Commit 5a9a0b20 authored by yangguo's avatar yangguo Committed by Commit bot

Migrate error messages, part 3 (runtime.js).

Motivation for this is reducing the size of the native context.

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#27917}
parent 4204c727
......@@ -92,11 +92,29 @@ class MessageHandler {
/* Error */ \
T(CyclicProto, "Cyclic __proto__ value") \
/* TypeError */ \
T(ApplyNonFunction, \
"Function.prototype.apply was called on %, which is a % and not a " \
"function") \
T(CalledNonCallable, "% is not a function") \
T(CannotConvertToPrimitive, "Cannot convert object to primitive value") \
T(GeneratorRunning, "Generator is already running") \
T(IncompatibleMethodReceiver, "Method % called on incompatible receiver %") \
T(InstanceofFunctionExpected, \
"Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got %") \
T(InstanceofNonobjectProto, \
"Function has non-object prototype '%' in instanceof check") \
T(InvalidInOperatorUse, "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '%' in %") \
T(NotConstructor, "% is not a constructor") \
T(PropertyNotFunction, "Property '%' of object % is not a function") \
T(SymbolToPrimitive, \
"Cannot convert a Symbol wrapper object to a primitive value") \
T(SymbolToNumber, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number") \
T(SymbolToString, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string") \
T(UndefinedOrNullToObject, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object") \
T(WithExpression, "% has no properties") \
T(WrongArgs, "%: Arguments list has wrong type") \
/* RangeError */ \
T(StackOverflow, "Maximum call stack size exceeded") \
/* EvalError */ \
T(CodeGenFromStrings, "%")
......@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ var kMessages = {
unknown_label: ["Undefined label '", "%0", "'"],
uncaught_exception: ["Uncaught ", "%0"],
undefined_method: ["Object ", "%1", " has no method '", "%0", "'"],
cannot_convert_to_primitive: ["Cannot convert object to primitive value"],
not_constructor: ["%0", " is not a constructor"],
not_defined: ["%0", " is not defined"],
non_method: ["'super' is referenced from non-method"],
unsupported_super: ["Unsupported reference to 'super'"],
......@@ -42,15 +40,7 @@ var kMessages = {
non_object_property_store: ["Cannot set property '", "%0", "' of ", "%1"],
illegal_invocation: ["Illegal invocation"],
no_setter_in_callback: ["Cannot set property ", "%0", " of ", "%1", " which has only a getter"],
apply_non_function: ["Function.prototype.apply was called on ", "%0", ", which is a ", "%1", " and not a function"],
apply_wrong_args: ["Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type"],
reflect_apply_wrong_args: ["Reflect.apply: Arguments list has wrong type"],
reflect_construct_wrong_args: ["Reflect.construct: Arguments list has wrong type"],
flags_getter_non_object: ["RegExp.prototype.flags getter called on non-object ", "%0"],
invalid_in_operator_use: ["Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '", "%0", "' in ", "%1"],
instanceof_function_expected: ["Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got ", "%0"],
instanceof_nonobject_proto: ["Function has non-object prototype '", "%0", "' in instanceof check"],
undefined_or_null_to_object: ["Cannot convert undefined or null to object"],
reduce_no_initial: ["Reduce of empty array with no initial value"],
getter_must_be_callable: ["Getter must be a function: ", "%0"],
setter_must_be_callable: ["Setter must be a function: ", "%0"],
......@@ -113,7 +103,6 @@ var kMessages = {
["Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView"],
stack_overflow: ["Maximum call stack size exceeded"],
invalid_time_value: ["Invalid time value"],
invalid_count_value: ["Invalid count value"],
invalid_code_point: ["Invalid code point ", "%0"],
......@@ -179,9 +168,6 @@ var kMessages = {
cant_prevent_ext_external_array_elements: ["Cannot prevent extension of an object with external array elements"],
redef_external_array_element: ["Cannot redefine a property of an object with external array elements"],
const_assign: ["Assignment to constant variable."],
symbol_to_string: ["Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string"],
symbol_to_primitive: ["Cannot convert a Symbol wrapper object to a primitive value"],
symbol_to_number: ["Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number"],
module_export_undefined: ["Export '", "%0", "' is not defined in module"],
duplicate_export: ["Duplicate export of '", "%0", "'"],
unexpected_super: ["'super' keyword unexpected here"],
......@@ -1287,7 +1273,7 @@ InstallFunctions($Error.prototype, DONT_ENUM, ['toString', ErrorToString]);
// Boilerplate for exceptions for stack overflows. Used from
// Isolate::StackOverflow().
function SetUpStackOverflowBoilerplate() {
var boilerplate = MakeRangeError('stack_overflow', []);
var boilerplate = MakeRangeError(kStackOverflow);
boilerplate, 'stack', StackTraceGetter, StackTraceSetter, DONT_ENUM);
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ function DELETE(key, language_mode) {
// ECMA-262, section 11.8.7, page 54.
function IN(x) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(x)) {
throw %MakeTypeError('invalid_in_operator_use', [this, x]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kInvalidInOperatorUse, this, x);
if (%_IsNonNegativeSmi(this)) {
if (IS_ARRAY(x) && %_HasFastPackedElements(x)) {
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ function IN(x) {
function INSTANCE_OF(F) {
var V = this;
throw %MakeTypeError('instanceof_function_expected', [F]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kInstanceofFunctionExpected, F);
// If V is not an object, return false.
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ function INSTANCE_OF(F) {
// Get the prototype of F; if it is not an object, throw an error.
var O = F.prototype;
throw %MakeTypeError('instanceof_nonobject_proto', [O]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kInstanceofNonobjectProto, O);
// Return whether or not O is in the prototype chain of V.
......@@ -429,18 +429,15 @@ function APPLY_PREPARE(args) {
// We can handle any number of apply arguments if the stack is
// big enough, but sanity check the value to avoid overflow when
// multiplying with pointer size.
if (length > kSafeArgumentsLength) {
throw %MakeRangeError('stack_overflow', []);
if (length > kSafeArgumentsLength) throw %MakeRangeError(kStackOverflow);
if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(this)) {
throw %MakeTypeError('apply_non_function',
[ %ToString(this), typeof this ]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kApplyNonFunction, %ToString(this), typeof this);
// Make sure the arguments list has the right type.
if (args != null && !IS_SPEC_OBJECT(args)) {
throw %MakeTypeError('apply_wrong_args', []);
throw %MakeTypeError(kWrongArgs, "Function.prototype.apply");
// Return the length which is the number of arguments to copy to the
......@@ -467,7 +464,7 @@ function REFLECT_APPLY_PREPARE(args) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(args)) {
throw %MakeTypeError('reflect_apply_wrong_args', [ ]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kWrongArgs, "Reflect.apply");
length = %ToLength(args.length);
......@@ -475,9 +472,7 @@ function REFLECT_APPLY_PREPARE(args) {
// We can handle any number of apply arguments if the stack is
// big enough, but sanity check the value to avoid overflow when
// multiplying with pointer size.
if (length > kSafeArgumentsLength) {
throw %MakeRangeError('stack_overflow', []);
if (length > kSafeArgumentsLength) throw %MakeRangeError(kStackOverflow);
// Return the length which is the number of arguments to copy to the
// stack. It is guaranteed to be a small integer at this point.
......@@ -505,7 +500,7 @@ function REFLECT_CONSTRUCT_PREPARE(args, newTarget) {
if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(this)) {
throw %MakeTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, %ToString(this));
} else {
throw %MakeTypeError('not_constructor', [ %ToString(this) ]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kNotConstructor, %ToString(this));
......@@ -513,12 +508,12 @@ function REFLECT_CONSTRUCT_PREPARE(args, newTarget) {
if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(newTarget)) {
throw %MakeTypeError(kCalledNonCallable, %ToString(newTarget));
} else {
throw %MakeTypeError('not_constructor', [ %ToString(newTarget) ]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kNotConstructor, %ToString(newTarget));
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(args)) {
throw %MakeTypeError('reflect_construct_wrong_args', [ ]);
throw %MakeTypeError(kWrongArgs, "Reflect.construct");
length = %ToLength(args.length);
......@@ -526,9 +521,7 @@ function REFLECT_CONSTRUCT_PREPARE(args, newTarget) {
// We can handle any number of apply arguments if the stack is
// big enough, but sanity check the value to avoid overflow when
// multiplying with pointer size.
if (length > kSafeArgumentsLength) {
throw %MakeRangeError('stack_overflow', []);
if (length > kSafeArgumentsLength) throw %MakeRangeError(kStackOverflow);
// Return the length which is the number of arguments to copy to the
// stack. It is guaranteed to be a small integer at this point.
......@@ -537,7 +530,7 @@ function REFLECT_CONSTRUCT_PREPARE(args, newTarget) {
function STACK_OVERFLOW(length) {
throw %MakeRangeError('stack_overflow', []);
throw %MakeRangeError(kStackOverflow);
......@@ -577,7 +570,7 @@ function ToPrimitive(x, hint) {
if (IS_STRING(x)) return x;
// Normal behavior.
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(x)) return x;
if (IS_SYMBOL_WRAPPER(x)) throw MakeTypeError('symbol_to_primitive', []);
if (IS_SYMBOL_WRAPPER(x)) throw MakeTypeError(kSymbolToPrimitive);
if (hint == NO_HINT) hint = (IS_DATE(x)) ? STRING_HINT : NUMBER_HINT;
return (hint == NUMBER_HINT) ? %DefaultNumber(x) : %DefaultString(x);
......@@ -602,7 +595,7 @@ function ToNumber(x) {
if (IS_BOOLEAN(x)) return x ? 1 : 0;
if (IS_UNDEFINED(x)) return NAN;
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw MakeTypeError('symbol_to_number', []);
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw MakeTypeError(kSymbolToNumber);
return (IS_NULL(x)) ? 0 : ToNumber(%DefaultNumber(x));
......@@ -613,7 +606,7 @@ function NonNumberToNumber(x) {
if (IS_BOOLEAN(x)) return x ? 1 : 0;
if (IS_UNDEFINED(x)) return NAN;
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw MakeTypeError('symbol_to_number', []);
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw MakeTypeError(kSymbolToNumber);
return (IS_NULL(x)) ? 0 : ToNumber(%DefaultNumber(x));
......@@ -624,7 +617,7 @@ function ToString(x) {
if (IS_NUMBER(x)) return %_NumberToString(x);
if (IS_BOOLEAN(x)) return x ? 'true' : 'false';
if (IS_UNDEFINED(x)) return 'undefined';
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw %MakeTypeError('symbol_to_string', []);
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw %MakeTypeError(kSymbolToString);
return (IS_NULL(x)) ? 'null' : %ToString(%DefaultString(x));
......@@ -632,7 +625,7 @@ function NonStringToString(x) {
if (IS_NUMBER(x)) return %_NumberToString(x);
if (IS_BOOLEAN(x)) return x ? 'true' : 'false';
if (IS_UNDEFINED(x)) return 'undefined';
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw %MakeTypeError('symbol_to_string', []);
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) throw %MakeTypeError(kSymbolToString);
return (IS_NULL(x)) ? 'null' : %ToString(%DefaultString(x));
......@@ -650,7 +643,7 @@ function ToObject(x) {
if (IS_BOOLEAN(x)) return new $Boolean(x);
if (IS_SYMBOL(x)) return %NewSymbolWrapper(x);
throw %MakeTypeError('undefined_or_null_to_object', []);
throw %MakeTypeError(kUndefinedOrNullToObject);
return x;
......@@ -747,7 +740,7 @@ function DefaultNumber(x) {
if (%IsPrimitive(s)) return s;
throw %MakeTypeError('cannot_convert_to_primitive', []);
throw %MakeTypeError(kCannotConvertToPrimitive);
// ECMA-262, section, page 28.
......@@ -765,7 +758,7 @@ function DefaultString(x) {
if (%IsPrimitive(v)) return v;
throw %MakeTypeError('cannot_convert_to_primitive', []);
throw %MakeTypeError(kCannotConvertToPrimitive);
function ToPositiveInteger(x, rangeErrorName) {
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "src/arguments.h"
#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
#include "src/debug.h"
#include "src/messages.h"
#include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "src/runtime/runtime-utils.h"
......@@ -1208,9 +1209,8 @@ static Object* Runtime_NewObjectHelper(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<AllocationSite> site) {
// If the constructor isn't a proper function we throw a type error.
if (!constructor->IsJSFunction()) {
Vector<Handle<Object> > arguments = HandleVector(&constructor, 1);
NewTypeError("not_constructor", arguments));
isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kNotConstructor, constructor));
Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(constructor);
......@@ -1223,9 +1223,8 @@ static Object* Runtime_NewObjectHelper(Isolate* isolate,
// If function should not have prototype, construction is not allowed. In this
// case generated code bailouts here, since function has no initial_map.
if (!function->should_have_prototype() && !function->shared()->bound()) {
Vector<Handle<Object> > arguments = HandleVector(&constructor, 1);
NewTypeError("not_constructor", arguments));
isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kNotConstructor, constructor));
Debug* debug = isolate->debug();
......@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ var GlobalSymbol = global.Symbol;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function SymbolConstructor(x) {
if (%_IsConstructCall()) {
throw MakeTypeError('not_constructor', ["Symbol"]);
if (%_IsConstructCall()) throw MakeTypeError(kNotConstructor, "Symbol");
// NOTE: Passing in a Symbol value will throw on ToString().
return %CreateSymbol(IS_UNDEFINED(x) ? x : ToString(x));
......@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --stack-size=100 --harmony --harmony-reflect
function test(f, expected, type) {
try {
} catch (e) {
assertInstanceof(e, type);
assertEquals(expected, e.message);
// === Error ===
......@@ -23,6 +26,17 @@ test(function() {
// === TypeError ===
// kApplyNonFunction
test(function() {, []);
}, "Function.prototype.apply was called on 1, which is a number " +
"and not a function", TypeError);
// kCannotConvertToPrimitive
test(function() {
}, "Cannot convert object to primitive value", TypeError);
// kGeneratorRunning
test(function() {
var iter;
......@@ -42,13 +56,78 @@ test(function() {
}, "Method RegExp.prototype.compile called on incompatible receiver " +
"[object RegExp]", TypeError);
// kInstanceofFunctionExpected
test(function() {
1 instanceof 1;
}, "Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got 1", TypeError);
// kInstanceofNonobjectProto
test(function() {
function f() {}
var o = new f();
f.prototype = 1;
o instanceof f;
}, "Function has non-object prototype '1' in instanceof check", TypeError);
// kInvalidInOperatorUse
test(function() {
1 in 1;
}, "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '1' in 1", TypeError);
// kNotConstructor
test(function() {
new Symbol();
}, "Symbol is not a constructor", TypeError);
// kPropertyNotFunction
test(function() {
Set.prototype.add = 0;
new Set(1);
}, "Property 'add' of object #<Set> is not a function", TypeError);
// kSymbolToPrimitive
test(function() {
1 + Object(Symbol());
}, "Cannot convert a Symbol wrapper object to a primitive value", TypeError);
// kSymbolToString
test(function() {
"" + Symbol();
}, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string", TypeError);
// kSymbolToNumber
test(function() {
1 + Symbol();
}, "Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number", TypeError);
// kUndefinedOrNullToObject
test(function() {;
}, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object", TypeError);
// kWithExpression
test(function() {
with (null) {}
}, "null has no properties", TypeError);
// kWrongArgs
test(function() {
(function() {}).apply({}, 1);
}, "Function.prototype.apply: Arguments list has wrong type", TypeError);
test(function() {
Reflect.apply(function() {}, {}, 1);
}, "Reflect.apply: Arguments list has wrong type", TypeError);
test(function() {
Reflect.construct(function() {}, 1);
}, "Reflect.construct: Arguments list has wrong type", TypeError);
// === RangeError ===
// kStackOverflow
test(function() {
function f() { f(Array(1000)); }
}, "Maximum call stack size exceeded", RangeError);
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ def ReadMacros(lines):
return (constants, macros)
TEMPLATE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s+T\(([a-zA-Z]+), ".+"\)')
TEMPLATE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s+T\(([A-Z][a-zA-Z]*),')
def ReadMessageTemplates(lines):
templates = []
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