Commit 4515fb5c authored by's avatar

Make it possible to add more than one piece of embedder data to isolates

This will allow for using gin and blink bindings in the same process


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent c595853b
......@@ -4059,16 +4059,36 @@ class V8_EXPORT Isolate {
void Dispose();
* Associate embedder-specific data with the isolate
* Associate embedder-specific data with the isolate. This legacy method
* puts the data in the 0th slot. It will be deprecated soon.
V8_INLINE void SetData(void* data);
* Retrieve embedder-specific data from the isolate.
* Associate embedder-specific data with the isolate. |slot| has to be
* between 0 and GetNumberOfDataSlots() - 1.
V8_INLINE void SetData(uint32_t slot, void* data);
* Retrieve embedder-specific data from the isolate. This legacy method
* retrieves the data from slot 0. It will be deprecated soon.
* Returns NULL if SetData has never been called.
V8_INLINE void* GetData();
* Retrieve embedder-specific data from the isolate.
* Returns NULL if SetData has never been called for the given |slot|.
V8_INLINE void* GetData(uint32_t slot);
* Returns the maximum number of available embedder data slots. Valid slots
* are in the range of 0 - GetNumberOfDataSlots() - 1.
V8_INLINE static uint32_t GetNumberOfDataSlots();
* Get statistics about the heap memory usage.
......@@ -5454,7 +5474,7 @@ class Internals {
static const int kExternalAsciiRepresentationTag = 0x06;
static const int kIsolateEmbedderDataOffset = 1 * kApiPointerSize;
static const int kIsolateRootsOffset = 3 * kApiPointerSize;
static const int kIsolateRootsOffset = 6 * kApiPointerSize;
static const int kUndefinedValueRootIndex = 5;
static const int kNullValueRootIndex = 7;
static const int kTrueValueRootIndex = 8;
......@@ -5478,6 +5498,8 @@ class Internals {
static const int kUndefinedOddballKind = 5;
static const int kNullOddballKind = 3;
static const uint32_t kNumIsolateDataSlots = 4;
V8_EXPORT static void CheckInitializedImpl(v8::Isolate* isolate);
V8_INLINE static void CheckInitialized(v8::Isolate* isolate) {
......@@ -5541,15 +5563,17 @@ class Internals {
*addr = static_cast<uint8_t>((*addr & ~kNodeStateMask) | value);
V8_INLINE static void SetEmbedderData(v8::Isolate* isolate, void* data) {
uint8_t* addr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(isolate) +
V8_INLINE static void SetEmbedderData(v8::Isolate *isolate,
uint32_t slot,
void *data) {
uint8_t *addr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(isolate) +
kIsolateEmbedderDataOffset + slot * kApiPointerSize;
*reinterpret_cast<void**>(addr) = data;
V8_INLINE static void* GetEmbedderData(v8::Isolate* isolate) {
V8_INLINE static void* GetEmbedderData(v8::Isolate* isolate, uint32_t slot) {
uint8_t* addr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(isolate) +
kIsolateEmbedderDataOffset + slot * kApiPointerSize;
return *reinterpret_cast<void**>(addr);
......@@ -6475,13 +6499,31 @@ Handle<Boolean> False(Isolate* isolate) {
void Isolate::SetData(void* data) {
typedef internal::Internals I;
I::SetEmbedderData(this, data);
I::SetEmbedderData(this, 0, data);
void* Isolate::GetData() {
typedef internal::Internals I;
return I::GetEmbedderData(this);
return I::GetEmbedderData(this, 0);
void Isolate::SetData(uint32_t slot, void* data) {
typedef internal::Internals I;
I::SetEmbedderData(this, slot, data);
void* Isolate::GetData(uint32_t slot) {
typedef internal::Internals I;
return I::GetEmbedderData(this, slot);
uint32_t Isolate::GetNumberOfDataSlots() {
typedef internal::Internals I;
return I::kNumIsolateDataSlots;
......@@ -92,15 +92,15 @@ class PerIsolateData {
explicit PerIsolateData(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate), realms_(NULL) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
isolate->SetData(0, this);
~PerIsolateData() {
isolate_->SetData(NULL); // Not really needed, just to be sure...
isolate_->SetData(0, NULL); // Not really needed, just to be sure...
inline static PerIsolateData* Get(Isolate* isolate) {
return reinterpret_cast<PerIsolateData*>(isolate->GetData());
return reinterpret_cast<PerIsolateData*>(isolate->GetData(0));
class RealmScope {
......@@ -1720,7 +1720,6 @@ void Isolate::ThreadDataTable::RemoveAllThreads(Isolate* isolate) {
......@@ -1050,8 +1050,14 @@ class Isolate {
thread_local_top_.current_vm_state_ = state;
void SetData(void* data) { embedder_data_ = data; }
void* GetData() { return embedder_data_; }
void SetData(uint32_t slot, void* data) {
ASSERT(slot < Internals::kNumIsolateDataSlots);
embedder_data_[slot] = data;
void* GetData(uint32_t slot) {
ASSERT(slot < Internals::kNumIsolateDataSlots);
return embedder_data_[slot];
LookupResult* top_lookup_result() {
return thread_local_top_.top_lookup_result_;
......@@ -1165,7 +1171,7 @@ class Isolate {
// with v8::internal::Internals (in include/v8.h) constants. This is also
// verified in Isolate::Init() using runtime checks.
State state_; // Will be padded to kApiPointerSize.
void* embedder_data_;
void* embedder_data_[Internals::kNumIsolateDataSlots];
Heap heap_;
// The per-process lock should be acquired before the ThreadDataTable is
......@@ -19937,16 +19937,28 @@ UNINITIALIZED_TEST(IsolateEmbedderData) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New();
i::Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(isolate);
CHECK_EQ(NULL, isolate->GetData());
CHECK_EQ(NULL, i_isolate->GetData());
static void* data1 = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xacce55ed);
CHECK_EQ(data1, isolate->GetData());
CHECK_EQ(data1, i_isolate->GetData());
static void* data2 = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xdecea5ed);
CHECK_EQ(data2, isolate->GetData());
CHECK_EQ(data2, i_isolate->GetData());
for (uint32_t slot = 0; slot < v8::Isolate::GetNumberOfDataSlots(); ++slot) {
CHECK_EQ(NULL, isolate->GetData(slot));
CHECK_EQ(NULL, i_isolate->GetData(slot));
for (uint32_t slot = 0; slot < v8::Isolate::GetNumberOfDataSlots(); ++slot) {
void* data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xacce55ed + slot);
isolate->SetData(slot, data);
for (uint32_t slot = 0; slot < v8::Isolate::GetNumberOfDataSlots(); ++slot) {
void* data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xacce55ed + slot);
CHECK_EQ(data, isolate->GetData(slot));
CHECK_EQ(data, i_isolate->GetData(slot));
for (uint32_t slot = 0; slot < v8::Isolate::GetNumberOfDataSlots(); ++slot) {
void* data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xdecea5ed + slot);
isolate->SetData(slot, data);
for (uint32_t slot = 0; slot < v8::Isolate::GetNumberOfDataSlots(); ++slot) {
void* data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xdecea5ed + slot);
CHECK_EQ(data, isolate->GetData(slot));
CHECK_EQ(data, i_isolate->GetData(slot));
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