Commit 4ae7f24a authored by's avatar

Update version string and ChangeLog, we are now working on version

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 571bc3ed
2008-09-11: Version 0.3.1
Fixed a number of build issues.
Fixed problem with missing I-cache flusing on ARM.
Changed space layout in memory management by splitting up
code space into old data space and code space.
Added utf-8 conversion support to the API (issue 57).
Optimized repeated calls to eval with the same strings. These
repeated calls are common in web applications.
Added Xcode project file.
Optimized a couple of Array operation.
Fixed parser bug by checking for end-of-string when parsing break
and continue (issue 35).
Fixed problem where asian characters were not categorized as
Fixed bug that disallowed calling functions fetched from an array
using a string as an array index (issue 32).
Fixed bug where the internal field count on object templates were
sometimes ignored (issue 54).
Added -f option to the shell sample for compatibility with other
engines (issue 18).
Added source info to TryCatches in the API.
Fixed problem where the seed for the random number generator was
clipped in a double to unsigned int conversion.
Fixed bug where cons string symbols were sometimes converted to
non-symbol flat strings during GC.
Fixed bug in error reporting when attempting to convert null to an
2008-09-04: Version 0.3.0
Added support for running tests on the ARM simulator.
......@@ -2216,7 +2216,7 @@ bool v8::V8::Initialize() {
const char* v8::V8::GetVersion() {
return "0.3.1 (internal)";
return "0.3.2 (internal)";
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