Adding src_file_name:line_number into perf log entries for compiled JS functions.

Thus, instead of the following profiler records:
   1.5%    1.5%   LazyCompile: <anonymous>
we'll now have these:
   1.5%    1.5%   LazyCompile: <anonymous> richards.js:309

Basically, I translated two functions from messages.js into C++.
In the next CL I will update messages.js to use added native functions.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent e9a496a5
......@@ -293,7 +293,18 @@ bool Compiler::CompileLazy(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
// Generate the code, update the function info, and return the code.
LOG(CodeCreateEvent("LazyCompile", *code, *lit->name()));
if (script->name()->IsString()) {
int lineNum = script->GetLineNumber(start_position);
if (lineNum > 0) {
lineNum += script->line_offset()->value() + 1;
LOG(CodeCreateEvent("LazyCompile", *code, *lit->name(),
String::cast(script->name()), lineNum));
} else {
LOG(CodeCreateEvent("LazyCompile", *code, *lit->name()));
// Update the shared function info with the compiled code.
......@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ Handle<Script> Factory::NewScript(Handle<String> source) {
script->set_wrapper(*Factory::NewProxy(0, TENURED));
return script;
......@@ -588,6 +588,22 @@ void Logger::CodeCreateEvent(const char* tag, Code* code, String* name) {
void Logger::CodeCreateEvent(const char* tag, Code* code, String* name,
String* source, int line) {
if (logfile_ == NULL || !FLAG_log_code) return;
ScopedLock sl(mutex_);
SmartPointer<char> str =
SmartPointer<char> sourcestr =
fprintf(logfile_, "code-creation,%s,0x%x,%d,\"%s %s:%d\"\n", tag,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned int>(code->address()),
code->instruction_size(), *str, *sourcestr, line);
void Logger::CodeCreateEvent(const char* tag, Code* code, int args_count) {
if (logfile_ == NULL || !FLAG_log_code) return;
......@@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ class Logger {
// Emits a code create event.
static void CodeCreateEvent(const char* tag, Code* code, const char* source);
static void CodeCreateEvent(const char* tag, Code* code, String* name);
static void CodeCreateEvent(const char* tag, Code* code, String* name,
String* source, int line);
static void CodeCreateEvent(const char* tag, Code* code, int args_count);
static void CodeAllocateEvent(Code* code, Assembler* assem);
// Emits a code move event.
......@@ -1989,6 +1989,7 @@ ACCESSORS(Script, line_offset, Smi, kLineOffsetOffset)
ACCESSORS(Script, column_offset, Smi, kColumnOffsetOffset)
ACCESSORS(Script, wrapper, Proxy, kWrapperOffset)
ACCESSORS(Script, type, Smi, kTypeOffset)
ACCESSORS(Script, line_ends, Object, kLineEndsOffset)
ACCESSORS(DebugInfo, shared, SharedFunctionInfo, kSharedFunctionInfoIndex)
ACCESSORS(DebugInfo, original_code, Code, kOriginalCodeIndex)
......@@ -6775,6 +6775,61 @@ Object* Dictionary::TransformPropertiesToFastFor(JSObject* obj,
// Init line_ends array with code positions of line ends inside script source
void Script::InitLineEnds() {
if (!line_ends()->IsUndefined()) return;
Handle<String> src(String::cast(source()));
const int src_len = src->length();
Handle<JSArray> array = Factory::NewJSArray(0);
int array_index = 0;
Handle<String> new_line = Factory::NewStringFromAscii(CStrVector("\n"));
int position = 0;
while (position < src_len) {
position = Runtime::StringMatch(src, new_line, position);
if (position != -1) {
SetElement(array, array_index++, Handle<Smi>(Smi::FromInt(position++)));
} else {
// If the script does not end with a line ending add the final end position
// as just past the last line ending.
if (array_index == 0 ||
(Smi::cast(array->GetElement(array_index - 1))->value() != src_len - 1)) {
SetElement(array, array_index++, Handle<Smi>(Smi::FromInt(src_len)));
Handle<FixedArray> fixed_array = Factory::NewFixedArray(0);
// Convert code position into line number
int Script::GetLineNumber(int code_pos) {
FixedArray* line_ends_array = FixedArray::cast(line_ends());
int line = -1;
if (code_pos <= (Smi::cast(line_ends_array->get(0)))->value()) {
line = 0;
} else {
const int line_ends_length = line_ends_array->length();
for (int i = 1; i < line_ends_length; ++i) {
if ((Smi::cast(line_ends_array->get(i - 1)))->value() < code_pos &&
code_pos <= (Smi::cast(line_ends_array->get(i)))->value()) {
line = i;
return line != -1 ? line + line_offset()->value() : line;
// Check if there is a break point at this code position.
bool DebugInfo::HasBreakPoint(int code_position) {
// Get the break point info object for this code position.
......@@ -2537,6 +2537,9 @@ class Script: public Struct {
// [type]: the script type.
// [line_ends]: array of line ends positions
DECL_ACCESSORS(line_ends, Object)
static inline Script* cast(Object* obj);
#ifdef DEBUG
......@@ -2544,13 +2547,17 @@ class Script: public Struct {
void ScriptVerify();
void InitLineEnds();
int GetLineNumber(int code_position);
static const int kSourceOffset = HeapObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kNameOffset = kSourceOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kLineOffsetOffset = kNameOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kColumnOffsetOffset = kLineOffsetOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kWrapperOffset = kColumnOffsetOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kTypeOffset = kWrapperOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kTypeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kLineEndsOffset = kTypeOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kLineEndsOffset + kPointerSize;
......@@ -104,7 +104,10 @@ class JSCodeEntry(CodeEntry):
def ToString(self):
name =
if name == '': name = '<anonymous>'
if name == '':
name = '<anonymous>'
elif name.startswith(' '):
name = '<anonymous>' + name
return self.type + ': ' + name
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