Commit 5d827f50 authored by Jakob Gruber's avatar Jakob Gruber Committed by Commit Bot

[ic] Port CollectCallableFeedback to Torque

Collecting feedback for {Call,InstanceOf,Construct} is similar
but distressingly different. In preparation for adding a
CollectConstructFeedback helper, this CL ports {Call,InstanceOf}
feedback collection to Torque.

Bug: v8:8888
Change-Id: Iaacc137ef46a77a4fe2857ec41c5cc30614dfdf0
Reviewed-on: 's avatarLeszek Swirski <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarIgor Sheludko <>
Commit-Queue: Jakob Gruber <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#67703}
parent a76f2cb7
......@@ -1039,6 +1039,8 @@ torque_files = [
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ extern macro MakeWeak(HeapObject): WeakHeapObject;
extern macro GetHeapObjectAssumeWeak(WeakHeapObject):
HeapObject labels ClearedWeakPointer;
extern macro IsWeakOrCleared(MaybeObject): bool;
extern macro IsWeakReferenceToObject(MaybeObject, Object): bool;
macro StrongToWeak<T: type>(x: T): Weak<T> {
return %RawDownCast<Weak<T>>(MakeWeak(x));
......@@ -382,20 +383,20 @@ type Boolean = True|False;
type NumberOrUndefined = Number|Undefined;
extern macro TheHoleConstant(): TheHole;
extern macro NullConstant(): Null;
extern macro UndefinedConstant(): Undefined;
extern macro TrueConstant(): True;
extern macro EmptyStringConstant(): EmptyString;
extern macro FalseConstant(): False;
extern macro Int32TrueConstant(): bool;
extern macro Int32FalseConstant(): bool;
extern macro EmptyStringConstant(): EmptyString;
extern macro Int32TrueConstant(): bool;
extern macro IteratorSymbolConstant(): PublicSymbol;
extern macro LengthStringConstant(): String;
extern macro MatchSymbolConstant(): Symbol;
extern macro MessageStringConstant(): String;
extern macro NanConstant(): NaN;
extern macro IteratorSymbolConstant(): PublicSymbol;
extern macro MatchSymbolConstant(): Symbol;
extern macro NullConstant(): Null;
extern macro ReturnStringConstant(): String;
extern macro TheHoleConstant(): TheHole;
extern macro TrueConstant(): True;
extern macro UndefinedConstant(): Undefined;
const TheHole: TheHole = TheHoleConstant();
const Null: Null = NullConstant();
......@@ -523,8 +524,6 @@ extern transitioning macro HasProperty_Inline(implicit context: Context)(
JSReceiver, JSAny): Boolean;
extern builtin LoadIC(
Context, JSAny, JSAny, TaggedIndex, FeedbackVector): JSAny;
extern macro CollectCallFeedback(
JSAny, Context, Undefined | FeedbackVector, uintptr);
extern macro ThrowRangeError(implicit context: Context)(
constexpr MessageTemplate): never;
......@@ -724,7 +723,7 @@ macro Float64IsNaN(n: float64): bool {
// The type of all tagged values that can safely be compared with TaggedEqual.
type TaggedWithIdentity =
extern operator '==' macro TaggedEqual(TaggedWithIdentity, Object): bool;
extern operator '==' macro TaggedEqual(Object, TaggedWithIdentity): bool;
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
extern macro IsConstructor(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsFeedbackCell(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsFeedbackVector(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsJSAggregateError(HeapObject): bool;
extern macro IsJSArray(HeapObject): bool;
......@@ -489,6 +490,12 @@ Cast<Map>(implicit context: Context)(o: HeapObject): Map
goto CastError;
Cast<FeedbackCell>(implicit context: Context)(o: HeapObject): FeedbackCell
labels CastError {
if (IsFeedbackCell(o)) return %RawDownCast<FeedbackCell>(o);
goto CastError;
Cast<FeedbackVector>(implicit context: Context)(o: HeapObject): FeedbackVector
labels CastError {
if (IsFeedbackVector(o)) return %RawDownCast<FeedbackVector>(o);
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ic_callable {
extern macro IncrementCallCount(FeedbackVector, uintptr): void;
macro IsMonomorphic(feedback: MaybeObject, target: JSAny): bool {
return IsWeakReferenceToObject(feedback, target);
macro InSameNativeContext(lhs: Context, rhs: Context): bool {
return LoadNativeContext(lhs) == LoadNativeContext(rhs);
macro MaybeObjectToStrong(maybeObject: MaybeObject):
HeapObject labels IfCleared {
const weakObject = %RawDownCast<Weak<HeapObject>>(maybeObject);
return WeakToStrong(weakObject) otherwise IfCleared;
macro TryInitializeAsMonomorphic(implicit context: Context)(
maybeTarget: JSAny, feedbackVector: FeedbackVector,
slotId: uintptr): void labels TransitionToMegamorphic {
const targetHeapObject =
Cast<HeapObject>(maybeTarget) otherwise TransitionToMegamorphic;
let unwrappedTarget = targetHeapObject;
while (Is<JSBoundFunction>(unwrappedTarget)) {
unwrappedTarget =
const unwrappedTargetJSFunction =
Cast<JSFunction>(unwrappedTarget) otherwise TransitionToMegamorphic;
if (!InSameNativeContext(unwrappedTargetJSFunction.context, context)) {
goto TransitionToMegamorphic;
feedbackVector, slotId, targetHeapObject);
ic::ReportFeedbackUpdate(feedbackVector, slotId, 'Call:Initialize');
macro TransitionToMegamorphic(implicit context: Context)(
feedbackVector: FeedbackVector, slotId: uintptr): void {
ic::StoreFeedbackVectorSlot(feedbackVector, slotId, ic::kMegamorphicSymbol);
feedbackVector, slotId, 'Call:TransitionMegamorphic');
macro CollectCallFeedback(
maybeTarget: JSAny, context: Context,
maybeFeedbackVector: Undefined|FeedbackVector, slotId: uintptr): void {
const feedbackVector =
Cast<FeedbackVector>(maybeFeedbackVector) otherwise return;
IncrementCallCount(feedbackVector, slotId);
try {
const feedback: MaybeObject =
ic::LoadFeedbackVectorSlot(feedbackVector, slotId);
if (IsMonomorphic(feedback, maybeTarget)) return;
if (ic::IsMegamorphic(feedback)) return;
if (ic::IsUninitialized(feedback)) goto TryInitializeAsMonomorphic;
// If cleared, we have a new chance to become monomorphic.
const feedbackValue: HeapObject =
MaybeObjectToStrong(feedback) otherwise TryInitializeAsMonomorphic;
// Try transitioning to a feedback cell.
// Check if {target}s feedback cell matches the {feedbackValue}.
const target =
Cast<JSFunction>(maybeTarget) otherwise TransitionToMegamorphic;
const targetFeedbackCell: FeedbackCell = target.feedback_cell;
if (TaggedEqual(feedbackValue, targetFeedbackCell)) return;
// Check if {target} and {feedbackValue} are both JSFunctions with
// the same feedback vector cell, and that those functions were
// actually compiled already.
const feedbackValueJSFunction =
Cast<JSFunction>(feedbackValue) otherwise TransitionToMegamorphic;
const feedbackCell: FeedbackCell = feedbackValueJSFunction.feedback_cell;
if (!TaggedEqual(feedbackCell, targetFeedbackCell))
goto TransitionToMegamorphic;
feedbackVector, slotId, feedbackCell);
feedbackVector, slotId, 'Call:FeedbackVectorCell');
} label TryInitializeAsMonomorphic {
TryInitializeAsMonomorphic(maybeTarget, feedbackVector, slotId)
otherwise TransitionToMegamorphic;
} label TransitionToMegamorphic {
TransitionToMegamorphic(feedbackVector, slotId);
macro CollectInstanceOfFeedback(
maybeTarget: JSAny, context: Context,
maybeFeedbackVector: Undefined|FeedbackVector, slotId: uintptr): void {
const feedbackVector =
Cast<FeedbackVector>(maybeFeedbackVector) otherwise return;
// Note: The call count is not incremented.
try {
const feedback: MaybeObject =
ic::LoadFeedbackVectorSlot(feedbackVector, slotId);
if (IsMonomorphic(feedback, maybeTarget)) return;
if (ic::IsMegamorphic(feedback)) return;
if (ic::IsUninitialized(feedback)) goto TryInitializeAsMonomorphic;
// If cleared, we have a new chance to become monomorphic.
const _feedbackValue: HeapObject =
MaybeObjectToStrong(feedback) otherwise TryInitializeAsMonomorphic;
goto TransitionToMegamorphic;
} label TryInitializeAsMonomorphic {
TryInitializeAsMonomorphic(maybeTarget, feedbackVector, slotId)
otherwise TransitionToMegamorphic;
} label TransitionToMegamorphic {
TransitionToMegamorphic(feedbackVector, slotId);
} // namespace ic_callable
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ic {
// --- The public interface (forwards to the actual implementation).
macro CollectCallFeedback(
maybeTarget: JSAny, context: Context,
maybeFeedbackVector: Undefined|FeedbackVector, slotId: uintptr): void {
maybeTarget, context, maybeFeedbackVector, slotId);
macro CollectInstanceOfFeedback(
maybeTarget: JSAny, context: Context,
maybeFeedbackVector: Undefined|FeedbackVector, slotId: uintptr): void {
maybeTarget, context, maybeFeedbackVector, slotId);
// --- Common functionality.
extern macro MegamorphicSymbolConstant(): Symbol;
extern macro UninitializedSymbolConstant(): Symbol;
const kMegamorphicSymbol: Symbol = MegamorphicSymbolConstant();
const kUninitializedSymbol: Symbol = UninitializedSymbolConstant();
macro IsMegamorphic(feedback: MaybeObject): bool {
return TaggedEqual(feedback, kMegamorphicSymbol);
macro IsUninitialized(feedback: MaybeObject): bool {
return TaggedEqual(feedback, kUninitializedSymbol);
extern macro LoadFeedbackVectorSlot(FeedbackVector, uintptr): MaybeObject;
extern macro StoreFeedbackVectorSlot(FeedbackVector, uintptr, MaybeObject):
extern macro StoreWeakReferenceInFeedbackVector(
FeedbackVector, uintptr, HeapObject): MaybeObject;
extern macro ReportFeedbackUpdate(FeedbackVector, uintptr, constexpr string);
......@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ namespace iterator {
context: Context, receiver: JSAny, iteratorMethod: JSAny, callSlot: Smi,
feedback: Undefined|FeedbackVector): JSAny {
const callSlotUnTagged: uintptr = Unsigned(SmiUntag(callSlot));
CollectCallFeedback(iteratorMethod, context, feedback, callSlotUnTagged);
iteratorMethod, context, feedback, callSlotUnTagged);
const iteratorCallable: Callable = Cast<Callable>(iteratorMethod)
otherwise ThrowCalledNonCallable(iteratorMethod);
return Call(context, iteratorCallable, receiver);
......@@ -146,164 +146,6 @@ TNode<IntPtrT> CodeStubAssembler::IntPtrToParameter<IntPtrT>(
return value;
void CodeStubAssembler::CollectCallableFeedback(
TNode<Object> maybe_target, TNode<Context> context,
TNode<FeedbackVector> feedback_vector, TNode<UintPtrT> slot_id,
CallableFeedbackMode mode) {
Label extra_checks(this, Label::kDeferred), done(this);
// Check if we have monomorphic {target} feedback already.
TNode<MaybeObject> feedback =
LoadFeedbackVectorSlot(feedback_vector, slot_id);
Comment("check if monomorphic");
TNode<BoolT> is_monomorphic = IsWeakReferenceToObject(feedback, maybe_target);
GotoIf(is_monomorphic, &done);
// Check if it is a megamorphic {target}.
Comment("check if megamorphic");
TNode<BoolT> is_megamorphic = TaggedEqual(
feedback, HeapConstant(FeedbackVector::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate())));
Branch(is_megamorphic, &done, &extra_checks);
Label initialize(this), mark_megamorphic(this);
Comment("check if weak reference");
TNode<BoolT> is_uninitialized = TaggedEqual(
GotoIf(is_uninitialized, &initialize);
CSA_ASSERT(this, IsWeakOrCleared(feedback));
// If the weak reference is cleared, we have a new chance to become
// monomorphic.
Comment("check if weak reference is cleared");
GotoIf(IsCleared(feedback), &initialize);
GotoIf(TaggedIsSmi(maybe_target), &mark_megamorphic);
if (mode == CallableFeedbackMode::kDontCollectFeedbackCell) {
} else {
Label try_transition_to_feedback_cell(this);
// Check if {target} is a JSFunction.
Comment("check if target is a JSFunction");
TNode<HeapObject> target = CAST(maybe_target);
GotoIfNot(IsJSFunction(target), &mark_megamorphic);
// Check if {target}s feedback vector cell matches the {feedback_value}.
TNode<HeapObject> feedback_value = GetHeapObjectAssumeWeak(feedback);
TNode<Object> target_feedback_cell =
LoadObjectField(target, JSFunction::kFeedbackCellOffset);
Branch(TaggedEqual(feedback_value, target_feedback_cell), &done,
// Check if {target} and {feedback_value} are both JSFunctions with
// the same feedback vector cell, and that those functions were
// actually compiled already.
GotoIfNot(IsJSFunction(feedback_value), &mark_megamorphic);
TNode<HeapObject> feedback_cell = CAST(
LoadObjectField(feedback_value, JSFunction::kFeedbackCellOffset));
GotoIfNot(TaggedEqual(feedback_cell, target_feedback_cell),
GotoIfNot(IsFeedbackCell(feedback_cell), &mark_megamorphic);
// Record the feedback vector cell.
Comment("transition to polymorphic");
StoreWeakReferenceInFeedbackVector(feedback_vector, slot_id,
ReportFeedbackUpdate(feedback_vector, slot_id,
Comment("check if function in same native context");
GotoIf(TaggedIsSmi(maybe_target), &mark_megamorphic);
TNode<HeapObject> target = CAST(maybe_target);
// Check if the {target} is a JSFunction or JSBoundFunction
// in the current native context.
TVARIABLE(HeapObject, var_current, target);
Label loop(this, &var_current), done_loop(this);
Label if_boundfunction(this), if_function(this);
TNode<HeapObject> current = var_current.value();
TNode<Uint16T> current_instance_type = LoadInstanceType(current);
GotoIf(InstanceTypeEqual(current_instance_type, JS_BOUND_FUNCTION_TYPE),
Branch(InstanceTypeEqual(current_instance_type, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE),
&if_function, &mark_megamorphic);
// Check that the JSFunction {current} is in the current native
// context.
TNode<Context> current_context =
CAST(LoadObjectField(current, JSFunction::kContextOffset));
TNode<NativeContext> current_native_context =
TaggedEqual(LoadNativeContext(context), current_native_context),
&done_loop, &mark_megamorphic);
// Continue with the [[BoundTargetFunction]] of {target}.
var_current = LoadObjectField<HeapObject>(
current, JSBoundFunction::kBoundTargetFunctionOffset);
StoreWeakReferenceInFeedbackVector(feedback_vector, slot_id, target);
ReportFeedbackUpdate(feedback_vector, slot_id, "Call:Initialize");
// MegamorphicSentinel is an immortal immovable object so
// write-barrier is not needed.
Comment("transition to megamorphic");
feedback_vector, slot_id,
ReportFeedbackUpdate(feedback_vector, slot_id,
void CodeStubAssembler::CollectCallFeedback(
TNode<Object> maybe_target, TNode<Context> context,
TNode<HeapObject> maybe_feedback_vector, TNode<UintPtrT> slot_id) {
Label feedback_done(this);
// If feedback_vector is not valid, then nothing to do.
GotoIf(IsUndefined(maybe_feedback_vector), &feedback_done);
// Increment the call count.
TNode<FeedbackVector> feedback_vector = CAST(maybe_feedback_vector);
IncrementCallCount(feedback_vector, slot_id);
// Collect the callable {target} feedback.
CollectCallableFeedback(maybe_target, context, feedback_vector, slot_id,
void CodeStubAssembler::IncrementCallCount(
TNode<FeedbackVector> feedback_vector, TNode<UintPtrT> slot_id) {
......@@ -2109,35 +2109,6 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CodeStubAssembler
enum class DestroySource { kNo, kYes };
// Collect the callable |maybe_target| feedback for either a CALL_IC or
// an INSTANCEOF_IC in the |feedback_vector| at |slot_id|. There are
// two modes for feedback collection:
// kCollectFeedbackCell - collect JSFunctions, but devolve to the
// FeedbackCell as long as all JSFunctions
// seen share the same one.
// kDontCollectFeedbackCell - collect JSFunctions without devolving
// to the FeedbackCell in case a
// different JSFunction appears. Go directly
// to the Megamorphic sentinel value in this
// case.
enum class CallableFeedbackMode {
void CollectCallableFeedback(TNode<Object> maybe_target,
TNode<Context> context,
TNode<FeedbackVector> feedback_vector,
TNode<UintPtrT> slot_id,
CallableFeedbackMode mode);
// Collect CALL_IC feedback for |maybe_target| function in the
// |feedback_vector| at |slot_id|, and the call counts in
// the |feedback_vector| at |slot_id+1|.
void CollectCallFeedback(TNode<Object> maybe_target, TNode<Context> context,
TNode<HeapObject> maybe_feedback_vector,
TNode<UintPtrT> slot_id);
// Increment the call count for a CALL_IC or construct call.
// The call count is located at feedback_vector[slot_id + 1].
void IncrementCallCount(TNode<FeedbackVector> feedback_vector,
......@@ -1902,17 +1902,7 @@ IGNITION_HANDLER(TestInstanceOf, InterpreterAssembler) {
TNode<HeapObject> maybe_feedback_vector = LoadFeedbackVector();
TNode<Context> context = GetContext();
Label feedback_done(this);
GotoIf(IsUndefined(maybe_feedback_vector), &feedback_done);
// Record feedback for the {callable} in the {feedback_vector}.
CollectCallableFeedback(callable, context, CAST(maybe_feedback_vector),
// Perform the actual instanceof operation.
CollectInstanceOfFeedback(callable, context, maybe_feedback_vector, slot_id);
SetAccumulator(InstanceOf(object, callable, context));
......@@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ extern class FeedbackVector extends HeapObject {
shared_function_info: SharedFunctionInfo;
optimized_code_weak_or_smi: Weak<Code>|Smi;
closure_feedback_cell_array: FixedArray;
length: int32;
const length: int32;
invocation_count: int32;
profiler_ticks: int32;
// TODO(v8:9287) The padding is not necessary on platforms with 4 bytes
// tagged pointers, we should make it conditional; however, platform-specific
// interacts badly with GCMole, so we need to address that first.
padding: uint32;
// TODO(tebbi): The variable-length feedback_slots field should be declared
// here once it is possible to declare tagged slots after untagged slots.
extern class FeedbackMetadata extends HeapObject;
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