Commit 6176dee6 authored by's avatar

Add constructor for range types.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 538c4234
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace internal {
template<class Config>
TypeImpl<Config>* TypeImpl<Config>::cast(typename Config::Base* object) {
TypeImpl* t = static_cast<TypeImpl*>(object);
ASSERT(t->IsBitset() || t->IsClass() || t->IsConstant() ||
ASSERT(t->IsBitset() || t->IsClass() || t->IsConstant() || t->IsRange() ||
t->IsUnion() || t->IsArray() || t->IsFunction() || t->IsContext());
return t;
......@@ -911,6 +911,11 @@ void TypeImpl<Config>::PrintTo(OStream& os, PrintDimension dim) { // NOLINT
<< " : ";
BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(this))->PrintTo(os, dim);
os << ")";
} else if (this->IsRange()) {
os << "Range(" << this->AsRange()->Min()
<< ".." << this->AsRange()->Max() << " : ";
BitsetType::New(BitsetType::Lub(this))->PrintTo(os, dim);
os << ")";
} else if (this->IsContext()) {
os << "Context(";
this->AsContext()->Outer()->PrintTo(os, dim);
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#ifndef V8_TYPES_H_
#define V8_TYPES_H_
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/handles.h"
#include "src/ostreams.h"
......@@ -254,6 +255,7 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
class ClassType;
class ConstantType;
class RangeType;
class ContextType;
class ArrayType;
class FunctionType;
......@@ -261,6 +263,7 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
typedef typename Config::template Handle<TypeImpl>::type TypeHandle;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<ClassType>::type ClassHandle;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<ConstantType>::type ConstantHandle;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<RangeType>::type RangeHandle;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<ContextType>::type ContextHandle;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<ArrayType>::type ArrayHandle;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<FunctionType>::type FunctionHandle;
......@@ -281,8 +284,12 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
return ClassType::New(map, region);
static TypeHandle Constant(i::Handle<i::Object> value, Region* region) {
// TODO(neis): return RangeType for numerical values
return ConstantType::New(value, region);
static TypeHandle Range(double min, double max, Region* region) {
return RangeType::New(min, max, region);
static TypeHandle Context(TypeHandle outer, Region* region) {
return ContextType::New(outer, region);
......@@ -375,6 +382,9 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
bool IsConstant() {
return Config::is_struct(this, StructuralType::kConstantTag);
bool IsRange() {
return Config::is_struct(this, StructuralType::kRangeTag);
bool IsContext() {
return Config::is_struct(this, StructuralType::kContextTag);
......@@ -387,6 +397,7 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
ClassType* AsClass() { return ClassType::cast(this); }
ConstantType* AsConstant() { return ConstantType::cast(this); }
RangeType* AsRange() { return RangeType::cast(this); }
ContextType* AsContext() { return ContextType::cast(this); }
ArrayType* AsArray() { return ArrayType::cast(this); }
FunctionType* AsFunction() { return FunctionType::cast(this); }
......@@ -520,6 +531,7 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::StructuralType : public TypeImpl<Config> {
enum Tag {
......@@ -655,6 +667,42 @@ class TypeImpl<Config>::ConstantType : public StructuralType {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Range types.
template<class Config>
class TypeImpl<Config>::RangeType : public StructuralType {
TypeHandle Bound() { return this->Get(0); }
double Min() { return this->template GetValue<i::HeapNumber>(1)->value(); }
double Max() { return this->template GetValue<i::HeapNumber>(2)->value(); }
static RangeHandle New(
double min, double max, TypeHandle bound, Region* region) {
ASSERT(SEMANTIC(bound->AsBitset() | BitsetType::kNumber)
== SEMANTIC(BitsetType::kNumber));
ASSERT(!std::isnan(min) && !std::isnan(max) && min <= max);
RangeHandle type = Config::template cast<RangeType>(
StructuralType::New(StructuralType::kRangeTag, 3, region));
type->Set(0, bound);
Factory* factory = Config::isolate(region)->factory();
type->SetValue(1, factory->NewHeapNumber(min));
type->SetValue(2, factory->NewHeapNumber(max));
return type;
static RangeHandle New(double min, double max, Region* region) {
TypeHandle bound = BitsetType::New(BitsetType::kNumber, region);
return New(min, max, bound, region);
static RangeType* cast(TypeImpl* type) {
return static_cast<RangeType*>(type);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Context types.
......@@ -791,6 +839,11 @@ struct ZoneTypeConfig {
typedef i::Zone Region;
template<class T> struct Handle { typedef T* type; };
// TODO(neis): This will be removed again once we have struct_get_double().
static inline i::Isolate* isolate(Region* region) {
return region->isolate();
template<class T> static inline T* handle(T* type);
template<class T> static inline T* cast(Type* type);
......@@ -833,6 +886,11 @@ struct HeapTypeConfig {
typedef i::Isolate Region;
template<class T> struct Handle { typedef i::Handle<T> type; };
// TODO(neis): This will be removed again once we have struct_get_double().
static inline i::Isolate* isolate(Region* region) {
return region;
template<class T> static inline i::Handle<T> handle(T* type);
template<class T> static inline i::Handle<T> cast(i::Handle<Type> type);
......@@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ struct ZoneRep {
static bool IsBitset(Type* t) { return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(t) & 1; }
static bool IsClass(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 0); }
static bool IsConstant(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 1); }
static bool IsContext(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 2); }
static bool IsArray(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 3); }
static bool IsFunction(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 4); }
static bool IsUnion(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 5); }
static bool IsRange(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 2); }
static bool IsContext(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 3); }
static bool IsArray(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 4); }
static bool IsFunction(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 5); }
static bool IsUnion(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 6); }
static Struct* AsStruct(Type* t) {
return reinterpret_cast<Struct*>(t);
......@@ -70,10 +71,11 @@ struct HeapRep {
return t->IsMap() || IsStruct(t, 0);
static bool IsConstant(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 1); }
static bool IsContext(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 2); }
static bool IsArray(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 3); }
static bool IsFunction(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 4); }
static bool IsUnion(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 5); }
static bool IsRange(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 2); }
static bool IsContext(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 3); }
static bool IsArray(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 4); }
static bool IsFunction(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 5); }
static bool IsUnion(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 6); }
static Struct* AsStruct(Handle<HeapType> t) { return FixedArray::cast(*t); }
static int AsBitset(Handle<HeapType> t) { return Smi::cast(*t)->value(); }
......@@ -149,6 +151,15 @@ class Types {
types.push_back(Type::Constant(*it, region));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
doubles.push_back(rng_->NextDouble() * rng_->NextInt());
NumberArray = Type::Array(Number, region);
StringArray = Type::Array(String, region);
AnyArray = Type::Array(Any, region);
......@@ -201,9 +212,12 @@ class Types {
typedef std::vector<TypeHandle> TypeVector;
typedef std::vector<Handle<i::Map> > MapVector;
typedef std::vector<Handle<i::Object> > ValueVector;
typedef std::vector<double> DoubleVector;
TypeVector types;
MapVector maps;
ValueVector values;
DoubleVector doubles;
TypeHandle Of(Handle<i::Object> value) {
return Type::Of(value, region_);
......@@ -217,6 +231,10 @@ class Types {
return Type::Constant(value, region_);
TypeHandle Range(double min, double max) {
return Type::Range(min, max, region_);
TypeHandle Class(Handle<i::Map> map) {
return Type::Class(map, region_);
......@@ -327,6 +345,7 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
typedef typename TypesInstance::TypeVector::iterator TypeIterator;
typedef typename TypesInstance::MapVector::iterator MapIterator;
typedef typename TypesInstance::ValueVector::iterator ValueIterator;
typedef typename TypesInstance::DoubleVector::iterator DoubleIterator;
Isolate* isolate;
HandleScope scope;
......@@ -346,6 +365,7 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
Rep::IsBitset(type1) == Rep::IsBitset(type2) &&
Rep::IsClass(type1) == Rep::IsClass(type2) &&
Rep::IsConstant(type1) == Rep::IsConstant(type2) &&
Rep::IsRange(type1) == Rep::IsRange(type2) &&
Rep::IsContext(type1) == Rep::IsContext(type2) &&
Rep::IsArray(type1) == Rep::IsArray(type2) &&
Rep::IsFunction(type1) == Rep::IsFunction(type2) &&
......@@ -358,6 +378,9 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
Rep::AsClass(type1) == Rep::AsClass(type2)) &&
(!Rep::IsConstant(type1) ||
Rep::AsConstant(type1) == Rep::AsConstant(type2)) &&
(!Rep::IsRange(type1) ||
(type1->AsRange()->Min() == type2->AsRange()->Min() &&
type1->AsRange()->Max() == type2->AsRange()->Max())) &&
// TODO(rossberg): Check details of arrays, functions, bounds.
(!Rep::IsUnion(type1) ||
Rep::Length(Rep::AsUnion(type1)) == Rep::Length(Rep::AsUnion(type2)));
......@@ -566,6 +589,50 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
void Range() {
// Constructor
for (DoubleIterator i = T.doubles.begin(); i != T.doubles.end(); ++i) {
for (DoubleIterator j = T.doubles.begin(); j != T.doubles.end(); ++j) {
double min = std::min(*i, *j);
double max = std::max(*i, *j);
TypeHandle type = T.Range(min, max);
// Range attributes
for (DoubleIterator i = T.doubles.begin(); i != T.doubles.end(); ++i) {
for (DoubleIterator j = T.doubles.begin(); j != T.doubles.end(); ++j) {
double min = std::min(*i, *j);
double max = std::max(*i, *j);
TypeHandle type = T.Range(min, max);
CHECK(min == type->AsRange()->Min());
CHECK(max == type->AsRange()->Max());
// TODO(neis): enable once subtyping is updated.
// // Functionality & Injectivity: Range(min1, max1) = Range(min2, max2) <=>
// // min1 = min2 /\ max1 = max2
// for (DoubleIterator i1 = T.doubles.begin(); i1 != T.doubles.end(); ++i1) {
// for (DoubleIterator j1 = T.doubles.begin(); j1 != T.doubles.end(); ++j1) {
// for (DoubleIterator i2 = T.doubles.begin();
// i2 != T.doubles.end(); ++i2) {
// for (DoubleIterator j2 = T.doubles.begin();
// j2 != T.doubles.end(); ++j2) {
// double min1 = std::min(*i1, *j1);
// double max1 = std::max(*i1, *j1);
// double min2 = std::min(*i2, *j2);
// double max2 = std::max(*i2, *j2);
// TypeHandle type1 = T.Range(min1, max1);
// TypeHandle type2 = T.Range(min2, max2);
// CHECK(Equal(type1, type2) == (min1 == min2 && max1 == max2));
// }
// }
// }
// }
void Array() {
// Constructor
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
......@@ -1794,6 +1861,13 @@ TEST(ConstantType) {
TEST(RangeType) {
TEST(ArrayType) {
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