLub(TypeImpl* type) {
bool TypeImpl<Config>::Overlap(
typename TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType* lhs,
typename TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType* rhs) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (type->IsBitset()) {
return type->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsUnion()) {
UnionHandle unioned = handle(type->AsUnion());
bitset result = kNone;
for (int i = 0; i < unioned->Length(); ++i) {
result |= unioned->Get(i)->InherentBitsetLub();
return result;
} else if (type->IsClass()) {
return Lub(*type->AsClass()->Map());
} else if (type->IsConstant()) {
return Lub(*type->AsConstant()->Value());
} else if (type->IsRange()) {
return Lub(type->AsRange()->Min(), type->AsRange()->Max());
} else if (type->IsContext()) {
return kInternal & kTaggedPtr;
} else if (type->IsArray()) {
return kArray;
} else if (type->IsFunction()) {
return kFunction;
} else {
return kNone;
typename TypeImpl<Config>::Limits lim = Intersect(Limits(lhs), Limits(rhs));
return lim.min->Number() <= lim.max->Number();
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(i::Object* value) {
bool TypeImpl<Config>::Contains(
typename TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType* lhs,
typename TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType* rhs) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (value->IsNumber()) {
return Lub(value->Number()) & (value->IsSmi() ? kTaggedInt : kTaggedPtr);
return Lub(i::HeapObject::cast(value)->map());
return lhs->Min()->Number() <= rhs->Min()->Number()
&& rhs->Max()->Number() <= lhs->Max()->Number();
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(double value) {
bool TypeImpl<Config>::Contains(
typename TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType* range, i::Object* val) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (i::IsMinusZero(value)) return kMinusZero;
if (std::isnan(value)) return kNaN;
if (IsUint32Double(value)) return Lub(FastD2UI(value));
if (IsInt32Double(value)) return Lub(FastD2I(value));
return kOtherNumber;
return IsInteger(val)
&& range->Min()->Number() <= val->Number()
&& val->Number() <= range->Max()->Number();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Min and Max computation.
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(double min, double max) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
DCHECK(dle(min, max));
if (deq(min, max)) return BitsetType::Lub(min); // Singleton range.
bitset result = BitsetType::kNumber ^ SEMANTIC(BitsetType::kNaN);
if (dle(0, min) || max < 0) result ^= SEMANTIC(BitsetType::kMinusZero);
return result;
// TODO(neis): Could refine this further by doing more checks on min/max.
double TypeImpl<Config>::Min() {
if (this->IsBitset()) return BitsetType::Min(this->AsBitset());
if (this->IsUnion()) {
double min = +V8_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < this->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
min = std::min(min, this->AsUnion()->Get(i)->Min());
return min;
if (this->IsRange()) return this->AsRange()->Min()->Number();
if (this->IsConstant()) return this->AsConstant()->Value()->Number();
return 0;
template<class Config>
double TypeImpl<Config>::Max() {
if (this->IsBitset()) return BitsetType::Max(this->AsBitset());
if (this->IsUnion()) {
double max = -V8_INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < this->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
max = std::max(max, this->AsUnion()->Get(i)->Max());
return max;
if (this->IsRange()) return this->AsRange()->Max()->Number();
if (this->IsConstant()) return this->AsConstant()->Value()->Number();
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Glb and lub computation.
// The largest bitset subsumed by this type.
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(int32_t value) {
if (value >= 0x40000000) {
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? kOtherUnsigned31 : kUnsignedSmall;
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Glb(TypeImpl* type) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (type->IsBitset()) {
return type->AsBitset();
} else if (type->IsUnion()) {
return type->AsUnion()->Get(0)->BitsetGlb(); // Shortcut.
// (The remaining BitsetGlb's are None anyway).
} else {
return kNone;
if (value >= 0) return kUnsignedSmall;
if (value >= -0x40000000) return kOtherSignedSmall;
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? kOtherSigned32 : kOtherSignedSmall;
// The smallest bitset subsuming this type.
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(uint32_t value) {
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(TypeImpl* type) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (value >= 0x80000000u) return kOtherUnsigned32;
if (value >= 0x40000000u) {
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? kOtherUnsigned31 : kUnsignedSmall;
if (type->IsBitset()) return type->AsBitset();
if (type->IsUnion()) {
int bitset = kNone;
for (int i = 0; i < type->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
bitset |= type->AsUnion()->Get(i)->BitsetLub();
return kUnsignedSmall;
return bitset;
if (type->IsClass()) {
// Little hack to avoid the need for a region for handlification here...
return Config::is_class(type) ? Lub(*Config::as_class(type)) :
if (type->IsConstant()) return type->AsConstant()->Bound()->AsBitset();
if (type->IsRange()) return type->AsRange()->BitsetLub();
if (type->IsContext()) return kInternal & kTaggedPtr;
if (type->IsArray()) return kArray;
if (type->IsFunction()) return kFunction;
return kNone;
......@@ -190,6 +176,7 @@ TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(i::Map* map) {
return kOtherString;
......@@ -198,7 +185,7 @@ TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(i::Map* map) {
return kString;
return kInternalizedString;
return kSymbol;
......@@ -270,64 +257,191 @@ TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(i::Map* map) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Predicates.
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(i::Object* value) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (value->IsNumber()) {
return Lub(value->Number()) & (value->IsSmi() ? kTaggedInt : kTaggedPtr);
return Lub(i::HeapObject::cast(value)->map());
// Check this <= that.
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::SlowIs(TypeImpl* that) {
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(double value) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (i::IsMinusZero(value)) return kMinusZero;
if (std::isnan(value)) return kNaN;
if (IsUint32Double(value)) return Lub(FastD2UI(value));
if (IsInt32Double(value)) return Lub(FastD2I(value));
return kOtherNumber;
// Fast path for bitsets.
if (this->IsNone()) return true;
if (that->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::Is(BitsetType::Lub(this), that->AsBitset());
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(int32_t value) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (value >= 0x40000000) {
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? kOtherUnsigned31 : kUnsignedSmall;
if (value >= 0) return kUnsignedSmall;
if (value >= -0x40000000) return kOtherSignedSmall;
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? kOtherSigned32 : kOtherSignedSmall;
if (that->IsClass()) {
return this->IsClass()
&& *this->AsClass()->Map() == *that->AsClass()->Map()
&& ((Config::is_class(that) && Config::is_class(this)) ||
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(uint32_t value) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (value >= 0x80000000u) return kOtherUnsigned32;
if (value >= 0x40000000u) {
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? kOtherUnsigned31 : kUnsignedSmall;
if (that->IsConstant()) {
return this->IsConstant()
&& *this->AsConstant()->Value() == *that->AsConstant()->Value()
&& this->AsConstant()->Bound()->Is(that->AsConstant()->Bound());
return kUnsignedSmall;
// Minimum values of regular numeric bitsets when SmiValuesAre31Bits.
template<class Config>
const typename TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::BitsetMin
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::BitsetMins31[] = {
{kOtherNumber, -V8_INFINITY},
{kOtherSigned32, kMinInt},
{kOtherSignedSmall, -0x40000000},
{kUnsignedSmall, 0},
{kOtherUnsigned31, 0x40000000},
{kOtherUnsigned32, 0x80000000},
{kOtherNumber, static_cast<double>(kMaxUInt32) + 1}
// Minimum values of regular numeric bitsets when SmiValuesAre32Bits.
// OtherSigned32 and OtherUnsigned31 are empty (see the diagrams in types.h).
template<class Config>
const typename TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::BitsetMin
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::BitsetMins32[] = {
{kOtherNumber, -V8_INFINITY},
{kOtherSignedSmall, kMinInt},
{kUnsignedSmall, 0},
{kOtherUnsigned32, 0x80000000},
{kOtherNumber, static_cast<double>(kMaxUInt32) + 1}
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset
TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Lub(Limits lim) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
double min = lim.min->Number();
double max = lim.max->Number();
int lub = kNone;
const BitsetMin* mins = BitsetMins();
for (size_t i = 1; i < BitsetMinsSize(); ++i) {
if (min < mins[i].min) {
lub |= mins[i-1].bits;
if (max < mins[i].min) return lub;
return lub |= mins[BitsetMinsSize()-1].bits;
template<class Config>
double TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Min(bitset bits) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
DCHECK(Is(bits, kNumber));
const BitsetMin* mins = BitsetMins();
bool mz = SEMANTIC(bits & kMinusZero);
for (size_t i = 0; i < BitsetMinsSize(); ++i) {
if (Is(SEMANTIC(mins[i].bits), bits)) {
return mz ? std::min(0.0, mins[i].min) : mins[i].min;
if (that->IsRange()) {
return this->IsRange()
&& this->AsRange()->Bound()->Is(that->AsRange()->Bound())
&& dle(that->AsRange()->Min(), this->AsRange()->Min())
&& dle(this->AsRange()->Max(), that->AsRange()->Max());
if (that->IsContext()) {
return this->IsContext()
if (mz) return 0;
return base::OS::nan_value();
template<class Config>
double TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Max(bitset bits) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
DCHECK(Is(bits, kNumber));
const BitsetMin* mins = BitsetMins();
bool mz = bits & kMinusZero;
if (BitsetType::Is(mins[BitsetMinsSize()-1].bits, bits)) {
return +V8_INFINITY;
for (size_t i = BitsetMinsSize()-1; i-- > 0; ) {
if (Is(SEMANTIC(mins[i].bits), bits)) {
return mz ?
std::max(0.0, mins[i+1].min - 1) : mins[i+1].min - 1;
if (mz) return 0;
return base::OS::nan_value();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Predicates.
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::SimplyEquals(TypeImpl* that) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (this->IsClass()) {
return that->IsClass()
&& *this->AsClass()->Map() == *that->AsClass()->Map();
if (this->IsConstant()) {
return that->IsConstant()
&& *this->AsConstant()->Value() == *that->AsConstant()->Value();
if (this->IsContext()) {
return that->IsContext()
&& this->AsContext()->Outer()->Equals(that->AsContext()->Outer());
if (that->IsArray()) {
return this->IsArray()
if (this->IsArray()) {
return that->IsArray()
&& this->AsArray()->Element()->Equals(that->AsArray()->Element());
if (that->IsFunction()) {
// We currently do not allow for any variance here, in order to keep
// Union and Intersect operations simple.
if (!this->IsFunction()) return false;
if (this->IsFunction()) {
if (!that->IsFunction()) return false;
FunctionType* this_fun = this->AsFunction();
FunctionType* that_fun = that->AsFunction();
if (this_fun->Arity() != that_fun->Arity() ||
!this_fun->Result()->Equals(that_fun->Result()) ||
!that_fun->Receiver()->Equals(this_fun->Receiver())) {
!this_fun->Receiver()->Equals(that_fun->Receiver())) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < this_fun->Arity(); ++i) {
if (!that_fun->Parameter(i)->Equals(this_fun->Parameter(i))) return false;
if (!this_fun->Parameter(i)->Equals(that_fun->Parameter(i))) return false;
return true;
return false;
// Check if [this] <= [that].
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::SlowIs(TypeImpl* that) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (that->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::Is(this->BitsetLub(), that->AsBitset());
if (this->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::Is(this->AsBitset(), that->BitsetGlb());
// (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) <= T <=> (T1 <= T) /\ ... /\ (Tn <= T)
// (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) <= T if (T1 <= T) /\ ... /\ (Tn <= T)
if (this->IsUnion()) {
UnionHandle unioned = handle(this->AsUnion());
for (int i = 0; i < unioned->Length(); ++i) {
......@@ -336,15 +450,22 @@ bool TypeImpl<Config>::SlowIs(TypeImpl* that) {
return true;
// T <= (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) <=> (T <= T1) \/ ... \/ (T <= Tn)
// (iff T is not a union)
DCHECK(!this->IsUnion() && that->IsUnion());
UnionHandle unioned = handle(that->AsUnion());
for (int i = 0; i < unioned->Length(); ++i) {
if (this->Is(unioned->Get(i))) return true;
if (this->IsBitset()) break; // Fast fail, only first field is a bitset.
// T <= (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) if (T <= T1) \/ ... \/ (T <= Tn)
if (that->IsUnion()) {
for (int i = 0; i < that->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
if (this->Is(that->AsUnion()->Get(i))) return true;
if (i > 1 && this->IsRange()) return false; // Shortcut.
return false;
if (that->IsRange()) {
return (this->IsRange() && Contains(that->AsRange(), this->AsRange()))
|| (this->IsConstant() &&
Contains(that->AsRange(), *this->AsConstant()->Value()));
if (this->IsRange()) return false;
return this->SimplyEquals(that);
......@@ -368,7 +489,7 @@ bool TypeImpl<Config>::NowIs(TypeImpl* that) {
// Check if this contains only (currently) stable classes.
// Check if [this] contains only (currently) stable classes.
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::NowStable() {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
......@@ -379,12 +500,12 @@ bool TypeImpl<Config>::NowStable() {
// Check this overlaps that.
// Check if [this] and [that] overlap.
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::Maybe(TypeImpl* that) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
// (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) overlaps T <=> (T1 overlaps T) \/ ... \/ (Tn overlaps T)
// (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) overlaps T if (T1 overlaps T) \/ ... \/ (Tn overlaps T)
if (this->IsUnion()) {
UnionHandle unioned = handle(this->AsUnion());
for (int i = 0; i < unioned->Length(); ++i) {
......@@ -393,68 +514,80 @@ bool TypeImpl<Config>::Maybe(TypeImpl* that) {
return false;
// T overlaps (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) <=> (T overlaps T1) \/ ... \/ (T overlaps Tn)
// T overlaps (T1 \/ ... \/ Tn) if (T overlaps T1) \/ ... \/ (T overlaps Tn)
if (that->IsUnion()) {
UnionHandle unioned = handle(that->AsUnion());
for (int i = 0; i < unioned->Length(); ++i) {
if (this->Maybe(unioned->Get(i))) return true;
for (int i = 0; i < that->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
if (this->Maybe(that->AsUnion()->Get(i))) return true;
return false;
DCHECK(!this->IsUnion() && !that->IsUnion());
if (this->IsBitset() || that->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::IsInhabited(this->BitsetLub() & that->BitsetLub());
if (!BitsetType::IsInhabited(this->BitsetLub() & that->BitsetLub()))
return false;
if (this->IsBitset() || that->IsBitset()) return true;
if (this->IsClass() != that->IsClass()) return true;
if (this->IsRange()) {
if (that->IsConstant()) {
return Contains(this->AsRange(), *that->AsConstant()->Value());
if (this->IsClass()) {
return that->IsClass()
&& *this->AsClass()->Map() == *that->AsClass()->Map();
return that->IsRange() && Overlap(this->AsRange(), that->AsRange());
if (that->IsRange()) {
if (this->IsConstant()) {
return that->IsConstant()
&& *this->AsConstant()->Value() == *that->AsConstant()->Value();
return Contains(that->AsRange(), *this->AsConstant()->Value());
if (this->IsContext()) {
return this->Equals(that);
if (this->IsArray()) {
// There is no variance!
return this->Equals(that);
if (this->IsFunction()) {
// There is no variance!
return this->Equals(that);
return this->IsRange() && Overlap(this->AsRange(), that->AsRange());
return false;
return this->SimplyEquals(that);
// Check if value is contained in (inhabits) type.
// Return the range in [this], or [NULL].
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::Contains(i::Object* value) {
typename TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType* TypeImpl<Config>::GetRange() {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
if (this->IsRange()) {
return value->IsNumber() &&
dle(this->AsRange()->Min(), value->Number()) &&
dle(value->Number(), this->AsRange()->Max()) &&
BitsetType::Is(BitsetType::Lub(value), this->BitsetLub());
if (this->IsRange()) return this->AsRange();
if (this->IsUnion() && this->AsUnion()->Get(1)->IsRange()) {
return this->AsUnion()->Get(1)->AsRange();
return NULL;
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::Contains(i::Object* value) {
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
for (Iterator<i::Object> it = this->Constants(); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
if (*it.Current() == value) return true;
if (IsInteger(value)) {
RangeType* range = this->GetRange();
if (range != NULL && Contains(range, value)) return true;
return BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(value))->Is(this);
template<class Config>
bool TypeImpl<Config>::UnionType::Wellformed() {
DCHECK(this->Length() >= 2);
DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
// This checks the invariants of the union representation:
// 1. There are at least two elements.
// 2. At most one element is a bitset, and it must be the first one.
// 3. At most one element is a range, and it must be the second one
// (even when the first element is not a bitset).
// 4. No element is itself a union.
// 5. No element is a subtype of any other.
DCHECK(this->Length() >= 2); // (1)
for (int i = 0; i < this->Length(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) DCHECK(!this->Get(i)->IsBitset());
if (i != 0) DCHECK(!this->Get(i)->IsBitset()); // (2)
if (i != 1) DCHECK(!this->Get(i)->IsRange()); // (3)
DCHECK(!this->Get(i)->IsUnion()); // (4)
for (int j = 0; j < this->Length(); ++j) {
if (i != j) DCHECK(!this->Get(i)->Is(this->Get(j)));
if (i != j) DCHECK(!this->Get(i)->Is(this->Get(j))); // (5)
return true;
......@@ -464,135 +597,148 @@ bool TypeImpl<Config>::UnionType::Wellformed() {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Union and intersection
static bool AddIsSafe(int x, int y) {
return x >= 0 ?
y <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - x :
y >= std::numeric_limits<int>::min() - x;
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::Rebound(
bitset bitset_bound, Region* region) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(bitset_bound, region);
if (this->IsClass()) {
return ClassType::New(this->AsClass()->Map(), bound, region);
} else if (this->IsConstant()) {
return ConstantType::New(this->AsConstant()->Value(), bound, region);
} else if (this->IsRange()) {
return RangeType::New(
this->AsRange()->Min(), this->AsRange()->Max(), bound, region);
} else if (this->IsContext()) {
return ContextType::New(this->AsContext()->Outer(), bound, region);
} else if (this->IsArray()) {
return ArrayType::New(this->AsArray()->Element(), bound, region);
} else if (this->IsFunction()) {
FunctionHandle function = Config::handle(this->AsFunction());
int arity = function->Arity();
FunctionHandle type = FunctionType::New(
function->Result(), function->Receiver(), bound, arity, region);
for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) {
type->InitParameter(i, function->Parameter(i));
typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::Intersect(
TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2, Region* region) {
bitset bits = type1->BitsetGlb() & type2->BitsetGlb();
if (!BitsetType::IsInhabited(bits)) bits = BitsetType::kNone;
// Fast case: bit sets.
if (type1->IsBitset() && type2->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::New(bits, region);
return type;
// Fast case: top or bottom types.
if (type1->IsNone() || type2->IsAny()) return type1; // Shortcut.
if (type2->IsNone() || type1->IsAny()) return type2; // Shortcut.
// Semi-fast case.
if (type1->Is(type2)) return type1;
if (type2->Is(type1)) return type2;
// Slow case: create union.
int size1 = type1->IsUnion() ? type1->AsUnion()->Length() : 1;
int size2 = type2->IsUnion() ? type2->AsUnion()->Length() : 1;
if (!AddIsSafe(size1, size2)) return Any(region);
int size = size1 + size2;
if (!AddIsSafe(size, 2)) return Any(region);
size += 2;
UnionHandle result = UnionType::New(size, region);
size = 0;
// Deal with bitsets.
result->Set(size++, BitsetType::New(bits, region));
// Deal with ranges.
TypeHandle range = None(region);
RangeType* range1 = type1->GetRange();
RangeType* range2 = type2->GetRange();
if (range1 != NULL && range2 != NULL) {
Limits lim = Intersect(Limits(range1), Limits(range2));
if (lim.min->Number() <= lim.max->Number()) {
range = RangeType::New(lim, region);
return TypeHandle();
result->Set(size++, range);
size = IntersectAux(type1, type2, result, size, region);
return NormalizeUnion(result, size);
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::bitset TypeImpl<Config>::BoundBy(TypeImpl* that) {
if (that->IsUnion()) {
UnionType* unioned = that->AsUnion();
int length = unioned->Length();
bitset result = BitsetType::kNone;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
result |= BoundBy(unioned->Get(i)->unhandle());
int TypeImpl<Config>::UpdateRange(
RangeHandle range, UnionHandle result, int size, Region* region) {
TypeHandle old_range = result->Get(1);
DCHECK(old_range->IsRange() || old_range->IsNone());
if (range->Is(old_range)) return size;
if (!old_range->Is(range->unhandle())) {
range = RangeType::New(
Union(Limits(range->AsRange()), Limits(old_range->AsRange())), region);
result->Set(1, range);
// Remove any components that just got subsumed.
for (int i = 2; i < size; ) {
if (result->Get(i)->Is(range->unhandle())) {
result->Set(i, result->Get(--size));
} else {
return result;
} else if (that->IsClass() && this->IsClass() &&
*this->AsClass()->Map() == *that->AsClass()->Map()) {
return that->BitsetLub();
} else if (that->IsConstant() && this->IsConstant() &&
*this->AsConstant()->Value() == *that->AsConstant()->Value()) {
return that->AsConstant()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else if (that->IsContext() && this->IsContext() && this->Is(that)) {
return that->AsContext()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else if (that->IsArray() && this->IsArray() && this->Is(that)) {
return that->AsArray()->Bound()->AsBitset();
} else if (that->IsFunction() && this->IsFunction() && this->Is(that)) {
return that->AsFunction()->Bound()->AsBitset();
return that->BitsetGlb();
return size;
template<class Config>
int TypeImpl<Config>::IndexInUnion(
bitset bound, UnionHandle unioned, int current_size) {
for (int i = 0; i < current_size; ++i) {
TypeHandle that = unioned->Get(i);
if (that->IsBitset()) {
if (BitsetType::Is(bound, that->AsBitset())) return i;
} else if (that->IsClass() && this->IsClass()) {
if (*this->AsClass()->Map() == *that->AsClass()->Map()) return i;
} else if (that->IsConstant() && this->IsConstant()) {
if (*this->AsConstant()->Value() == *that->AsConstant()->Value())
return i;
} else if (that->IsContext() && this->IsContext()) {
if (this->Is(that)) return i;
} else if (that->IsArray() && this->IsArray()) {
if (this->Is(that)) return i;
} else if (that->IsFunction() && this->IsFunction()) {
if (this->Is(that)) return i;
int TypeImpl<Config>::IntersectAux(
TypeHandle lhs, TypeHandle rhs,
UnionHandle result, int size, Region* region) {
if (lhs->IsUnion()) {
for (int i = 0; i < lhs->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
size = IntersectAux(lhs->AsUnion()->Get(i), rhs, result, size, region);
return size;
if (rhs->IsUnion()) {
for (int i = 0; i < rhs->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
size = IntersectAux(lhs, rhs->AsUnion()->Get(i), result, size, region);
return size;
return -1;
if (!BitsetType::IsInhabited(lhs->BitsetLub() & rhs->BitsetLub())) {
return size;
// Get non-bitsets from type, bounded by upper.
// Store at result starting at index. Returns updated index.
template<class Config>
int TypeImpl<Config>::ExtendUnion(
UnionHandle result, int size, TypeHandle type,
TypeHandle other, bool is_intersect, Region* region) {
if (type->IsUnion()) {
UnionHandle unioned = Config::template cast<UnionType>(type);
for (int i = 0; i < unioned->Length(); ++i) {
TypeHandle type_i = unioned->Get(i);
DCHECK(i == 0 || !(type_i->IsBitset() || type_i->Is(unioned->Get(0))));
if (!type_i->IsBitset()) {
size = ExtendUnion(result, size, type_i, other, is_intersect, region);
} else if (!type->IsBitset()) {
DCHECK(type->IsClass() || type->IsConstant() || type->IsRange() ||
type->IsContext() || type->IsArray() || type->IsFunction());
bitset inherent_bound = type->InherentBitsetLub();
bitset old_bound = type->BitsetLub();
bitset other_bound = type->BoundBy(other->unhandle()) & inherent_bound;
bitset new_bound =
is_intersect ? (old_bound & other_bound) : (old_bound | other_bound);
if (new_bound != BitsetType::kNone) {
int i = type->IndexInUnion(new_bound, result, size);
if (i == -1) {
i = size++;
} else if (result->Get(i)->IsBitset()) {
return size; // Already fully subsumed.
} else {
bitset type_i_bound = result->Get(i)->BitsetLub();
new_bound |= type_i_bound;
if (new_bound == type_i_bound) return size;
if (lhs->IsRange()) {
if (rhs->IsBitset() || rhs->IsClass()) {
return UpdateRange(
Config::template cast<RangeType>(lhs), result, size, region);
if (rhs->IsConstant() &&
Contains(lhs->AsRange(), *rhs->AsConstant()->Value())) {
return AddToUnion(rhs, result, size, region);
return size;
if (rhs->IsRange()) {
if (lhs->IsBitset() || lhs->IsClass()) {
return UpdateRange(
Config::template cast<RangeType>(rhs), result, size, region);
if (new_bound != old_bound) type = type->Rebound(new_bound, region);
result->Set(i, type);
if (lhs->IsConstant() &&
Contains(rhs->AsRange(), *lhs->AsConstant()->Value())) {
return AddToUnion(lhs, result, size, region);
return size;
if (lhs->IsBitset() || rhs->IsBitset()) {
return AddToUnion(lhs->IsBitset() ? rhs : lhs, result, size, region);
if (lhs->IsClass() != rhs->IsClass()) {
return AddToUnion(lhs->IsClass() ? rhs : lhs, result, size, region);
if (lhs->SimplyEquals(rhs->unhandle())) {
return AddToUnion(lhs, result, size, region);
return size;
// Union is O(1) on simple bitsets, but O(n*m) on structured unions.
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::Union(
TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2, Region* region) {
// Fast case: bit sets.
if (type1->IsBitset() && type2->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::New(type1->AsBitset() | type2->AsBitset(), region);
......@@ -602,90 +748,80 @@ typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::Union(
if (type1->IsAny() || type2->IsNone()) return type1;
if (type2->IsAny() || type1->IsNone()) return type2;
// Semi-fast case: Unioned objects are neither involved nor produced.
if (!(type1->IsUnion() || type2->IsUnion())) {
// Semi-fast case.
if (type1->Is(type2)) return type2;
if (type2->Is(type1)) return type1;
// Slow case: may need to produce a Unioned object.
int size = 0;
if (!type1->IsBitset()) {
size += (type1->IsUnion() ? type1->AsUnion()->Length() : 1);
if (!type2->IsBitset()) {
size += (type2->IsUnion() ? type2->AsUnion()->Length() : 1);
bitset bits = type1->BitsetGlb() | type2->BitsetGlb();
if (bits != BitsetType::kNone) ++size;
DCHECK(size >= 1);
UnionHandle unioned = UnionType::New(size, region);
// Slow case: create union.
int size1 = type1->IsUnion() ? type1->AsUnion()->Length() : 1;
int size2 = type2->IsUnion() ? type2->AsUnion()->Length() : 1;
if (!AddIsSafe(size1, size2)) return Any(region);
int size = size1 + size2;
if (!AddIsSafe(size, 2)) return Any(region);
size += 2;
UnionHandle result = UnionType::New(size, region);
size = 0;
if (bits != BitsetType::kNone) {
unioned->Set(size++, BitsetType::New(bits, region));
size = ExtendUnion(unioned, size, type1, type2, false, region);
size = ExtendUnion(unioned, size, type2, type1, false, region);
if (size == 1) {
return unioned->Get(0);
} else {
return unioned;
// Deal with bitsets.
TypeHandle bits = BitsetType::New(
type1->BitsetGlb() | type2->BitsetGlb(), region);
result->Set(size++, bits);
// Deal with ranges.
TypeHandle range = None(region);
RangeType* range1 = type1->GetRange();
RangeType* range2 = type2->GetRange();
if (range1 != NULL && range2 != NULL) {
range = RangeType::New(Union(Limits(range1), Limits(range2)), region);
} else if (range1 != NULL) {
range = handle(range1);
} else if (range2 != NULL) {
range = handle(range2);
result->Set(size++, range);
size = AddToUnion(type1, result, size, region);
size = AddToUnion(type2, result, size, region);
return NormalizeUnion(result, size);
// Intersection is O(1) on simple bitsets, but O(n*m) on structured unions.
// Add [type] to [result] unless [type] is bitset, range, or already subsumed.
// Return new size of [result].
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::Intersect(
TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2, Region* region) {
// Fast case: bit sets.
if (type1->IsBitset() && type2->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::New(type1->AsBitset() & type2->AsBitset(), region);
// Fast case: top or bottom types.
if (type1->IsNone() || type2->IsAny()) return type1;
if (type2->IsNone() || type1->IsAny()) return type2;
// Semi-fast case: Unioned objects are neither involved nor produced.
if (!(type1->IsUnion() || type2->IsUnion())) {
if (type1->Is(type2)) return type1;
if (type2->Is(type1)) return type2;
int TypeImpl<Config>::AddToUnion(
TypeHandle type, UnionHandle result, int size, Region* region) {
if (type->IsBitset() || type->IsRange()) return size;
if (type->IsUnion()) {
for (int i = 0; i < type->AsUnion()->Length(); ++i) {
size = AddToUnion(type->AsUnion()->Get(i), result, size, region);
// Slow case: may need to produce a Unioned object.
int size = 0;
if (!type1->IsBitset()) {
size += (type1->IsUnion() ? type1->AsUnion()->Length() : 1);
return size;
if (!type2->IsBitset()) {
size += (type2->IsUnion() ? type2->AsUnion()->Length() : 1);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (type->Is(result->Get(i))) return size;
bitset bits = type1->BitsetGlb() & type2->BitsetGlb();
if (bits != BitsetType::kNone) ++size;
DCHECK(size >= 1);
result->Set(size++, type);
return size;
UnionHandle unioned = UnionType::New(size, region);
size = 0;
if (bits != BitsetType::kNone) {
unioned->Set(size++, BitsetType::New(bits, region));
size = ExtendUnion(unioned, size, type1, type2, true, region);
size = ExtendUnion(unioned, size, type2, type1, true, region);
if (size == 0) {
return None(region);
} else if (size == 1) {
return unioned->Get(0);
} else {
template<class Config>
typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::NormalizeUnion(
UnionHandle unioned, int size) {
DCHECK(size >= 2);
// If range is subsumed by bitset, use its place for a different type.
if (unioned->Get(1)->Is(unioned->Get(0))) {
unioned->Set(1, unioned->Get(--size));
// If bitset is None, use its place for a different type.
if (size >= 2 && unioned->Get(0)->IsNone()) {
unioned->Set(0, unioned->Get(--size));
if (size == 1) return unioned->Get(0);
return unioned;
......@@ -802,19 +938,15 @@ typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::Convert(
if (type->IsBitset()) {
return BitsetType::New(type->AsBitset(), region);
} else if (type->IsClass()) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(type->BitsetLub(), region);
return ClassType::New(type->AsClass()->Map(), bound, region);
return ClassType::New(type->AsClass()->Map(), region);
} else if (type->IsConstant()) {
TypeHandle bound = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsConstant()->Bound(), region);
return ConstantType::New(type->AsConstant()->Value(), bound, region);
return ConstantType::New(type->AsConstant()->Value(), region);
} else if (type->IsRange()) {
TypeHandle bound = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsRange()->Bound(), region);
return RangeType::New(
type->AsRange()->Min(), type->AsRange()->Max(), bound, region);
type->AsRange()->Min(), type->AsRange()->Max(), region);
} else if (type->IsContext()) {
TypeHandle bound = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsContext()->Bound(), region);
TypeHandle outer = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsContext()->Outer(), region);
return ContextType::New(outer, bound, region);
return ContextType::New(outer, region);
} else if (type->IsUnion()) {
int length = type->AsUnion()->Length();
UnionHandle unioned = UnionType::New(length, region);
......@@ -825,14 +957,12 @@ typename TypeImpl<Config>::TypeHandle TypeImpl<Config>::Convert(
return unioned;
} else if (type->IsArray()) {
TypeHandle element = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsArray()->Element(), region);
TypeHandle bound = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsArray()->Bound(), region);
return ArrayType::New(element, bound, region);
return ArrayType::New(element, region);
} else if (type->IsFunction()) {
TypeHandle res = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsFunction()->Result(), region);
TypeHandle rcv = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsFunction()->Receiver(), region);
TypeHandle bound = Convert<OtherType>(type->AsFunction()->Bound(), region);
FunctionHandle function = FunctionType::New(
res, rcv, bound, type->AsFunction()->Arity(), region);
res, rcv, type->AsFunction()->Arity(), region);
for (int i = 0; i < function->Arity(); ++i) {
TypeHandle param = Convert<OtherType>(
type->AsFunction()->Parameter(i), region);
......@@ -917,14 +1047,10 @@ void TypeImpl<Config>::PrintTo(OStream& os, PrintDimension dim) { // NOLINT
os << ")";
} else if (this->IsConstant()) {
os << "Constant(" << static_cast<void*>(*this->AsConstant()->Value())
<< " : ";
BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(this))->PrintTo(os, dim);
os << ")";
<< ")";
} else if (this->IsRange()) {
os << "Range(" << this->AsRange()->Min()
<< ".." << this->AsRange()->Max() << " : ";
BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(this))->PrintTo(os, dim);
os << ")";
os << "Range(" << this->AsRange()->Min()->Number()
<< ", " << this->AsRange()->Max()->Number() << ")";
} else if (this->IsContext()) {
os << "Context(";
this->AsContext()->Outer()->PrintTo(os, dim);
......@@ -972,6 +1098,12 @@ void TypeImpl<Config>::Print() {
os << endl;
template <class Config>
void TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType::Print(bitset bits) {
OFStream os(stdout);
Print(os, bits);
os << endl;
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#ifndef V8_TYPES_H_
#define V8_TYPES_H_
#include "src/conversions.h"
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/handles.h"
#include "src/ostreams.h"
......@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ namespace internal {
// Types consist of two dimensions: semantic (value range) and representation.
// Both are related through subtyping.
// The following equations and inequations hold for the semantic axis:
......@@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ namespace internal {
// However, we also define a 'temporal' variant of the subtyping relation that
// considers the _current_ state only, i.e., Constant(x) <_now Class(map(x)).
// For the representation axis, the following holds:
......@@ -88,6 +91,16 @@ namespace internal {
// SignedSmall /\ TaggedInt (a 'smi')
// Number /\ TaggedPtr (a heap number)
// A range type represents a continuous integer interval by its minimum and
// maximum value. Either value might be an infinity.
// Constant(v) is considered a subtype of Range(x..y) if v happens to be an
// integer between x and y.
// There are two main functions for testing types:
......@@ -109,16 +122,18 @@ namespace internal {
// Any compilation decision based on such temporary properties requires runtime
// guarding!
// Various formal properties hold for constructors, operators, and predicates
// over types. For example, constructors are injective, subtyping is a complete
// partial order, union and intersection satisfy the usual algebraic properties.
// over types. For example, constructors are injective and subtyping is a
// complete partial order.
// See test/cctest/ for a comprehensive executable specification,
// especially with respect to the properties of the more exotic 'temporal'
// constructors and predicates (those prefixed 'Now').
// Internally, all 'primitive' types, and their unions, are represented as
......@@ -208,11 +223,35 @@ namespace internal {
kUndefined | kInternal) \
V(Any, 0xfffffffeu)
* The following diagrams show how integers (in the mathematical sense) are
* divided among the different atomic numerical types.
* If SmiValuesAre31Bits():
* ______[_______[_______[_______[_______[_______[_______
* -2^31 -2^30 0 2^30 2^31 2^32
* Otherwise:
* ______[_______________[_______________[_______[_______
* -2^31 0 2^31 2^32
* E.g., OtherUnsigned32 (OU32) covers all integers from 2^31 to 2^32-1.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The abstract Type class, parameterized over the low-level representation.
......@@ -282,17 +321,17 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
static TypeHandle type(Region* region) { \
return BitsetType::New(BitsetType::k##type, region); \
static TypeHandle Class(i::Handle<i::Map> map, Region* region) {
return ClassType::New(map, region);
static TypeHandle Constant(i::Handle<i::Object> value, Region* region) {
// TODO(neis): Return RangeType for numerical values.
return ConstantType::New(value, region);
static TypeHandle Range(double min, double max, Region* region) {
static TypeHandle Range(
i::Handle<i::Object> min, i::Handle<i::Object> max, Region* region) {
return RangeType::New(min, max, region);
static TypeHandle Context(TypeHandle outer, Region* region) {
......@@ -360,7 +399,7 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
template<class TypeHandle>
bool Equals(TypeHandle that) { return this->Equals(*that); }
// Equivalent to Constant(value)->Is(this), but avoiding allocation.
// Equivalent to Constant(val)->Is(this), but avoiding allocation.
bool Contains(i::Object* val);
bool Contains(i::Handle<i::Object> val) { return this->Contains(*val); }
......@@ -407,6 +446,13 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
ArrayType* AsArray() { return ArrayType::cast(this); }
FunctionType* AsFunction() { return FunctionType::cast(this); }
// Minimum and maximum of a numeric type.
// These functions do not distinguish between -0 and +0. If the type equals
// kNaN, they return NaN; otherwise kNaN is ignored. Only call these
// functions on subtypes of Number.
double Min();
double Max();
int NumClasses();
int NumConstants();
......@@ -469,16 +515,45 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
bitset BitsetGlb() { return BitsetType::Glb(this); }
bitset BitsetLub() { return BitsetType::Lub(this); }
bitset InherentBitsetLub() { return BitsetType::InherentLub(this); }
bool SlowIs(TypeImpl* that);
TypeHandle Rebound(bitset bound, Region* region);
bitset BoundBy(TypeImpl* that);
int IndexInUnion(bitset bound, UnionHandle unioned, int current_size);
static int ExtendUnion(
UnionHandle unioned, int current_size, TypeHandle t,
TypeHandle other, bool is_intersect, Region* region);
static bool IsInteger(double x) {
return nearbyint(x) == x && !i::IsMinusZero(x); // Allows for infinities.
static bool IsInteger(i::Object* x) {
return x->IsNumber() && IsInteger(x->Number());
struct Limits {
i::Handle<i::Object> min;
i::Handle<i::Object> max;
Limits(i::Handle<i::Object> min, i::Handle<i::Object> max) :
min(min), max(max) {}
explicit Limits(RangeType* range) :
min(range->Min()), max(range->Max()) {}
static Limits Intersect(Limits lhs, Limits rhs);
static Limits Union(Limits lhs, Limits rhs);
static bool Overlap(RangeType* lhs, RangeType* rhs);
static bool Contains(RangeType* lhs, RangeType* rhs);
static bool Contains(RangeType* range, i::Object* val);
RangeType* GetRange();
static int UpdateRange(
RangeHandle type, UnionHandle result, int size, Region* region);
bool SimplyEquals(TypeImpl* that);
template<class TypeHandle>
bool SimplyEquals(TypeHandle that) { return this->SimplyEquals(*that); }
static int AddToUnion(
TypeHandle type, UnionHandle result, int size, Region* region);
static int IntersectAux(
TypeHandle type, TypeHandle other,
UnionHandle result, int size, Region* region);
static TypeHandle NormalizeUnion(UnionHandle unioned, int size);
......@@ -499,19 +574,28 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType : public TypeImpl<Config> {
bitset Bitset() { return Config::as_bitset(this); }
static TypeImpl* New(bitset bits) { return Config::from_bitset(bits); }
static TypeImpl* New(bitset bits) {
DCHECK(bits == kNone || IsInhabited(bits));
return Config::from_bitset(bits);
static TypeHandle New(bitset bits, Region* region) {
DCHECK(bits == kNone || IsInhabited(bits));
return Config::from_bitset(bits, region);
// TODO(neis): Eventually allow again for types with empty semantics
// part and modify intersection and possibly subtyping accordingly.
static bool IsInhabited(bitset bits) {
return (bits & kRepresentation) && (bits & kSemantic);
return bits & kSemantic;
static bool Is(bitset bits1, bitset bits2) {
return (bits1 | bits2) == bits2;
static double Min(bitset);
static double Max(bitset);
static bitset Glb(TypeImpl* type); // greatest lower bound that's a bitset
static bitset Lub(TypeImpl* type); // least upper bound that's a bitset
static bitset Lub(i::Object* value);
......@@ -519,12 +603,29 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::BitsetType : public TypeImpl<Config> {
static bitset Lub(int32_t value);
static bitset Lub(uint32_t value);
static bitset Lub(i::Map* map);
static bitset Lub(double min, double max);
static bitset InherentLub(TypeImpl* type);
static bitset Lub(Limits lim);
static const char* Name(bitset);
static void Print(OStream& os, bitset); // NOLINT
using TypeImpl::PrintTo;
#ifdef DEBUG
static void Print(bitset);
struct BitsetMin{
bitset bits;
double min;
static const BitsetMin BitsetMins31[];
static const BitsetMin BitsetMins32[];
static const BitsetMin* BitsetMins() {
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? BitsetMins31 : BitsetMins32;
static size_t BitsetMinsSize() {
return i::SmiValuesAre31Bits() ? 7 : 5;
/* arraysize(BitsetMins31) : arraysize(BitsetMins32); */
// Using arraysize here doesn't compile on Windows.
......@@ -611,35 +712,25 @@ template<class Config>
class TypeImpl<Config>::ClassType : public StructuralType {
TypeHandle Bound(Region* region) {
return Config::is_class(this)
? BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(*Config::as_class(this)), region)
: this->Get(0);
return Config::is_class(this) ?
BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(*Config::as_class(this)), region) :
i::Handle<i::Map> Map() {
return Config::is_class(this)
? Config::as_class(this)
: this->template GetValue<i::Map>(1);
static ClassHandle New(
i::Handle<i::Map> map, TypeHandle bound, Region* region) {
DCHECK(BitsetType::Is(bound->AsBitset(), BitsetType::Lub(*map)));
ClassHandle type = Config::template cast<ClassType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kClassTag, 2, region));
type->Set(0, bound);
type->SetValue(1, map);
return type;
return Config::is_class(this) ? Config::as_class(this) :
this->template GetValue<i::Map>(1);
static ClassHandle New(i::Handle<i::Map> map, Region* region) {
ClassHandle type =
Config::template cast<ClassType>(Config::from_class(map, region));
if (type->IsClass()) {
return type;
} else {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(*map), region);
return New(map, bound, region);
if (!type->IsClass()) {
type = Config::template cast<ClassType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kClassTag, 2, region));
type->Set(0, BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(*map), region));
type->SetValue(1, map);
return type;
static ClassType* cast(TypeImpl* type) {
......@@ -658,26 +749,21 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::ConstantType : public StructuralType {
TypeHandle Bound() { return this->Get(0); }
i::Handle<i::Object> Value() { return this->template GetValue<i::Object>(1); }
static ConstantHandle New(
i::Handle<i::Object> value, TypeHandle bound, Region* region) {
DCHECK(BitsetType::Is(bound->AsBitset(), BitsetType::Lub(*value)));
static ConstantHandle New(i::Handle<i::Object> value, Region* region) {
ConstantHandle type = Config::template cast<ConstantType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kConstantTag, 2, region));
type->Set(0, bound);
type->Set(0, BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(*value), region));
type->SetValue(1, value);
return type;
static ConstantHandle New(i::Handle<i::Object> value, Region* region) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(*value), region);
return New(value, bound, region);
static ConstantType* cast(TypeImpl* type) {
return static_cast<ConstantType*>(type);
// TODO(neis): Also cache value if numerical.
// TODO(neis): Allow restricting the representation.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -686,27 +772,23 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::ConstantType : public StructuralType {
template<class Config>
class TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType : public StructuralType {
TypeHandle Bound() { return this->Get(0); }
double Min() { return this->template GetValue<i::HeapNumber>(1)->value(); }
double Max() { return this->template GetValue<i::HeapNumber>(2)->value(); }
int BitsetLub() { return this->Get(0)->AsBitset(); }
i::Handle<i::Object> Min() { return this->template GetValue<i::Object>(1); }
i::Handle<i::Object> Max() { return this->template GetValue<i::Object>(2); }
static RangeHandle New(
double min, double max, TypeHandle bound, Region* region) {
DCHECK(BitsetType::Is(bound->AsBitset(), BitsetType::Lub(min, max)));
i::Handle<i::Object> min, i::Handle<i::Object> max, Region* region) {
DCHECK(min->Number() <= max->Number());
RangeHandle type = Config::template cast<RangeType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kRangeTag, 3, region));
type->Set(0, bound);
Factory* factory = Config::isolate(region)->factory();
Handle<HeapNumber> minV = factory->NewHeapNumber(min);
Handle<HeapNumber> maxV = factory->NewHeapNumber(max);
type->SetValue(1, minV);
type->SetValue(2, maxV);
type->Set(0, BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(Limits(min, max)), region));
type->SetValue(1, min);
type->SetValue(2, max);
return type;
static RangeHandle New(double min, double max, Region* region) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(min, max), region);
return New(min, max, bound, region);
static RangeHandle New(Limits lim, Region* region) {
return New(lim.min, lim.max, region);
static RangeType* cast(TypeImpl* type) {
......@@ -714,6 +796,8 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType : public StructuralType {
return static_cast<RangeType*>(type);
// TODO(neis): Also cache min and max values.
// TODO(neis): Allow restricting the representation.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -722,25 +806,15 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType : public StructuralType {
template<class Config>
class TypeImpl<Config>::ContextType : public StructuralType {
TypeHandle Bound() { return this->Get(0); }
TypeHandle Outer() { return this->Get(1); }
TypeHandle Outer() { return this->Get(0); }
static ContextHandle New(TypeHandle outer, TypeHandle bound, Region* region) {
bound->AsBitset(), BitsetType::kInternal & BitsetType::kTaggedPtr));
static ContextHandle New(TypeHandle outer, Region* region) {
ContextHandle type = Config::template cast<ContextType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kContextTag, 2, region));
type->Set(0, bound);
type->Set(1, outer);
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kContextTag, 1, region));
type->Set(0, outer);
return type;
static ContextHandle New(TypeHandle outer, Region* region) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(
BitsetType::kInternal & BitsetType::kTaggedPtr, region);
return New(outer, bound, region);
static ContextType* cast(TypeImpl* type) {
return static_cast<ContextType*>(type);
......@@ -754,23 +828,15 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::ContextType : public StructuralType {
template<class Config>
class TypeImpl<Config>::ArrayType : public StructuralType {
TypeHandle Bound() { return this->Get(0); }
TypeHandle Element() { return this->Get(1); }
TypeHandle Element() { return this->Get(0); }
static ArrayHandle New(TypeHandle element, TypeHandle bound, Region* region) {
DCHECK(BitsetType::Is(bound->AsBitset(), BitsetType::kArray));
static ArrayHandle New(TypeHandle element, Region* region) {
ArrayHandle type = Config::template cast<ArrayType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kArrayTag, 2, region));
type->Set(0, bound);
type->Set(1, element);
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kArrayTag, 1, region));
type->Set(0, element);
return type;
static ArrayHandle New(TypeHandle element, Region* region) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(BitsetType::kArray, region);
return New(element, bound, region);
static ArrayType* cast(TypeImpl* type) {
return static_cast<ArrayType*>(type);
......@@ -784,32 +850,22 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::ArrayType : public StructuralType {
template<class Config>
class TypeImpl<Config>::FunctionType : public StructuralType {
int Arity() { return this->Length() - 3; }
TypeHandle Bound() { return this->Get(0); }
TypeHandle Result() { return this->Get(1); }
TypeHandle Receiver() { return this->Get(2); }
TypeHandle Parameter(int i) { return this->Get(3 + i); }
int Arity() { return this->Length() - 2; }
TypeHandle Result() { return this->Get(0); }
TypeHandle Receiver() { return this->Get(1); }
TypeHandle Parameter(int i) { return this->Get(2 + i); }
void InitParameter(int i, TypeHandle type) { this->Set(3 + i, type); }
void InitParameter(int i, TypeHandle type) { this->Set(2 + i, type); }
static FunctionHandle New(
TypeHandle result, TypeHandle receiver, TypeHandle bound,
int arity, Region* region) {
DCHECK(BitsetType::Is(bound->AsBitset(), BitsetType::kFunction));
TypeHandle result, TypeHandle receiver, int arity, Region* region) {
FunctionHandle type = Config::template cast<FunctionType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kFunctionTag, 3 + arity, region));
type->Set(0, bound);
type->Set(1, result);
type->Set(2, receiver);
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kFunctionTag, 2 + arity, region));
type->Set(0, result);
type->Set(1, receiver);
return type;
static FunctionHandle New(
TypeHandle result, TypeHandle receiver, int arity, Region* region) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(BitsetType::kFunction, region);
return New(result, receiver, bound, arity, region);
static FunctionType* cast(TypeImpl* type) {
return static_cast<FunctionType*>(type);
......@@ -854,11 +910,6 @@ struct ZoneTypeConfig {
typedef i::Zone Region;
template<class T> struct Handle { typedef T* type; };
// TODO(neis): This will be removed again once we have struct_get_double().
static inline i::Isolate* isolate(Region* region) {
return region->isolate();
template<class T> static inline T* handle(T* type);
template<class T> static inline T* cast(Type* type);
......@@ -901,11 +952,6 @@ struct HeapTypeConfig {
typedef i::Isolate Region;
template<class T> struct Handle { typedef i::Handle<T> type; };
// TODO(neis): This will be removed again once we have struct_get_double().
static inline i::Isolate* isolate(Region* region) {
return region;
template<class T> static inline i::Handle<T> handle(T* type);
template<class T> static inline i::Handle<T> cast(i::Handle<Type> type);
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ struct ZoneRep {
using Type::BitsetType::New;
using Type::BitsetType::Glb;
using Type::BitsetType::Lub;
using Type::BitsetType::InherentLub;
using Type::BitsetType::IsInhabited;
......@@ -69,12 +69,9 @@ struct HeapRep {
using HeapType::BitsetType::New;
using HeapType::BitsetType::Glb;
using HeapType::BitsetType::Lub;
using HeapType::BitsetType::InherentLub;
using HeapType::BitsetType::IsInhabited;
static bitset Glb(Handle<HeapType> type) { return Glb(*type); }
static bitset Lub(Handle<HeapType> type) { return Lub(*type); }
static bitset InherentLub(Handle<HeapType> type) {
return InherentLub(*type);
......@@ -87,14 +84,19 @@ class Types {
#define DECLARE_TYPE(name, value) \
name = Type::name(region); \
object_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE, 3 * kPointerSize);
array_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(JS_ARRAY_TYPE, 4 * kPointerSize);
object_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(
JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize);
array_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(
JS_ARRAY_TYPE, JSArray::kSize);
number_map = isolate->factory()->NewMap(
HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE, HeapNumber::kSize);
uninitialized_map = isolate->factory()->uninitialized_map();
ObjectClass = Type::Class(object_map, region);
ArrayClass = Type::Class(array_map, region);
NumberClass = Type::Class(number_map, region);
UninitializedClass = Type::Class(uninitialized_map, region);
......@@ -127,13 +129,15 @@ class Types {
types.push_back(Type::Constant(*it, region));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
doubles.push_back(rng_->NextDouble() * rng_->NextInt());
double x = rng_->NextInt();
x *= rng_->NextInt();
if (!IsMinusZero(x)) integers.push_back(isolate->factory()->NewNumber(x));
NumberArray = Type::Array(Number, region);
......@@ -152,6 +156,7 @@ class Types {
Handle<i::Map> object_map;
Handle<i::Map> array_map;
Handle<i::Map> number_map;
Handle<i::Map> uninitialized_map;
Handle<i::Smi> smi;
......@@ -167,6 +172,7 @@ class Types {
TypeHandle ObjectClass;
TypeHandle ArrayClass;
TypeHandle NumberClass;
TypeHandle UninitializedClass;
TypeHandle SmiConstant;
......@@ -188,27 +194,11 @@ class Types {
typedef std::vector<TypeHandle> TypeVector;
typedef std::vector<Handle<i::Map> > MapVector;
typedef std::vector<Handle<i::Object> > ValueVector;
typedef std::vector<double> DoubleVector;
TypeVector types;
MapVector maps;
ValueVector values;
DoubleVector doubles; // Some floating-point values, excluding NaN.
// Range type helper functions, partially copied from
// Note: dle(dmin(x,y), dmax(x,y)) holds iff neither x nor y is NaN.
bool dle(double x, double y) {
return x <= y && (x != 0 || IsMinusZero(x) || !IsMinusZero(y));
bool deq(double x, double y) {
return dle(x, y) && dle(y, x);
double dmin(double x, double y) {
return dle(x, y) ? x : y;
double dmax(double x, double y) {
return dle(x, y) ? y : x;
ValueVector integers; // "Integer" values used for range limits.
TypeHandle Of(Handle<i::Object> value) {
return Type::Of(value, region_);
......@@ -218,16 +208,20 @@ class Types {
return Type::NowOf(value, region_);
TypeHandle Class(Handle<i::Map> map) {
return Type::Class(map, region_);
TypeHandle Constant(Handle<i::Object> value) {
return Type::Constant(value, region_);
TypeHandle Range(double min, double max) {
TypeHandle Range(Handle<i::Object> min, Handle<i::Object> max) {
return Type::Range(min, max, region_);
TypeHandle Class(Handle<i::Map> map) {
return Type::Class(map, region_);
TypeHandle Context(TypeHandle outer) {
return Type::Context(outer, region_);
TypeHandle Array1(TypeHandle element) {
......@@ -264,18 +258,18 @@ class Types {
return types[rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(types.size()))];
TypeHandle Fuzz(int depth = 5) {
TypeHandle Fuzz(int depth = 4) {
switch (rng_->NextInt(depth == 0 ? 3 : 20)) {
case 0: { // bitset
int n = 0
#define COUNT_BITSET_TYPES(type, value) + 1
int i = rng_->NextInt(n);
#define PICK_BITSET_TYPE(type, value) \
if (i-- == 0) return Type::type(region_);
......@@ -287,18 +281,26 @@ class Types {
int i = rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(values.size()));
return Type::Constant(values[i], region_);
case 3: { // context
case 3: { // range
int i = rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(integers.size()));
int j = rng_->NextInt(static_cast<int>(integers.size()));
i::Handle<i::Object> min = integers[i];
i::Handle<i::Object> max = integers[j];
if (min->Number() > max->Number()) std::swap(min, max);
return Type::Range(min, max, region_);
case 4: { // context
int depth = rng_->NextInt(3);
TypeHandle type = Type::Internal(region_);
for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) type = Type::Context(type, region_);
return type;
case 4: { // array
case 5: { // array
TypeHandle element = Fuzz(depth / 2);
return Type::Array(element, region_);
case 5:
case 6: { // function
case 6:
case 7: { // function
TypeHandle result = Fuzz(depth / 2);
TypeHandle receiver = Fuzz(depth / 2);
int arity = rng_->NextInt(3);
......@@ -336,7 +338,6 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
typedef typename TypesInstance::TypeVector::iterator TypeIterator;
typedef typename TypesInstance::MapVector::iterator MapIterator;
typedef typename TypesInstance::ValueVector::iterator ValueIterator;
typedef typename TypesInstance::DoubleVector::iterator DoubleIterator;
Isolate* isolate;
HandleScope scope;
......@@ -353,14 +354,15 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
bool Equal(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2) {
type1->Equals(type2) &&
Rep::IsBitset(type1) == Rep::IsBitset(type2) &&
Rep::IsUnion(type1) == Rep::IsUnion(type2) &&
this->IsBitset(type1) == this->IsBitset(type2) &&
this->IsUnion(type1) == this->IsUnion(type2) &&
type1->NumClasses() == type2->NumClasses() &&
type1->NumConstants() == type2->NumConstants() &&
(!Rep::IsBitset(type1) ||
Rep::AsBitset(type1) == Rep::AsBitset(type2)) &&
(!Rep::IsUnion(type1) ||
Rep::Length(Rep::AsUnion(type1)) == Rep::Length(Rep::AsUnion(type2)));
(!this->IsBitset(type1) ||
this->AsBitset(type1) == this->AsBitset(type2)) &&
(!this->IsUnion(type1) ||
this->Length(this->AsUnion(type1)) ==
void CheckEqual(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2) {
......@@ -370,36 +372,37 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
void CheckSub(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2) {
if (Rep::IsBitset(type1) && Rep::IsBitset(type2)) {
CHECK(Rep::AsBitset(type1) != Rep::AsBitset(type2));
if (this->IsBitset(type1) && this->IsBitset(type2)) {
CHECK(this->AsBitset(type1) != this->AsBitset(type2));
void CheckUnordered(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2) {
if (Rep::IsBitset(type1) && Rep::IsBitset(type2)) {
CHECK(Rep::AsBitset(type1) != Rep::AsBitset(type2));
if (this->IsBitset(type1) && this->IsBitset(type2)) {
CHECK(this->AsBitset(type1) != this->AsBitset(type2));
void CheckOverlap(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2, TypeHandle mask) {
void CheckOverlap(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2) {
if (Rep::IsBitset(type1) && Rep::IsBitset(type2)) {
CHECK(0 !=
(Rep::AsBitset(type1) & Rep::AsBitset(type2) & Rep::AsBitset(mask)));
void CheckDisjoint(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2, TypeHandle mask) {
void CheckDisjoint(TypeHandle type1, TypeHandle type2) {
if (Rep::IsBitset(type1) && Rep::IsBitset(type2)) {
CHECK(0 ==
(Rep::AsBitset(type1) & Rep::AsBitset(type2) & Rep::AsBitset(mask)));
void IsSomeType() {
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
TypeHandle t = *it;
CHECK(1 ==
this->IsBitset(t) + t->IsClass() + t->IsConstant() + t->IsRange() +
this->IsUnion(t) + t->IsArray() + t->IsFunction() + t->IsContext());
......@@ -458,15 +461,16 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Intersect(T1, T2) is bitwise conjunction for bitsets T1,T2
// Intersect(T1, T2) is bitwise conjunction for bitsets T1,T2 (modulo None)
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle type1 = *it1;
TypeHandle type2 = *it2;
TypeHandle intersect12 = T.Intersect(type1, type2);
if (this->IsBitset(type1) && this->IsBitset(type2)) {
bitset bits = this->AsBitset(type1) & this->AsBitset(type2);
(this->AsBitset(type1) & this->AsBitset(type2)) ==
(Rep::BitsetType::IsInhabited(bits) ? bits : 0) ==
......@@ -568,47 +572,51 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
void Range() {
// Constructor
for (DoubleIterator i = T.doubles.begin(); i != T.doubles.end(); ++i) {
for (DoubleIterator j = T.doubles.begin(); j != T.doubles.end(); ++j) {
double min = T.dmin(*i, *j);
double max = T.dmax(*i, *j);
for (ValueIterator i = T.integers.begin(); i != T.integers.end(); ++i) {
for (ValueIterator j = T.integers.begin(); j != T.integers.end(); ++j) {
i::Handle<i::Object> min = *i;
i::Handle<i::Object> max = *j;
if (min->Number() > max->Number()) std::swap(min, max);
TypeHandle type = T.Range(min, max);
// Range attributes
for (DoubleIterator i = T.doubles.begin(); i != T.doubles.end(); ++i) {
for (DoubleIterator j = T.doubles.begin(); j != T.doubles.end(); ++j) {
double min = T.dmin(*i, *j);
double max = T.dmax(*i, *j);
for (ValueIterator i = T.integers.begin(); i != T.integers.end(); ++i) {
for (ValueIterator j = T.integers.begin(); j != T.integers.end(); ++j) {
i::Handle<i::Object> min = *i;
i::Handle<i::Object> max = *j;
if (min->Number() > max->Number()) std::swap(min, max);
TypeHandle type = T.Range(min, max);
CHECK(min == type->AsRange()->Min());
CHECK(max == type->AsRange()->Max());
// TODO(neis): enable once subtyping is updated.
// // Functionality & Injectivity: Range(min1, max1) = Range(min2, max2) <=>
// // min1 = min2 /\ max1 = max2
// for (DoubleIterator i1 = T.doubles.begin(); i1 != T.doubles.end(); ++i1) {
// for (DoubleIterator j1 = T.doubles.begin(); j1 != T.doubles.end(); ++j1) {
// for (DoubleIterator i2 = T.doubles.begin();
// i2 != T.doubles.end(); ++i2) {
// for (DoubleIterator j2 = T.doubles.begin();
// j2 != T.doubles.end(); ++j2) {
// double min1 = T.dmin(*i1, *j1);
// double max1 = T.dmax(*i1, *j1);
// double min2 = T.dmin(*i2, *j2);
// double max2 = T.dmax(*i2, *j2);
// TypeHandle type1 = T.Range(min1, max1);
// TypeHandle type2 = T.Range(min2, max2);
// CHECK(Equal(type1, type2) ==
// (T.deq(min1, min2) && T.deq(max1, max2)));
// }
// }
// }
// }
CHECK(*min == *type->AsRange()->Min());
CHECK(*max == *type->AsRange()->Max());
// Functionality & Injectivity:
// Range(min1, max1) = Range(min2, max2) <=> min1 = min2 /\ max1 = max2
for (ValueIterator i1 = T.integers.begin();
i1 != T.integers.end(); ++i1) {
for (ValueIterator j1 = T.integers.begin();
j1 != T.integers.end(); ++j1) {
for (ValueIterator i2 = T.integers.begin();
i2 != T.integers.end(); ++i2) {
for (ValueIterator j2 = T.integers.begin();
j2 != T.integers.end(); ++j2) {
i::Handle<i::Object> min1 = *i1;
i::Handle<i::Object> max1 = *j1;
i::Handle<i::Object> min2 = *i2;
i::Handle<i::Object> max2 = *j2;
if (min1->Number() > max1->Number()) std::swap(min1, max1);
if (min2->Number() > max2->Number()) std::swap(min2, max2);
TypeHandle type1 = T.Range(min1, max1);
TypeHandle type2 = T.Range(min2, max2);
CHECK(Equal(type1, type2) == (*min1 == *min2 && *max1 == *max2));
void Array() {
......@@ -716,15 +724,26 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Constant(V)->Is(T) iff Of(V)->Is(T) or T->Maybe(Constant(V))
// If Of(V)->Is(T), then Constant(V)->Is(T)
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle const_type = T.Constant(value);
TypeHandle of_type = T.Of(value);
CHECK(!of_type->Is(type) || const_type->Is(type));
// If Constant(V)->Is(T), then Of(V)->Is(T) or T->Maybe(Constant(V))
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle const_type = T.Constant(value);
TypeHandle of_type = T.Of(value);
CHECK(const_type->Is(type) ==
(of_type->Is(type) || type->Maybe(const_type)));
CHECK(!const_type->Is(type) ||
of_type->Is(type) || type->Maybe(const_type));
......@@ -746,43 +765,46 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Constant(V)->NowIs(T) iff NowOf(V)->NowIs(T) or T->Maybe(Constant(V))
// If NowOf(V)->NowIs(T), then Constant(V)->NowIs(T)
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle const_type = T.Constant(value);
TypeHandle nowof_type = T.NowOf(value);
CHECK(const_type->NowIs(type) ==
(nowof_type->NowIs(type) || type->Maybe(const_type)));
CHECK(!nowof_type->NowIs(type) || const_type->NowIs(type));
// Constant(V)->Is(T) implies NowOf(V)->Is(T) or T->Maybe(Constant(V))
// If Constant(V)->NowIs(T),
// then NowOf(V)->NowIs(T) or T->Maybe(Constant(V))
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle const_type = T.Constant(value);
TypeHandle nowof_type = T.NowOf(value);
CHECK(!const_type->Is(type) ||
(nowof_type->Is(type) || type->Maybe(const_type)));
CHECK(!const_type->NowIs(type) ||
nowof_type->NowIs(type) || type->Maybe(const_type));
void Bounds() {
// Ordering: (T->BitsetGlb())->Is(T->BitsetLub())
// If Constant(V)->Is(T),
// then NowOf(V)->Is(T) or T->Maybe(Constant(V))
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle glb =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Glb(type), T.region());
TypeHandle lub =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Lub(type), T.region());
TypeHandle const_type = T.Constant(value);
TypeHandle nowof_type = T.NowOf(value);
CHECK(!const_type->Is(type) ||
nowof_type->Is(type) || type->Maybe(const_type));
// Lower bound: (T->BitsetGlb())->Is(T)
void BitsetGlb() {
// Lower: (T->BitsetGlb())->Is(T)
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle glb =
......@@ -790,7 +812,33 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Upper bound: T->Is(T->BitsetLub())
// Greatest: If T1->IsBitset() and T1->Is(T2), then T1->Is(T2->BitsetGlb())
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle type1 = *it1;
TypeHandle type2 = *it2;
TypeHandle glb2 =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Glb(type2), T.region());
CHECK(!this->IsBitset(type1) || !type1->Is(type2) || type1->Is(glb2));
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T2) implies (T1->BitsetGlb())->Is(T2->BitsetGlb())
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle type1 = *it1;
TypeHandle type2 = *it2;
TypeHandle glb1 =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Glb(type1), T.region());
TypeHandle glb2 =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Glb(type2), T.region());
CHECK(!type1->Is(type2) || glb1->Is(glb2));
void BitsetLub() {
// Upper: T->Is(T->BitsetLub())
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle lub =
......@@ -798,14 +846,28 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Inherent bound: (T->BitsetLub())->Is(T->InherentBitsetLub())
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
TypeHandle type = *it;
TypeHandle lub =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Lub(type), T.region());
TypeHandle inherent =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::InherentLub(type), T.region());
// Least: If T2->IsBitset() and T1->Is(T2), then (T1->BitsetLub())->Is(T2)
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle type1 = *it1;
TypeHandle type2 = *it2;
TypeHandle lub1 =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Lub(type1), T.region());
CHECK(!this->IsBitset(type2) || !type1->Is(type2) || lub1->Is(type2));
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T2) implies (T1->BitsetLub())->Is(T2->BitsetLub())
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle type1 = *it1;
TypeHandle type2 = *it2;
TypeHandle lub1 =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Lub(type1), T.region());
TypeHandle lub2 =
Rep::BitsetType::New(Rep::BitsetType::Lub(type2), T.region());
CHECK(!type1->Is(type2) || lub1->Is(lub2));
......@@ -861,6 +923,17 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Class(M1)->Is(Class(M2)) iff M1 = M2
for (MapIterator mt1 = T.maps.begin(); mt1 != T.maps.end(); ++mt1) {
for (MapIterator mt2 = T.maps.begin(); mt2 != T.maps.end(); ++mt2) {
Handle<i::Map> map1 = *mt1;
Handle<i::Map> map2 = *mt2;
TypeHandle class_type1 = T.Class(map1);
TypeHandle class_type2 = T.Class(map2);
CHECK(class_type1->Is(class_type2) == (*map1 == *map2));
// Constant(V1)->Is(Constant(V2)) iff V1 = V2
for (ValueIterator vt1 = T.values.begin(); vt1 != T.values.end(); ++vt1) {
for (ValueIterator vt2 = T.values.begin(); vt2 != T.values.end(); ++vt2) {
......@@ -872,36 +945,83 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Class(M1)->Is(Class(M2)) iff M1 = M2
for (MapIterator mt1 = T.maps.begin(); mt1 != T.maps.end(); ++mt1) {
for (MapIterator mt2 = T.maps.begin(); mt2 != T.maps.end(); ++mt2) {
Handle<i::Map> map1 = *mt1;
Handle<i::Map> map2 = *mt2;
TypeHandle class_type1 = T.Class(map1);
TypeHandle class_type2 = T.Class(map2);
CHECK(class_type1->Is(class_type2) == (*map1 == *map2));
// Range(min1, max1)->Is(Range(min2, max2)) iff
// min1 >= min2 /\ max1 <= max2
for (ValueIterator i1 = T.integers.begin();
i1 != T.integers.end(); ++i1) {
for (ValueIterator j1 = T.integers.begin();
j1 != T.integers.end(); ++j1) {
for (ValueIterator i2 = T.integers.begin();
i2 != T.integers.end(); ++i2) {
for (ValueIterator j2 = T.integers.begin();
j2 != T.integers.end(); ++j2) {
i::Handle<i::Object> min1 = *i1;
i::Handle<i::Object> max1 = *j1;
i::Handle<i::Object> min2 = *i2;
i::Handle<i::Object> max2 = *j2;
if (min1->Number() > max1->Number()) std::swap(min1, max1);
if (min2->Number() > max2->Number()) std::swap(min2, max2);
TypeHandle type1 = T.Range(min1, max1);
TypeHandle type2 = T.Range(min2, max2);
CHECK(type1->Is(type2) ==
(min2->Number() <= min1->Number() &&
max1->Number() <= max2->Number()));
// Constant(V)->Is(Class(M)) never
for (MapIterator mt = T.maps.begin(); mt != T.maps.end(); ++mt) {
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
Handle<i::Map> map = *mt;
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle constant_type = T.Constant(value);
TypeHandle class_type = T.Class(map);
// Context(T1)->Is(Context(T2)) iff T1 = T2
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle outer1 = *it1;
TypeHandle outer2 = *it2;
TypeHandle type1 = T.Context(outer1);
TypeHandle type2 = T.Context(outer2);
CHECK(type1->Is(type2) == outer1->Equals(outer2));
// Class(M)->Is(Constant(V)) never
for (MapIterator mt = T.maps.begin(); mt != T.maps.end(); ++mt) {
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
Handle<i::Map> map = *mt;
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle constant_type = T.Constant(value);
TypeHandle class_type = T.Class(map);
// Array(T1)->Is(Array(T2)) iff T1 = T2
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle element1 = *it1;
TypeHandle element2 = *it2;
TypeHandle type1 = T.Array1(element1);
TypeHandle type2 = T.Array1(element2);
CHECK(type1->Is(type2) == element1->Equals(element2));
// Function0(S1, T1)->Is(Function0(S2, T2)) iff S1 = S2 and T1 = T2
for (TypeIterator i = T.types.begin(); i != T.types.end(); ++i) {
for (TypeIterator j = T.types.begin(); j != T.types.end(); ++j) {
TypeHandle result1 = *i;
TypeHandle receiver1 = *j;
TypeHandle type1 = T.Function0(result1, receiver1);
TypeHandle result2 = T.Random();
TypeHandle receiver2 = T.Random();
TypeHandle type2 = T.Function0(result2, receiver2);
CHECK(type1->Is(type2) ==
(result1->Equals(result2) && receiver1->Equals(receiver2)));
// (In-)Compatibilities.
for (TypeIterator i = T.types.begin(); i != T.types.end(); ++i) {
for (TypeIterator j = T.types.begin(); j != T.types.end(); ++j) {
TypeHandle type1 = *i;
TypeHandle type2 = *j;
CHECK(!type1->Is(type2) || this->IsBitset(type2) ||
this->IsUnion(type2) || this->IsUnion(type1) ||
(type1->IsClass() && type2->IsClass()) ||
(type1->IsConstant() && type2->IsConstant()) ||
(type1->IsConstant() && type2->IsRange()) ||
(type1->IsRange() && type2->IsRange()) ||
(type1->IsContext() && type2->IsContext()) ||
(type1->IsArray() && type2->IsArray()) ||
(type1->IsFunction() && type2->IsFunction()) ||
......@@ -1092,16 +1212,6 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
CHECK(type->Contains(value) == const_type->Is(type));
// Of(V)->Is(T) implies T->Contains(V)
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
TypeHandle type = *it;
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle of_type = T.Of(value);
CHECK(!of_type->Is(type) || type->Contains(value));
void NowContains() {
......@@ -1133,16 +1243,6 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
CHECK(!nowof_type->NowIs(type) || type->NowContains(value));
// NowOf(V)->NowIs(T) implies T->NowContains(V)
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
TypeHandle type = *it;
Handle<i::Object> value = *vt;
TypeHandle nowof_type = T.Of(value);
CHECK(!nowof_type->NowIs(type) || type->NowContains(value));
void Maybe() {
......@@ -1226,6 +1326,8 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Constant(V)->Maybe(Class(M)) never
// This does NOT hold!
for (MapIterator mt = T.maps.begin(); mt != T.maps.end(); ++mt) {
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
Handle<i::Map> map = *mt;
......@@ -1235,8 +1337,11 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Class(M)->Maybe(Constant(V)) never
// This does NOT hold!
for (MapIterator mt = T.maps.begin(); mt != T.maps.end(); ++mt) {
for (ValueIterator vt = T.values.begin(); vt != T.values.end(); ++vt) {
Handle<i::Map> map = *mt;
......@@ -1246,67 +1351,62 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Basic types
CheckDisjoint(T.Boolean, T.Null, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Undefined, T.Null, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Boolean, T.Undefined, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.SignedSmall, T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.NaN, T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Signed32, T.NaN, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.UniqueName, T.Name, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.String, T.Name, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.InternalizedString, T.String, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.InternalizedString, T.UniqueName, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.InternalizedString, T.Name, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Symbol, T.UniqueName, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Symbol, T.Name, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.String, T.UniqueName, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.String, T.Symbol, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.InternalizedString, T.Symbol, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Object, T.Receiver, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Array, T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Function, T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Proxy, T.Receiver, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Object, T.Proxy, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Array, T.Function, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Boolean, T.Null);
CheckDisjoint(T.Undefined, T.Null);
CheckDisjoint(T.Boolean, T.Undefined);
CheckOverlap(T.SignedSmall, T.Number);
CheckOverlap(T.NaN, T.Number);
CheckDisjoint(T.Signed32, T.NaN);
CheckOverlap(T.UniqueName, T.Name);
CheckOverlap(T.String, T.Name);
CheckOverlap(T.InternalizedString, T.String);
CheckOverlap(T.InternalizedString, T.UniqueName);
CheckOverlap(T.InternalizedString, T.Name);
CheckOverlap(T.Symbol, T.UniqueName);
CheckOverlap(T.Symbol, T.Name);
CheckOverlap(T.String, T.UniqueName);
CheckDisjoint(T.String, T.Symbol);
CheckDisjoint(T.InternalizedString, T.Symbol);
CheckOverlap(T.Object, T.Receiver);
CheckOverlap(T.Array, T.Object);
CheckOverlap(T.Function, T.Object);
CheckOverlap(T.Proxy, T.Receiver);
CheckDisjoint(T.Object, T.Proxy);
CheckDisjoint(T.Array, T.Function);
// Structural types
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectClass, T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayClass, T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectClass, T.ObjectClass, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayClass, T.ArrayClass, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.SmiConstant, T.SignedSmall, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.SmiConstant, T.Signed32, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.SmiConstant, T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant1, T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant2, T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayConstant, T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayConstant, T.Array, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectConstant1, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectConstant2, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectClass, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ObjectClass, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ArrayClass, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.ArrayConstant, T.ObjectClass, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.NumberArray, T.Array, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.NumberArray, T.AnyArray, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.NumberArray, T.StringArray, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.MethodFunction, T.Function, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.SignedFunction1, T.NumberFunction1, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.SignedFunction1, T.NumberFunction2, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.NumberFunction1, T.NumberFunction2, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.SignedFunction1, T.MethodFunction, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectClass, T.Object);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayClass, T.Object);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectClass, T.ObjectClass);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayClass, T.ArrayClass);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass);
CheckOverlap(T.SmiConstant, T.SignedSmall);
CheckOverlap(T.SmiConstant, T.Signed32);
CheckOverlap(T.SmiConstant, T.Number);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant1, T.Object);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant2, T.Object);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayConstant, T.Object);
CheckOverlap(T.ArrayConstant, T.Array);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectConstant1);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectConstant2);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass);
CheckDisjoint(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ArrayClass);
CheckDisjoint(T.ArrayConstant, T.ObjectClass);
CheckOverlap(T.NumberArray, T.Array);
CheckDisjoint(T.NumberArray, T.AnyArray);
CheckDisjoint(T.NumberArray, T.StringArray);
CheckOverlap(T.MethodFunction, T.Function);
CheckDisjoint(T.SignedFunction1, T.NumberFunction1);
CheckDisjoint(T.SignedFunction1, T.NumberFunction2);
CheckDisjoint(T.NumberFunction1, T.NumberFunction2);
CheckDisjoint(T.SignedFunction1, T.MethodFunction);
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectClass); // !!!
CheckOverlap(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ObjectClass); // !!!
CheckOverlap(T.NumberClass, T.Intersect(T.Number, T.Untagged)); // !!!
void Union1() {
......@@ -1343,6 +1443,8 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Associativity: Union(T1, Union(T2, T3)) = Union(Union(T1, T2), T3)
// This does NOT hold!
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1357,6 +1459,7 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Meet: T1->Is(Union(T1, T2)) and T2->Is(Union(T1, T2))
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
......@@ -1378,10 +1481,10 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
if (type1->Is(type2)) CheckEqual(union12, type2);
void Union2() {
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T2) implies Union(T1, T3)->Is(Union(T2, T3))
// This does NOT hold.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1394,8 +1497,14 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
void Union2() {
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T3) and T2->Is(T3) implies Union(T1, T2)->Is(T3)
// This does NOT hold. TODO(neis): Could fix this by splitting
// OtherNumber into a negative and a positive part.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1407,7 +1516,10 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
void Union3() {
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T2) or T1->Is(T3) implies T1->Is(Union(T2, T3))
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
......@@ -1420,12 +1532,14 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
void Union4() {
// Class-class
CheckSub(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass), T.Object);
CheckUnordered(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass), T.Array);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass), T.Array, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass), T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass), T.Array);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayClass), T.Number);
// Constant-constant
CheckSub(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectConstant2), T.Object);
......@@ -1433,11 +1547,11 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectConstant2), T.ObjectClass);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant), T.Array, T.Semantic);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant), T.Array);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant), T.Number, T.Semantic);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant), T.ObjectClass, T.Semantic);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant), T.Number);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayConstant), T.ObjectClass); // !!!
// Bitset-array
CHECK(this->IsBitset(T.Union(T.AnyArray, T.Array)));
......@@ -1445,8 +1559,8 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
CheckEqual(T.Union(T.AnyArray, T.Array), T.Array);
CheckUnordered(T.Union(T.AnyArray, T.String), T.Array);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.NumberArray, T.String), T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.NumberArray, T.String), T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.NumberArray, T.String), T.Object);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.NumberArray, T.String), T.Number);
// Bitset-function
CHECK(this->IsBitset(T.Union(T.MethodFunction, T.Function)));
......@@ -1454,24 +1568,24 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
CheckEqual(T.Union(T.MethodFunction, T.Function), T.Function);
CheckUnordered(T.Union(T.NumberFunction1, T.String), T.Function);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.NumberFunction2, T.String), T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.NumberFunction1, T.String), T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.NumberFunction2, T.String), T.Object);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.NumberFunction1, T.String), T.Number);
// Bitset-class
T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.SignedSmall), T.Union(T.Object, T.Number));
CheckSub(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.Array), T.Object);
CheckUnordered(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.String), T.Array);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.String), T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.String), T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.String), T.Object);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.String), T.Number);
// Bitset-constant
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.Signed32), T.Union(T.Object, T.Number));
CheckSub(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.Array), T.Object);
CheckUnordered(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.String), T.Array);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.String), T.Object, T.Semantic);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.String), T.Number, T.Semantic);
CheckOverlap(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.String), T.Object);
CheckDisjoint(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.String), T.Number);
// Class-constant
CheckSub(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass), T.Object);
......@@ -1480,10 +1594,9 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass), T.Union(T.Array, T.Object));
CheckUnordered(T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass), T.ArrayConstant);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass), T.ObjectConstant2,
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass), T.ObjectClass, T.Semantic);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass), T.ObjectConstant2);
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ArrayClass), T.ObjectClass); // !!!
// Bitset-union
......@@ -1537,7 +1650,7 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
T.Union(T.Number, T.Array));
void Intersect1() {
void Intersect() {
// Identity: Intersect(T, Any) = T
for (TypeIterator it = T.types.begin(); it != T.types.end(); ++it) {
TypeHandle type = *it;
......@@ -1572,6 +1685,8 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Associativity:
// Intersect(T1, Intersect(T2, T3)) = Intersect(Intersect(T1, T2), T3)
// This does NOT hold.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1586,8 +1701,11 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Join: Intersect(T1, T2)->Is(T1) and Intersect(T1, T2)->Is(T2)
// This does NOT hold. Not even the disjunction.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
TypeHandle type1 = *it1;
......@@ -1597,6 +1715,7 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Lower Boundedness: T1->Is(T2) implies Intersect(T1, T2) = T1
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
......@@ -1607,10 +1726,10 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
if (type1->Is(type2)) CheckEqual(intersect12, type1);
void Intersect2() {
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T2) implies Intersect(T1, T3)->Is(Intersect(T2, T3))
// This does NOT hold.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1623,8 +1742,11 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T3) or T2->Is(T3) implies Intersect(T1, T2)->Is(T3)
// This does NOT hold.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1637,8 +1759,11 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Monotonicity: T1->Is(T2) and T1->Is(T3) implies T1->Is(Intersect(T2, T3))
// This does NOT hold.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1651,19 +1776,20 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Bitset-class
CheckEqual(T.Intersect(T.ObjectClass, T.Object), T.ObjectClass);
CheckSub(T.Intersect(T.ObjectClass, T.Array), T.Representation);
CheckSub(T.Intersect(T.ObjectClass, T.Number), T.Representation);
CheckEqual(T.Intersect(T.ObjectClass, T.Array), T.None);
CheckEqual(T.Intersect(T.ObjectClass, T.Number), T.None);
// Bitset-array
CheckEqual(T.Intersect(T.NumberArray, T.Object), T.NumberArray);
CheckSub(T.Intersect(T.AnyArray, T.Function), T.Representation);
CheckEqual(T.Intersect(T.AnyArray, T.Function), T.None);
// Bitset-function
CheckEqual(T.Intersect(T.MethodFunction, T.Object), T.MethodFunction);
CheckSub(T.Intersect(T.NumberFunction1, T.Array), T.Representation);
CheckEqual(T.Intersect(T.NumberFunction1, T.Array), T.None);
// Bitset-union
......@@ -1674,7 +1800,7 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
// Class-constant
CHECK(!T.Intersect(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectClass)->IsInhabited());
CHECK(T.Intersect(T.ObjectConstant1, T.ObjectClass)->IsInhabited()); // !!!
CHECK(!T.Intersect(T.ArrayClass, T.ObjectConstant2)->IsInhabited());
// Array-union
......@@ -1707,8 +1833,8 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
T.Intersect(T.ArrayClass, T.Union(T.Object, T.SmiConstant)),
!T.Intersect(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayConstant), T.ArrayClass)
T.Intersect(T.Union(T.ObjectClass, T.ArrayConstant), T.ArrayClass)
->IsInhabited()); // !!!
// Constant-union
......@@ -1719,9 +1845,9 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
T.Intersect(T.SmiConstant, T.Union(T.Number, T.ObjectConstant2)),
T.Union(T.ArrayConstant, T.ObjectClass), T.ObjectConstant1)
->IsInhabited()); // !!!
// Union-union
......@@ -1742,16 +1868,20 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ObjectConstant1), T.ArrayClass),
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ObjectConstant1)),
T.Union(T.ArrayConstant, T.ObjectConstant2))),
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ObjectConstant1));
T.Union(T.ObjectConstant2, T.ObjectConstant1))); // !!!
void Distributivity1() {
// Distributivity:
void Distributivity() {
// Union(T1, Intersect(T2, T3)) = Intersect(Union(T1, T2), Union(T1, T3))
// This does NOT hold.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1767,11 +1897,11 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
void Distributivity2() {
// Distributivity:
// Intersect(T1, Union(T2, T3)) = Union(Intersect(T1, T2), Intersect(T1,T3))
// This does NOT hold.
for (TypeIterator it1 = T.types.begin(); it1 != T.types.end(); ++it1) {
for (TypeIterator it2 = T.types.begin(); it2 != T.types.end(); ++it2) {
for (TypeIterator it3 = T.types.begin(); it3 != T.types.end(); ++it3) {
......@@ -1787,6 +1917,7 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
template<class Type2, class TypeHandle2, class Region2, class Rep2>
......@@ -1818,6 +1949,13 @@ typedef Tests<Type, Type*, Zone, ZoneRep> ZoneTests;
typedef Tests<HeapType, Handle<HeapType>, Isolate, HeapRep> HeapTests;
TEST(IsSomeType) {
TEST(BitsetType) {
......@@ -1874,10 +2012,17 @@ TEST(NowOf) {
TEST(Bounds) {
TEST(BitsetGlb) {
TEST(BitsetLub) {
......@@ -1916,8 +2061,6 @@ TEST(Maybe) {
// TODO(rossberg): make me faster!
#if 0
TEST(Union1) {
......@@ -1925,40 +2068,44 @@ TEST(Union1) {
TEST(Union2) {
TEST(Intersect1) {
TEST(Union3) {
TEST(Intersect2) {
TEST(Union4) {
TEST(Distributivity1) {
TEST(Intersect) {
TEST(Distributivity2) {
TEST(Distributivity) {
#endif // TODO(rossberg): make me faster
TEST(Convert) {
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