Commit 63305af0 authored by's avatar

Reduce queue size in dead code elimination by eagerly processing live instructions.


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 9fadd295
......@@ -31,11 +31,30 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
bool HDeadCodeEliminationPhase::MarkLive(HValue* ref, HValue* instr) {
if (instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kIsLive)) return false;
void HDeadCodeEliminationPhase::MarkLive(
HValue* instr, ZoneList<HValue*>* worklist) {
if (instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kIsLive)) return; // Already live.
if (FLAG_trace_dead_code_elimination) PrintLive(NULL, instr);
// Transitively mark all inputs of live instructions live.
worklist->Add(instr, zone());
while (!worklist->is_empty()) {
HValue* instr = worklist->RemoveLast();
for (int i = 0; i < instr->OperandCount(); ++i) {
HValue* input = instr->OperandAt(i);
if (!input->CheckFlag(HValue::kIsLive)) {
worklist->Add(input, zone());
if (FLAG_trace_dead_code_elimination) PrintLive(instr, input);
if (FLAG_trace_dead_code_elimination) {
void HDeadCodeEliminationPhase::PrintLive(HValue* ref, HValue* instr) {
HeapStringAllocator allocator;
StringStream stream(&allocator);
if (ref != NULL) {
......@@ -46,41 +65,26 @@ bool HDeadCodeEliminationPhase::MarkLive(HValue* ref, HValue* instr) {
stream.Add(" -> ");
PrintF("[MarkLive %s]\n", *stream.ToCString());
return true;
void HDeadCodeEliminationPhase::MarkLiveInstructions() {
ZoneList<HValue*> worklist(graph()->blocks()->length(), zone());
ZoneList<HValue*> worklist(10, zone());
// Mark initial root instructions for dead code elimination.
// Transitively mark all live instructions, starting from roots.
for (int i = 0; i < graph()->blocks()->length(); ++i) {
HBasicBlock* block = graph()->blocks()->at(i);
for (HInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
HInstruction* instr = it.Current();
if (instr->CannotBeEliminated() && MarkLive(NULL, instr)) {
worklist.Add(instr, zone());
if (instr->CannotBeEliminated()) MarkLive(instr, &worklist);
for (int j = 0; j < block->phis()->length(); j++) {
HPhi* phi = block->phis()->at(j);
if (phi->CannotBeEliminated() && MarkLive(NULL, phi)) {
worklist.Add(phi, zone());
if (phi->CannotBeEliminated()) MarkLive(phi, &worklist);
// Transitively mark all inputs of live instructions live.
while (!worklist.is_empty()) {
HValue* instr = worklist.RemoveLast();
for (int i = 0; i < instr->OperandCount(); ++i) {
if (MarkLive(instr, instr->OperandAt(i))) {
worklist.Add(instr->OperandAt(i), zone());
ASSERT(worklist.is_empty()); // Should have processed everything.
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ class HDeadCodeEliminationPhase : public HPhase {
bool MarkLive(HValue* ref, HValue* instr);
void MarkLive(HValue* instr, ZoneList<HValue*>* worklist);
void PrintLive(HValue* ref, HValue* instr);
void MarkLiveInstructions();
void RemoveDeadInstructions();
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