Commit 29956352 authored by's avatar

MIPS: Adapt hydrogen-based Array constructor to also support InternalArray and...

MIPS: Adapt hydrogen-based Array constructor to also support InternalArray and function call versions.

Port r14948 (1c2f28c)


Review URL:
Patch from Balazs Kilvady <>.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 9e8279e9
......@@ -498,15 +498,20 @@ void Builtins::Generate_InternalArrayCode(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Run the native code for the InternalArray function called as a normal
// function.
ArrayNativeCode(masm, &generic_array_code);
// Jump to the generic array code if the specialized code cannot handle the
// construction.
__ bind(&generic_array_code);
Handle<Code> array_code =
__ Jump(array_code, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
if (FLAG_optimize_constructed_arrays) {
// Tail call a stub.
InternalArrayConstructorStub stub(masm->isolate());
__ TailCallStub(&stub);
} else {
ArrayNativeCode(masm, &generic_array_code);
// Jump to the generic array code if the specialized code cannot handle the
// construction.
__ bind(&generic_array_code);
Handle<Code> array_code =
__ Jump(array_code, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
......@@ -533,15 +538,24 @@ void Builtins::Generate_ArrayCode(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// Run the native code for the Array function called as a normal function.
ArrayNativeCode(masm, &generic_array_code);
// Jump to the generic array code if the specialized code cannot handle
// the construction.
__ bind(&generic_array_code);
Handle<Code> array_code =
__ Jump(array_code, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
if (FLAG_optimize_constructed_arrays) {
// Tail call a stub.
Handle<Object> undefined_sentinel(
__ li(a2, Operand(undefined_sentinel));
ArrayConstructorStub stub(masm->isolate());
__ TailCallStub(&stub);
} else {
ArrayNativeCode(masm, &generic_array_code);
// Jump to the generic array code if the specialized code cannot handle
// the construction.
__ bind(&generic_array_code);
Handle<Code> array_code =
__ Jump(array_code, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
......@@ -151,6 +151,28 @@ static void InitializeArrayConstructorDescriptor(
static void InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate,
CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor,
int constant_stack_parameter_count) {
// register state
// a0 -- number of arguments
// a1 -- constructor function
static Register registers[] = { a1 };
descriptor->register_param_count_ = 1;
if (constant_stack_parameter_count != 0) {
// Stack param count needs (constructor pointer, and single argument).
descriptor->stack_parameter_count_ = &a0;
descriptor->hint_stack_parameter_count_ = constant_stack_parameter_count;
descriptor->register_params_ = registers;
descriptor->function_mode_ = JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE;
descriptor->deoptimization_handler_ =
void ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub::InitializeInterfaceDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate,
CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor) {
......@@ -185,6 +207,27 @@ void ToBooleanStub::InitializeInterfaceDescriptor(
void InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub::InitializeInterfaceDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate,
CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor) {
InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate, descriptor, 0);
void InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub::InitializeInterfaceDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate,
CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor) {
InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate, descriptor, 1);
void InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub::InitializeInterfaceDescriptor(
Isolate* isolate,
CodeStubInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor) {
InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate, descriptor, -1);
#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm)
static void EmitIdenticalObjectComparison(MacroAssembler* masm,
......@@ -7681,6 +7724,21 @@ void ArrayConstructorStubBase::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) {
void InternalArrayConstructorStubBase::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(
Isolate* isolate) {
ElementsKind kinds[2] = { FAST_ELEMENTS, FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// For internal arrays we only need a few things.
InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub stubh1(kinds[i]);
InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stubh2(kinds[i]);
InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub stubh3(kinds[i]);
void ArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : argc (only if argument_count_ == ANY)
......@@ -7766,6 +7824,102 @@ void ArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
void InternalArrayConstructorStub::GenerateCase(
MacroAssembler* masm, ElementsKind kind) {
Label not_zero_case, not_one_case;
Label normal_sequence;
__ Branch(&not_zero_case, ne, a0, Operand(zero_reg));
InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub stub0(kind);
__ TailCallStub(&stub0);
__ bind(&not_zero_case);
__ Branch(&not_one_case, gt, a0, Operand(1));
if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(kind)) {
// We might need to create a holey array
// look at the first argument.
__ lw(at, MemOperand(sp, 0));
__ Branch(&normal_sequence, eq, at, Operand(zero_reg));
__ TailCallStub(&stub1_holey);
__ bind(&normal_sequence);
InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub1(kind);
__ TailCallStub(&stub1);
__ bind(&not_one_case);
InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub stubN(kind);
__ TailCallStub(&stubN);
void InternalArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- a0 : argc
// -- a1 : constructor
// -- sp[0] : return address
// -- sp[4] : last argument
// -----------------------------------
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
// The array construct code is only set for the global and natives
// builtin Array functions which always have maps.
// Initial map for the builtin Array function should be a map.
__ lw(a3, FieldMemOperand(a1, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset));
// Will both indicate a NULL and a Smi.
__ And(at, a3, Operand(kSmiTagMask));
__ Assert(ne, "Unexpected initial map for Array function",
at, Operand(zero_reg));
__ GetObjectType(a3, a3, t0);
__ Assert(eq, "Unexpected initial map for Array function",
t0, Operand(MAP_TYPE));
if (FLAG_optimize_constructed_arrays) {
// Figure out the right elements kind.
__ lw(a3, FieldMemOperand(a1, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset));
// Load the map's "bit field 2" into a3. We only need the first byte,
// but the following bit field extraction takes care of that anyway.
__ lbu(a3, FieldMemOperand(a3, Map::kBitField2Offset));
// Retrieve elements_kind from bit field 2.
__ Ext(a3, a3, Map::kElementsKindShift, Map::kElementsKindBitCount);
if (FLAG_debug_code) {
Label done;
__ Branch(&done, eq, a3, Operand(FAST_ELEMENTS));
__ Assert(
eq, "Invalid ElementsKind for InternalArray or InternalPackedArray",
__ bind(&done);
Label fast_elements_case;
__ Branch(&fast_elements_case, eq, a3, Operand(FAST_ELEMENTS));
GenerateCase(masm, FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS);
__ bind(&fast_elements_case);
GenerateCase(masm, FAST_ELEMENTS);
} else {
Label generic_constructor;
// Run the native code for the Array function called as constructor.
ArrayNativeCode(masm, &generic_constructor);
// Jump to the generic construct code in case the specialized code cannot
// handle the construction.
__ bind(&generic_constructor);
Handle<Code> generic_construct_stub =
__ Jump(generic_construct_stub, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
#undef __
} } // namespace v8::internal
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