Commit 48f1f7b7 authored by's avatar

I'd like to add addr field into EntryInfo struct.

This will give us the ability to keep entries_ list sorted by id.
And based on that fact we will be able to use it for:
1) GetNodeById method and drop sorted version of entries list in HeapSnapshot;
2) building heap stats;
3) doing the fill stage instead of second iteration over heap.


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent e831ec2c
......@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ class TemplateHashMapImpl {
Entry* Lookup(void* key, uint32_t hash, bool insert);
// Removes the entry with matching key.
void Remove(void* key, uint32_t hash);
// It returns the value of the deleted entry
// or null if there is no value for such key.
void* Remove(void* key, uint32_t hash);
// Empties the hash map (occupancy() == 0).
void Clear();
......@@ -146,14 +148,15 @@ typename TemplateHashMapImpl<P>::Entry* TemplateHashMapImpl<P>::Lookup(
template<class P>
void TemplateHashMapImpl<P>::Remove(void* key, uint32_t hash) {
void* TemplateHashMapImpl<P>::Remove(void* key, uint32_t hash) {
// Lookup the entry for the key to remove.
Entry* p = Probe(key, hash);
if (p->key == NULL) {
// Key not found nothing to remove.
return NULL;
void* value = p->value;
// To remove an entry we need to ensure that it does not create an empty
// entry that will cause the search for another entry to stop too soon. If all
// the entries between the entry to remove and the next empty slot have their
......@@ -202,6 +205,7 @@ void TemplateHashMapImpl<P>::Remove(void* key, uint32_t hash) {
// Clear the entry which is allowed to en emptied.
p->key = NULL;
return value;
......@@ -1315,7 +1315,16 @@ HeapObjectsMap::HeapObjectsMap()
: initial_fill_mode_(true),
entries_(new List<EntryInfo>()) { }
entries_(new List<EntryInfo>()) {
// This dummy element solves a problem with entries_map_.
// When we do lookup in HashMap we see no difference between two cases:
// it has an entry with NULL as the value or it has created
// a new entry on the fly with NULL as the default value.
// With such dummy element we have a guaranty that all entries_map_ entries
// will have the value field grater than 0.
// This fact is using in MoveObject method.
entries_->Add(EntryInfo(0, NULL));
HeapObjectsMap::~HeapObjectsMap() {
......@@ -1337,31 +1346,47 @@ SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::FindObject(Address addr) {
SnapshotObjectId id = next_id_;
next_id_ += kObjectIdStep;
AddEntry(addr, id);
// Here and in other places the length of entries_ list has to be
// the same or greater than the length of entries_map_. But entries_ list
// has a dummy element at index 0.
ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_->length()) > entries_map_.occupancy());
return id;
void HeapObjectsMap::MoveObject(Address from, Address to) {
ASSERT(from != NULL);
if (from == to) return;
HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Lookup(from, AddressHash(from), false);
if (entry != NULL) {
void* value = entry->value;
entries_map_.Remove(from, AddressHash(from));
if (to != NULL) {
entry = entries_map_.Lookup(to, AddressHash(to), true);
// We can have an entry at the new location, it is OK, as GC can overwrite
// dead objects with alive objects being moved.
entry->value = value;
void* from_value = entries_map_.Remove(from, AddressHash(from));
if (from_value == NULL) return;
int from_entry_info_index =
entries_->at(from_entry_info_index).addr = to;
HashMap::Entry* to_entry = entries_map_.Lookup(to, AddressHash(to), true);
if (to_entry->value != NULL) {
int to_entry_info_index =
// Without this operation we will have two EntryInfo's with the same
// value in addr field. It is bad because later at RemoveDeadEntries
// one of this entry will be removed with the corresponding entries_map_
// entry.
entries_->at(to_entry_info_index).addr = NULL;
to_entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(from_entry_info_index);
void HeapObjectsMap::AddEntry(Address addr, SnapshotObjectId id) {
HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Lookup(addr, AddressHash(addr), true);
ASSERT(entry->value == NULL);
ASSERT(entries_->length() > 0 &&
entries_->at(0).id == 0 &&
entries_->at(0).addr == NULL);
ASSERT(entries_->at(entries_->length() - 1).id < id);
entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(entries_->length());
entries_->Add(EntryInfo(id, addr));
ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_->length()) > entries_map_.occupancy());
......@@ -1372,6 +1397,8 @@ SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::FindEntry(Address addr) {
EntryInfo& entry_info = entries_->at(entry_index);
entry_info.accessed = true;
ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_->length()) >
} else {
return 0;
......@@ -1380,28 +1407,31 @@ SnapshotObjectId HeapObjectsMap::FindEntry(Address addr) {
void HeapObjectsMap::RemoveDeadEntries() {
List<EntryInfo>* new_entries = new List<EntryInfo>();
List<void*> dead_entries;
for (HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Start();
entry != NULL;
entry = entries_map_.Next(entry)) {
int entry_index =
EntryInfo& entry_info = entries_->at(entry_index);
ASSERT(entries_->length() > 0 &&
entries_->at(0).id == 0 &&
entries_->at(0).addr == NULL);
int first_free_entry = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < entries_->length(); ++i) {
EntryInfo& entry_info = entries_->at(i);
if (entry_info.accessed) {
entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(new_entries->length());
new_entries->Add(EntryInfo(, false));
if (first_free_entry != i) {
entries_->at(first_free_entry) = entry_info;
entries_->at(first_free_entry).accessed = false;
HashMap::Entry* entry = entries_map_.Lookup(
entry_info.addr, AddressHash(entry_info.addr), false);
entry->value = reinterpret_cast<void*>(first_free_entry);
} else {
if (entry_info.addr) {
entries_map_.Remove(entry_info.addr, AddressHash(entry_info.addr));
for (int i = 0; i < dead_entries.length(); ++i) {
void* raw_entry = dead_entries[i];
raw_entry, AddressHash(reinterpret_cast<Address>(raw_entry)));
delete entries_;
entries_ = new_entries;
ASSERT(static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_->length()) - 1 ==
......@@ -722,11 +722,12 @@ class HeapObjectsMap {
struct EntryInfo {
explicit EntryInfo(SnapshotObjectId id) : id(id), accessed(true) { }
EntryInfo(SnapshotObjectId id, bool accessed)
: id(id),
accessed(accessed) { }
EntryInfo(SnapshotObjectId id, Address addr)
: id(id), addr(addr), accessed(true) { }
EntryInfo(SnapshotObjectId id, Address addr, bool accessed)
: id(id), addr(addr), accessed(accessed) { }
SnapshotObjectId id;
Address addr;
bool accessed;
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