Commit 3ab75534 authored by Michael Achenbach's avatar Michael Achenbach Committed by Commit Bot

[test] Remove v8-testing.h

Deprecation was prepared by:

Bug: v8:9941
Change-Id: Idf236c2ebfc23e26dcb264747721d7c18986b6b8
Reviewed-on: 's avatarUlan Degenbaev <>
Commit-Queue: Michael Achenbach <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#65396}
parent 9d6911fd
......@@ -1959,7 +1959,6 @@ v8_source_set("v8_base_without_compiler") {
// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_V8_TEST_H_
#define V8_V8_TEST_H_
#include "v8.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
* Testing support for the V8 JavaScript engine.
namespace v8 {
class V8_EXPORT Testing {
enum V8_DEPRECATED("Don't use this (d8-specific testing logic).") StressType {
* Set the type of stressing to do. The default if not set is kStressTypeOpt.
V8_DEPRECATED("Don't use this (d8-specific testing logic).")
static void SetStressRunType(StressType type);
* Get the number of runs of a given test that is required to get the full
* stress coverage.
V8_DEPRECATED("Don't use this (d8-specific testing logic).")
static int GetStressRuns();
* Indicate the number of the run which is about to start. The value of run
* should be between 0 and one less than the result from GetStressRuns()
V8_DEPRECATED("Don't use this (d8-specific testing logic).")
static void PrepareStressRun(int run);
* Force deoptimization of all functions.
V8_DEPRECATED("Don't use this (d8-specific testing logic).")
static void DeoptimizeAll(Isolate* isolate);
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_V8_TEST_H_
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include "src/api/api-inl.h"
#include "include/v8-profiler.h"
#include "include/v8-testing.h"
#include "include/v8-util.h"
#include "src/api/api-natives.h"
#include "src/base/functional.h"
......@@ -10720,45 +10719,6 @@ void HeapProfiler::RemoveBuildEmbedderGraphCallback(
callback, data);
// Deprecated.
void Testing::SetStressRunType(Testing::StressType type) {
// Deprecated.
int Testing::GetStressRuns() {
if (internal::FLAG_stress_runs != 0) return internal::FLAG_stress_runs;
#ifdef DEBUG
// In debug mode the code runs much slower so stressing will only make two
// runs.
return 2;
return 5;
// Deprecated.
void Testing::PrepareStressRun(int run) {
static const char* kLazyOptimizations =
"--prepare-always-opt "
"--max-inlined-bytecode-size=999999 "
"--max-inlined-bytecode-size-cumulative=999999 "
static const char* kForcedOptimizations = "--always-opt";
if (run == GetStressRuns() - 1) {
} else {
// Deprecated.
void Testing::DeoptimizeAll(Isolate* isolate) {
i::Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(isolate);
i::HandleScope scope(i_isolate);
void EmbedderHeapTracer::FinalizeTracing() {
if (isolate_) {
i::Isolate* isolate = reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(isolate_);
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include <memory>
#include "include/v8-testing.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate.h"
#include "src/heap/factory.h"
#include "src/objects/bigint.h"
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