Reorder code in

Reorder code so that helper functions and simple accessors come before
all the visit function.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent d2dd0215
......@@ -467,6 +467,203 @@ Handle<Code> FastCodeGenerator::MakeCode(CompilationInfo* info) {
Register FastCodeGenerator::accumulator0() { return eax; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::accumulator1() { return edx; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::scratch0() { return ecx; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::scratch1() { return edi; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::receiver_reg() { return ebx; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::context_reg() { return esi; }
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitLoadReceiver() {
// Offset 2 is due to return address and saved frame pointer.
int index = 2 + function()->scope()->num_parameters();
__ mov(receiver_reg(), Operand(ebp, index * kPointerSize));
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitGlobalVariableLoad(Handle<Object> cell) {
__ mov(destination(), Immediate(cell));
__ mov(destination(),
FieldOperand(destination(), JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset));
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
__ cmp(destination(), Factory::the_hole_value());
__ Check(not_equal, "DontDelete cells can't contain the hole");
// The loaded value is not known to be a smi.
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitThisPropertyStore(Handle<String> name) {
LookupResult lookup;
info()->receiver()->Lookup(*name, &lookup);
ASSERT(lookup.holder() == *info()->receiver());
ASSERT(lookup.type() == FIELD);
Handle<Map> map(Handle<HeapObject>::cast(info()->receiver())->map());
int index = lookup.GetFieldIndex() - map->inobject_properties();
int offset = index * kPointerSize;
// We will emit the write barrier unless the stored value is statically
// known to be a smi.
bool needs_write_barrier = !is_smi(accumulator0());
// Perform the store. Negative offsets are inobject properties.
if (offset < 0) {
offset += map->instance_size();
__ mov(FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), offset), accumulator0());
if (needs_write_barrier) {
// Preserve receiver from write barrier.
__ mov(scratch0(), receiver_reg());
} else {
offset += FixedArray::kHeaderSize;
__ mov(scratch0(),
FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), JSObject::kPropertiesOffset));
__ mov(FieldOperand(scratch0(), offset), accumulator0());
if (needs_write_barrier) {
if (destination().is(no_reg)) {
// After RecordWrite accumulator0 is only accidently a smi, but it is
// already marked as not known to be one.
__ RecordWrite(scratch0(), offset, accumulator0(), scratch1());
} else {
// Copy the value to the other accumulator to preserve a copy from the
// write barrier. One of the accumulators is available as a scratch
// register. Neither is a smi.
__ mov(accumulator1(), accumulator0());
Register value_scratch = other_accumulator(destination());
__ RecordWrite(scratch0(), offset, value_scratch, scratch1());
} else if (destination().is(accumulator1())) {
__ mov(accumulator1(), accumulator0());
// Is a smi because we do not need the write barrier.
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitThisPropertyLoad(Handle<String> name) {
LookupResult lookup;
info()->receiver()->Lookup(*name, &lookup);
ASSERT(lookup.holder() == *info()->receiver());
ASSERT(lookup.type() == FIELD);
Handle<Map> map(Handle<HeapObject>::cast(info()->receiver())->map());
int index = lookup.GetFieldIndex() - map->inobject_properties();
int offset = index * kPointerSize;
// Perform the load. Negative offsets are inobject properties.
if (offset < 0) {
offset += map->instance_size();
__ mov(destination(), FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), offset));
} else {
offset += FixedArray::kHeaderSize;
__ mov(scratch0(),
FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), JSObject::kPropertiesOffset));
__ mov(destination(), FieldOperand(scratch0(), offset));
// The loaded value is not known to be a smi.
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitBitOr() {
if (is_smi(accumulator0()) && is_smi(accumulator1())) {
// If both operands are known to be a smi then there is no need to check
// the operands or result. There is no need to perform the operation in
// an effect context.
if (!destination().is(no_reg)) {
// Leave the result in the destination register. Bitwise or is
// commutative.
__ or_(destination(), Operand(other_accumulator(destination())));
} else if (destination().is(no_reg)) {
// Result is not needed but do not clobber the operands in case of
// bailout.
__ mov(scratch0(), accumulator1());
__ or_(scratch0(), Operand(accumulator0()));
__ test(scratch0(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
__ j(not_zero, bailout(), not_taken);
} else {
// Preserve the destination operand in a scratch register in case of
// bailout.
__ mov(scratch0(), destination());
__ or_(destination(), Operand(other_accumulator(destination())));
__ test(destination(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
__ j(not_zero, bailout(), not_taken);
// If we didn't bailout, the result (in fact, both inputs too) is known to
// be a smi.
void FastCodeGenerator::Generate(CompilationInfo* compilation_info) {
ASSERT(info_ == NULL);
info_ = compilation_info;
// Save the caller's frame pointer and set up our own.
Comment prologue_cmnt(masm(), ";; Prologue");
__ push(ebp);
__ mov(ebp, esp);
__ push(esi); // Context.
__ push(edi); // Closure.
// Note that we keep a live register reference to esi (context) at this
// point.
// Receiver (this) is allocated to a fixed register.
if (info()->has_this_properties()) {
Comment cmnt(masm(), ";; MapCheck(this)");
if (FLAG_print_ir) {
PrintF("#: MapCheck(this)\n");
ASSERT(info()->has_receiver() && info()->receiver()->IsHeapObject());
Handle<HeapObject> object = Handle<HeapObject>::cast(info()->receiver());
Handle<Map> map(object->map());
__ CheckMap(receiver_reg(), map, bailout(), false);
// If there is a global variable access check if the global object is the
// same as at lazy-compilation time.
if (info()->has_globals()) {
Comment cmnt(masm(), ";; MapCheck(GLOBAL)");
if (FLAG_print_ir) {
PrintF("#: MapCheck(GLOBAL)\n");
Handle<Map> map(info()->global_object()->map());
__ mov(scratch0(), CodeGenerator::GlobalObject());
__ CheckMap(scratch0(), map, bailout(), true);
Comment return_cmnt(masm(), ";; Return(<undefined>)");
if (FLAG_print_ir) {
PrintF("#: Return(<undefined>)\n");
__ mov(eax, Factory::undefined_value());
__ mov(esp, ebp);
__ pop(ebp);
__ ret((scope()->num_parameters() + 1) * kPointerSize);
__ bind(&bailout_);
void FastCodeGenerator::VisitDeclaration(Declaration* decl) {
......@@ -744,203 +941,6 @@ void FastCodeGenerator::VisitThisFunction(ThisFunction* expr) {
Register FastCodeGenerator::accumulator0() { return eax; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::accumulator1() { return edx; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::scratch0() { return ecx; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::scratch1() { return edi; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::receiver_reg() { return ebx; }
Register FastCodeGenerator::context_reg() { return esi; }
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitLoadReceiver() {
// Offset 2 is due to return address and saved frame pointer.
int index = 2 + function()->scope()->num_parameters();
__ mov(receiver_reg(), Operand(ebp, index * kPointerSize));
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitGlobalVariableLoad(Handle<Object> cell) {
__ mov(destination(), Immediate(cell));
__ mov(destination(),
FieldOperand(destination(), JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset));
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
__ cmp(destination(), Factory::the_hole_value());
__ Check(not_equal, "DontDelete cells can't contain the hole");
// The loaded value is not known to be a smi.
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitThisPropertyStore(Handle<String> name) {
LookupResult lookup;
info()->receiver()->Lookup(*name, &lookup);
ASSERT(lookup.holder() == *info()->receiver());
ASSERT(lookup.type() == FIELD);
Handle<Map> map(Handle<HeapObject>::cast(info()->receiver())->map());
int index = lookup.GetFieldIndex() - map->inobject_properties();
int offset = index * kPointerSize;
// We will emit the write barrier unless the stored value is statically
// known to be a smi.
bool needs_write_barrier = !is_smi(accumulator0());
// Perform the store. Negative offsets are inobject properties.
if (offset < 0) {
offset += map->instance_size();
__ mov(FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), offset), accumulator0());
if (needs_write_barrier) {
// Preserve receiver from write barrier.
__ mov(scratch0(), receiver_reg());
} else {
offset += FixedArray::kHeaderSize;
__ mov(scratch0(),
FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), JSObject::kPropertiesOffset));
__ mov(FieldOperand(scratch0(), offset), accumulator0());
if (needs_write_barrier) {
if (destination().is(no_reg)) {
// After RecordWrite accumulator0 is only accidently a smi, but it is
// already marked as not known to be one.
__ RecordWrite(scratch0(), offset, accumulator0(), scratch1());
} else {
// Copy the value to the other accumulator to preserve a copy from the
// write barrier. One of the accumulators is available as a scratch
// register. Neither is a smi.
__ mov(accumulator1(), accumulator0());
Register value_scratch = other_accumulator(destination());
__ RecordWrite(scratch0(), offset, value_scratch, scratch1());
} else if (destination().is(accumulator1())) {
__ mov(accumulator1(), accumulator0());
// Is a smi because we do not need the write barrier.
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitThisPropertyLoad(Handle<String> name) {
LookupResult lookup;
info()->receiver()->Lookup(*name, &lookup);
ASSERT(lookup.holder() == *info()->receiver());
ASSERT(lookup.type() == FIELD);
Handle<Map> map(Handle<HeapObject>::cast(info()->receiver())->map());
int index = lookup.GetFieldIndex() - map->inobject_properties();
int offset = index * kPointerSize;
// Perform the load. Negative offsets are inobject properties.
if (offset < 0) {
offset += map->instance_size();
__ mov(destination(), FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), offset));
} else {
offset += FixedArray::kHeaderSize;
__ mov(scratch0(),
FieldOperand(receiver_reg(), JSObject::kPropertiesOffset));
__ mov(destination(), FieldOperand(scratch0(), offset));
// The loaded value is not known to be a smi.
void FastCodeGenerator::EmitBitOr() {
if (is_smi(accumulator0()) && is_smi(accumulator1())) {
// If both operands are known to be a smi then there is no need to check
// the operands or result. There is no need to perform the operation in
// an effect context.
if (!destination().is(no_reg)) {
// Leave the result in the destination register. Bitwise or is
// commutative.
__ or_(destination(), Operand(other_accumulator(destination())));
} else if (destination().is(no_reg)) {
// Result is not needed but do not clobber the operands in case of
// bailout.
__ mov(scratch0(), accumulator1());
__ or_(scratch0(), Operand(accumulator0()));
__ test(scratch0(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
__ j(not_zero, bailout(), not_taken);
} else {
// Preserve the destination operand in a scratch register in case of
// bailout.
__ mov(scratch0(), destination());
__ or_(destination(), Operand(other_accumulator(destination())));
__ test(destination(), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
__ j(not_zero, bailout(), not_taken);
// If we didn't bailout, the result (in fact, both inputs too) is known to
// be a smi.
void FastCodeGenerator::Generate(CompilationInfo* compilation_info) {
ASSERT(info_ == NULL);
info_ = compilation_info;
// Save the caller's frame pointer and set up our own.
Comment prologue_cmnt(masm(), ";; Prologue");
__ push(ebp);
__ mov(ebp, esp);
__ push(esi); // Context.
__ push(edi); // Closure.
// Note that we keep a live register reference to esi (context) at this
// point.
// Receiver (this) is allocated to a fixed register.
if (info()->has_this_properties()) {
Comment cmnt(masm(), ";; MapCheck(this)");
if (FLAG_print_ir) {
PrintF("#: MapCheck(this)\n");
ASSERT(info()->has_receiver() && info()->receiver()->IsHeapObject());
Handle<HeapObject> object = Handle<HeapObject>::cast(info()->receiver());
Handle<Map> map(object->map());
__ CheckMap(receiver_reg(), map, bailout(), false);
// If there is a global variable access check if the global object is the
// same as at lazy-compilation time.
if (info()->has_globals()) {
Comment cmnt(masm(), ";; MapCheck(GLOBAL)");
if (FLAG_print_ir) {
PrintF("#: MapCheck(GLOBAL)\n");
Handle<Map> map(info()->global_object()->map());
__ mov(scratch0(), CodeGenerator::GlobalObject());
__ CheckMap(scratch0(), map, bailout(), true);
Comment return_cmnt(masm(), ";; Return(<undefined>)");
if (FLAG_print_ir) {
PrintF("#: Return(<undefined>)\n");
__ mov(eax, Factory::undefined_value());
__ mov(esp, ebp);
__ pop(ebp);
__ ret((scope()->num_parameters() + 1) * kPointerSize);
__ bind(&bailout_);
#undef __
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