Commit 43fe7d68 authored by bmeurer's avatar bmeurer Committed by Commit bot

[builtins] Add support for JS builtins written in TurboFan.

This CL adds support for builtins with JavaScript linkage written using
the TurboFan CodeStubAssembler, but with a JSCall descriptor (which was
already supported thanks to a previous patch by Ben Smith). As a first
example, we convert the Math.sqrt builtin and thereby get rid of the
%_MathSqrt intrinsic, which causes trouble for the representation
selection pass in the JavaScript pipeline.

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#34989}
parent fddd4f06
......@@ -1523,6 +1523,9 @@ void Genesis::InitializeGlobal(Handle<JSGlobalObject> global_object,
SimpleInstallFunction(math, "imul", Builtins::kMathImul, 2, true);
SimpleInstallFunction(math, "max", Builtins::kMathMax, 2, false);
SimpleInstallFunction(math, "min", Builtins::kMathMin, 2, false);
Handle<JSFunction> math_sqrt =
SimpleInstallFunction(math, "sqrt", Builtins::kMathSqrt, 1, true);
{ // -- A r r a y B u f f e r
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// Forward declarations.
class CodeStubAssembler;
} // namespace compiler
// Specifies extra arguments required by a C++ builtin.
enum class BuiltinExtraArguments : uint8_t {
kNone = 0u,
......@@ -299,6 +306,9 @@ inline bool operator&(BuiltinExtraArguments lhs, BuiltinExtraArguments rhs) {
V(MarkCodeAsExecutedTwice, BUILTIN, UNINITIALIZED, kNoExtraICState) \
// Define list of builtins implemented in TurboFan (with JS linkage).
#define BUILTIN_LIST_T(V) V(MathSqrt, 2)
// Define list of builtin handlers implemented in assembly.
#define BUILTIN_LIST_H(V) \
V(LoadIC_Slow, LOAD_IC) \
......@@ -337,13 +347,15 @@ class Builtins {
enum Name {
#define DEF_ENUM_C(name, ignore) k##name,
#define DEF_ENUM_A(name, kind, state, extra) k##name,
#define DEF_ENUM_T(name, argc) k##name,
#define DEF_ENUM_H(name, kind) k##name,
#undef DEF_ENUM_C
#undef DEF_ENUM_A
#undef DEF_ENUM_T
#undef DEF_ENUM_H
......@@ -357,13 +369,17 @@ class Builtins {
#define DECLARE_BUILTIN_ACCESSOR_C(name, ignore) Handle<Code> name();
#define DECLARE_BUILTIN_ACCESSOR_A(name, kind, state, extra) \
Handle<Code> name();
#define DECLARE_BUILTIN_ACCESSOR_T(name, argc) Handle<Code> name();
#define DECLARE_BUILTIN_ACCESSOR_H(name, kind) Handle<Code> name();
// Convenience wrappers.
Handle<Code> CallFunction(
......@@ -574,6 +590,8 @@ class Builtins {
static void Generate_MathMin(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Generate_MathMaxMin(masm, MathMaxMinKind::kMin);
// ES6 section Math.sqrt ( x )
static void Generate_MathSqrt(compiler::CodeStubAssembler* assembler);
// ES6 section Number ( [ value ] ) for the [[Call]] case.
static void Generate_NumberConstructor(MacroAssembler* masm);
......@@ -243,6 +243,12 @@ Node* CodeStubAssembler::LoadHeapNumberValue(Node* object) {
IntPtrConstant(HeapNumber::kValueOffset - kHeapObjectTag));
Node* CodeStubAssembler::StoreHeapNumberValue(Node* object, Node* value) {
return StoreNoWriteBarrier(
MachineRepresentation::kFloat64, object,
IntPtrConstant(HeapNumber::kValueOffset - kHeapObjectTag), value);
Node* CodeStubAssembler::LoadMapBitField(Node* map) {
return Load(MachineType::Uint8(), map,
IntPtrConstant(Map::kBitFieldOffset - kHeapObjectTag));
......@@ -459,6 +465,12 @@ Node* CodeStubAssembler::LoadMap(Node* object) {
return LoadObjectField(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset);
Node* CodeStubAssembler::StoreMapNoWriteBarrier(Node* object, Node* map) {
return StoreNoWriteBarrier(
MachineRepresentation::kTagged, object,
IntPtrConstant(HeapNumber::kMapOffset - kHeapObjectTag), map);
Node* CodeStubAssembler::LoadInstanceType(Node* object) {
return LoadMapInstanceType(LoadMap(object));
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ class Schedule;
V(Float64Sqrt) \
V(ChangeFloat64ToUint32) \
V(ChangeInt32ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeInt32ToInt64) \
......@@ -284,6 +285,8 @@ class CodeStubAssembler {
MachineType rep = MachineType::AnyTagged());
// Load the floating point value of a HeapNumber.
Node* LoadHeapNumberValue(Node* object);
// Store the floating point value of a HeapNumber.
Node* StoreHeapNumberValue(Node* object, Node* value);
// Load the bit field of a Map.
Node* LoadMapBitField(Node* map);
// Load the instance type of a Map.
......@@ -302,6 +305,8 @@ class CodeStubAssembler {
Node* value);
// Load the Map of an HeapObject.
Node* LoadMap(Node* object);
// Store the Map of an HeapObject.
Node* StoreMapNoWriteBarrier(Node* object, Node* map);
// Load the instance type of an HeapObject.
Node* LoadInstanceType(Node* object);
......@@ -168,6 +168,17 @@ Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathRound(Node* node) {
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.sqrt ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathSqrt(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Math.sqrt(a:number) -> Float64Sqrt(a)
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(machine()->Float64Sqrt(), r.left());
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::Reduce(Node* node) {
Reduction reduction = NoChange();
JSCallReduction r(node);
......@@ -187,6 +198,9 @@ Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::Reduce(Node* node) {
case kMathRound:
reduction = ReduceMathRound(node);
case kMathSqrt:
reduction = ReduceMathSqrt(node);
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class JSBuiltinReducer final : public AdvancedReducer {
Reduction ReduceMathMax(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceMathImul(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceMathFround(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceMathSqrt(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceMathRound(Node* node);
Graph* graph() const;
......@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ Reduction JSIntrinsicLowering::Reduce(Node* node) {
return ReduceMathClz32(node);
case Runtime::kInlineMathFloor:
return ReduceMathFloor(node);
case Runtime::kInlineMathSqrt:
return ReduceMathSqrt(node);
case Runtime::kInlineValueOf:
return ReduceValueOf(node);
case Runtime::kInlineFixedArrayGet:
......@@ -224,15 +222,6 @@ Reduction JSIntrinsicLowering::ReduceMathFloor(Node* node) {
Reduction JSIntrinsicLowering::ReduceMathSqrt(Node* node) {
// Tell the compiler to assume number input.
Node* renamed = graph()->NewNode(common()->Guard(Type::Number()),
node->InputAt(0), graph()->start());
node->ReplaceInput(0, renamed);
return Change(node, machine()->Float64Sqrt());
Reduction JSIntrinsicLowering::ReduceValueOf(Node* node) {
// if (%_IsSmi(value)) {
// return value;
......@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ class JSIntrinsicLowering final : public AdvancedReducer {
Reduction ReduceIsSmi(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceMathClz32(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceMathFloor(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceMathSqrt(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceValueOf(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceFixedArrayGet(Node* node);
Reduction ReduceFixedArraySet(Node* node);
......@@ -1586,7 +1586,6 @@ Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallRuntime(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
case Runtime::kInlineConstructDouble:
case Runtime::kInlineMathFloor:
case Runtime::kInlineMathSqrt:
case Runtime::kInlineMathAtan2:
return Type::Number();
case Runtime::kInlineMathClz32:
......@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ enum BindingFlags {
V(REFLECT_DELETE_PROPERTY_INDEX, JSFunction, reflect_delete_property) \
V(SPREAD_ARGUMENTS_INDEX, JSFunction, spread_arguments) \
V(SPREAD_ITERABLE_INDEX, JSFunction, spread_iterable) \
V(ORDINARY_HAS_INSTANCE_INDEX, JSFunction, ordinary_has_instance)
V(ORDINARY_HAS_INSTANCE_INDEX, JSFunction, ordinary_has_instance) \
V(MATH_SQRT, JSFunction, math_sqrt)
V(ARRAY_CONCAT_INDEX, JSFunction, array_concat) \
......@@ -12752,15 +12752,6 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateMathLogRT(CallRuntime* call) {
void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateMathSqrt(CallRuntime* call) {
DCHECK(call->arguments()->length() == 1);
HValue* value = Pop();
HInstruction* result = NewUncasted<HUnaryMathOperation>(value, kMathSqrt);
return ast_context()->ReturnInstruction(result, call->id());
void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::GenerateFixedArrayGet(CallRuntime* call) {
DCHECK(call->arguments()->length() == 2);
......@@ -2244,7 +2244,6 @@ class HOptimizedGraphBuilder : public HGraphBuilder, public AstVisitor {
F(DoubleLo) \
F(MathClz32) \
F(MathFloor) \
F(MathSqrt) \
F(MathLogRT) \
/* ES6 Collections */ \
F(MapClear) \
......@@ -456,6 +456,12 @@ StackFrame::Type StackFrame::ComputeType(const StackFrameIteratorBase* iterator,
switch (code_obj->kind()) {
case Code::BUILTIN:
if (marker->IsSmi()) break;
// We treat frames for BUILTIN Code objects as OptimizedFrame for now
// (all the builtins with JavaScript linkage are actually generated
// with TurboFan currently, so this is sound).
case Code::FUNCTION:
......@@ -981,8 +987,10 @@ void OptimizedFrame::Summarize(List<FrameSummary>* frames) {
// Delegate to JS frame in absence of turbofan deoptimization.
// TODO(turbofan): Revisit once we support deoptimization across the board.
if (LookupCode()->is_turbofanned() && function()->shared()->asm_function() &&
!FLAG_turbo_asm_deoptimization) {
Code* code = LookupCode();
if (code->kind() == Code::BUILTIN ||
(code->is_turbofanned() && function()->shared()->asm_function() &&
!FLAG_turbo_asm_deoptimization)) {
return JavaScriptFrame::Summarize(frames);
......@@ -1085,7 +1093,6 @@ void OptimizedFrame::Summarize(List<FrameSummary>* frames) {
int OptimizedFrame::LookupExceptionHandlerInTable(
int* stack_slots, HandlerTable::CatchPrediction* prediction) {
Code* code = LookupCode();
HandlerTable* table = HandlerTable::cast(code->handler_table());
int pc_offset = static_cast<int>(pc() - code->entry());
if (stack_slots) *stack_slots = code->stack_slots();
......@@ -91,11 +91,6 @@ function MathRound(x) {
return %RoundNumber(TO_NUMBER(x));
// ECMA 262 -
function MathSqrtJS(x) {
return %_MathSqrt(+x);
// ES6 draft 09-27-13, section
function MathSign(x) {
x = +x;
......@@ -119,9 +114,9 @@ function MathAsinh(x) {
x = TO_NUMBER(x);
// Idempotent for NaN, +/-0 and +/-Infinity.
if (x === 0 || !NUMBER_IS_FINITE(x)) return x;
if (x > 0) return MathLog(x + %_MathSqrt(x * x + 1));
if (x > 0) return MathLog(x + %math_sqrt(x * x + 1));
// This is to prevent numerical errors caused by large negative x.
return -MathLog(-x + %_MathSqrt(x * x + 1));
return -MathLog(-x + %math_sqrt(x * x + 1));
// ES6 draft 09-27-13, section
......@@ -130,7 +125,7 @@ function MathAcosh(x) {
if (x < 1) return NaN;
// Idempotent for NaN and +Infinity.
if (!NUMBER_IS_FINITE(x)) return x;
return MathLog(x + %_MathSqrt(x + 1) * %_MathSqrt(x - 1));
return MathLog(x + %math_sqrt(x + 1) * %math_sqrt(x - 1));
// ES6 draft 09-27-13, section
......@@ -169,7 +164,7 @@ function MathHypot(x, y) { // Function length is 2.
compensation = (preliminary - sum) - summand;
sum = preliminary;
return %_MathSqrt(sum) * max;
return %math_sqrt(sum) * max;
// ES6 draft 07-18-14, section
......@@ -234,7 +229,6 @@ utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalMath, DONT_ENUM, [
"floor", MathFloorJS,
"log", MathLog,
"round", MathRound,
"sqrt", MathSqrtJS,
"atan2", MathAtan2JS,
"pow", MathPowJS,
"sign", MathSign,
......@@ -254,7 +248,6 @@ utils.InstallFunctions(GlobalMath, DONT_ENUM, [
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -4925,14 +4925,10 @@ void Code::set_profiler_ticks(int ticks) {
int Code::builtin_index() {
return READ_INT32_FIELD(this, kKindSpecificFlags1Offset);
int Code::builtin_index() { return READ_INT_FIELD(this, kBuiltinIndexOffset); }
void Code::set_builtin_index(int index) {
WRITE_INT32_FIELD(this, kKindSpecificFlags1Offset, index);
WRITE_INT_FIELD(this, kBuiltinIndexOffset, index);
......@@ -5318,8 +5318,9 @@ class Code: public HeapObject {
// Note: We might be able to squeeze this into the flags above.
static const int kPrologueOffset = kKindSpecificFlags2Offset + kIntSize;
static const int kConstantPoolOffset = kPrologueOffset + kIntSize;
static const int kHeaderPaddingStart =
static const int kBuiltinIndexOffset =
kConstantPoolOffset + kConstantPoolSize;
static const int kHeaderPaddingStart = kBuiltinIndexOffset + kIntSize;
// Add padding to align the instruction start following right after
// the Code object header.
......@@ -5347,7 +5348,7 @@ class Code: public HeapObject {
: public BitField<ExtraICState, 11, PlatformSmiTagging::kSmiValueSize -
11 + 1> {}; // NOLINT
// KindSpecificFlags1 layout (STUB and OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION)
// KindSpecificFlags1 layout (STUB, BUILTIN and OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION)
static const int kStackSlotsFirstBit = 0;
static const int kStackSlotsBitCount = 24;
static const int kMarkedForDeoptimizationBit =
......@@ -214,17 +214,6 @@ RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_RoundNumber) {
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_MathSqrt) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
DCHECK(args.length() == 1);
return *isolate->factory()->NewNumber(fast_sqrt(x, isolate));
RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_GenerateRandomNumbers) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
DCHECK(args.length() == 1);
......@@ -362,7 +362,6 @@ namespace internal {
F(MathPow, 2, 1) \
F(MathPowRT, 2, 1) \
F(RoundNumber, 1, 1) \
F(MathSqrt, 1, 1) \
F(GenerateRandomNumbers, 1, 1)
......@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ TEST(SimpleCallRuntime1Arg) {
CodeStubAssemblerTester m(isolate, descriptor);
Node* context = m.HeapConstant(Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()));
Node* b = m.SmiTag(m.Int32Constant(256));
m.Return(m.CallRuntime(Runtime::kMathSqrt, context, b));
m.Return(m.CallRuntime(Runtime::kMathFloor, context, b));
Handle<Code> code = m.GenerateCode();
FunctionTester ft(descriptor, code);
MaybeHandle<Object> result = ft.Call();
CHECK_EQ(16, Handle<Smi>::cast(result.ToHandleChecked())->value());
CHECK_EQ(256, Handle<Smi>::cast(result.ToHandleChecked())->value());
......@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ TEST(SimpleTailCallRuntime1Arg) {
CodeStubAssemblerTester m(isolate, descriptor);
Node* context = m.HeapConstant(Handle<Context>(isolate->native_context()));
Node* b = m.SmiTag(m.Int32Constant(256));
m.TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kMathSqrt, context, b);
m.TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kMathFloor, context, b);
Handle<Code> code = m.GenerateCode();
FunctionTester ft(descriptor, code);
MaybeHandle<Object> result = ft.Call();
CHECK_EQ(16, Handle<Smi>::cast(result.ToHandleChecked())->value());
CHECK_EQ(256, Handle<Smi>::cast(result.ToHandleChecked())->value());
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ var global = 3;
function f(a) {
// This will trigger a deopt since global was previously a SMI, with the
// accumulator holding an unboxed double which needs materialized.
global = %_MathSqrt(a);
global = %math_sqrt(a);
......@@ -259,24 +259,6 @@ TEST_F(JSIntrinsicLoweringTest, InlineMathFloor) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// %_MathSqrt
TEST_F(JSIntrinsicLoweringTest, InlineMathSqrt) {
Node* const input = Parameter(0);
Node* const context = Parameter(1);
Node* const effect = graph()->start();
Node* const control = graph()->start();
Reduction const r = Reduce(
graph()->NewNode(javascript()->CallRuntime(Runtime::kInlineMathSqrt, 1),
input, context, effect, control));
IsFloat64Sqrt(IsGuard(Type::Number(), input, _)));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// %_MathClz32
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