Commit 460e5b53 authored by Shu-yu Guo's avatar Shu-yu Guo Committed by V8 LUCI CQ

[string] SLOW_DCHECK string hash during lifetime of String::FlatContent

With String contents being accessible off-main-thread or from multiple
main threads, add a SLOW_DCHECK that the hash of the string contents
inside a String::FlatContent doesn't change during its lifetime.

Bug: v8:12007
Change-Id: Iaf6bb785e44c97c13ac2fe9c5c20099bf1e0d2fd
Reviewed-on: 's avatarJakob Gruber <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarLeszek Swirski <>
Commit-Queue: Shu-yu Guo <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#79080}
parent 039d508f
......@@ -728,6 +728,51 @@ String::FlatContent String::GetFlatContent(
return GetFlatContent(no_gc, SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded::NotNeeded());
String::FlatContent::FlatContent(const uint8_t* start, int length,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc)
: onebyte_start(start), length_(length), state_(ONE_BYTE), no_gc_(no_gc) {
checksum_ = ComputeChecksum();
String::FlatContent::FlatContent(const base::uc16* start, int length,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc)
: twobyte_start(start), length_(length), state_(TWO_BYTE), no_gc_(no_gc) {
checksum_ = ComputeChecksum();
String::FlatContent::~FlatContent() {
// When ENABLE_SLOW_DCHECKS, check the string contents did not change during
// the lifetime of the FlatContent. To avoid extra memory use, only the hash
// is checked instead of snapshotting the full character data.
// If you crashed here, it means something changed the character data of this
// FlatContent during its lifetime (e.g. GC relocated the string). This is
// almost always a bug. If you are certain it is not a bug, you can disable
// the checksum verification in the caller by calling
// UnsafeDisableChecksumVerification().
SLOW_DCHECK(checksum_ == kChecksumVerificationDisabled ||
checksum_ == ComputeChecksum());
uint32_t String::FlatContent::ComputeChecksum() const {
constexpr uint64_t hashseed = 1;
uint32_t hash;
if (state_ == ONE_BYTE) {
hash = StringHasher::HashSequentialString(onebyte_start, length_, hashseed);
} else {
hash = StringHasher::HashSequentialString(twobyte_start, length_, hashseed);
DCHECK_NE(kChecksumVerificationDisabled, hash);
return hash;
String::FlatContent String::GetFlatContent(
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc,
const SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded& access_guard) {
......@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@ class String : public TorqueGeneratedString<String, Name> {
// FlatStringReader is relocatable.
class FlatContent {
inline ~FlatContent();
// Returns true if the string is flat and this structure contains content.
bool IsFlat() const { return state_ != NON_FLAT; }
// Returns true if the structure contains one-byte content.
......@@ -147,24 +149,27 @@ class String : public TorqueGeneratedString<String, Name> {
return onebyte_start == other.onebyte_start;
// It is almost always a bug if the contents of a FlatContent changes during
// its lifetime, which can happen due to GC or bugs in concurrent string
// access. Rarely, callers need the ability to GC and have ensured safety in
// other ways, such as in IrregexpInterpreter. Those callers can disable the
// checksum verification with this call.
void UnsafeDisableChecksumVerification() {
checksum_ = kChecksumVerificationDisabled;
int length() const { return length_; }
enum State { NON_FLAT, ONE_BYTE, TWO_BYTE };
// Constructors only used by String::GetFlatContent().
FlatContent(const uint8_t* start, int length,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc)
: onebyte_start(start),
no_gc_(no_gc) {}
FlatContent(const base::uc16* start, int length,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc)
: twobyte_start(start),
no_gc_(no_gc) {}
inline FlatContent(const uint8_t* start, int length,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
inline FlatContent(const base::uc16* start, int length,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
explicit FlatContent(const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc)
: onebyte_start(nullptr), length_(0), state_(NON_FLAT), no_gc_(no_gc) {}
......@@ -176,6 +181,14 @@ class String : public TorqueGeneratedString<String, Name> {
State state_;
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc_;
static constexpr uint32_t kChecksumVerificationDisabled = 0;
inline uint32_t ComputeChecksum() const;
uint32_t checksum_;
friend class String;
friend class IterableSubString;
......@@ -1088,6 +1088,10 @@ IrregexpInterpreter::Result IrregexpInterpreter::MatchInternal(
base::uc16 previous_char = '\n';
String::FlatContent subject_content = subject_string.GetFlatContent(no_gc);
// Because interrupts can result in GC and string content relocation, the
// checksum verification in FlatContent may fail even though this code is
// safe. See (2) above.
if (subject_content.IsOneByte()) {
base::Vector<const uint8_t> subject_vector =
......@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ MaybeHandle<String> Uri::Encode(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> uri,
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
bool throw_error = false;
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
String::FlatContent uri_content = uri->GetFlatContent(no_gc);
......@@ -310,11 +311,15 @@ MaybeHandle<String> Uri::Encode(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> uri,
AllowGarbageCollection allocate_error_and_return;
THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewURIError(), String);
// String::FlatContent DCHECKs its contents did not change during its
// lifetime. Throwing the error inside the loop may cause GC and move the
// string contents.
throw_error = true;
if (throw_error) THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewURIError(), String);
return isolate->factory()->NewStringFromOneByte(base::VectorOf(buffer));
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