Commit 3143f5f8 authored by's avatar

Remove special handling of fields in combination with elements transitions in Crankshaft.

Instead first try to keep ICs monomorphic if elements kinds generalize. If that fails, use standard polymorphic handling. The Try*PolymorphicAsMonomorphic methods will automatically produce code similar to the previous approach using CheckMapsWithTransitions.


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 843cf1f6
......@@ -3298,39 +3298,6 @@ HCheckMaps* HCheckMaps::New(HValue* value,
HCheckMaps* HCheckMaps::NewWithTransitions(HValue* value,
Handle<Map> map,
Zone* zone,
CompilationInfo* info) {
HCheckMaps* check_map = new(zone) HCheckMaps(value, zone, value);
check_map->map_set_.Add(map, zone);
// Since transitioned elements maps of the initial map don't fail the map
// check, the CheckMaps instruction doesn't need to depend on ElementsKinds.
ElementsKind kind = map->elements_kind();
bool packed = IsFastPackedElementsKind(kind);
while (CanTransitionToMoreGeneralFastElementsKind(kind, packed)) {
kind = GetNextMoreGeneralFastElementsKind(kind, packed);
Map* transitioned_map =
if (transitioned_map) {
check_map->map_set_.Add(Handle<Map>(transitioned_map), zone);
if (map->CanOmitMapChecks() &&
value->IsConstant() &&
HConstant::cast(value)->InstanceOf(map)) {
return check_map;
void HCheckMaps::FinalizeUniqueValueId() {
if (!map_unique_ids_.is_empty()) return;
Zone* zone = block()->zone();
......@@ -2726,9 +2726,6 @@ class HCheckMaps: public HTemplateInstruction<2> {
return check_map;
static HCheckMaps* NewWithTransitions(HValue* value, Handle<Map> map,
Zone* zone, CompilationInfo* info);
bool CanOmitMapChecks() { return omit_; }
virtual bool HasEscapingOperandAt(int index) { return false; }
......@@ -4503,14 +4503,6 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::AddCheckMap(HValue* object, Handle<Map> map) {
void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::AddCheckMapsWithTransitions(HValue* object,
Handle<Map> map) {
object, map, zone(), top_info()));
HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildStoreNamedField(
HValue* object,
Handle<String> name,
......@@ -4610,7 +4602,7 @@ HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildStoreNamedMonomorphic(
// Handle a store to a known field.
LookupResult lookup(isolate());
if (ComputeLoadStoreField(map, name, &lookup, true)) {
AddCheckMapsWithTransitions(object, map);
AddCheckMap(object, map);
return BuildStoreNamedField(object, name, value, map, &lookup);
......@@ -5390,7 +5382,7 @@ HInstruction* HOptimizedGraphBuilder::BuildLoadNamedMonomorphic(
// Handle access to various length properties
if (name->Equals(isolate()->heap()->length_string())) {
if (map->instance_type() == JS_ARRAY_TYPE) {
AddCheckMapsWithTransitions(object, map);
AddCheckMap(object, map);
return new(zone()) HLoadNamedField(object,
......@@ -5932,7 +5924,7 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::AddCheckConstantFunction(
// Constant functions have the nice property that the map will change if they
// are overwritten. Therefore it is enough to check the map of the holder and
// its prototypes.
AddCheckMapsWithTransitions(receiver, receiver_map);
AddCheckMap(receiver, receiver_map);
AddCheckPrototypeMaps(holder, receiver_map);
......@@ -6885,55 +6877,6 @@ bool HOptimizedGraphBuilder::TryCallApply(Call* expr) {
// Checks if all maps in |types| are from the same family, i.e., are elements
// transitions of each other. Returns either NULL if they are not from the same
// family, or a Map* indicating the map with the first elements kind of the
// family that is in the list.
static Map* CheckSameElementsFamily(SmallMapList* types) {
if (types->length() <= 1) return NULL;
// Check if all maps belong to the same transition family.
Map* kinds[kFastElementsKindCount];
Map* first_map = *types->first();
ElementsKind first_kind = first_map->elements_kind();
if (!IsFastElementsKind(first_kind)) return NULL;
int first_index = GetSequenceIndexFromFastElementsKind(first_kind);
int last_index = first_index;
for (int i = 0; i < kFastElementsKindCount; i++) kinds[i] = NULL;
kinds[first_index] = first_map;
for (int i = 1; i < types->length(); ++i) {
Map* map = *types->at(i);
ElementsKind elements_kind = map->elements_kind();
if (!IsFastElementsKind(elements_kind)) return NULL;
int index = GetSequenceIndexFromFastElementsKind(elements_kind);
if (index < first_index) {
first_index = index;
} else if (index > last_index) {
last_index = index;
} else if (kinds[index] != map) {
return NULL;
kinds[index] = map;
Map* current = kinds[first_index];
for (int i = first_index + 1; i <= last_index; i++) {
Map* next = kinds[i];
if (next != NULL) {
ElementsKind current_kind = next->elements_kind();
if (next != current->LookupElementsTransitionMap(current_kind)) {
return NULL;
current = next;
return kinds[first_index];
void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitCall(Call* expr) {
ASSERT(current_block() != NULL);
......@@ -6979,12 +6922,6 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitCall(Call* expr) {
receiver_map = (types == NULL || types->is_empty())
? Handle<Map>::null()
: types->first();
} else {
Map* family_map = CheckSameElementsFamily(types);
if (family_map != NULL) {
receiver_map = Handle<Map>(family_map);
monomorphic = expr->ComputeTarget(receiver_map, name);
HValue* receiver =
......@@ -8172,8 +8109,8 @@ void HOptimizedGraphBuilder::VisitCompareOperation(CompareOperation* expr) {
// Can we get away with map check and not instance type check?
if (combined_type->IsClass()) {
Handle<Map> map = combined_type->AsClass();
AddCheckMapsWithTransitions(left, map);
AddCheckMapsWithTransitions(right, map);
AddCheckMap(left, map);
AddCheckMap(right, map);
HCompareObjectEqAndBranch* result =
new(zone()) HCompareObjectEqAndBranch(left, right);
......@@ -1892,9 +1892,6 @@ class HOptimizedGraphBuilder: public HGraphBuilder, public AstVisitor {
void AddCheckMap(HValue* object, Handle<Map> map);
void AddCheckMapsWithTransitions(HValue* object,
Handle<Map> map);
void BuildStoreNamed(Expression* expression,
BailoutId id,
int position,
......@@ -3165,9 +3165,6 @@ static bool CompactEmit(SmallMapList* list,
int i,
Isolate* isolate) {
Handle<Map> map = list->at(i);
// If the map has ElementsKind transitions, we will generate map checks
// for each kind in __ CompareMap(..., ALLOW_ELEMENTS_TRANSITION_MAPS).
if (map->HasElementsTransition()) return false;
LookupResult lookup(isolate);
map->LookupDescriptor(NULL, *name, &lookup);
return lookup.IsField() || lookup.IsConstant();
......@@ -233,16 +233,22 @@ static bool TryRemoveInvalidPrototypeDependentStub(Code* target,
// The stub is not in the cache. We've ruled out all other kinds of failure
// except for proptotype chain changes, a deprecated map, a map that's
// different from the one that the stub expects, or a constant global property
// that will become mutable. Threat all those situations as prototype failures
// (stay monomorphic if possible).
// different from the one that the stub expects, elements kind changes, or a
// constant global property that will become mutable. Threat all those
// situations as prototype failures (stay monomorphic if possible).
// If the IC is shared between multiple receivers (slow dictionary mode), then
// the map cannot be deprecated and the stub invalidated.
if (cache_holder == OWN_MAP) {
Map* old_map = target->FindFirstMap();
if (old_map == map) return true;
if (old_map != NULL && old_map->is_deprecated()) return true;
if (old_map != NULL) {
if (old_map->is_deprecated()) return true;
if (IsMoreGeneralElementsKindTransition(old_map->elements_kind(),
map->elements_kind())) {
return true;
if (receiver->IsGlobalObject()) {
......@@ -2780,9 +2780,6 @@ static bool CompactEmit(SmallMapList* list,
int i,
Isolate* isolate) {
Handle<Map> map = list->at(i);
// If the map has ElementsKind transitions, we will generate map checks
// for each kind in __ CompareMap(..., ALLOW_ELEMENTS_TRANSITION_MAPS).
if (map->HasElementsTransition()) return false;
LookupResult lookup(isolate);
map->LookupDescriptor(NULL, *name, &lookup);
return lookup.IsField() || lookup.IsConstant();
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