Commit 3b741a94 authored by Martyn Capewell's avatar Martyn Capewell Committed by Commit Bot

Delete StringCharCodeAtGenerator.

Delete StringCharCodeAtGenerator, as it's no longer used.

Change-Id: I05294fac69671c0652742d120de9ea17e9031518
Reviewed-on: 's avatarRoss McIlroy <>
Commit-Queue: Martyn Capewell <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#47339}
parent 5793997a
......@@ -1120,97 +1120,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ ldm(ia_w, sp, kCalleeSaved | pc.bit());
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ ldr(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ ldrb(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ tst(result_, Operand(kIsNotStringMask));
__ b(ne, receiver_not_string_);
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ ldr(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ cmp(result_, Operand(index_));
__ b(ls, index_out_of_range_);
__ SmiUntag(index_);
__ SmiTag(result_);
__ bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_,
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_, index_);
} else {
// index_ is consumed by runtime conversion function.
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ Move(index_, r0);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_);
} else {
__ pop(object_);
// Reload the instance type.
__ ldr(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ ldrb(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ jmp(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
__ SmiTag(index_);
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
__ Move(result_, r0);
__ jmp(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(
MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Register scratch3) {
......@@ -1193,91 +1193,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ Ret();
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ Ldr(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Ldrb(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ TestAndBranchIfAnySet(result_, kIsNotStringMask, receiver_not_string_);
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ Bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ Ldrsw(result_, UntagSmiFieldMemOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ Cmp(result_, Operand::UntagSmi(index_));
__ B(ls, index_out_of_range_);
__ SmiUntag(index_);
__ SmiTag(result_);
__ Bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
__ Bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ JumpIfNotHeapNumber(index_, index_not_number_);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_, index_);
} else {
// Save object_ on the stack and pass index_ as argument for runtime call.
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ Mov(index_, x0);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Pop(object_, LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(),
} else {
__ Pop(object_);
// Reload the instance type.
__ Ldr(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Ldrb(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ B(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ Bind(&call_runtime_);
__ SmiTag(index_);
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
__ Mov(result_, x0);
__ B(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void CompareICStub::GenerateBooleans(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Inputs are in x0 (lhs) and x1 (rhs).
DCHECK_EQ(CompareICState::BOOLEAN, state());
......@@ -961,63 +961,6 @@ enum EmbedMode {
// Generates code implementing String.prototype.charCodeAt.
// Only supports the case when the receiver is a string and the index
// is a number (smi or heap number) that is a valid index into the
// string. Additional index constraints are specified by the
// flags. Otherwise, bails out to the provided labels.
// Register usage: |object| may be changed to another string in a way
// that doesn't affect charCodeAt/charAt semantics, |index| is
// preserved, |scratch| and |result| are clobbered.
class StringCharCodeAtGenerator {
StringCharCodeAtGenerator(Register object, Register index, Register result,
Label* receiver_not_string, Label* index_not_number,
Label* index_out_of_range,
ReceiverCheckMode check_mode = RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN)
: object_(object),
check_mode_(check_mode) {
// Generates the fast case code. On the fallthrough path |result|
// register contains the result.
void GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm);
// Generates the slow case code. Must not be naturally
// reachable. Expected to be put after a ret instruction (e.g., in
// deferred code). Always jumps back to the fast case.
void GenerateSlow(MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper);
Register object_;
Register index_;
Register result_;
Label* receiver_not_string_;
Label* index_not_number_;
Label* index_out_of_range_;
ReceiverCheckMode check_mode_;
Label call_runtime_;
Label index_not_smi_;
Label got_smi_index_;
Label exit_;
class DoubleToIStub : public PlatformCodeStub {
DoubleToIStub(Isolate* isolate, Register source, Register destination,
......@@ -1028,102 +1028,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ ret(0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ mov(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ movzx_b(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ test(result_, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask));
__ j(not_zero, receiver_not_string_);
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ cmp(index_, FieldOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ j(above_equal, index_out_of_range_);
__ SmiUntag(index_);
Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
masm, factory, object_, index_, result_, &call_runtime_);
__ SmiTag(result_);
__ bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_,
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister());
__ push(LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister());
__ push(object_);
__ push(index_); // Consumed by runtime conversion function.
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
if (! {
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ mov(index_, eax);
__ pop(object_);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ pop(LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister());
__ pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister());
// Reload the instance type.
__ mov(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ movzx_b(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ jmp(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
__ push(object_);
__ SmiTag(index_);
__ push(index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
if (! {
__ mov(result_, eax);
__ jmp(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register left,
Register right,
......@@ -1237,103 +1237,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ Jump(ra);
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator.
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ lw(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ And(t0, result_, Operand(kIsNotStringMask));
__ Branch(receiver_not_string_, ne, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ lw(t0, FieldMemOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ Branch(index_out_of_range_, ls, t0, Operand(index_));
__ sra(index_, index_, kSmiTagSize);
__ sll(result_, result_, kSmiTagSize);
__ bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_,
// Consumed by runtime conversion function:
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_, index_);
} else {
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ Move(index_, v0);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_);
} else {
__ pop(object_);
// Reload the instance type.
__ lw(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ Branch(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
__ sll(index_, index_, kSmiTagSize);
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
__ Move(result_, v0);
__ jmp(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(
MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Register scratch3) {
......@@ -1234,104 +1234,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ Jump(ra);
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator.
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ Ld(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Lbu(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ And(a4, result_, Operand(kIsNotStringMask));
__ Branch(receiver_not_string_, ne, a4, Operand(zero_reg));
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ Ld(a4, FieldMemOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ Branch(index_out_of_range_, ls, a4, Operand(index_));
__ SmiUntag(index_);
__ SmiTag(result_);
__ bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_,
// Consumed by runtime conversion function:
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_, index_);
} else {
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ Move(index_, v0);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_);
} else {
__ pop(object_);
// Reload the instance type.
__ Ld(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Lbu(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ Branch(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
__ SmiTag(index_);
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
__ Move(result_, v0);
__ jmp(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(
MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Register scratch3) {
......@@ -1185,91 +1185,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ blr();
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ LoadP(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbz(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ andi(r0, result_, Operand(kIsNotStringMask));
__ bne(receiver_not_string_, cr0);
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ LoadP(ip, FieldMemOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ cmpl(ip, index_);
__ ble(index_out_of_range_);
__ SmiUntag(index_);
StringCharLoadGenerator::Generate(masm, object_, index_, result_,
__ SmiTag(result_);
__ bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_, result_, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex, index_not_number_,
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_, index_);
} else {
// index_ is consumed by runtime conversion function.
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ Move(index_, r3);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_);
} else {
__ pop(object_);
// Reload the instance type.
__ LoadP(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbz(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ b(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
__ SmiTag(index_);
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
__ Move(result_, r3);
__ b(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register left,
Register right,
......@@ -1173,91 +1173,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ b(r14);
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ LoadP(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ LoadlB(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ mov(r0, Operand(kIsNotStringMask));
__ AndP(r0, result_);
__ bne(receiver_not_string_);
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ LoadP(ip, FieldMemOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ CmpLogicalP(ip, index_);
__ ble(index_out_of_range_);
__ SmiUntag(index_);
StringCharLoadGenerator::Generate(masm, object_, index_, result_,
__ SmiTag(result_);
__ bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_, result_, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex, index_not_number_,
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_, index_);
} else {
// index_ is consumed by runtime conversion function.
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ Move(index_, r2);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(),
LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(), object_);
} else {
__ pop(object_);
// Reload the instance type.
__ LoadP(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ LoadlB(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ b(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
__ SmiTag(index_);
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
__ Move(result_, r2);
__ b(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(MacroAssembler* masm,
Register left,
Register right,
......@@ -991,99 +991,6 @@ void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ ret(0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StringCharCodeAtGenerator
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case.
if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) {
__ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_);
// Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
__ movp(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ movzxbl(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case.
__ testb(result_, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask));
__ j(not_zero, receiver_not_string_);
// If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_);
__ bind(&got_smi_index_);
// Check for index out of range.
__ SmiCompare(index_, FieldOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ j(above_equal, index_out_of_range_);
__ SmiToInteger32(index_, index_);
masm, object_, index_, result_, &call_runtime_);
__ Integer32ToSmi(result_, result_);
__ bind(&exit_);
void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow(
MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode,
const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) {
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase);
Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
// Index is not a smi.
__ bind(&index_not_smi_);
// If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer.
__ CheckMap(index_,
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister());
__ Push(LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister());
__ Push(object_);
__ Push(index_); // Consumed by runtime conversion function.
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi);
if (! {
// Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below
// have a chance to overwrite it.
__ movp(index_, rax);
__ Pop(object_);
if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) {
__ Pop(LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister());
__ Pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister());
// Reload the instance type.
__ movp(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ movzxbl(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
// If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range.
__ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_);
// Otherwise, return to the fast path.
__ jmp(&got_smi_index_);
// Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the
// index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
__ Push(object_);
__ Integer32ToSmi(index_, index_);
__ Push(index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT);
if (! {
__ movp(result_, rax);
__ jmp(&exit_);
__ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase);
void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(MacroAssembler* masm,
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