Commit 4d4485e4 authored by's avatar

Sign extend the dehoisted key at the definition point for x64 port only; for...

Sign extend the dehoisted key at the definition point for x64 port only; for x32 port, we need to sign extend the dehoisted key at the use points.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent d757f378
......@@ -275,6 +275,11 @@ void LCodeGen::GenerateBodyInstructionPost(LInstruction* instr) {
if (instr->HasResult() && instr->MustSignExtendResult(chunk())) {
// We sign extend the dehoisted key at the definition point when the pointer
// size is 64-bit. For x32 port, we sign extend the dehoisted key at the use
// points and MustSignExtendResult is always false. We can't use
// STATIC_ASSERT here as the pointer size is 32-bit for x32.
ASSERT(kPointerSize == kInt64Size);
if (instr->result()->IsRegister()) {
Register result_reg = ToRegister(instr->result());
__ movsxlq(result_reg, result_reg);
......@@ -2110,6 +2110,11 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoLoadRoot(HLoadRoot* instr) {
void LChunkBuilder::FindDehoistedKeyDefinitions(HValue* candidate) {
// We sign extend the dehoisted key at the definition point when the pointer
// size is 64-bit. For x32 port, we sign extend the dehoisted key at the use
// points and should not invoke this function. We can't use STATIC_ASSERT
// here as the pointer size is 32-bit for x32.
ASSERT(kPointerSize == kInt64Size);
BitVector* dehoisted_key_ids = chunk_->GetDehoistedKeyIds();
if (dehoisted_key_ids->Contains(candidate->id())) return;
......@@ -2126,7 +2131,7 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoLoadKeyed(HLoadKeyed* instr) {
LOperand* key = UseRegisterOrConstantAtStart(instr->key());
LInstruction* result = NULL;
if (instr->IsDehoisted()) {
if ((kPointerSize == kInt64Size) && instr->IsDehoisted()) {
......@@ -2171,7 +2176,7 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoLoadKeyedGeneric(HLoadKeyedGeneric* instr) {
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoStoreKeyed(HStoreKeyed* instr) {
ElementsKind elements_kind = instr->elements_kind();
if (instr->IsDehoisted()) {
if ((kPointerSize == kInt64Size) && instr->IsDehoisted()) {
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