Commit 335a73aa authored by's avatar

Added a simple wrapping of the debugger JSON responses.

Added a 'dir' command to the command line debugger to display the details of an object including the handle number for the object and the objects that it references.

Added the ability to use #XXX# to a 'print' or 'dir' request. XXX is the handle number for the object.
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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 115d57a6
......@@ -262,6 +262,10 @@ function DebugRequest(cmd_line) {
this.request_ = this.printCommandToJSONRequest_(args);
case 'dir':
this.request_ = this.dirCommandToJSONRequest_(args);
case 'source':
this.request_ = this.sourceCommandToJSONRequest_(args);
......@@ -289,6 +293,8 @@ function DebugRequest(cmd_line) {
throw new Error('Unknown command "' + cmd + '"');
last_cmd = cmd;
DebugRequest.prototype.JSONRequest = function() {
......@@ -330,6 +336,27 @@ DebugRequest.prototype.createRequest = function(command) {
// Create a JSON request for the evaluation command.
DebugRequest.prototype.makeEvaluateJSONRequest_ = function(expression) {
// Check if the expression is a handle id in the form #<handle>#.
var handle_match = expression.match(/^#([0-9]*)#$/);
if (handle_match) {
// Build an evaluate request.
var request = this.createRequest('lookup');
request.arguments = {};
request.arguments.handle = parseInt(handle_match[1]);
return request.toJSONProtocol();
} else {
// Build an evaluate request.
var request = this.createRequest('evaluate');
request.arguments = {};
request.arguments.expression = expression;
return request.toJSONProtocol();
// Create a JSON request for the continue command.
DebugRequest.prototype.continueCommandToJSONRequest_ = function(args) {
var request = this.createRequest('continue');
......@@ -438,16 +465,21 @@ DebugRequest.prototype.frameCommandToJSONRequest_ = function(args) {
// Create a JSON request for the print command.
DebugRequest.prototype.printCommandToJSONRequest_ = function(args) {
// Build a evaluate request from the text command.
var request = this.createRequest('evaluate');
// Build an evaluate request from the text command.
if (args.length == 0) {
throw new Error('Missing expression.');
return this.makeEvaluateJSONRequest_(args);
request.arguments = {};
request.arguments.expression = args;
return request.toJSONProtocol();
// Create a JSON request for the dir command.
DebugRequest.prototype.dirCommandToJSONRequest_ = function(args) {
// Build an evaluate request from the text command.
if (args.length == 0) {
throw new Error('Missing expression.');
return this.makeEvaluateJSONRequest_(args);
......@@ -585,39 +617,43 @@ DebugRequest.prototype.helpCommand_ = function(args) {
function formatHandleReference_(value) {
return '#' + value.handle() + '#';
// Convert a JSON response to text for display in a text based debugger.
function DebugResponseDetails(json_response) {
details = {text:'', running:false}
try {
// Convert the JSON string to an object.
response = eval('(' + json_response + ')');
var response = new ProtocolPackage(json_response);
if (!response.success) {
details.text = response.message;
if (!response.success()) {
details.text = response.message();
return details;
// Get the running state.
details.running = response.running;
details.running = response.running();
switch (response.command) {
var body = response.body();
var result = '';
switch (response.command()) {
case 'setbreakpoint':
var body = response.body;
result = 'set breakpoint #';
result += body.breakpoint;
details.text = result;
case 'clearbreakpoint':
var body = response.body;
result = 'cleared breakpoint #';
result += body.breakpoint;
details.text = result;
case 'backtrace':
var body = response.body;
if (body.totalFrames == 0) {
result = '(empty stack)';
} else {
......@@ -632,20 +668,67 @@ function DebugResponseDetails(json_response) {
case 'frame':
details.text = SourceUnderline(response.body.sourceLineText,
Debug.State.currentSourceLine = response.body.line;
Debug.State.currentFrame = response.body.index;
details.text = SourceUnderline(body.sourceLineText,
Debug.State.currentSourceLine = body.line;
Debug.State.currentFrame = body.index;
case 'evaluate':
details.text = response.body.text;
case 'lookup':
if (last_cmd == 'p' || last_cmd == 'print') {
details.text = body.text;
} else {
var value = response.bodyValue();
if (value.isObject()) {
result += formatHandleReference_(value);
result += ', type: object'
result += ', constructor ';
var ctor = value.constructorFunctionValue();
result += formatHandleReference_(ctor);
result += ', __proto__ ';
var proto = value.protoObjectValue();
result += formatHandleReference_(proto);
result += ', ';
result += value.propertyCount();
result += ' properties.\n';
for (var i = 0; i < value.propertyCount(); i++) {
result += ' ';
result += value.propertyName(i);
result += ': ';
var property_value = value.propertyValue(i);
if (property_value && property_value.type()) {
result += property_value.type();
} else {
result += '<no type>';
result += ' ';
result += formatHandleReference_(property_value);
result += '\n';
} else {
result += 'type: ';
result += value.type();
if (!value.isUndefined() && !value.isNull()) {
result += ', ';
if (value.isString()) {
result += '"';
result += value.value();
if (value.isString()) {
result += '"';
result += '\n';
details.text = result;
case 'source':
// Get the source from the response.
var source = response.body.source;
var from_line = response.body.fromLine + 1;
var source = body.source;
var from_line = body.fromLine + 1;
var lines = source.split('\n');
var maxdigits = 1 + Math.floor(log10(from_line + lines.length));
if (maxdigits < 3) {
......@@ -679,25 +762,25 @@ function DebugResponseDetails(json_response) {
case 'scripts':
var result = '';
for (i = 0; i < response.body.length; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) result += '\n';
if (response.body[i].name) {
result += response.body[i].name;
if (body[i].name) {
result += body[i].name;
} else {
result += '[unnamed] ';
var sourceStart = response.body[i].sourceStart;
var sourceStart = body[i].sourceStart;
if (sourceStart.length > 40) {
sourceStart = sourceStart.substring(0, 37) + '...';
result += sourceStart;
result += ' (lines: ';
result += response.body[i].sourceLines;
result += body[i].sourceLines;
result += ', length: ';
result += response.body[i].sourceLength;
if (response.body[i].type == Debug.ScriptType.Native) {
result += body[i].sourceLength;
if (body[i].type == Debug.ScriptType.Native) {
result += ', native';
} else if (response.body[i].type == Debug.ScriptType.Extension) {
} else if (body[i].type == Debug.ScriptType.Extension) {
result += ', extension';
result += ')';
......@@ -722,6 +805,270 @@ function DebugResponseDetails(json_response) {
* Protocol packages send from the debugger.
* @param {string} json - raw protocol packet as JSON string.
* @constructor
function ProtocolPackage(json) {
this.packet_ = eval('(' + json + ')');
this.refs_ = [];
if (this.packet_.refs) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.packet_.refs.length; i++) {
this.refs_[this.packet_.refs[i].handle] = this.packet_.refs[i];
* Get the packet type.
* @return {String} the packet type
ProtocolPackage.prototype.type = function() {
return this.packet_.type;
* Get the packet event.
* @return {Object} the packet event
ProtocolPackage.prototype.event = function() {
return this.packet_.event;
* Get the packet request sequence.
* @return {number} the packet request sequence
ProtocolPackage.prototype.requestSeq = function() {
return this.packet_.request_seq;
* Get the packet request sequence.
* @return {number} the packet request sequence
ProtocolPackage.prototype.running = function() {
return this.packet_.running ? true : false;
ProtocolPackage.prototype.success = function() {
return this.packet_.success ? true : false;
ProtocolPackage.prototype.message = function() {
return this.packet_.message;
ProtocolPackage.prototype.command = function() {
return this.packet_.command;
ProtocolPackage.prototype.body = function() {
return this.packet_.body;
ProtocolPackage.prototype.bodyValue = function() {
return new ProtocolValue(this.packet_.body, this);
ProtocolPackage.prototype.body = function() {
return this.packet_.body;
ProtocolPackage.prototype.lookup = function(handle) {
var value = this.refs_[handle];
if (value) {
return new ProtocolValue(value, this);
} else {
return new ProtocolReference(handle);
function ProtocolValue(value, packet) {
this.value_ = value;
this.packet_ = packet;
* Get the value type.
* @return {String} the value type
ProtocolValue.prototype.type = function() {
return this.value_.type;
* Check is the value is a primitive value.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is primitive
ProtocolValue.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
return this.isUndefined() || this.isNull() || this.isBoolean() ||
this.isNumber() || this.isString();
* Get the object handle.
* @return {number} the value handle
ProtocolValue.prototype.handle = function() {
return this.value_.handle;
* Check is the value is undefined.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is undefined
ProtocolValue.prototype.isUndefined = function() {
return this.value_.type == 'undefined';
* Check is the value is null.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is null
ProtocolValue.prototype.isNull = function() {
return this.value_.type == 'null';
* Check is the value is a boolean.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is a boolean
ProtocolValue.prototype.isBoolean = function() {
return this.value_.type == 'boolean';
* Check is the value is a number.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is a number
ProtocolValue.prototype.isNumber = function() {
return this.value_.type == 'number';
* Check is the value is a string.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is a string
ProtocolValue.prototype.isString = function() {
return this.value_.type == 'string';
* Check is the value is an object.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is an object
ProtocolValue.prototype.isObject = function() {
return this.value_.type == 'object' || this.value_.type == 'function' ||
this.value_.type == 'error' || this.value_.type == 'regexp';
* Get the constructor function
* @return {ProtocolValue} constructor function
ProtocolValue.prototype.constructorFunctionValue = function() {
var ctor = this.value_.constructorFunction;
return this.packet_.lookup(ctor.ref);
* Get the __proto__ value
* @return {ProtocolValue} __proto__ value
ProtocolValue.prototype.protoObjectValue = function() {
var proto = this.value_.protoObject;
return this.packet_.lookup(proto.ref);
* Get the number og properties.
* @return {number} the number of properties
ProtocolValue.prototype.propertyCount = function() {
return ? : 0;
* Get the specified property name.
* @return {string} property name
ProtocolValue.prototype.propertyName = function(index) {
var property =[index];
* Return index for the property name.
* @param name The property name to look for
* @return {number} index for the property name
ProtocolValue.prototype.propertyIndex = function(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.propertyCount(); i++) {
if ([i].name == name) {
return i;
return null;
* Get the specified property value.
* @return {ProtocolValue} property value
ProtocolValue.prototype.propertyValue = function(index) {
var property =[index];
return this.packet_.lookup(property.ref);
* Check is the value is a string.
* @return {boolean} true if the value is a string
ProtocolValue.prototype.value = function() {
return this.value_.value;
function ProtocolReference(handle) {
this.handle_ = handle;
ProtocolReference.prototype.handle = function() {
return this.handle_;
function MakeJSONPair_(name, value) {
return '"' + name + '":' + value;
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