Commit 311ad5de authored by's avatar

MIPS: Load/Store stub compilation refactoring.

Port r13954 (2ee39c27)


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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 458b8ddd
......@@ -2604,27 +2604,22 @@ Handle<Code> CallStubCompiler::CompileCallGlobal(
Handle<Code> StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreCallback(
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<JSObject> receiver,
Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<JSObject> holder,
Handle<ExecutableAccessorInfo> callback) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : value
// -- a1 : receiver
// -- a2 : name
// -- ra : return address
// -----------------------------------
Label miss;
// Check that the maps haven't changed.
__ JumpIfSmi(a1, &miss, a3);
CheckPrototypes(receiver, a1, holder, a3, t0, t1, name, &miss);
__ JumpIfSmi(receiver(), &miss);
CheckPrototypes(object, receiver(), holder,
scratch1(), scratch2(), scratch3(), name, &miss);
// Stub never generated for non-global objects that require access
// checks.
ASSERT(holder->IsJSGlobalProxy() || !holder->IsAccessCheckNeeded());
__ push(a1); // Receiver.
__ li(a3, Operand(callback)); // Callback info.
__ Push(a3, a2, a0);
__ push(receiver()); // Receiver.
__ li(at, Operand(callback)); // Callback info.
__ Push(at, this->name(), value());
// Do tail-call to the runtime system.
ExternalReference store_callback_property =
......@@ -2687,61 +2682,28 @@ void StoreStubCompiler::GenerateStoreViaSetter(
#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm())
Handle<Code> StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreViaSetter(
Handle<Name> name,
Handle<JSObject> receiver,
Handle<JSObject> holder,
Handle<JSFunction> setter) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : value
// -- a1 : receiver
// -- a2 : name
// -- ra : return address
// -----------------------------------
Label miss;
// Check that the maps haven't changed.
__ JumpIfSmi(a1, &miss);
CheckPrototypes(receiver, a1, holder, a3, t0, t1, name, &miss);
GenerateStoreViaSetter(masm(), setter);
__ bind(&miss);
TailCallBuiltin(masm(), MissBuiltin(kind()));
// Return the generated code.
return GetICCode(kind(), Code::CALLBACKS, name);
Handle<Code> StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreInterceptor(
Handle<JSObject> receiver,
Handle<JSObject> object,
Handle<Name> name) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : value
// -- a1 : receiver
// -- a2 : name
// -- ra : return address
// -----------------------------------
Label miss;
// Check that the map of the object hasn't changed.
__ CheckMap(a1, a3, Handle<Map>(receiver->map()), &miss,
__ CheckMap(receiver(), scratch1(), Handle<Map>(object->map()), &miss,
// Perform global security token check if needed.
if (receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy()) {
__ CheckAccessGlobalProxy(a1, a3, &miss);
if (object->IsJSGlobalProxy()) {
__ CheckAccessGlobalProxy(receiver(), scratch1(), &miss);
// Stub is never generated for non-global objects that require access
// checks.
ASSERT(receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy() || !receiver->IsAccessCheckNeeded());
ASSERT(object->IsJSGlobalProxy() || !object->IsAccessCheckNeeded());
__ Push(a1, a2, a0); // Receiver, name, value.
__ Push(receiver(), this->name(), value());
__ li(a0, Operand(Smi::FromInt(strict_mode())));
__ push(a0); // Strict mode.
__ li(scratch1(), Operand(Smi::FromInt(strict_mode())));
__ push(scratch1()); // strict mode
// Do tail-call to the runtime system.
ExternalReference store_ic_property =
......@@ -2762,39 +2724,37 @@ Handle<Code> StoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreGlobal(
Handle<GlobalObject> object,
Handle<JSGlobalPropertyCell> cell,
Handle<Name> name) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : value
// -- a1 : receiver
// -- a2 : name
// -- ra : return address
// -----------------------------------
Label miss;
// Check that the map of the global has not changed.
__ lw(a3, FieldMemOperand(a1, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Branch(&miss, ne, a3, Operand(Handle<Map>(object->map())));
__ lw(scratch1(), FieldMemOperand(receiver(), HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Branch(&miss, ne, scratch1(), Operand(Handle<Map>(object->map())));
// Check that the value in the cell is not the hole. If it is, this
// cell could have been deleted and reintroducing the global needs
// to update the property details in the property dictionary of the
// global object. We bail out to the runtime system to do that.
__ li(t0, Operand(cell));
__ LoadRoot(t1, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
__ lw(t2, FieldMemOperand(t0, JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset));
__ Branch(&miss, eq, t1, Operand(t2));
__ li(scratch1(), Operand(cell));
__ LoadRoot(scratch2(), Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex);
__ lw(scratch3(),
FieldMemOperand(scratch1(), JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset));
__ Branch(&miss, eq, scratch3(), Operand(scratch2()));
// Store the value in the cell.
__ sw(a0, FieldMemOperand(t0, JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset));
__ sw(value(),
FieldMemOperand(scratch1(), JSGlobalPropertyCell::kValueOffset));
__ mov(v0, a0); // Stored value must be returned in v0.
// Cells are always rescanned, so no write barrier here.
Counters* counters = masm()->isolate()->counters();
__ IncrementCounter(counters->named_store_global_inline(), 1, a1, a3);
__ IncrementCounter(
counters->named_store_global_inline(), 1, scratch1(), scratch2());
__ Ret();
// Handle store cache miss.
__ bind(&miss);
__ IncrementCounter(counters->named_store_global_inline_miss(), 1, a1, a3);
__ IncrementCounter(
counters->named_store_global_inline_miss(), 1, scratch1(), scratch2());
TailCallBuiltin(masm(), MissBuiltin(kind()));
// Return the generated code.
......@@ -2936,33 +2896,6 @@ Handle<Code> LoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadGlobal(
Handle<Code> KeyedLoadStubCompiler::CompileLoadElement(
Handle<Map> receiver_map) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- ra : return address
// -- a0 : key
// -- a1 : receiver
// -----------------------------------
ElementsKind elements_kind = receiver_map->elements_kind();
if (receiver_map->has_fast_elements() ||
receiver_map->has_external_array_elements()) {
Handle<Code> stub = KeyedLoadFastElementStub(
receiver_map->instance_type() == JS_ARRAY_TYPE,
__ DispatchMap(a1, a2, receiver_map, stub, DO_SMI_CHECK);
} else {
Handle<Code> stub =
__ DispatchMap(a1, a2, receiver_map, stub, DO_SMI_CHECK);
TailCallBuiltin(masm(), MissBuiltin(kind()));
// Return the generated code.
return GetICCode(kind(), Code::NORMAL, factory()->empty_string());
Handle<Code> BaseLoadStubCompiler::CompilePolymorphicIC(
MapHandleList* receiver_maps,
CodeHandleList* handlers,
......@@ -2995,55 +2928,23 @@ Handle<Code> BaseLoadStubCompiler::CompilePolymorphicIC(
Handle<Code> KeyedStoreStubCompiler::CompileStoreElement(
Handle<Map> receiver_map) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : value
// -- a1 : key
// -- a2 : receiver
// -- ra : return address
// -- a3 : scratch
// -----------------------------------
ElementsKind elements_kind = receiver_map->elements_kind();
bool is_js_array = receiver_map->instance_type() == JS_ARRAY_TYPE;
Handle<Code> stub =
__ DispatchMap(a2, a3, receiver_map, stub, DO_SMI_CHECK);
TailCallBuiltin(masm(), MissBuiltin(kind()));
// Return the generated code.
return GetICCode(kind(), Code::NORMAL, factory()->empty_string());
Handle<Code> KeyedStoreStubCompiler::CompileStorePolymorphic(
MapHandleList* receiver_maps,
CodeHandleList* handler_stubs,
MapHandleList* transitioned_maps) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : value
// -- a1 : key
// -- a2 : receiver
// -- ra : return address
// -- a3 : scratch
// -----------------------------------
Label miss;
__ JumpIfSmi(a2, &miss);
__ JumpIfSmi(receiver(), &miss);
int receiver_count = receiver_maps->length();
__ lw(a3, FieldMemOperand(a2, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lw(scratch1(), FieldMemOperand(receiver(), HeapObject::kMapOffset));
for (int i = 0; i < receiver_count; ++i) {
if (transitioned_maps->at(i).is_null()) {
__ Jump(handler_stubs->at(i), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET, eq,
a3, Operand(receiver_maps->at(i)));
scratch1(), Operand(receiver_maps->at(i)));
} else {
Label next_map;
__ Branch(&next_map, ne, a3, Operand(receiver_maps->at(i)));
__ li(a3, Operand(transitioned_maps->at(i)));
__ Branch(&next_map, ne, scratch1(), Operand(receiver_maps->at(i)));
__ li(transition_map(), Operand(transitioned_maps->at(i)));
__ Jump(handler_stubs->at(i), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
__ bind(&next_map);
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