Commit 32f29531 authored by's avatar

Refactoring to allow adding new structured types

Also, simplfy representation of zone types, using a simple struct.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 1b31d2b3
......@@ -13,60 +13,12 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Tagged* ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_create(
Tag tag, int size, Zone* zone) {
Tagged* tagged = new(zone) Tagged(size + 1, zone);
tagged->Add(reinterpret_cast<void*>(tag), zone);
tagged->AddBlock(NULL, size, zone);
return tagged;
// static
void ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_shrink(Tagged* tagged, int size) {
tagged->Rewind(size + 1);
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Tag ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_tag(Tagged* tagged) {
return static_cast<Tag>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(tagged->at(0)));
// static
template<class T>
T ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_get(Tagged* tagged, int i) {
return reinterpret_cast<T>(tagged->at(i + 1));
// static
template<class T>
void ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_set(Tagged* tagged, int i, T value) {
tagged->at(i + 1) = reinterpret_cast<void*>(value);
// static
int ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_length(Tagged* tagged) {
return tagged->length() - 1;
// static
Type* ZoneTypeConfig::handle(Type* type) {
return type;
// static
bool ZoneTypeConfig::is(Type* type, Tag tag) {
return is_tagged(type) && tagged_tag(as_tagged(type)) == tag;
// static
bool ZoneTypeConfig::is_bitset(Type* type) {
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(type) & 1;
......@@ -74,32 +26,20 @@ bool ZoneTypeConfig::is_bitset(Type* type) {
// static
bool ZoneTypeConfig::is_tagged(Type* type) {
bool ZoneTypeConfig::is_struct(Type* type) {
return !is_bitset(type);
// static
bool ZoneTypeConfig::is_class(Type* type) {
return is(type, kClassTag);
return is_struct(type) && struct_tag(as_struct(type)) == Type::kClassTag;
// static
bool ZoneTypeConfig::is_constant(Type* type) {
return is(type, kConstantTag);
// static
bool ZoneTypeConfig::is_union(Type* type) {
return is(type, kUnionTag);
// static
bool ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_is_union(Tagged* tagged) {
return is(from_tagged(tagged), kUnionTag);
return is_struct(type) && struct_tag(as_struct(type)) == Type::kConstantTag;
......@@ -111,37 +51,24 @@ int ZoneTypeConfig::as_bitset(Type* type) {
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Tagged* ZoneTypeConfig::as_tagged(Type* type) {
return reinterpret_cast<Tagged*>(type);
ZoneTypeConfig::Struct* ZoneTypeConfig::as_struct(Type* type) {
return reinterpret_cast<Struct*>(type);
// static
i::Handle<i::Map> ZoneTypeConfig::as_class(Type* type) {
return i::Handle<i::Map>(tagged_get<i::Map**>(as_tagged(type), 1));
return i::Handle<i::Map>(static_cast<i::Map**>(as_struct(type)->args[1]));
// static
i::Handle<i::Object> ZoneTypeConfig::as_constant(Type* type) {
return i::Handle<i::Object>(tagged_get<i::Object**>(as_tagged(type), 1));
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Unioned* ZoneTypeConfig::as_union(Type* type) {
return tagged_as_union(as_tagged(type));
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Unioned* ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_as_union(Tagged* tagged) {
return reinterpret_cast<Unioned*>(tagged);
return i::Handle<i::Object>(
......@@ -158,80 +85,79 @@ ZoneTypeConfig::Type* ZoneTypeConfig::from_bitset(int bitset, Zone* Zone) {
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Type* ZoneTypeConfig::from_tagged(Tagged* tagged) {
return reinterpret_cast<Type*>(tagged);
ZoneTypeConfig::Type* ZoneTypeConfig::from_struct(Struct* structured) {
return reinterpret_cast<Type*>(structured);
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Type* ZoneTypeConfig::from_class(
i::Handle<i::Map> map, int lub, Zone* zone) {
Tagged* tagged = tagged_create(kClassTag, 2, zone);
tagged_set(tagged, 0, lub);
tagged_set(tagged, 1, map.location());
return from_tagged(tagged);
Struct* structured = struct_create(Type::kClassTag, 2, zone);
structured->args[0] = from_bitset(lub);
structured->args[1] = map.location();
return from_struct(structured);
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Type* ZoneTypeConfig::from_constant(
i::Handle<i::Object> value, int lub, Zone* zone) {
Tagged* tagged = tagged_create(kConstantTag, 2, zone);
tagged_set(tagged, 0, lub);
tagged_set(tagged, 1, value.location());
return from_tagged(tagged);
Struct* structured = struct_create(Type::kConstantTag, 2, zone);
structured->args[0] = from_bitset(lub);
structured->args[1] = value.location();
return from_struct(structured);
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Type* ZoneTypeConfig::from_union(Unioned* unioned) {
return from_tagged(tagged_from_union(unioned));
ZoneTypeConfig::Struct* ZoneTypeConfig::struct_create(
int tag, int length, Zone* zone) {
Struct* structured = reinterpret_cast<Struct*>(
zone->New(sizeof(Struct) + sizeof(void*) * (length - 1))); // NOLINT
structured->tag = tag;
structured->length = length;
return structured;
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Tagged* ZoneTypeConfig::tagged_from_union(Unioned* unioned) {
return reinterpret_cast<Tagged*>(unioned);
void ZoneTypeConfig::struct_shrink(Struct* structured, int length) {
ASSERT(0 <= length && length <= structured->length);
structured->length = length;
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Unioned* ZoneTypeConfig::union_create(int size, Zone* zone) {
return tagged_as_union(tagged_create(kUnionTag, size, zone));
int ZoneTypeConfig::struct_tag(Struct* structured) {
return structured->tag;
// static
void ZoneTypeConfig::union_shrink(Unioned* unioned, int size) {
tagged_shrink(tagged_from_union(unioned), size);
Type* ZoneTypeConfig::struct_get(Struct* structured, int i) {
ASSERT(0 <= i && i < structured->length);
return static_cast<Type*>(structured->args[i]);
// static
ZoneTypeConfig::Type* ZoneTypeConfig::union_get(Unioned* unioned, int i) {
Type* type = tagged_get<Type*>(tagged_from_union(unioned), i);
return type;
void ZoneTypeConfig::struct_set(Struct* structured, int i, Type* type) {
ASSERT(0 <= i && i < structured->length);
structured->args[i] = type;
// static
void ZoneTypeConfig::union_set(Unioned* unioned, int i, Type* type) {
tagged_set(tagged_from_union(unioned), i, type);
// static
int ZoneTypeConfig::union_length(Unioned* unioned) {
return tagged_length(tagged_from_union(unioned));
int ZoneTypeConfig::struct_length(Struct* structured) {
return structured->length;
// static
int ZoneTypeConfig::lub_bitset(Type* type) {
ASSERT(is_class(type) || is_constant(type));
return static_cast<int>(tagged_get<intptr_t>(as_tagged(type), 0));
return as_bitset(struct_get(as_struct(type), 0));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
......@@ -261,7 +187,7 @@ bool HeapTypeConfig::is_constant(Type* type) {
// static
bool HeapTypeConfig::is_union(Type* type) {
bool HeapTypeConfig::is_struct(Type* type) {
return type->IsFixedArray();
......@@ -286,8 +212,8 @@ i::Handle<i::Object> HeapTypeConfig::as_constant(Type* type) {
// static
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Unioned> HeapTypeConfig::as_union(Type* type) {
return i::handle(i::FixedArray::cast(type));
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Struct> HeapTypeConfig::as_struct(Type* type) {
return i::handle(Struct::cast(type));
......@@ -320,45 +246,51 @@ i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Type> HeapTypeConfig::from_constant(
// static
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Type> HeapTypeConfig::from_union(
i::Handle<Unioned> unioned) {
return i::Handle<Type>::cast(i::Handle<Object>::cast(unioned));
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Type> HeapTypeConfig::from_struct(
i::Handle<Struct> structured) {
return i::Handle<Type>::cast(i::Handle<Object>::cast(structured));
// static
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Struct> HeapTypeConfig::struct_create(
int tag, int length, Isolate* isolate) {
i::Handle<Struct> structured = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(length + 1);
structured->set(0, i::Smi::FromInt(tag));
return structured;
// static
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Unioned> HeapTypeConfig::union_create(
int size, Isolate* isolate) {
return isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(size);
void HeapTypeConfig::struct_shrink(i::Handle<Struct> structured, int length) {
structured->Shrink(length + 1);
// static
void HeapTypeConfig::union_shrink(i::Handle<Unioned> unioned, int size) {
int HeapTypeConfig::struct_tag(i::Handle<Struct> structured) {
return static_cast<i::Smi*>(structured->get(0))->value();
// static
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Type> HeapTypeConfig::union_get(
i::Handle<Unioned> unioned, int i) {
Type* type = static_cast<Type*>(unioned->get(i));
return i::handle(type, unioned->GetIsolate());
i::Handle<HeapTypeConfig::Type> HeapTypeConfig::struct_get(
i::Handle<Struct> structured, int i) {
Type* type = static_cast<Type*>(structured->get(i + 1));
return i::handle(type, structured->GetIsolate());
// static
void HeapTypeConfig::union_set(
i::Handle<Unioned> unioned, int i, i::Handle<Type> type) {
unioned->set(i, *type);
void HeapTypeConfig::struct_set(
i::Handle<Struct> structured, int i, i::Handle<Type> type) {
structured->set(i + 1, *type);
// static
int HeapTypeConfig::union_length(i::Handle<Unioned> unioned) {
return unioned->length();
int HeapTypeConfig::struct_length(i::Handle<Struct> structured) {
return structured->length() - 1;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -164,28 +164,29 @@ namespace internal {
// struct Config {
// typedef Base;
// typedef Unioned;
// typedef Struct;
// typedef Region;
// template<class> struct Handle { typedef type; } // No template typedefs...
// static Handle<Type>::type handle(Type* type); // !is_bitset(type)
// static bool is_bitset(Type*);
// static bool is_class(Type*);
// static bool is_constant(Type*);
// static bool is_union(Type*);
// static bool is_struct(Type*);
// static int as_bitset(Type*);
// static i::Handle<i::Map> as_class(Type*);
// static i::Handle<i::Object> as_constant(Type*);
// static Handle<Unioned>::type as_union(Type*);
// static Handle<Struct>::type as_struct(Type*);
// static Type* from_bitset(int bitset);
// static Handle<Type>::type from_bitset(int bitset, Region*);
// static Handle<Type>::type from_class(i::Handle<Map>, int lub, Region*);
// static Handle<Type>::type from_constant(i::Handle<Object>, int, Region*);
// static Handle<Type>::type from_union(Handle<Unioned>::type);
// static Handle<Unioned>::type union_create(int size, Region*);
// static void union_shrink(Handle<Unioned>::type, int size);
// static Handle<Type>::type union_get(Handle<Unioned>::type, int);
// static void union_set(Handle<Unioned>::type, int, Handle<Type>::type);
// static int union_length(Handle<Unioned>::type);
// static Handle<Type>::type from_struct(Handle<Struct>::type);
// static Handle<Struct>::type struct_create(int tag, int length, Region*);
// static void struct_shrink(Handle<Struct>::type, int length);
// static int struct_tag(Handle<Struct>::type);
// static Handle<Type>::type struct_get(Handle<Struct>::type, int);
// static void struct_set(Handle<Struct>::type, int, Handle<Type>::type);
// static int struct_length(Handle<Struct>::type);
// static int lub_bitset(Type*);
// }
template<class Config>
......@@ -299,13 +300,22 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
template<class> friend class Iterator;
template<class> friend class TypeImpl;
friend struct ZoneTypeConfig;
friend struct HeapTypeConfig;
// A union is a fixed array containing types. Invariants:
enum Tag {
// A structured type contains a tag an a variable number of type fields.
// A union is a structured type with the following invariants:
// - its length is at least 2
// - at most one field is a bitset, and it must go into index 0
// - no field is a union
typedef typename Config::Unioned Unioned;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<Unioned>::type UnionedHandle;
typedef typename Config::Struct Struct;
typedef typename Config::template Handle<Struct>::type StructHandle;
enum {
#define DECLARE_TYPE(type, value) k##type = (value),
......@@ -317,15 +327,24 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
bool IsNone() { return this == None(); }
bool IsAny() { return this == Any(); }
bool IsBitset() { return Config::is_bitset(this); }
bool IsUnion() { return Config::is_union(this); }
bool IsStruct(Tag tag) {
return Config::is_struct(this)
&& Config::struct_tag(Config::as_struct(this)) == tag;
bool IsUnion() { return IsStruct(kUnionTag); }
int AsBitset() { return Config::as_bitset(this); }
UnionedHandle AsUnion() { return Config::as_union(this); }
StructHandle AsStruct(Tag tag) {
return Config::as_struct(this);
StructHandle AsUnion() { return AsStruct(kUnionTag); }
static int UnionLength(UnionedHandle unioned) {
return Config::union_length(unioned);
static int StructLength(StructHandle structured) {
return Config::struct_length(structured);
static TypeHandle UnionGet(UnionedHandle unioned, int i) {
return Config::union_get(unioned, i);
static TypeHandle StructGet(StructHandle structured, int i) {
return Config::struct_get(structured, i);
bool SlowIs(TypeImpl* that);
......@@ -340,11 +359,11 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
static int LubBitset(i::Object* value);
static int LubBitset(i::Map* map);
bool InUnion(UnionedHandle unioned, int current_size);
bool InUnion(StructHandle unioned, int current_size);
static int ExtendUnion(
UnionedHandle unioned, TypeHandle t, int current_size);
StructHandle unioned, TypeHandle t, int current_size);
static int ExtendIntersection(
UnionedHandle unioned, TypeHandle t, TypeHandle other, int current_size);
StructHandle unioned, TypeHandle t, TypeHandle other, int current_size);
static const char* bitset_name(int bitset);
static void BitsetTypePrint(FILE* out, int bitset);
......@@ -352,59 +371,35 @@ class TypeImpl : public Config::Base {
// Zone-allocated types are either (odd) integers to represent bitsets, or
// (even) pointers to zone lists for everything else. The first slot of every
// list is an explicit tag value to distinguish representation.
// (even) pointers to structures for everything else.
struct ZoneTypeConfig {
typedef i::ZoneList<void*> Tagged;
enum Tag {
static inline Tagged* tagged_create(Tag tag, int size, Zone* zone);
static inline void tagged_shrink(Tagged* tagged, int size);
static inline Tag tagged_tag(Tagged* tagged);
template<class T> static inline T tagged_get(Tagged* tagged, int i);
template<class T> static inline void tagged_set(Tagged* tagged, int i, T val);
static inline int tagged_length(Tagged* tagged);
typedef TypeImpl<ZoneTypeConfig> Type;
class Base {};
typedef i::ZoneList<Type*> Unioned;
struct Struct { int tag; int length; void* args[1]; };
typedef i::Zone Region;
template<class T> struct Handle { typedef T* type; };
static inline Type* handle(Type* type);
static inline bool is(Type* type, Tag tag);
static inline bool is_bitset(Type* type);
static inline bool is_tagged(Type* type);
static inline bool is_class(Type* type);
static inline bool is_constant(Type* type);
static inline bool is_union(Type* type);
static inline bool tagged_is_union(Tagged* tagged);
static inline bool is_struct(Type* type);
static inline int as_bitset(Type* type);
static inline Tagged* as_tagged(Type* type);
static inline Struct* as_struct(Type* type);
static inline i::Handle<i::Map> as_class(Type* type);
static inline i::Handle<i::Object> as_constant(Type* type);
static inline Unioned* as_union(Type* type);
static inline Unioned* tagged_as_union(Tagged* tagged);
static inline Type* from_bitset(int bitset);
static inline Type* from_bitset(int bitset, Zone* zone);
static inline Type* from_tagged(Tagged* tagged);
static inline Type* from_struct(Struct* structured);
static inline Type* from_class(i::Handle<i::Map> map, int lub, Zone* zone);
static inline Type* from_constant(
i::Handle<i::Object> value, int lub, Zone* zone);
static inline Type* from_union(Unioned* unioned);
static inline Tagged* tagged_from_union(Unioned* unioned);
static inline Unioned* union_create(int size, Zone* zone);
static inline void union_shrink(Unioned* unioned, int size);
static inline Type* union_get(Unioned* unioned, int i);
static inline void union_set(Unioned* unioned, int i, Type* type);
static inline int union_length(Unioned* unioned);
static inline Struct* struct_create(int tag, int length, Zone* zone);
static inline void struct_shrink(Struct* structured, int length);
static inline int struct_tag(Struct* structured);
static inline Type* struct_get(Struct* structured, int i);
static inline void struct_set(Struct* structured, int i, Type* type);
static inline int struct_length(Struct* structured);
static inline int lub_bitset(Type* type);
......@@ -416,7 +411,7 @@ typedef TypeImpl<ZoneTypeConfig> Type;
struct HeapTypeConfig {
typedef TypeImpl<HeapTypeConfig> Type;
typedef i::Object Base;
typedef i::FixedArray Unioned;
typedef i::FixedArray Struct;
typedef i::Isolate Region;
template<class T> struct Handle { typedef i::Handle<T> type; };
......@@ -424,24 +419,26 @@ struct HeapTypeConfig {
static inline bool is_bitset(Type* type);
static inline bool is_class(Type* type);
static inline bool is_constant(Type* type);
static inline bool is_union(Type* type);
static inline bool is_struct(Type* type);
static inline int as_bitset(Type* type);
static inline i::Handle<i::Map> as_class(Type* type);
static inline i::Handle<i::Object> as_constant(Type* type);
static inline i::Handle<Unioned> as_union(Type* type);
static inline i::Handle<Struct> as_struct(Type* type);
static inline Type* from_bitset(int bitset);
static inline i::Handle<Type> from_bitset(int bitset, Isolate* isolate);
static inline i::Handle<Type> from_class(
i::Handle<i::Map> map, int lub, Isolate* isolate);
static inline i::Handle<Type> from_constant(
i::Handle<i::Object> value, int lub, Isolate* isolate);
static inline i::Handle<Type> from_union(i::Handle<Unioned> unioned);
static inline i::Handle<Unioned> union_create(int size, Isolate* isolate);
static inline void union_shrink(i::Handle<Unioned> unioned, int size);
static inline i::Handle<Type> union_get(i::Handle<Unioned> unioned, int i);
static inline void union_set(
i::Handle<Unioned> unioned, int i, i::Handle<Type> type);
static inline int union_length(i::Handle<Unioned> unioned);
static inline i::Handle<Type> from_struct(i::Handle<Struct> structured);
static inline i::Handle<Struct> struct_create(
int tag, int length, Isolate* isolate);
static inline void struct_shrink(i::Handle<Struct> structured, int length);
static inline int struct_tag(i::Handle<Struct> structured);
static inline i::Handle<Type> struct_get(i::Handle<Struct> structured, int i);
static inline void struct_set(
i::Handle<Struct> structured, int i, i::Handle<Type> type);
static inline int struct_length(i::Handle<Struct> structured);
static inline int lub_bitset(Type* type);
......@@ -176,49 +176,56 @@ class Types {
// Testing auxiliaries (breaking the Type abstraction).
struct ZoneRep {
static bool IsTagged(Type* t, int tag) {
return !IsBitset(t)
&& reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(AsTagged(t)->at(0)) == tag;
struct Struct { int tag; int length; void* args[1]; };
static bool IsStruct(Type* t, int tag) {
return !IsBitset(t) && AsStruct(t)->tag == tag;
static bool IsBitset(Type* t) { return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(t) & 1; }
static bool IsClass(Type* t) { return IsTagged(t, 0); }
static bool IsConstant(Type* t) { return IsTagged(t, 1); }
static bool IsUnion(Type* t) { return IsTagged(t, 2); }
static bool IsClass(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 0); }
static bool IsConstant(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 1); }
static bool IsUnion(Type* t) { return IsStruct(t, 2); }
static ZoneList<void*>* AsTagged(Type* t) {
return reinterpret_cast<ZoneList<void*>*>(t);
static Struct* AsStruct(Type* t) {
return reinterpret_cast<Struct*>(t);
static int AsBitset(Type* t) {
return static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(t) >> 1);
static Map* AsClass(Type* t) {
return *reinterpret_cast<Map**>(AsTagged(t)->at(2));
return *static_cast<Map**>(AsStruct(t)->args[1]);
static Object* AsConstant(Type* t) {
return *reinterpret_cast<Object**>(AsTagged(t)->at(2));
return *static_cast<Object**>(AsStruct(t)->args[1]);
static ZoneList<Type*>* AsUnion(Type* t) {
return reinterpret_cast<ZoneList<Type*>*>(AsTagged(t));
static Struct* AsUnion(Type* t) {
return AsStruct(t);
static int Length(Struct* structured) { return structured->length; }
static Zone* ToRegion(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) { return zone; }
struct HeapRep {
typedef FixedArray Struct;
static bool IsStruct(Handle<HeapType> t, int tag) {
return t->IsFixedArray() && Smi::cast(AsStruct(t)->get(0))->value() == tag;
static bool IsBitset(Handle<HeapType> t) { return t->IsSmi(); }
static bool IsClass(Handle<HeapType> t) { return t->IsMap(); }
static bool IsConstant(Handle<HeapType> t) { return t->IsBox(); }
static bool IsUnion(Handle<HeapType> t) { return t->IsFixedArray(); }
static bool IsUnion(Handle<HeapType> t) { return IsStruct(t, 2); }
static Struct* AsStruct(Handle<HeapType> t) { return FixedArray::cast(*t); }
static int AsBitset(Handle<HeapType> t) { return Smi::cast(*t)->value(); }
static Map* AsClass(Handle<HeapType> t) { return Map::cast(*t); }
static Object* AsConstant(Handle<HeapType> t) {
return Box::cast(*t)->value();
static FixedArray* AsUnion(Handle<HeapType> t) {
return FixedArray::cast(*t);
static Struct* AsUnion(Handle<HeapType> t) { return AsStruct(t); }
static int Length(Struct* structured) { return structured->length() - 1; }
static Isolate* ToRegion(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) { return isolate; }
......@@ -252,7 +259,8 @@ struct Tests : Rep {
} else if (Rep::IsConstant(type1)) {
CHECK_EQ(Rep::AsConstant(type1), Rep::AsConstant(type2));
} else if (Rep::IsUnion(type1)) {
CHECK_EQ(Rep::AsUnion(type1)->length(), Rep::AsUnion(type2)->length());
Rep::Length(Rep::AsUnion(type1)), Rep::Length(Rep::AsUnion(type2)));
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