Commit 316a12de authored by's avatar

Added gdb-jit interface support for ARM. Compressed .debug_line table by 1)

removing duplicate adjacent entries having the same line number, and 2) using
special opcodes to encode multiple machine register state changes in one byte.
Also made a fix involving the order in which static initializers are performed.

Patch by Shasank Chavan of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP

TEST=Try building for arm

Review URL:

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 32c10a53
......@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ def VerifyOptions(env):
return False
if env['os'] == 'win32' and env['library'] == 'shared' and env['prof'] == 'on':
Abort("Profiling on windows only supported for static library.")
if env['gdbjit'] == 'on' and (env['os'] != 'linux' or (env['arch'] != 'ia32' and env['arch'] != 'x64')):
if env['gdbjit'] == 'on' and (env['os'] != 'linux' or (env['arch'] != 'ia32' and env['arch'] != 'x64' and env['arch'] != 'arm')):
Abort("GDBJIT interface is supported only for Intel-compatible (ia32 or x64) Linux target.")
if env['os'] == 'win32' and env['soname'] == 'on':
Abort("Shared Object soname not applicable for Windows.")
......@@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ DEFINE_bool(debug_script_collected_events, true,
DEFINE_bool(gdbjit, false, "enable GDBJIT interface (disables compacting GC)")
DEFINE_bool(gdbjit_full, false, "enable GDBJIT interface for all code objects")
DEFINE_bool(gdbjit_dump, false, "dump elf objects with debug info to disk")
// Debug only flags
......@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ class ELF BASE_EMBEDDED {
void WriteHeader(Writer* w) {
ASSERT(w->position() == 0);
Writer::Slot<ELFHeader> header = w->CreateSlotHere<ELFHeader>();
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
const uint8_t ident[16] =
{ 0x7f, 'E', 'L', 'F', 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
#elif defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64)
......@@ -413,6 +413,10 @@ class ELF BASE_EMBEDDED {
// System V ABI, AMD64 Supplement
header->machine = 62;
#elif defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
// Set to EM_ARM, defined as 40, in "ARM ELF File Format" at
header->machine = 40;
#error Unsupported target architecture.
......@@ -503,8 +507,7 @@ class ELFSymbol BASE_EMBEDDED {
Binding binding() const {
return static_cast<Binding>(info >> 4);
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
struct SerializedLayout {
SerializedLayout(uint32_t name,
uintptr_t value,
......@@ -857,14 +860,20 @@ class DebugLineSection : public ELFSection {
Writer::Slot<uint32_t> total_length = w->CreateSlotHere<uint32_t>();
uintptr_t start = w->position();
// Used for special opcodes
const int8_t line_base = 1;
const uint8_t line_range = 7;
const int8_t max_line_incr = (line_base + line_range - 1);
const uint8_t opcode_base = DW_LNS_NEGATE_STMT + 1;
w->Write<uint16_t>(2); // Field version.
Writer::Slot<uint32_t> prologue_length = w->CreateSlotHere<uint32_t>();
uintptr_t prologue_start = w->position();
w->Write<uint8_t>(1); // Field minimum_instruction_length.
w->Write<uint8_t>(1); // Field default_is_stmt.
w->Write<int8_t>(0); // Field line_base.
w->Write<uint8_t>(2); // Field line_range.
w->Write<uint8_t>(DW_LNS_NEGATE_STMT + 1); // Field opcode_base.
w->Write<int8_t>(line_base); // Field line_base.
w->Write<uint8_t>(line_range); // Field line_range.
w->Write<uint8_t>(opcode_base); // Field opcode_base.
w->Write<uint8_t>(0); // DW_LNS_COPY operands count.
w->Write<uint8_t>(1); // DW_LNS_ADVANCE_PC operands count.
w->Write<uint8_t>(1); // DW_LNS_ADVANCE_LINE operands count.
......@@ -881,6 +890,7 @@ class DebugLineSection : public ELFSection {
WriteExtendedOpcode(w, DW_LNE_SET_ADDRESS, sizeof(intptr_t));
intptr_t pc = 0;
intptr_t line = 1;
......@@ -888,29 +898,66 @@ class DebugLineSection : public ELFSection {
List<GDBJITLineInfo::PCInfo>* pc_info = desc_->lineinfo()->pc_info();
for (int i = 0; i < pc_info->length(); i++) {
int pc_info_length = pc_info->length();
for (int i = 0; i < pc_info_length; i++) {
GDBJITLineInfo::PCInfo* info = &pc_info->at(i);
uintptr_t pc_diff = info->pc_ - pc;
ASSERT(info->pc_ >= pc);
if (pc_diff != 0) {
pc += pc_diff;
intptr_t line_diff = desc_->GetScriptLineNumber(info->pos_) - line;
if (line_diff != 0) {
line += line_diff;
// Reduce bloating in the debug line table by removing duplicate line
// entries (per DWARF2 standard).
intptr_t new_line = desc_->GetScriptLineNumber(info->pos_);
if (new_line == line) {
if (is_statement != info->is_statement_) {
// Mark statement boundaries. For a better debugging experience, mark
// the last pc address in the function as a statement (e.g. "}"), so that
// a user can see the result of the last line executed in the function,
// should control reach the end.
if ((i+1) == pc_info_length) {
if (!is_statement) {
} else if (is_statement != info->is_statement_) {
is_statement = !is_statement;
if (pc_diff != 0 || i == 0) {
// Generate special opcodes, if possible. This results in more compact
// debug line tables. See the DWARF 2.0 standard to learn more about
// special opcodes.
uintptr_t pc_diff = info->pc_ - pc;
intptr_t line_diff = new_line - line;
// Compute special opcode (see DWARF 2.0 standard)
intptr_t special_opcode = (line_diff - line_base) +
(line_range * pc_diff) + opcode_base;
// If special_opcode is less than or equal to 255, it can be used as a
// special opcode. If line_diff is larger than the max line increment
// allowed for a special opcode, or if line_diff is less than the minimum
// line that can be added to the line register (i.e. line_base), then
// special_opcode can't be used.
if ((special_opcode >= opcode_base) && (special_opcode <= 255) &&
(line_diff <= max_line_incr) && (line_diff >= line_base)) {
} else {
// Increment the pc and line operands.
pc += pc_diff;
line += line_diff;
// Advance the pc to the end of the routine, since the end sequence opcode
// requires this.
w->WriteSLEB128(desc_->CodeSize() - pc);
WriteExtendedOpcode(w, DW_LNE_END_SEQUENCE, 0);
total_length.set(static_cast<uint32_t>(w->position() - start));
return true;
......@@ -1237,6 +1284,20 @@ static void DestroyCodeEntry(JITCodeEntry* entry) {
static void RegisterCodeEntry(JITCodeEntry* entry) {
#if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(WIN32)
static int file_num = 0;
if (FLAG_gdbjit_dump) {
static const int kMaxFileNameSize = 64;
static const char* kElfFilePrefix = "/tmp/elfdump";
static const char* kObjFileExt = ".o";
char file_name[64];
OS::SNPrintF(Vector<char>(file_name, kMaxFileNameSize), "%s%d%s",
kElfFilePrefix, file_num++, kObjFileExt);
WriteBytes(file_name, entry->symfile_addr_, entry->symfile_size_);
entry->next_ = __jit_debug_descriptor.first_entry_;
if (entry->next_ != NULL) entry->next_->prev_ = entry;
__jit_debug_descriptor.first_entry_ =
......@@ -1294,7 +1355,13 @@ static bool SameCodeObjects(void* key1, void* key2) {
static HashMap entries(&SameCodeObjects);
static HashMap* GetEntries() {
static HashMap* entries = NULL;
if (entries == NULL) {
entries = new HashMap(&SameCodeObjects);
return entries;
static uint32_t HashForCodeObject(Code* code) {
......@@ -1398,7 +1465,7 @@ void GDBJITInterface::AddCode(const char* name,
if (!FLAG_gdbjit) return;
AssertNoAllocation no_gc;
HashMap::Entry* e = entries.Lookup(code, HashForCodeObject(code), true);
HashMap::Entry* e = GetEntries()->Lookup(code, HashForCodeObject(code), true);
if (e->value != NULL && !IsLineInfoTagged(e->value)) return;
GDBJITLineInfo* lineinfo = UntagLineInfo(e->value);
......@@ -1411,7 +1478,7 @@ void GDBJITInterface::AddCode(const char* name,
if (!FLAG_gdbjit_full && !code_desc.IsLineInfoAvailable()) {
delete lineinfo;
entries.Remove(code, HashForCodeObject(code));
GetEntries()->Remove(code, HashForCodeObject(code));
......@@ -1464,7 +1531,9 @@ void GDBJITInterface::AddCode(GDBJITInterface::CodeTag tag, Code* code) {
void GDBJITInterface::RemoveCode(Code* code) {
if (!FLAG_gdbjit) return;
HashMap::Entry* e = entries.Lookup(code, HashForCodeObject(code), false);
HashMap::Entry* e = GetEntries()->Lookup(code,
if (e == NULL) return;
if (IsLineInfoTagged(e->value)) {
......@@ -1475,14 +1544,14 @@ void GDBJITInterface::RemoveCode(Code* code) {
e->value = NULL;
entries.Remove(code, HashForCodeObject(code));
GetEntries()->Remove(code, HashForCodeObject(code));
void GDBJITInterface::RegisterDetailedLineInfo(Code* code,
GDBJITLineInfo* line_info) {
HashMap::Entry* e = entries.Lookup(code, HashForCodeObject(code), true);
HashMap::Entry* e = GetEntries()->Lookup(code, HashForCodeObject(code), true);
ASSERT(e->value == NULL);
e->value = TagLineInfo(line_info);
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