Commit 6e5e0aed authored by Tobias Tebbi's avatar Tobias Tebbi Committed by Commit Bot

[torque] properly support holes in FixedDoubleArray

Bug: v8:7793
Change-Id: I4fc039711eb9aa9d551144ea6fccc926d4803349
Commit-Queue: Tobias Tebbi <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarNico Hartmann <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#65808}
parent b34e5b42
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ namespace array {
const array: JSArray = UnsafeCast<JSArray>(receiver);
const fixedDoubleArray: FixedDoubleArray =
const element: float64 = LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(fixedDoubleArray, k)
otherwise return kEmptyString;
const element: float64 =
fixedDoubleArray.floats[k].Value() otherwise return kEmptyString;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(element);
......@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ namespace array {
elements: FixedArrayBase, index: Smi): JSAny
labels IfHole {
const elements: FixedDoubleArray = UnsafeCast<FixedDoubleArray>(elements);
const element: float64 = LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(elements, index)
otherwise IfHole;
const element: float64 = elements.floats[index].Value() otherwise IfHole;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(element);
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ namespace array {
typeswitch (
UnsafeCast<(Number | TheHole)>(this.fixedArray.objects[i])) {
case (n: Number): {
elements.floats[i] = Convert<float64>(n);
elements.floats[i] = Convert<float64_or_hole>(n);
case (TheHole): {
......@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ namespace array {
const elements: FixedDoubleArray = UnsafeCast<FixedDoubleArray>(elements);
// This macro is only used for PACKED_DOUBLE, loading the hole should
// be impossible.
return LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(elements, index)
otherwise unreachable;
return elements.floats[index].Value() otherwise unreachable;
macro StoreElement<ElementsAccessor : type extends ElementsKind, T: type>(
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ namespace array {
macro LoadElementOrUndefined(a: FixedDoubleArray, i: Smi): NumberOrUndefined {
const f: float64 = LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(a, i) otherwise return Undefined;
const f: float64 = a.floats[i].Value() otherwise return Undefined;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(f);
macro StoreArrayHole(elements: FixedDoubleArray, k: Smi): void {
StoreFixedDoubleArrayHoleSmi(elements, k);
elements.floats[k] = kDoubleHole;
macro StoreArrayHole(elements: FixedArray, k: Smi): void {
......@@ -104,6 +104,27 @@ type bool generates 'TNode<BoolT>' constexpr 'bool';
type bint generates 'TNode<BInt>' constexpr 'BInt';
type string constexpr 'const char*';
// WARNING: The memory representation (i.e., in class fields and arrays) of
// float64_or_hole is just a float64 that may be the hole-representing
// signalling NaN bit-pattern. So it's memory size is that of float64 and
// loading and storing float64_or_hole emits special code.
struct float64_or_hole {
macro Value(): float64 labels IfHole {
if (this.is_hole) {
goto IfHole;
return this.value;
macro ValueUnsafeAssumeNotHole(): float64 {
return this.value;
is_hole: bool;
value: float64;
const kDoubleHole: float64_or_hole = float64_or_hole{is_hole: true, value: 0};
// The HashTable inheritance hierarchy doesn't actually look like this in C++
// because it uses some class templates that we can't yet (and may never)
// express in Torque, but this is the expected organization of instance types.
......@@ -176,6 +197,7 @@ const kVariableSizeSentinel:
constexpr int31 generates 'kVariableSizeSentinel';
const kSmiTagSize: constexpr int31 generates 'kSmiTagSize';
const kHeapObjectTag: constexpr int31 generates 'kHeapObjectTag';
const V8_INFINITY: constexpr float64 generates 'V8_INFINITY';
const MINUS_V8_INFINITY: constexpr float64 generates '-V8_INFINITY';
......@@ -206,6 +206,12 @@ Convert<uintptr, Number>(n: Number): uintptr {
Convert<float64, float32>(f: float32): float64 {
return ChangeFloat32ToFloat64(f);
Convert<float64_or_hole, float64>(f: float64): float64_or_hole {
return float64_or_hole{is_hole: false, value: f};
Convert<float64_or_hole, Number>(n: Number): float64_or_hole {
return Convert<float64_or_hole>(Convert<float64>(n));
Convert<float32, float64>(f: float64): float32 {
return TruncateFloat64ToFloat32(f);
......@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ namespace math {
oneArgIsNaN = true;
} else {
const absValue = Float64Abs(value);
absValues.floats[i] = absValue;
absValues.floats[i] = Convert<float64_or_hole>(absValue);
if (absValue > max) {
max = absValue;
......@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ namespace math {
let sum: float64 = 0;
let compensation: float64 = 0;
for (let i: intptr = 0; i < length; ++i) {
const n = absValues.floats[i] / max;
const n = absValues.floats[i].ValueUnsafeAssumeNotHole() / max;
const summand = n * n - compensation;
const preliminary = sum + summand;
compensation = (preliminary - sum) - summand;
......@@ -464,7 +464,8 @@ namespace math {
const array: FixedDoubleArray = Cast<FixedDoubleArray>(
otherwise unreachable;
const random: float64 = array.floats[Convert<intptr>(newSmiIndex)];
const random: float64 =
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(random);
......@@ -152,6 +152,23 @@ namespace torque_internal {
_target: Slice<char8>, _originIterator: UninitializedIterator) {}
InitializeFieldsFromIterator<char16, UninitializedIterator>(
_target: Slice<char16>, _originIterator: UninitializedIterator) {}
extern macro IsDoubleHole(HeapObject, intptr): bool;
extern macro StoreDoubleHole(HeapObject, intptr);
macro LoadFloat64OrHole(r:&float64_or_hole): float64_or_hole {
return float64_or_hole{
is_hole: IsDoubleHole(r.object, r.offset - kHeapObjectTag),
value: * UnsafeNewReference<float64>(r.object, r.offset)
macro StoreFloat64OrHole(r:&float64_or_hole, value: float64_or_hole) {
if (value.is_hole) {
StoreDoubleHole(r.object, r.offset - kHeapObjectTag);
} else {
* UnsafeNewReference<float64>(r.object, r.offset) = value.value;
} // namespace torque_internal
// Indicates that an array-field should not be initialized.
......@@ -2575,23 +2575,26 @@ TNode<Object> CodeStubAssembler::LoadFixedArrayBaseElementAsTagged(
return var_result.value();
TNode<Float64T> CodeStubAssembler::LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(
SloppyTNode<Object> base, SloppyTNode<IntPtrT> offset, Label* if_hole,
MachineType machine_type) {
if (if_hole) {
TNode<BoolT> CodeStubAssembler::IsDoubleHole(TNode<Object> base,
TNode<IntPtrT> offset) {
// TODO(ishell): Compare only the upper part for the hole once the
// compiler is able to fold addition of already complex |offset| with
// |kIeeeDoubleExponentWordOffset| into one addressing mode.
if (Is64()) {
TNode<Uint64T> element = Load<Uint64T>(base, offset);
GotoIf(Word64Equal(element, Int64Constant(kHoleNanInt64)), if_hole);
return Word64Equal(element, Int64Constant(kHoleNanInt64));
} else {
TNode<Uint32T> element_upper = Load<Uint32T>(
IntPtrAdd(offset, IntPtrConstant(kIeeeDoubleExponentWordOffset)));
GotoIf(Word32Equal(element_upper, Int32Constant(kHoleNanUpper32)),
base, IntPtrAdd(offset, IntPtrConstant(kIeeeDoubleExponentWordOffset)));
return Word32Equal(element_upper, Int32Constant(kHoleNanUpper32));
TNode<Float64T> CodeStubAssembler::LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(
SloppyTNode<Object> base, SloppyTNode<IntPtrT> offset, Label* if_hole,
MachineType machine_type) {
if (if_hole) {
GotoIf(IsDoubleHole(base, offset), if_hole);
if (machine_type.IsNone()) {
// This means the actual value is not needed.
......@@ -4382,15 +4385,8 @@ void CodeStubAssembler::FillFixedArrayWithValue(ElementsKind kind, Node* array,
void CodeStubAssembler::StoreFixedDoubleArrayHole(
TNode<FixedDoubleArray> array, Node* index, ParameterMode parameter_mode) {
CSA_SLOW_ASSERT(this, MatchesParameterMode(index, parameter_mode));
TNode<IntPtrT> offset =
ElementOffsetFromIndex(index, PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS, parameter_mode,
FixedArray::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag);
CSA_ASSERT(this, IsOffsetInBounds(
offset, LoadAndUntagFixedArrayBaseLength(array),
FixedDoubleArray::kHeaderSize, PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS));
void CodeStubAssembler::StoreDoubleHole(TNode<HeapObject> object,
TNode<IntPtrT> offset) {
TNode<UintPtrT> double_hole =
Is64() ? ReinterpretCast<UintPtrT>(Int64Constant(kHoleNanInt64))
: ReinterpretCast<UintPtrT>(Int32Constant(kHoleNanLower32));
......@@ -4398,17 +4394,29 @@ void CodeStubAssembler::StoreFixedDoubleArrayHole(
// preserves double bits during manipulation, remove this code/change
// this to an indexed Float64 store.
if (Is64()) {
StoreNoWriteBarrier(MachineRepresentation::kWord64, array, offset,
StoreNoWriteBarrier(MachineRepresentation::kWord64, object, offset,
} else {
StoreNoWriteBarrier(MachineRepresentation::kWord32, array, offset,
StoreNoWriteBarrier(MachineRepresentation::kWord32, object, offset,
StoreNoWriteBarrier(MachineRepresentation::kWord32, array,
StoreNoWriteBarrier(MachineRepresentation::kWord32, object,
IntPtrAdd(offset, IntPtrConstant(kInt32Size)),
void CodeStubAssembler::StoreFixedDoubleArrayHole(
TNode<FixedDoubleArray> array, Node* index, ParameterMode parameter_mode) {
CSA_SLOW_ASSERT(this, MatchesParameterMode(index, parameter_mode));
TNode<IntPtrT> offset =
ElementOffsetFromIndex(index, PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS, parameter_mode,
FixedArray::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag);
CSA_ASSERT(this, IsOffsetInBounds(
offset, LoadAndUntagFixedArrayBaseLength(array),
FixedDoubleArray::kHeaderSize, PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS));
StoreDoubleHole(array, offset);
void CodeStubAssembler::FillFixedArrayWithSmiZero(TNode<FixedArray> array,
TNode<IntPtrT> length) {
CSA_ASSERT(this, WordEqual(length, LoadAndUntagFixedArrayBaseLength(array)));
......@@ -1464,6 +1464,7 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CodeStubAssembler
return LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(array, Signed(index), if_hole);
TNode<BoolT> IsDoubleHole(TNode<Object> base, TNode<IntPtrT> offset);
// Load Float64 value by |base| + |offset| address. If the value is a double
// hole then jump to |if_hole|. If |machine_type| is None then only the hole
// check is generated.
......@@ -1715,6 +1716,7 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CodeStubAssembler
StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement(object, index, value, SMI_PARAMETERS);
void StoreDoubleHole(TNode<HeapObject> object, TNode<IntPtrT> offset);
void StoreFixedDoubleArrayHole(TNode<FixedDoubleArray> array, Node* index,
ParameterMode mode = INTPTR_PARAMETERS);
void StoreFixedDoubleArrayHoleSmi(TNode<FixedDoubleArray> array,
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ extern class FixedArray extends FixedArrayBase { objects[length]: Object; }
type EmptyFixedArray extends FixedArray;
extern class FixedDoubleArray extends FixedArrayBase {
floats[length]: float64;
floats[length]: float64_or_hole;
extern class WeakFixedArray extends HeapObject { length: Smi; }
......@@ -77,20 +77,12 @@ extern operator '.floats[]' macro LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement(
FixedDoubleArray, intptr): float64;
operator '[]=' macro StoreFixedDoubleArrayDirect(
a: FixedDoubleArray, i: Smi, v: Number) {
a.floats[i] = Convert<float64>(v);
a.floats[i] = Convert<float64_or_hole>(Convert<float64>(v));
operator '[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayDirect(a: FixedArray, i: Smi, v: Object) {
a.objects[i] = v;
extern macro LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(FixedDoubleArray, Smi): float64
labels IfHole;
extern macro LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(FixedDoubleArray, intptr): float64
labels IfHole;
extern macro LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(FixedDoubleArray, uintptr): float64
labels IfHole;
extern macro StoreFixedDoubleArrayHoleSmi(FixedDoubleArray, Smi): void;
extern macro AllocateZeroedFixedArray(intptr): FixedArray;
extern macro AllocateZeroedFixedDoubleArray(intptr): FixedDoubleArray;
extern macro CalculateNewElementsCapacity(Smi): Smi;
......@@ -68,9 +68,8 @@ macro LoadElementNoHole<T : type extends FixedArrayBase>(
LoadElementNoHole<FixedArray>(implicit context: Context)(
a: JSArray, index: Smi): JSAny
labels IfHole {
try {
const elements: FixedArray =
Cast<FixedArray>(a.elements) otherwise Unexpected;
Cast<FixedArray>(a.elements) otherwise unreachable;
const e = UnsafeCast<(JSAny | TheHole)>(elements.objects[index]);
typeswitch (e) {
case (TheHole): {
......@@ -80,25 +79,15 @@ LoadElementNoHole<FixedArray>(implicit context: Context)(
return e;
label Unexpected {
LoadElementNoHole<FixedDoubleArray>(implicit context: Context)(
a: JSArray, index: Smi): JSAny
labels IfHole {
try {
const elements: FixedDoubleArray =
Cast<FixedDoubleArray>(a.elements) otherwise Unexpected;
const e: float64 =
LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(elements, index) otherwise IfHole;
Cast<FixedDoubleArray>(a.elements) otherwise unreachable;
const e: float64 = elements.floats[index].Value() otherwise IfHole;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(e);
label Unexpected {
extern builtin ExtractFastJSArray(Context, JSArray, Smi, Smi): JSArray;
......@@ -176,11 +165,11 @@ struct FastJSArrayWitness {
if (this.hasDoubles) {
const elements = Cast<FixedDoubleArray>(this.unstable.elements)
otherwise unreachable;
StoreFixedDoubleArrayHoleSmi(elements, k);
elements.floats[k] = kDoubleHole;
} else {
const elements = Cast<FixedArray>(this.unstable.elements)
otherwise unreachable;
StoreFixedArrayElement(elements, k, TheHole);
elements.objects[k] = TheHole;
......@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ class ValueTypeFieldsRange {
ValueTypeFieldIterator begin() { return {type_, 0}; }
ValueTypeFieldIterator end() {
size_t index = 0;
if (const StructType* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(type_)) {
const StructType* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(type_);
if (struct_type && struct_type != TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
index = struct_type->fields().size();
if (const BitFieldStructType* bit_field_struct_type =
......@@ -44,13 +44,21 @@ static const char* const NUMBER_TYPE_STRING = "Number";
static const char* const BUILTIN_POINTER_TYPE_STRING = "BuiltinPtr";
static const char* const INTPTR_TYPE_STRING = "intptr";
static const char* const UINTPTR_TYPE_STRING = "uintptr";
static const char* const INT64_TYPE_STRING = "int64";
static const char* const INT31_TYPE_STRING = "int31";
static const char* const INT32_TYPE_STRING = "int32";
static const char* const UINT31_TYPE_STRING = "uint31";
static const char* const UINT32_TYPE_STRING = "uint32";
static const char* const INT16_TYPE_STRING = "int16";
static const char* const UINT16_TYPE_STRING = "uint16";
static const char* const INT8_TYPE_STRING = "int8";
static const char* const UINT8_TYPE_STRING = "uint8";
static const char* const BINT_TYPE_STRING = "bint";
static const char* const CHAR8_TYPE_STRING = "char8";
static const char* const CHAR16_TYPE_STRING = "char16";
static const char* const FLOAT32_TYPE_STRING = "float32";
static const char* const FLOAT64_TYPE_STRING = "float64";
static const char* const FLOAT64_OR_HOLE_TYPE_STRING = "float64_or_hole";
static const char* const CONST_INT31_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr int31";
static const char* const CONST_INT32_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr int32";
static const char* const CONST_FLOAT64_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr float64";
......@@ -2149,10 +2149,27 @@ VisitResult ImplementationVisitor::GenerateFetchFromLocation(
} else if (reference.IsVariableAccess()) {
return GenerateCopy(reference.variable());
} else if (reference.IsHeapReference()) {
const Type* referenced_type = reference.ReferencedType();
if (referenced_type == TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
return GenerateCall(QualifiedName({TORQUE_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE_STRING},
Arguments{{reference.heap_reference()}, {}});
} else if (auto* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(referenced_type)) {
StackRange result_range = assembler().TopRange(0);
for (const Field& field : struct_type->fields()) {
StackScope scope(this);
const std::string& fieldname =;
VisitResult field_value = scope.Yield(GenerateFetchFromLocation(
GenerateFieldAccess(reference, fieldname)));
return VisitResult(referenced_type, result_range);
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(1, LoweredSlotCount(reference.ReferencedType()));
return VisitResult(reference.ReferencedType(), assembler().TopRange(1));
} else if (reference.IsBitFieldAccess()) {
// First fetch the bitfield struct, then get the bits out of it.
VisitResult bit_field_struct =
......@@ -2194,7 +2211,12 @@ void ImplementationVisitor::GenerateAssignToLocation(
ReportError("assigning a value directly to an indexed field isn't allowed");
} else if (reference.IsHeapReference()) {
const Type* referenced_type = reference.ReferencedType();
if (auto* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(referenced_type)) {
if (referenced_type == TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
Arguments{{reference.heap_reference(), assignment_value}, {}});
} else if (auto* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(referenced_type)) {
if (assignment_value.type() != referenced_type) {
ReportError("Cannot assign to ", *referenced_type,
" with value of type ", *assignment_value.type());
......@@ -3757,6 +3779,7 @@ void GenerateClassFieldVerifier(const std::string& class_name,
if (!field_type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetTaggedType()) &&
if (field_type == TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) return;
// Do not verify if the field may be uninitialized.
if (TypeOracle::GetUninitializedType()->IsSubtypeOf(field_type)) return;
......@@ -249,6 +249,10 @@ class TypeOracle : public ContextualClass<TypeOracle> {
return Get().GetBuiltinType(FLOAT64_TYPE_STRING);
static const Type* GetFloat64OrHoleType() {
return Get().GetBuiltinType(FLOAT64_OR_HOLE_TYPE_STRING);
static const Type* GetConstFloat64Type() {
return Get().GetBuiltinType(CONST_FLOAT64_TYPE_STRING);
......@@ -417,7 +417,8 @@ void TypeVisitor::VisitClassFieldsAndMethods(
ReportError("non-extern classes do not support weak fields");
if (const StructType* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(field_type)) {
const StructType* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(field_type);
if (struct_type && struct_type != TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
for (const Field& struct_field : struct_type->fields()) {
if (!struct_field.name_and_type.type->IsSubtypeOf(
TypeOracle::GetTaggedType())) {
......@@ -768,6 +768,9 @@ size_t AbstractType::AlignmentLog2() const {
size_t StructType::AlignmentLog2() const {
if (this == TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
return TypeOracle::GetFloat64Type()->AlignmentLog2();
size_t alignment_log_2 = 0;
for (const Field& field : fields()) {
alignment_log_2 =
......@@ -778,7 +781,8 @@ size_t StructType::AlignmentLog2() const {
void Field::ValidateAlignment(ResidueClass at_offset) const {
const Type* type = name_and_type.type;
if (const StructType* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(type)) {
const StructType* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(type);
if (struct_type && struct_type != TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
for (const Field& field : struct_type->fields()) {
size_t field_size = std::get<0>(field.GetFieldSizeInformation());
......@@ -834,8 +838,13 @@ base::Optional<std::tuple<size_t, std::string>> SizeOf(const Type* type) {
size = TargetArchitecture::RawPtrSize();
size_string = "kIntptrSize";
} else if (const StructType* struct_type = StructType::DynamicCast(type)) {
if (type == TypeOracle::GetFloat64OrHoleType()) {
size = kDoubleSize;
size_string = "kDoubleSize";
} else {
size = struct_type->PackedSize();
size_string = std::to_string(size);
} else {
return {};
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "src/base/bits.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/torque/ast.h"
#include "src/torque/constants.h"
#include "src/torque/declarable.h"
#include "src/torque/utils.h"
......@@ -192,9 +193,17 @@ bool IsKeywordLikeName(const std::string& s) {
// naming convention and are those exempt from the normal type convention.
bool IsMachineType(const std::string& s) {
static const char* const machine_types[]{
"void", "never", "int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int31",
"uint31", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "intptr", "uintptr", "float32",
"float64", "bool", "string", "bint", "char8", "char16"};
return std::find(std::begin(machine_types), std::end(machine_types), s) !=
......@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ type BuiltinPtr extends Smi generates 'TNode<BuiltinPtr>';
type Context extends HeapObject generates 'TNode<Context>';
type NativeContext extends Context;
struct float64_or_hole {
is_hole: bool;
value: float64;
intrinsic %FromConstexpr<To: type, From: type>(b: From): To;
intrinsic %RawDownCast<To: type, From: type>(x: From): To;
intrinsic %RawConstexprCast<To: type, From: type>(f: From): To;
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ namespace array {
try {
const object = UnsafeCast<JSObject>(sortState.receiver);
const elements = UnsafeCast<FixedDoubleArray>(object.elements);
const value = LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(elements, index) otherwise IfHole;
const value = elements.floats[index].Value() otherwise IfHole;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(value);
label IfHole {
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ namespace array {
const object = UnsafeCast<JSObject>(sortState.receiver);
const elements = UnsafeCast<FixedDoubleArray>(object.elements);
StoreFixedDoubleArrayHoleSmi(elements, index);
elements.floats[index] = kDoubleHole;
return kSuccess;
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