Commit 46bd989a authored by mstarzinger's avatar mstarzinger Committed by Commit bot

[compiler] Unify naming of methods in compiler API.

This is a pure refactoring and renaming of methods in the compiler API
with the goal to increase readability. Also the compiler API is moved to
the top of the file, as it is the central piece in that file.

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#34579}
parent 33ffced5
......@@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@ MaybeLocal<UnboundScript> ScriptCompiler::CompileUnboundInternal(
if (!source->source_map_url.IsEmpty()) {
source_map_url = Utils::OpenHandle(*(source->source_map_url));
result = i::Compiler::CompileScript(
result = i::Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
str, name_obj, line_offset, column_offset, source->resource_options,
source_map_url, isolate->native_context(), NULL, &script_data, options,
i::NOT_NATIVES_CODE, is_module);
......@@ -2051,8 +2051,8 @@ MaybeLocal<Script> ScriptCompiler::Compile(Local<Context> context,
i::Handle<i::SharedFunctionInfo> result;
if (source->info->literal() != nullptr) {
// Parsing has succeeded.
result = i::Compiler::CompileStreamedScript(script, source->info.get(),
result = i::Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForStreamedScript(
script, source->info.get(), str->length());
has_pending_exception = result.is_null();
if (has_pending_exception) isolate->ReportPendingMessages();
......@@ -1885,7 +1885,8 @@ bool Bootstrapper::CompileNative(Isolate* isolate, Vector<const char> name,
Handle<String> script_name =
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info = Compiler::CompileScript(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> function_info =
source, script_name, 0, 0, ScriptOriginOptions(), Handle<Object>(),
context, NULL, NULL, ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions, natives_flag,
......@@ -1942,7 +1943,7 @@ bool Genesis::CompileExtension(Isolate* isolate, v8::Extension* extension) {
if (!cache->Lookup(name, &function_info)) {
Handle<String> script_name =
function_info = Compiler::CompileScript(
function_info = Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
source, script_name, 0, 0, ScriptOriginOptions(), Handle<Object>(),
context, extension, NULL, ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions,
......@@ -1547,8 +1547,7 @@ MaybeHandle<JSFunction> Compiler::GetFunctionFromEval(
return result;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileScript(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> script_name, int line_offset,
int column_offset, ScriptOriginOptions resource_options,
Handle<Object> source_map_url, Handle<Context> context,
......@@ -1683,8 +1682,7 @@ Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileScript(
return result;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::CompileStreamedScript(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForStreamedScript(
Handle<Script> script, ParseInfo* parse_info, int source_length) {
Isolate* isolate = script->GetIsolate();
// TODO(titzer): increment the counters in caller.
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include "src/ast/ast.h"
#include "src/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/compilation-dependencies.h"
#include "src/signature.h"
#include "src/source-position.h"
#include "src/zone.h"
......@@ -17,10 +16,107 @@ namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Forward declarations.
class CompilationInfo;
class JavaScriptFrame;
class OptimizedCompileJob;
class ParseInfo;
class ScriptData;
// The V8 compiler API.
// This is the central hub for dispatching to the various compilers within V8.
// Logic for which compiler to choose and how to wire compilation results into
// the object heap should be kept inside this class.
// General strategy: Scripts are translated into anonymous functions w/o
// parameters which then can be executed. If the source code contains other
// functions, they might be compiled and allocated as part of the compilation
// of the source code or deferred for lazy compilation at a later point.
class Compiler : public AllStatic {
enum ClearExceptionFlag { KEEP_EXCEPTION, CLEAR_EXCEPTION };
enum ConcurrencyMode { NOT_CONCURRENT, CONCURRENT };
// ===========================================================================
// The following family of methods ensures a given function is compiled. The
// general contract is that failures will be reported by returning {false},
// whereas successful compilation ensures the {is_compiled} predicate on the
// given function holds (except for live-edit, which compiles the world).
static bool Compile(Handle<JSFunction> function, ClearExceptionFlag flag);
static bool CompileOptimized(Handle<JSFunction> function, ConcurrencyMode);
static bool CompileDebugCode(Handle<JSFunction> function);
static bool CompileDebugCode(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared);
static void CompileForLiveEdit(Handle<Script> script);
// Generate and install code from previously queued optimization job.
static void FinalizeOptimizedCompileJob(OptimizedCompileJob* job);
// Give the compiler a chance to perform low-latency initialization tasks of
// the given {function} on its instantiation. Note that only the runtime will
// offer this chance, optimized closure instantiation will not call this.
static void PostInstantiation(Handle<JSFunction> function, PretenureFlag);
// Parser::Parse, then Compiler::Analyze.
static bool ParseAndAnalyze(ParseInfo* info);
// Rewrite, analyze scopes, and renumber.
static bool Analyze(ParseInfo* info);
// Adds deoptimization support, requires ParseAndAnalyze.
static bool EnsureDeoptimizationSupport(CompilationInfo* info);
// ===========================================================================
// The following family of methods instantiates new functions for scripts or
// function literals. The decision whether those functions will be compiled,
// is left to the discretion of the compiler.
// Please note this interface returns shared function infos. This means you
// need to call Factory::NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo before you have a
// real function with a context.
// Create a (bound) function for a String source within a context for eval.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSFunction> GetFunctionFromEval(
Handle<String> source, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> outer_info,
Handle<Context> context, LanguageMode language_mode,
ParseRestriction restriction, int line_offset, int column_offset = 0,
Handle<Object> script_name = Handle<Object>(),
ScriptOriginOptions options = ScriptOriginOptions());
// Create a shared function info object for a String source within a context.
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> script_name, int line_offset,
int column_offset, ScriptOriginOptions resource_options,
Handle<Object> source_map_url, Handle<Context> context,
v8::Extension* extension, ScriptData** cached_data,
ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options,
NativesFlag is_natives_code, bool is_module);
// Create a shared function info object for a Script that has already been
// parsed while the script was being loaded from a streamed source.
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetSharedFunctionInfoForStreamedScript(
Handle<Script> script, ParseInfo* info, int source_length);
// Create a shared function info object (the code may be lazily compiled).
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetSharedFunctionInfo(
FunctionLiteral* node, Handle<Script> script, CompilationInfo* outer);
// Create a shared function info object for a native function literal.
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetSharedFunctionInfoForNative(
v8::Extension* extension, Handle<String> name);
// ===========================================================================
// The following family of methods provides support for OSR. Code generated
// for entry via OSR might not be suitable for normal entry, hence will be
// returned directly to the caller.
// Please note this interface is the only part dealing with {Code} objects
// directly. Other methods are agnostic to {Code} and can use an interpreter
// instead of generating JIT code for a function at all.
// Generate and return optimized code for OSR, or empty handle on failure.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Code> GetOptimizedCodeForOSR(
Handle<JSFunction> function, BailoutId osr_ast_id,
JavaScriptFrame* osr_frame);
struct InlinedFunctionInfo {
InlinedFunctionInfo(int parent_id, SourcePosition inline_position,
......@@ -561,101 +657,6 @@ class OptimizedCompileJob: public ZoneObject {
// The V8 compiler API.
// This is the central hub for dispatching to the various compilers within V8.
// Logic for which compiler to choose and how to wire compilation results into
// the object heap should be kept inside this class.
// General strategy: Source code is translated into an anonymous function w/o
// parameters which then can be executed. If the source code contains other
// functions, they might be compiled and allocated as part of the compilation
// of the source code or deferred for lazy compilation at a later point.
class Compiler : public AllStatic {
enum ClearExceptionFlag { KEEP_EXCEPTION, CLEAR_EXCEPTION };
enum ConcurrencyMode { NOT_CONCURRENT, CONCURRENT };
// ===========================================================================
// The following family of methods ensures a given function is compiled. The
// general contract is that failures will be reported by returning {false},
// whereas successful compilation ensures the {is_compiled} predicate on the
// given function holds.
static bool Compile(Handle<JSFunction> function, ClearExceptionFlag flag);
static bool CompileOptimized(Handle<JSFunction> function, ConcurrencyMode);
static bool CompileDebugCode(Handle<JSFunction> function);
static bool CompileDebugCode(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared);
static void CompileForLiveEdit(Handle<Script> script);
// Generate and install code from previously queued optimization job.
static void FinalizeOptimizedCompileJob(OptimizedCompileJob* job);
// Give the compiler a chance to perform low-latency initialization tasks of
// the given {function} on its instantiation. Note that only the runtime will
// offer this chance, optimized closure instantiation will not call this.
static void PostInstantiation(Handle<JSFunction> function, PretenureFlag);
// Parser::Parse, then Compiler::Analyze.
static bool ParseAndAnalyze(ParseInfo* info);
// Rewrite, analyze scopes, and renumber.
static bool Analyze(ParseInfo* info);
// Adds deoptimization support, requires ParseAndAnalyze.
static bool EnsureDeoptimizationSupport(CompilationInfo* info);
// ===========================================================================
// The following family of methods instantiates new functions for script or
// function literals. The decision whether those functions have been compiled
// is left to the discretion of the compiler.
// Please note this interface returns shared function infos. This means you
// need to call Factory::NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo before you have a
// real function with a context.
// Compile a String source within a context for eval.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSFunction> GetFunctionFromEval(
Handle<String> source, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> outer_info,
Handle<Context> context, LanguageMode language_mode,
ParseRestriction restriction, int line_offset, int column_offset = 0,
Handle<Object> script_name = Handle<Object>(),
ScriptOriginOptions options = ScriptOriginOptions());
// Compile a String source within a context.
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompileScript(
Handle<String> source, Handle<Object> script_name, int line_offset,
int column_offset, ScriptOriginOptions resource_options,
Handle<Object> source_map_url, Handle<Context> context,
v8::Extension* extension, ScriptData** cached_data,
ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions compile_options,
NativesFlag is_natives_code, bool is_module);
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompileStreamedScript(Handle<Script> script,
ParseInfo* info,
int source_length);
// Create a shared function info object (the code may be lazily compiled).
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetSharedFunctionInfo(
FunctionLiteral* node, Handle<Script> script, CompilationInfo* outer);
// Create a shared function info object for a native function literal.
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> GetSharedFunctionInfoForNative(
v8::Extension* extension, Handle<String> name);
// ===========================================================================
// The following family of methods provides support for OSR. Code generated
// for entry via OSR might not be suitable for normal entry, hence will be
// returned directly to the caller.
// Please note this interface is the only part dealing with {Code} objects
// directly. Other methods are agnostic to {Code} and can use an interpreter
// instead of generating JIT code for a function at all.
// Generate and return optimized code for OSR, or empty handle on failure.
MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Code> GetOptimizedCodeForOSR(
Handle<JSFunction> function, BailoutId osr_ast_id,
JavaScriptFrame* osr_frame);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
......@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ static Handle<JSFunction> Compile(const char* source) {
Handle<String> source_code = isolate->factory()
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_function = Compiler::CompileScript(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
source_code, Handle<String>(), 0, 0, v8::ScriptOriginOptions(),
Handle<Object>(), Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()), NULL, NULL,
v8::ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions, NOT_NATIVES_CODE, false);
return isolate->factory()->NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(
shared_function, isolate->native_context());
shared, isolate->native_context());
......@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ static Handle<JSFunction> Compile(const char* source) {
Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate();
Handle<String> source_code = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromUtf8(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_function = Compiler::CompileScript(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
source_code, Handle<String>(), 0, 0, v8::ScriptOriginOptions(),
Handle<Object>(), Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()), NULL, NULL,
v8::ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions, NOT_NATIVES_CODE, false);
return isolate->factory()->NewFunctionFromSharedFunctionInfo(
shared_function, isolate->native_context());
shared, isolate->native_context());
......@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ int CountBuiltins() {
static Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompileScript(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> source, Handle<String> name,
ScriptData** cached_data, v8::ScriptCompiler::CompileOptions options) {
return Compiler::CompileScript(
return Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
source, name, 0, 0, v8::ScriptOriginOptions(), Handle<Object>(),
Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()), NULL, cached_data, options,
......@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ TEST(Regress503552) {
Handle<String> source = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(
"function f() {} function g() {}");
ScriptData* script_data = NULL;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = Compiler::CompileScript(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared = Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
source, Handle<String>(), 0, 0, v8::ScriptOriginOptions(),
Handle<Object>(), Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()), NULL,
&script_data, v8::ScriptCompiler::kProduceCodeCache, NOT_NATIVES_CODE,
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