Change the scavenging collector so that promoted objects do not reside

in the old generation while its remembered set is being swept for
pointers into the young generation.  This is done by delaying the
copying of promoted objects from when they are first encountered and
promoted to only when their body is visited.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 44bdc2c9
......@@ -191,6 +191,27 @@ void Heap::CopyBlock(Object** dst, Object** src, int byte_size) {
void Heap::ScavengeObject(HeapObject** p, HeapObject* object) {
// We use the first word (where the map pointer usually is) of a heap
// object to record the forwarding pointer. A forwarding pointer can
// point to an old space, the code space, or the to space of the new
// generation.
MapWord first_word = object->map_word();
// If the first word is a forwarding address, the object has already been
// copied.
if (first_word.IsForwardingAddress()) {
*p = first_word.ToForwardingAddress();
// Call the slow part of scavenge object.
return ScavengeObjectSlow(p, object);
Object* Heap::GetKeyedLookupCache() {
if (keyed_lookup_cache()->IsUndefined()) {
Object* obj = LookupCache::Allocate(4);
......@@ -537,8 +537,39 @@ class ScavengeVisitor: public ObjectVisitor {
// A queue of pointers and maps of to-be-promoted objects during a
// scavenge collection.
class PromotionQueue {
void Initialize(Address start_address) {
front_ = rear_ = reinterpret_cast<HeapObject**>(start_address);
bool is_empty() { return front_ <= rear_; }
void insert(HeapObject* object, Map* map) {
*(--rear_) = object;
*(--rear_) = map;
// Assert no overflow into live objects.
ASSERT(rear_ >= Heap::new_space()->top());
void remove(HeapObject** object, Map** map) {
*object = *(--front_);
*map = Map::cast(*(--front_));
// Assert no underflow.
ASSERT(front_ >= rear_);
// The front of the queue is higher in memory than the rear.
HeapObject** front_;
HeapObject** rear_;
// Shared state read by the scavenge collector and set by ScavengeObject.
static Address promoted_rear = NULL;
static PromotionQueue promotion_queue;
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -624,8 +655,7 @@ void Heap::Scavenge() {
// frees up its size in bytes from the top of the new space, and
// objects are at least one pointer in size.
Address new_space_front = new_space_.ToSpaceLow();
Address promoted_front = new_space_.ToSpaceHigh();
promoted_rear = new_space_.ToSpaceHigh();
ScavengeVisitor scavenge_visitor;
// Copy roots.
......@@ -642,7 +672,6 @@ void Heap::Scavenge() {
do {
ASSERT(new_space_front <=;
ASSERT(promoted_front >= promoted_rear);
// The addresses new_space_front and define a
// queue of unprocessed copied objects. Process them until the
......@@ -653,15 +682,26 @@ void Heap::Scavenge() {
new_space_front += object->Size();
// The addresses promoted_front and promoted_rear define a queue
// of unprocessed addresses of promoted objects. Process them
// until the queue is empty.
while (promoted_front > promoted_rear) {
promoted_front -= kPointerSize;
HeapObject* object =
// Promote and process all the to-be-promoted objects.
while (!promotion_queue.is_empty()) {
HeapObject* source;
Map* map;
promotion_queue.remove(&source, &map);
// Copy the from-space object to its new location (given by the
// forwarding address) and fix its map.
HeapObject* target = source->map_word().ToForwardingAddress();
// Update NewSpace stats if necessary.
// Visit the newly copied object for pointers to new space.
// Take another spin if there are now unswept objects in new space
......@@ -818,8 +858,8 @@ HeapObject* Heap::MigrateObject(HeapObject* source,
// Set the forwarding address.
// Update NewSpace stats if necessary.
// Update NewSpace stats if necessary.
......@@ -827,28 +867,6 @@ HeapObject* Heap::MigrateObject(HeapObject* source,
// Inlined function.
void Heap::ScavengeObject(HeapObject** p, HeapObject* object) {
// We use the first word (where the map pointer usually is) of a heap
// object to record the forwarding pointer. A forwarding pointer can
// point to an old space, the code space, or the to space of the new
// generation.
MapWord first_word = object->map_word();
// If the first word is a forwarding address, the object has already been
// copied.
if (first_word.IsForwardingAddress()) {
*p = first_word.ToForwardingAddress();
// Call the slow part of scavenge object.
return ScavengeObjectSlow(p, object);
static inline bool IsShortcutCandidate(HeapObject* object, Map* map) {
STATIC_ASSERT(kNotStringTag != 0 && kSymbolTag != 0);
ASSERT(object->map() == map);
......@@ -879,6 +897,11 @@ void Heap::ScavengeObjectSlow(HeapObject** p, HeapObject* object) {
int object_size = object->SizeFromMap(first_word.ToMap());
// We rely on live objects in new space to be at least two pointers,
// so we can store the from-space address and map pointer of promoted
// objects in the to space.
ASSERT(object_size >= 2 * kPointerSize);
// If the object should be promoted, we try to copy it to old space.
if (ShouldBePromoted(object->address(), object_size)) {
OldSpace* target_space = Heap::TargetSpace(object);
......@@ -886,16 +909,29 @@ void Heap::ScavengeObjectSlow(HeapObject** p, HeapObject* object) {
target_space == Heap::old_data_space_);
Object* result = target_space->AllocateRaw(object_size);
if (!result->IsFailure()) {
*p = MigrateObject(object, HeapObject::cast(result), object_size);
HeapObject* target = HeapObject::cast(result);
if (target_space == Heap::old_pointer_space_) {
// Record the object's address at the top of the to space, to allow
// it to be swept by the scavenger.
promoted_rear -= kPointerSize;
Memory::Object_at(promoted_rear) = *p;
// Save the from-space object pointer and its map pointer at the
// top of the to space to be swept and copied later. Write the
// forwarding address over the map word of the from-space
// object.
promotion_queue.insert(object, first_word.ToMap());
// Give the space allocated for the result a proper map by
// treating it as a free list node (not linked into the free
// list).
FreeListNode* node = FreeListNode::FromAddress(target->address());
*p = target;
} else {
// Objects promoted to the data space can be copied immediately
// and not revisited---we will never sweep that space for
// pointers and the copied objects do not contain pointers to
// new space objects.
*p = MigrateObject(object, target, object_size);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Objects promoted to the data space should not have pointers to
// new space.
VerifyNonPointerSpacePointersVisitor v;
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