Commit 58b913f9 authored by's avatar

Implement Object.defineProperty for proxies.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 0f9b0ad8
......@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ function FormatMessage(message) {
non_extensible_proto: ["%0", " is not extensible"],
handler_non_object: ["Proxy.", "%0", " called with non-object as handler"],
handler_trap_missing: ["Proxy handler ", "%0", " has no '", "%1", "' trap"],
handler_failed: ["Proxy handler ", "%0", " returned false for '", "%1", "' trap"],
proxy_prop_not_configurable: ["Trap ", "%1", " of proxy handler ", "%0", " returned non-configurable descriptor for property ", "%2"],
proxy_non_object_prop_names: ["Trap ", "%1", " returned non-object ", "%0"],
proxy_repeated_prop_name: ["Trap ", "%1", " returned repeated property name ", "%2"],
......@@ -628,11 +628,10 @@ RUNTIME_FUNCTION(MaybeObject*, Runtime_GetPrototype) {
NoHandleAllocation ha;
ASSERT(args.length() == 1);
Object* obj = args[0];
obj = obj->GetPrototype();
while (obj->IsJSObject() &&
JSObject::cast(obj)->map()->is_hidden_prototype()) {
do {
obj = obj->GetPrototype();
} while (obj->IsJSObject() &&
return obj;
......@@ -315,14 +315,14 @@ function ObjectKeys(obj) {
// ES5 8.10.1.
function IsAccessorDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return false;
return desc.hasGetter_ || desc.hasSetter_;
return desc.hasGetter() || desc.hasSetter();
// ES5 8.10.2.
function IsDataDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return false;
return desc.hasValue_ || desc.hasWritable_;
return desc.hasValue() || desc.hasWritable();
......@@ -354,6 +354,19 @@ function FromPropertyDescriptor(desc) {
return obj;
// Harmony Proxies
function FromGenericPropertyDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return desc;
var obj = new $Object();
if (desc.hasValue()) obj.value = desc.getValue();
if (desc.hasWritable()) obj.writable = desc.isWritable();
if (desc.hasGetter()) obj.get = desc.getGet();
if (desc.hasSetter()) obj.set = desc.getSet();
if (desc.hasEnumerable()) obj.enumerable = desc.isEnumerable();
if (desc.hasConfigurable()) obj.configurable = desc.isConfigurable();
return obj;
// ES5 8.10.5.
function ToPropertyDescriptor(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
......@@ -404,15 +417,15 @@ function ToPropertyDescriptor(obj) {
function ToCompletePropertyDescriptor(obj) {
var desc = ToPropertyDescriptor(obj)
if (IsGenericDescriptor(desc) || IsDataDescriptor(desc)) {
if (!("value" in desc)) desc.value = void 0;
if (!("writable" in desc)) desc.writable = false;
if (!desc.hasValue()) desc.setValue(void 0);
if (!desc.hasWritable()) desc.setWritable(false);
} else {
// Is accessor descriptor.
if (!("get" in desc)) desc.get = void 0;
if (!("set" in desc)) desc.set = void 0;
if (!desc.hasGetter()) desc.setGet(void 0);
if (!desc.hasSetter()) desc.setSet(void 0);
if (!("enumerable" in desc)) desc.enumerable = false;
if (!("configurable" in desc)) desc.configurable = false;
if (!desc.hasEnumerable()) desc.setEnumerable(false);
if (!desc.hasConfigurable()) desc.setConfigurable(false);
return desc;
......@@ -616,8 +629,32 @@ function GetOwnProperty(obj, p) {
// Harmony proxies.
function DefineProxyProperty(obj, p, attributes, should_throw) {
var handler = %GetHandler(obj);
var defineProperty = handler.defineProperty;
if (IS_UNDEFINED(defineProperty)) {
throw MakeTypeError("handler_trap_missing", [handler, "defineProperty"]);
var result =, p, attributes);
if (!ToBoolean(result)) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("handler_failed", [handler, "defineProperty"]);
} else {
return false;
return true;
// ES5 8.12.9.
function DefineOwnProperty(obj, p, desc, should_throw) {
if (%IsJSProxy(obj)) {
var attributes = FromGenericPropertyDescriptor(desc);
return DefineProxyProperty(obj, p, attributes, should_throw);
var current_or_access = %GetOwnProperty(ToObject(obj), ToString(p));
// A false value here means that access checks failed.
if (current_or_access === false) return void 0;
......@@ -900,8 +937,37 @@ function ObjectDefineProperty(obj, p, attributes) {
throw MakeTypeError("obj_ctor_property_non_object", ["defineProperty"]);
var name = ToString(p);
var desc = ToPropertyDescriptor(attributes);
DefineOwnProperty(obj, name, desc, true);
if (%IsJSProxy(obj)) {
// Clone the attributes object for protection.
// TODO(rossberg): not spec'ed yet, so not sure if this should involve
// non-own properties as it does (or non-enumerable ones, as it doesn't?).
var attributesClone = {}
for (var a in attributes) {
attributesClone[a] = attributes[a];
DefineProxyProperty(obj, name, attributesClone, true);
// The following would implement the spec as in the current proposal,
// but after recent comments on es-discuss, is most likely obsolete.
var defineObj = FromGenericPropertyDescriptor(desc);
var names = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(attributes);
var standardNames =
{value: 0, writable: 0, get: 0, set: 0, enumerable: 0, configurable: 0};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var N = names[i];
if (!(%HasLocalProperty(standardNames, N))) {
var attr = GetOwnProperty(attributes, N);
DefineOwnProperty(descObj, N, attr, true);
// This is really confusing the types, but it is what the proxies spec
// currently requires:
desc = descObj;
} else {
var desc = ToPropertyDescriptor(attributes);
DefineOwnProperty(obj, name, desc, true);
return obj;
......@@ -149,6 +149,78 @@ TestSet(Proxy.create({
// Property definition (Object.defineProperty).
var key
var desc
function TestDefine(handler) {
var o = Proxy.create(handler)
assertEquals(o, Object.defineProperty(o, "a", {value: 44}))
assertEquals("a", key)
assertEquals(1, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(desc).length)
assertEquals(44, desc.value)
assertEquals(o, Object.defineProperty(o, "b", {value: 45, writable: false}))
assertEquals("b", key)
assertEquals(2, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(desc).length)
assertEquals(45, desc.value)
assertEquals(false, desc.writable)
assertEquals(o, Object.defineProperty(o, "c", {value: 46, enumerable: false}))
assertEquals("c", key)
assertEquals(2, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(desc).length)
assertEquals(46, desc.value)
assertEquals(false, desc.enumerable)
var attributes = {configurable: true, mine: 66, minetoo: 23}
assertEquals(o, Object.defineProperty(o, "d", attributes))
assertEquals("d", key)
// Modifying the attributes object after the fact should have no effect.
attributes.configurable = false
attributes.mine = 77
delete attributes.minetoo
assertEquals(3, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(desc).length)
assertEquals(true, desc.configurable)
assertEquals(66, desc.mine)
assertEquals(23, desc.minetoo)
assertEquals(o, Object.defineProperty(o, "e", {get: function(){ return 5 }}))
assertEquals("e", key)
assertEquals(1, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(desc).length)
assertEquals(5, desc.get())
assertEquals(o, Object.defineProperty(o, "zzz", {}))
assertEquals("zzz", key)
assertEquals(0, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(desc).length)
// This test requires [s in proxy] to be implemented first.
// var d = Proxy.create({
// get: function(r, k) { return (k === "value") ? 77 : void 0 },
// getOwnPropertyNames: function() { return ["value"] }
// })
// assertEquals(1, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(d).length)
// assertEquals(77, d.value)
// assertEquals(o, Object.defineProperty(o, "p", d))
// assertEquals("p", key)
// assertEquals(1, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(desc).length)
// assertEquals(77, desc.value)
defineProperty: function(k, d) { key = k; desc = d; return true }
defineProperty: function(k, d) { return this.defineProperty2(k, d) },
defineProperty2: function(k, d) { key = k; desc = d; return true }
get: function(pr, pk) {
return function(k, d) { key = k; desc = d; return true }
// Comparison.
function TestComparison(eq) {
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