Collect only optimizable function samples.

Keep track of the ratio between JS and non-JS ticks and use this ratio to adjust the lookup threshold. (Also add support to trace compilation statistics.)

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent a695d073
......@@ -116,13 +116,26 @@ static bool AlwaysFullCompiler() {
static void FinishOptimization(Handle<JSFunction> function, int64_t start) {
int opt_count = function->shared()->opt_count();
function->shared()->set_opt_count(opt_count + 1);
if (!FLAG_trace_opt) return;
double ms = static_cast<double>(OS::Ticks() - start) / 1000;
if (FLAG_trace_opt) {
PrintF("[optimizing: ");
PrintF(" / %" V8PRIxPTR, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(*function));
PrintF(" - took %0.3f ms]\n", ms);
if (FLAG_trace_opt_stats) {
static double compilation_time = 0.0;
static int compiled_functions = 0;
static int code_size = 0;
compilation_time += ms;
code_size += function->shared()->SourceSize();
PrintF("Compiled: %d functions with %d byte source size in %fms.\n",
......@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ DEFINE_bool(mask_constants_with_cookie,
DEFINE_bool(lazy, true, "use lazy compilation")
DEFINE_bool(trace_opt, false, "trace lazy optimization")
DEFINE_bool(trace_opt_stats, false, "trace lazy optimization statistics")
DEFINE_bool(opt, true, "use adaptive optimizations")
DEFINE_bool(opt_eagerly, false, "be more eager when adaptively optimizing")
DEFINE_bool(always_opt, false, "always try to optimize functions")
......@@ -68,12 +68,18 @@ class PendingListNode : public Malloced {
enum SamplerState {
// Optimization sampler constants.
static const int kSamplerFrameCount = 2;
static const int kSamplerFrameWeight[kSamplerFrameCount] = { 2, 1 };
static const int kSamplerWindowSize = 16;
static const int kSamplerTicksDelta = 32;
static const int kSamplerTicksBetweenThresholdAdjustment = 32;
static const int kSamplerThresholdInit = 3;
static const int kSamplerThresholdMin = 1;
......@@ -88,6 +94,11 @@ static const int kSizeLimit = 1500;
static int sampler_threshold = kSamplerThresholdInit;
static int sampler_threshold_size_factor = kSamplerThresholdSizeFactorInit;
static int sampler_ticks_until_threshold_adjustment =
// The ratio of ticks spent in JS code in percent.
static Atomic32 js_ratio;
// The JSFunctions in the sampler window are not GC safe. Old-space
// pointers are not cleared during mark-sweep collection and therefore
......@@ -267,29 +278,59 @@ void RuntimeProfiler::OptimizeNow() {
it.Advance()) {
JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame();
JSFunction* function = JSFunction::cast(frame->function());
int function_size = function->shared()->SourceSize();
int threshold_size_factor;
if (function_size > kSizeLimit) {
threshold_size_factor = sampler_threshold_size_factor;
} else {
threshold_size_factor = 1;
// Adjust threshold each time we have processed
// a certain number of ticks.
if (sampler_ticks_until_threshold_adjustment > 0) {
if (sampler_ticks_until_threshold_adjustment <= 0) {
// If the threshold is not already at the minimum
// modify and reset the ticks until next adjustment.
if (sampler_threshold > kSamplerThresholdMin) {
sampler_threshold -= kSamplerThresholdDelta;
sampler_ticks_until_threshold_adjustment =
int threshold = sampler_threshold * threshold_size_factor;
samples[count++] = function;
if (function->IsMarkedForLazyRecompilation()) {
Code* unoptimized = function->shared()->code();
int nesting = unoptimized->allow_osr_at_loop_nesting_level();
if (nesting == 0) AttemptOnStackReplacement(function);
int new_nesting = Min(nesting + 1, Code::kMaxLoopNestingMarker);
} else if (LookupSample(function) >= threshold) {
if (IsOptimizable(function)) {
// Do not record non-optimizable functions.
if (!IsOptimizable(function)) continue;
samples[count++] = function;
int function_size = function->shared()->SourceSize();
int threshold_size_factor = (function_size > kSizeLimit)
? sampler_threshold_size_factor
: 1;
int threshold = sampler_threshold * threshold_size_factor;
int current_js_ratio = NoBarrier_Load(&js_ratio);
// Adjust threshold depending on the ratio of time spent
// in JS code.
if (current_js_ratio < 20) {
// If we spend less than 20% of the time in JS code,
// do not optimize.
} else if (current_js_ratio < 75) {
// Below 75% of time spent in JS code, only optimize very
// frequently used functions.
threshold *= 3;
if (LookupSample(function) >= threshold) {
Optimize(function, false, 0);
// Add the collected functions as samples. It's important not to do
// this as part of collecting them because this will interfere with
......@@ -341,6 +382,8 @@ void RuntimeProfiler::Setup() {
void RuntimeProfiler::Reset() {
sampler_threshold = kSamplerThresholdInit;
sampler_ticks_until_threshold_adjustment =
sampler_threshold_size_factor = kSamplerThresholdSizeFactorInit;
......@@ -360,6 +403,24 @@ int RuntimeProfiler::SamplerWindowSize() {
static void AddStateSample(SamplerState current_state) {
static const int kStateWindowSize = 128;
static SamplerState state_window[kStateWindowSize];
static int state_window_position = 0;
static int state_counts[2] = { kStateWindowSize, 0 };
SamplerState old_state = state_window[state_window_position];
state_window[state_window_position] = current_state;
state_window_position = (state_window_position + 1) &
(kStateWindowSize - 1);
NoBarrier_Store(&js_ratio, state_counts[IN_JS_STATE] * 100 /
bool RuntimeProfilerRateLimiter::SuspendIfNecessary() {
static const int kNonJSTicksThreshold = 100;
// We suspend the runtime profiler thread when not running
......@@ -369,8 +430,10 @@ bool RuntimeProfilerRateLimiter::SuspendIfNecessary() {
!CpuProfiler::is_profiling() &&
!(FLAG_prof && FLAG_prof_auto)) {
if (Top::IsInJSState()) {
non_js_ticks_ = 0;
} else {
if (non_js_ticks_ < kNonJSTicksThreshold) {
} else {
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