Commit 47c4a5b4 authored by's avatar

Make SubStringStub more robust wrt unsafe arguments.


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 174967d8
......@@ -5873,36 +5873,12 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// r2: result string length
__ ldr(r4, FieldMemOperand(r0, String::kLengthOffset));
__ cmp(r2, Operand(r4, ASR, 1));
// Return original string.
__ b(eq, &return_r0);
// Longer than original string's length or negative: unsafe arguments.
__ b(hi, &runtime);
// Shorter than original string's length: an actual substring.
Label result_longer_than_two;
// Check for special case of two character ASCII string, in which case
// we do a lookup in the symbol table first.
__ cmp(r2, Operand(2));
__ b(gt, &result_longer_than_two);
__ b(lt, &runtime);
__ JumpIfInstanceTypeIsNotSequentialAscii(r1, r1, &runtime);
// Get the two characters forming the sub string.
__ add(r0, r0, Operand(r3));
__ ldrb(r3, FieldMemOperand(r0, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
__ ldrb(r4, FieldMemOperand(r0, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize + 1));
// Try to lookup two character string in symbol table.
Label make_two_character_string;
masm, r3, r4, r1, r5, r6, r7, r9, &make_two_character_string);
__ jmp(&return_r0);
// r2: result string length.
// r3: two characters combined into halfword in little endian byte order.
__ bind(&make_two_character_string);
__ AllocateAsciiString(r0, r2, r4, r5, r9, &runtime);
__ strh(r3, FieldMemOperand(r0, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
__ jmp(&return_r0);
__ bind(&result_longer_than_two);
// Deal with different string types: update the index if necessary
// and put the underlying string into r5.
// r0: original string
......@@ -6162,7 +6162,11 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ sub(ecx, edx);
__ cmp(ecx, FieldOperand(eax, String::kLengthOffset));
Label not_original_string;
__ j(not_equal, &not_original_string, Label::kNear);
// Shorter than original string's length: an actual substring.
__ j(below, &not_original_string, Label::kNear);
// Longer than original string's length or negative: unsafe arguments.
__ j(above, &runtime);
// Return original string.
Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
__ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
__ ret(3 * kPointerSize);
......@@ -5112,56 +5112,24 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// rax: string
// rbx: instance type
// Calculate length of sub string using the smi values.
Label result_longer_than_two;
__ movq(rcx, Operand(rsp, kToOffset));
__ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, kFromOffset));
__ JumpUnlessBothNonNegativeSmi(rcx, rdx, &runtime);
__ SmiSub(rcx, rcx, rdx); // Overflow doesn't happen.
__ cmpq(FieldOperand(rax, String::kLengthOffset), rcx);
__ cmpq(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, String::kLengthOffset));
Label not_original_string;
__ j(not_equal, &not_original_string, Label::kNear);
// Shorter than original string's length: an actual substring.
__ j(below, &not_original_string, Label::kNear);
// Longer than original string's length or negative: unsafe arguments.
__ j(above, &runtime);
// Return original string.
Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
__ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
__ ret(kArgumentsSize);
__ bind(&not_original_string);
// Special handling of sub-strings of length 1 and 2. One character strings
// are handled in the runtime system (looked up in the single character
// cache). Two character strings are looked for in the symbol cache.
__ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rcx);
__ cmpl(rcx, Immediate(2));
__ j(greater, &result_longer_than_two);
__ j(less, &runtime);
// Sub string of length 2 requested.
// rax: string
// rbx: instance type
// rcx: sub string length (value is 2)
// rdx: from index (smi)
__ JumpIfInstanceTypeIsNotSequentialAscii(rbx, rbx, &runtime);
// Get the two characters forming the sub string.
__ SmiToInteger32(rdx, rdx); // From index is no longer smi.
__ movzxbq(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, rdx, times_1, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
__ movzxbq(rdi,
FieldOperand(rax, rdx, times_1, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize + 1));
// Try to lookup two character string in symbol table.
Label make_two_character_string;
masm, rbx, rdi, r9, r11, r14, r15, &make_two_character_string);
__ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
__ ret(3 * kPointerSize);
__ bind(&make_two_character_string);
// Set up registers for allocating the two character string.
__ movzxwq(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, rdx, times_1, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
__ AllocateAsciiString(rax, rcx, r11, r14, r15, &runtime);
__ movw(FieldOperand(rax, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize), rbx);
__ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1);
__ ret(3 * kPointerSize);
__ bind(&result_longer_than_two);
// rax: string
// rbx: instance type
// rcx: sub string length
......@@ -620,3 +620,55 @@ TEST(AsciiArrayJoin) {
static void CheckException(const char* source) {
// An empty handle is returned upon exception.
TEST(RobustSubStringStub) {
// This tests whether the SubStringStub can handle unsafe arguments.
// If not recognized, those unsafe arguments lead to out-of-bounds reads.
FLAG_allow_natives_syntax = true;
HandleScope scope;
v8::Local<v8::Value> result;
Handle<String> string;
CompileRun("var short = 'abcdef';");
// Invalid indices.
CheckException("%_SubString(short, 0, 10000);");
CheckException("%_SubString(short, -1234, 5);");
CheckException("%_SubString(short, 5, 2);");
// Special HeapNumbers.
CheckException("%_SubString(short, 1, Infinity);");
CheckException("%_SubString(short, NaN, 5);");
// String arguments.
CheckException("%_SubString(short, '2', '5');");
// Ordinary HeapNumbers can be handled (in runtime).
result = CompileRun("%_SubString(short, Math.sqrt(4), 5.1);");
string = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(v8::String::Cast(*result));
CHECK_EQ("cde", *(string->ToCString()));
CompileRun("var long = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';");
// Invalid indices.
CheckException("%_SubString(long, 0, 10000);");
CheckException("%_SubString(long, -1234, 17);");
CheckException("%_SubString(long, 17, 2);");
// Special HeapNumbers.
CheckException("%_SubString(long, 1, Infinity);");
CheckException("%_SubString(long, NaN, 17);");
// String arguments.
CheckException("%_SubString(long, '2', '17');");
// Ordinary HeapNumbers within bounds can be handled (in runtime).
result = CompileRun("%_SubString(long, Math.sqrt(4), 17.1);");
string = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(v8::String::Cast(*result));
CHECK_EQ("cdefghijklmnopq", *(string->ToCString()));
// Test that out-of-bounds substring of a slice fails when the indices
// would have been valid for the underlying string.
CompileRun("var slice = long.slice(1, 15);");
CheckException("%_SubString(slice, 0, 17);");
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