Commit 3291bd38 authored by Simon Zünd's avatar Simon Zünd Committed by Commit Bot

[cleanup] Move Array.p.sort Torque code into its own file

Bug: v8:7382
Change-Id: I5b92f46736d8c0ca8ef0f187ecaa1d58661a1c7f
Reviewed-on: 's avatarJakob Gruber <>
Commit-Queue: Simon Zünd <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#53778}
parent acc336c1
......@@ -873,6 +873,7 @@ torque_files = [
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module array {
// Naming convention from We have a similar intent but implement
// fastpaths using generics instead of using a class hierarchy for elements
// kinds specific implementations.
type GenericElementsAccessor;
type FastPackedSmiElements;
type FastSmiOrObjectElements;
type FastDoubleElements;
macro Load<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
return GetProperty(context, receiver, index);
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
return elems[index];
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
let result: Object = elems[index];
if (IsTheHole(result)) goto Bailout;
return result;
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedDoubleArray = unsafe_cast<FixedDoubleArray>(elements);
let value: float64 =
LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(elems, index) otherwise Bailout;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(value);
macro Store<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
SetProperty(context, receiver, index, value, kStrict);
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
elems[index] = value;
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
elems[index] = value;
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
let elems: FixedDoubleArray = unsafe_cast<FixedDoubleArray>(elements);
let heap_val: HeapNumber = unsafe_cast<HeapNumber>(value);
// Make sure we do not store signalling NaNs into double arrays.
let val: float64 = Float64SilenceNaN(convert<float64>(heap_val));
StoreFixedDoubleArrayElementWithSmiIndex(elems, index, val);
type CompareBuiltinFn = builtin(Context, Object, Object, Object) => Number;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(Object): CompareBuiltinFn;
unsafe_cast<CompareBuiltinFn>(o: Object): CompareBuiltinFn {
return UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(o);
builtin SortCompareDefault(
context: Context, comparefn: Object, x: Object, y: Object): Number {
assert(comparefn == Undefined);
if (TaggedIsSmi(x) && TaggedIsSmi(y)) {
// TODO(szuend): Replace with a fast CallCFunction call.
return SmiLexicographicCompare(context, x, y);
// 5. Let xString be ? ToString(x).
let xString: String = ToString_Inline(context, x);
// 6. Let yString be ? ToString(y).
let yString: String = ToString_Inline(context, y);
// 7. Let xSmaller be the result of performing
// Abstract Relational Comparison xString < yString.
// 8. If xSmaller is true, return -1.
if (StringLessThan(context, xString, yString) == True) return -1;
// 9. Let ySmaller be the result of performing
// Abstract Relational Comparison yString < xString.
// 10. If ySmaller is true, return 1.
if (StringLessThan(context, yString, xString) == True) return 1;
// 11. Return +0.
return 0;
builtin SortCompareUserFn(
context: Context, comparefn: Object, x: Object, y: Object): Number {
assert(comparefn != Undefined);
let cmpfn: Callable = unsafe_cast<Callable>(comparefn);
// a. Let v be ? ToNumber(? Call(comparefn, undefined, x, y)).
let v: Number =
ToNumber_Inline(context, Call(context, cmpfn, Undefined, x, y));
// b. If v is NaN, return +0.
if (NumberIsNaN(v)) return 0;
// c. return v.
return v;
macro CanUseSameAccessor<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number): bool {
let a: JSArray = unsafe_cast<JSArray>(receiver);
if ( != initialReceiverMap) return false;
let originalLength: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(initialReceiverLength);
if (a.length_fast != originalLength) return false;
return true;
context: Context, receiver: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number): bool {
// Do nothing. We are already on the slow path.
return true;
macro CallCompareFn<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number, userCmpFn: Object,
sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn, x: Object,
y: Object): Number labels Bailout {
let result: Number = sortCompare(context, userCmpFn, x, y);
if (!CanUseSameAccessor<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength))
goto Bailout;
return result;
// InsertionSort is used for smaller arrays.
macro ArrayInsertionSort<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, elements: Object,
initialReceiverMap: Object, initialReceiverLength: Number, from: Smi,
to: Smi, userCmpFn: Object, sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn)
labels Bailout {
for (let i: Smi = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, i) otherwise Bailout;
let j: Smi = i - 1;
for (; j >= from; --j) {
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength));
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, j) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, tmp, element)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order > 0) {
Store<E>(context, elements, j + 1, tmp);
} else {
Store<E>(context, elements, j + 1, element);
// TODO(szuend): Replace these with constants when Torque has them.
macro kReceiverIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 0;
macro kUserCmpFnIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 1;
macro kSortComparePtrIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 2;
macro kInitialReceiverMapIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 3;
macro kInitialReceiverLengthIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 4;
macro kElementsIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 5;
macro kRandomStateIdx(): constexpr int31 {
return 6;
// Returns a random positive Smi in the range of [0, range).
macro Rand(sortState: FixedArray, range: Smi): Smi {
let current_state_smi: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kRandomStateIdx()]);
let current_state: int32 = convert<int32>(current_state_smi);
let a: int32 = 1103515245;
let c: int32 = 12345;
let m: int32 = 0x3fffffff; // 2^30 bitmask.
let new_state: int32 = ((current_state * a) + c) & m;
sortState[kRandomStateIdx()] = convert<Smi>(new_state);
let r: int32 = convert<int32>(range);
return convert<Smi>(new_state % r);
macro CalculatePivot<E : type>(
sortState: FixedArray, context: Context, receiver: Object,
elements: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number, from: Smi, to: Smi, userCmpFn: Object,
sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn): Object
labels Bailout {
let random: Smi = Rand(sortState, to - from - 2);
let third_index: Smi = from + 1 + random;
assert(third_index > from);
assert(third_index <= to - 1);
// Find a pivot as the median of first, last and a random middle element.
// Always using the middle element as the third index causes the quicksort
// to degrade to O(n^2) for certain data configurations.
// The previous solution was to sample larger arrays and use the median
// element of the sorted sample. This causes more overhead than just
// choosing a random middle element, which also mitigates the worst cases
// in all relevant benchmarks.
let v0: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, from) otherwise Bailout;
let v1: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, to - 1) otherwise Bailout;
let v2: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, third_index) otherwise Bailout;
let c01: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn,
sortCompare, v0, v1)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c01 > 0) {
// v0 > v1, so swap them.
let tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
// Current state: v0 <= v1.
let c02: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn,
sortCompare, v0, v2)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c02 >= 0) {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 >= v2, hence swap to v2 <= v0 <= v1.
let tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v2;
v2 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
} else {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 < v2.
let c12: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, v1, v2)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c12 > 0) {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 < v2 and v1 > v2, hence swap to v0 <= v2 < v1.
let tmp: Object = v1;
v1 = v2;
v2 = tmp;
// v0 <= v1 <= v2.
Store<E>(context, elements, from, v0);
Store<E>(context, elements, to - 1, v2);
// Move pivot element to a place on the left.
Swap<E>(context, elements, from + 1, third_index, v1) otherwise Bailout;
return v1;
// elements[indexB] = elements[indexA].
// elements[indexA] = value.
macro Swap<E : type>(
context: Context, elements: Object, indexA: Smi, indexB: Smi,
value: Object)
labels Bailout {
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, indexA) otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, indexB, tmp);
Store<E>(context, elements, indexA, value);
macro ArrayQuickSortImpl<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, fromArg: Smi, toArg: Smi)
labels Bailout {
let from: Smi = fromArg;
let to: Smi = toArg;
let receiver: Object = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
let userCmpFn: Object = sortState[kUserCmpFnIdx()];
let sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn =
let initialReceiverMap: Object = sortState[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()];
let initialReceiverLength: Number =
let elements: Object = sortState[kElementsIdx()];
while (to - from > 1) {
if (to - from <= 10) {
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, to, userCmpFn, sortCompare)
otherwise Bailout;
let pivot: Object = CalculatePivot<E>(
sortState, context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, to, userCmpFn, sortCompare)
otherwise Bailout;
let low_end: Smi = from + 1; // Upper bound of elems lower than pivot.
let high_start: Smi = to - 1; // Lower bound of elems greater than pivot.
// From low_end to idx are elements equal to pivot.
// From idx to high_start are elements that haven"t been compared yet.
for (let idx: Smi = low_end + 1; idx < high_start; idx++) {
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength));
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, idx) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, element, pivot)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) {
Swap<E>(context, elements, low_end, idx, element) otherwise Bailout;
} else if (order > 0) {
let break_for: bool = false;
// Start looking for high_start to find the first value that is
// smaller than pivot.
while (order > 0) {
if (high_start == idx) {
break_for = true;
let top_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, high_start) otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, top_elem, pivot)
otherwise Bailout;
if (break_for) {
Swap<E>(context, elements, high_start, idx, element)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) {
element = Load<E>(context, elements, idx) otherwise Bailout;
Swap<E>(context, elements, low_end, idx, element) otherwise Bailout;
if ((to - high_start) < (low_end - from)) {
ArrayQuickSort<E>(context, sortState, high_start, to);
to = low_end;
} else {
ArrayQuickSort<E>(context, sortState, from, low_end);
from = high_start;
builtin ArrayQuickSort<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, from: Smi, to: Smi): Object {
try {
ArrayQuickSortImpl<ElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
otherwise Slow;
label Slow {
// Generic version uses Set- and GetProperty, replace elements with
// the receiver itself.
sortState[kElementsIdx()] = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
ArrayQuickSort<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to);
return SmiConstant(0);
// The specialization is needed since we would end up in an endless loop
// when the ElementsAccessor fails and bails to the ElementsAccessor again.
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, from: Smi, to: Smi): Object {
try {
ArrayQuickSortImpl<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
otherwise Error;
label Error {
// The generic baseline path must not fail.
return SmiConstant(0);
// For compatibility with JSC, we also sort elements inherited from
// the prototype chain on non-Array objects.
// We do this by copying them to this object and sorting only
// own elements. This is not very efficient, but sorting with
// inherited elements happens very, very rarely, if at all.
// The specification allows "implementation dependent" behavior
// if an element on the prototype chain has an element that
// might interact with sorting.
// We also move all non-undefined elements to the front of the
// array and move the undefineds after that. Holes are removed.
// This happens for Array as well as non-Array objects.
extern runtime PrepareElementsForSort(Context, Object, Number): Smi;
javascript builtin ArrayPrototypeSort(
context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): Object {
// 1. If comparefn is not undefined and IsCallable(comparefn) is false,
// throw a TypeError exception.
let comparefnObj: Object = arguments[0];
if (comparefnObj != Undefined && !TaggedIsCallable(comparefnObj)) {
ThrowTypeError(context, kBadSortComparisonFunction, comparefnObj);
// 2. Let obj be ? ToObject(this value).
let obj: JSReceiver = ToObject(context, receiver);
let map: Map =;
let sort_state: FixedArray =
AllocateFixedArray(PACKED_ELEMENTS, IntPtrConstant(7));
sort_state[kReceiverIdx()] = obj;
sort_state[kUserCmpFnIdx()] = comparefnObj;
sort_state[kSortComparePtrIdx()] =
comparefnObj != Undefined ? SortCompareUserFn : SortCompareDefault;
sort_state[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()] = map;
// Initialize the remaining fields with Undefined.
// Needed for heap verification.
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = Undefined;
try {
let a: JSArray = cast<JSArray>(obj) otherwise slow;
let elementsKind: ElementsKind = map.elements_kind;
if (!IsFastElementsKind(elementsKind)) goto slow;
// 3. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(obj, "length")).
let len: Smi = a.length_fast;
if (len < 2) return receiver;
// TODO(szuend): Investigate performance tradeoff of skipping this step
// for PACKED_* and handling Undefineds during sorting.
let nofNonUndefined: Smi = PrepareElementsForSort(context, obj, len);
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = len;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = a.elements;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = nofNonUndefined;
if (IsDoubleElementsKind(elementsKind)) {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
} else {
if (elementsKind == PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS) {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
} else {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
label slow {
// 3. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(obj, "length")).
let len: Number =
ToLength_Inline(context, GetProperty(context, obj, 'length'));
if (len < 2) return receiver;
let nofNonUndefined: Smi = PrepareElementsForSort(context, obj, len);
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = len;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = obj;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = nofNonUndefined;
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
return receiver;
......@@ -297,499 +297,4 @@ module array {
return a;
// Naming convention from We have a similar intent but implement
// fastpaths using generics instead of using a class hierarchy for elements
// kinds specific implementations.
type GenericElementsAccessor;
type FastPackedSmiElements;
type FastSmiOrObjectElements;
type FastDoubleElements;
macro Load<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
return GetProperty(context, receiver, index);
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
return elems[index];
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
let result: Object = elems[index];
if (IsTheHole(result)) goto Bailout;
return result;
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi): Object labels Bailout {
let elems: FixedDoubleArray = unsafe_cast<FixedDoubleArray>(elements);
let value: float64 =
LoadDoubleWithHoleCheck(elems, index) otherwise Bailout;
return AllocateHeapNumberWithValue(value);
macro Store<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
SetProperty(context, receiver, index, value, kStrict);
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
elems[index] = value;
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
let elems: FixedArray = unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(elements);
elems[index] = value;
context: Context, elements: Object, index: Smi, value: Object) {
let elems: FixedDoubleArray = unsafe_cast<FixedDoubleArray>(elements);
let heap_val: HeapNumber = unsafe_cast<HeapNumber>(value);
// Make sure we do not store signalling NaNs into double arrays.
let val: float64 = Float64SilenceNaN(convert<float64>(heap_val));
StoreFixedDoubleArrayElementWithSmiIndex(elems, index, val);
type CompareBuiltinFn = builtin(Context, Object, Object, Object) => Number;
extern macro UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(Object): CompareBuiltinFn;
unsafe_cast<CompareBuiltinFn>(o: Object): CompareBuiltinFn {
return UnsafeCastObjectToCompareBuiltinFn(o);
builtin SortCompareDefault(
context: Context, comparefn: Object, x: Object, y: Object): Number {
assert(comparefn == Undefined);
if (TaggedIsSmi(x) && TaggedIsSmi(y)) {
// TODO(szuend): Replace with a fast CallCFunction call.
return SmiLexicographicCompare(context, x, y);
// 5. Let xString be ? ToString(x).
let xString: String = ToString_Inline(context, x);
// 6. Let yString be ? ToString(y).
let yString: String = ToString_Inline(context, y);
// 7. Let xSmaller be the result of performing
// Abstract Relational Comparison xString < yString.
// 8. If xSmaller is true, return -1.
if (StringLessThan(context, xString, yString) == True) return -1;
// 9. Let ySmaller be the result of performing
// Abstract Relational Comparison yString < xString.
// 10. If ySmaller is true, return 1.
if (StringLessThan(context, yString, xString) == True) return 1;
// 11. Return +0.
return 0;
builtin SortCompareUserFn(
context: Context, comparefn: Object, x: Object, y: Object): Number {
assert(comparefn != Undefined);
let cmpfn: Callable = unsafe_cast<Callable>(comparefn);
// a. Let v be ? ToNumber(? Call(comparefn, undefined, x, y)).
let v: Number =
ToNumber_Inline(context, Call(context, cmpfn, Undefined, x, y));
// b. If v is NaN, return +0.
if (NumberIsNaN(v)) return 0;
// c. return v.
return v;
macro CanUseSameAccessor<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number): bool {
let a: JSArray = unsafe_cast<JSArray>(receiver);
if ( != initialReceiverMap) return false;
let originalLength: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(initialReceiverLength);
if (a.length_fast != originalLength) return false;
return true;
context: Context, receiver: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number): bool {
// Do nothing. We are already on the slow path.
return true;
macro CallCompareFn<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number, userCmpFn: Object,
sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn, x: Object,
y: Object): Number labels Bailout {
let result: Number = sortCompare(context, userCmpFn, x, y);
if (!CanUseSameAccessor<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength))
goto Bailout;
return result;
// InsertionSort is used for smaller arrays.
macro ArrayInsertionSort<E : type>(
context: Context, receiver: Object, elements: Object,
initialReceiverMap: Object, initialReceiverLength: Number, from: Smi,
to: Smi, userCmpFn: Object, sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn)
labels Bailout {
for (let i: Smi = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, i) otherwise Bailout;
let j: Smi = i - 1;
for (; j >= from; --j) {
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength));
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, j) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, tmp, element)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order > 0) {
Store<E>(context, elements, j + 1, tmp);
} else {
Store<E>(context, elements, j + 1, element);
// TODO(szuend): Replace these with constants when Torque has them.
macro kReceiverIdx(): constexpr int31 { return 0; }
macro kUserCmpFnIdx(): constexpr int31 { return 1; }
macro kSortComparePtrIdx(): constexpr int31 { return 2; }
macro kInitialReceiverMapIdx(): constexpr int31 { return 3; }
macro kInitialReceiverLengthIdx(): constexpr int31 { return 4; }
macro kElementsIdx(): constexpr int31 { return 5; }
macro kRandomStateIdx(): constexpr int31 { return 6; }
// Returns a random positive Smi in the range of [0, range).
macro Rand(sortState: FixedArray, range: Smi): Smi {
let current_state_smi: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(sortState[kRandomStateIdx()]);
let current_state: int32 = convert<int32>(current_state_smi);
let a: int32 = 1103515245;
let c: int32 = 12345;
let m: int32 = 0x3fffffff; // 2^30 bitmask.
let new_state: int32 = ((current_state * a) + c) & m;
sortState[kRandomStateIdx()] = convert<Smi>(new_state);
let r: int32 = convert<int32>(range);
return convert<Smi>(new_state % r);
macro CalculatePivot<E : type>(
sortState: FixedArray, context: Context, receiver: Object,
elements: Object, initialReceiverMap: Object,
initialReceiverLength: Number, from: Smi, to: Smi, userCmpFn: Object,
sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn): Object
labels Bailout {
let random: Smi = Rand(sortState, to - from - 2);
let third_index: Smi = from + 1 + random;
assert(third_index > from);
assert(third_index <= to - 1);
// Find a pivot as the median of first, last and a random middle element.
// Always using the middle element as the third index causes the quicksort
// to degrade to O(n^2) for certain data configurations.
// The previous solution was to sample larger arrays and use the median
// element of the sorted sample. This causes more overhead than just
// choosing a random middle element, which also mitigates the worst cases
// in all relevant benchmarks.
let v0: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, from) otherwise Bailout;
let v1: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, to - 1) otherwise Bailout;
let v2: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, third_index) otherwise Bailout;
let c01: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn,
sortCompare, v0, v1)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c01 > 0) {
// v0 > v1, so swap them.
let tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
// Current state: v0 <= v1.
let c02: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength, userCmpFn,
sortCompare, v0, v2)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c02 >= 0) {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 >= v2, hence swap to v2 <= v0 <= v1.
let tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v2;
v2 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
} else {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 < v2.
let c12: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, v1, v2)
otherwise Bailout;
if (c12 > 0) {
// v0 <= v1 and v0 < v2 and v1 > v2, hence swap to v0 <= v2 < v1.
let tmp: Object = v1;
v1 = v2;
v2 = tmp;
// v0 <= v1 <= v2.
Store<E>(context, elements, from, v0);
Store<E>(context, elements, to - 1, v2);
// Move pivot element to a place on the left.
Swap<E>(context, elements, from + 1, third_index, v1) otherwise Bailout;
return v1;
// elements[indexB] = elements[indexA].
// elements[indexA] = value.
macro Swap<E : type>(
context: Context, elements: Object, indexA: Smi, indexB: Smi,
value: Object)
labels Bailout {
let tmp: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, indexA) otherwise Bailout;
Store<E>(context, elements, indexB, tmp);
Store<E>(context, elements, indexA, value);
macro ArrayQuickSortImpl<E : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, fromArg: Smi, toArg: Smi)
labels Bailout {
let from: Smi = fromArg;
let to: Smi = toArg;
let receiver: Object = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
let userCmpFn: Object = sortState[kUserCmpFnIdx()];
let sortCompare: CompareBuiltinFn =
let initialReceiverMap: Object = sortState[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()];
let initialReceiverLength: Number =
let elements: Object = sortState[kElementsIdx()];
while (to - from > 1) {
if (to - from <= 10) {
context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, to, userCmpFn, sortCompare)
otherwise Bailout;
let pivot: Object = CalculatePivot<E>(
sortState, context, receiver, elements, initialReceiverMap,
initialReceiverLength, from, to, userCmpFn, sortCompare)
otherwise Bailout;
let low_end: Smi = from + 1; // Upper bound of elems lower than pivot.
let high_start: Smi = to - 1; // Lower bound of elems greater than pivot.
// From low_end to idx are elements equal to pivot.
// From idx to high_start are elements that haven"t been compared yet.
for (let idx: Smi = low_end + 1; idx < high_start; idx++) {
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength));
let element: Object = Load<E>(context, elements, idx) otherwise Bailout;
let order: Number = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, element, pivot)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) {
Swap<E>(context, elements, low_end, idx, element) otherwise Bailout;
} else if (order > 0) {
let break_for: bool = false;
// Start looking for high_start to find the first value that is
// smaller than pivot.
while (order > 0) {
if (high_start == idx) {
break_for = true;
let top_elem: Object =
Load<E>(context, elements, high_start) otherwise Bailout;
order = CallCompareFn<E>(
context, receiver, initialReceiverMap, initialReceiverLength,
userCmpFn, sortCompare, top_elem, pivot)
otherwise Bailout;
if (break_for) {
Swap<E>(context, elements, high_start, idx, element)
otherwise Bailout;
if (order < 0) {
element = Load<E>(context, elements, idx) otherwise Bailout;
Swap<E>(context, elements, low_end, idx, element) otherwise Bailout;
if ((to - high_start) < (low_end - from)) {
ArrayQuickSort<E>(context, sortState, high_start, to);
to = low_end;
} else {
ArrayQuickSort<E>(context, sortState, from, low_end);
from = high_start;
builtin ArrayQuickSort<ElementsAccessor : type>(
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, from: Smi, to: Smi): Object {
try {
ArrayQuickSortImpl<ElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
otherwise Slow;
label Slow {
// Generic version uses Set- and GetProperty, replace elements with
// the receiver itself.
sortState[kElementsIdx()] = sortState[kReceiverIdx()];
ArrayQuickSort<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to);
return SmiConstant(0);
// The specialization is needed since we would end up in an endless loop
// when the ElementsAccessor fails and bails to the ElementsAccessor again.
context: Context, sortState: FixedArray, from: Smi, to: Smi): Object {
try {
ArrayQuickSortImpl<GenericElementsAccessor>(context, sortState, from, to)
otherwise Error;
label Error {
// The generic baseline path must not fail.
return SmiConstant(0);
// For compatibility with JSC, we also sort elements inherited from
// the prototype chain on non-Array objects.
// We do this by copying them to this object and sorting only
// own elements. This is not very efficient, but sorting with
// inherited elements happens very, very rarely, if at all.
// The specification allows "implementation dependent" behavior
// if an element on the prototype chain has an element that
// might interact with sorting.
// We also move all non-undefined elements to the front of the
// array and move the undefineds after that. Holes are removed.
// This happens for Array as well as non-Array objects.
extern runtime PrepareElementsForSort(Context, Object, Number): Smi;
javascript builtin ArrayPrototypeSort(
context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): Object {
// 1. If comparefn is not undefined and IsCallable(comparefn) is false,
// throw a TypeError exception.
let comparefnObj: Object = arguments[0];
if (comparefnObj != Undefined && !TaggedIsCallable(comparefnObj)) {
ThrowTypeError(context, kBadSortComparisonFunction, comparefnObj);
// 2. Let obj be ? ToObject(this value).
let obj: JSReceiver = ToObject(context, receiver);
let map: Map =;
let sort_state: FixedArray =
AllocateFixedArray(PACKED_ELEMENTS, IntPtrConstant(7));
sort_state[kReceiverIdx()] = obj;
sort_state[kUserCmpFnIdx()] = comparefnObj;
sort_state[kSortComparePtrIdx()] =
comparefnObj != Undefined ? SortCompareUserFn : SortCompareDefault;
sort_state[kInitialReceiverMapIdx()] = map;
// Initialize the remaining fields with Undefined.
// Needed for heap verification.
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = Undefined;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = Undefined;
try {
let a: JSArray = cast<JSArray>(obj) otherwise slow;
let elementsKind: ElementsKind = map.elements_kind;
if (!IsFastElementsKind(elementsKind)) goto slow;
// 3. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(obj, "length")).
let len: Smi = a.length_fast;
if (len < 2) return receiver;
// TODO(szuend): Investigate performance tradeoff of skipping this step
// for PACKED_* and handling Undefineds during sorting.
let nofNonUndefined: Smi = PrepareElementsForSort(context, obj, len);
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = len;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = a.elements;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = nofNonUndefined;
if (IsDoubleElementsKind(elementsKind)) {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
} else {
if (elementsKind == PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS) {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
} else {
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
label slow {
// 3. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(obj, "length")).
let len: Number =
ToLength_Inline(context, GetProperty(context, obj, 'length'));
if (len < 2) return receiver;
let nofNonUndefined: Smi = PrepareElementsForSort(context, obj, len);
sort_state[kInitialReceiverLengthIdx()] = len;
sort_state[kElementsIdx()] = obj;
sort_state[kRandomStateIdx()] = nofNonUndefined;
context, sort_state, 0, nofNonUndefined);
return receiver;
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