Commit 2970f433 authored by's avatar

MIPS: Fix Lithium div, mod and floor.


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Patch from Balazs Kilvady <>.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 50aea860
......@@ -1100,6 +1100,34 @@ void LCodeGen::DoModByPowerOf2I(LModByPowerOf2I* instr) {
void LCodeGen::DoModByConstI(LModByConstI* instr) {
Register dividend = ToRegister(instr->dividend());
int32_t divisor = instr->divisor();
Register result = ToRegister(instr->result());
if (divisor == 0) {
DeoptimizeIf(al, instr->environment());
__ FlooringDiv(result, dividend, Abs(divisor));
__ srl(at, dividend, 31);
__ Addu(result, result, at);
__ Mul(result, result, Operand(Abs(divisor)));
__ Subu(result, dividend, Operand(result));
// Check for negative zero.
HMod* hmod = instr->hydrogen();
if (hmod->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
Label remainder_not_zero;
__ Branch(&remainder_not_zero, ne, result, Operand(zero_reg));
DeoptimizeIf(lt, instr->environment(), dividend, Operand(zero_reg));
__ bind(&remainder_not_zero);
void LCodeGen::DoModI(LModI* instr) {
HMod* hmod = instr->hydrogen();
const Register left_reg = ToRegister(instr->left());
......@@ -1141,6 +1169,80 @@ void LCodeGen::DoModI(LModI* instr) {
void LCodeGen::DoDivByPowerOf2I(LDivByPowerOf2I* instr) {
Register dividend = ToRegister(instr->dividend());
int32_t divisor = instr->divisor();
Register result = ToRegister(instr->result());
ASSERT(divisor == kMinInt || (divisor != 0 && IsPowerOf2(Abs(divisor))));
// Check for (0 / -x) that will produce negative zero.
HDiv* hdiv = instr->hydrogen();
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero) && divisor < 0) {
DeoptimizeIf(eq, instr->environment(), dividend, Operand(zero_reg));
// Check for (kMinInt / -1).
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow) && divisor == -1) {
DeoptimizeIf(eq, instr->environment(), dividend, Operand(kMinInt));
// Deoptimize if remainder will not be 0.
if (!hdiv->CheckFlag(HInstruction::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32) &&
divisor != 1 && divisor != -1) {
int32_t mask = divisor < 0 ? -(divisor + 1) : (divisor - 1);
__ And(at, dividend, Operand(mask));
DeoptimizeIf(ne, instr->environment(), at, Operand(zero_reg));
if (divisor == -1) { // Nice shortcut, not needed for correctness.
__ Subu(result, zero_reg, dividend);
uint16_t shift = WhichPowerOf2Abs(divisor);
if (shift == 0) {
__ Move(result, dividend);
} else if (shift == 1) {
__ srl(result, dividend, 31);
__ Addu(result, dividend, Operand(result));
} else {
__ sra(result, dividend, 31);
__ srl(result, result, 32 - shift);
__ Addu(result, dividend, Operand(result));
if (shift > 0) __ sra(result, result, shift);
if (divisor < 0) __ Subu(result, zero_reg, result);
void LCodeGen::DoDivByConstI(LDivByConstI* instr) {
Register dividend = ToRegister(instr->dividend());
int32_t divisor = instr->divisor();
Register result = ToRegister(instr->result());
if (divisor == 0) {
DeoptimizeIf(al, instr->environment());
// Check for (0 / -x) that will produce negative zero.
HDiv* hdiv = instr->hydrogen();
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero) && divisor < 0) {
DeoptimizeIf(eq, instr->environment(), dividend, Operand(zero_reg));
__ FlooringDiv(result, dividend, Abs(divisor));
__ srl(at, dividend, 31);
__ Addu(result, result, Operand(at));
if (divisor < 0) __ Subu(result, zero_reg, result);
if (!hdiv->CheckFlag(HInstruction::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32)) {
__ Mul(scratch0(), result, Operand(divisor));
__ Subu(scratch0(), scratch0(), dividend);
DeoptimizeIf(ne, instr->environment(), scratch0(), Operand(zero_reg));
void LCodeGen::DoDivI(LDivI* instr) {
HBinaryOperation* hdiv = instr->hydrogen();
const Register left = ToRegister(instr->left());
......@@ -1173,11 +1275,24 @@ void LCodeGen::DoDivI(LDivI* instr) {
__ bind(&left_not_min_int);
if (!hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32)) {
if (hdiv->IsMathFloorOfDiv()) {
// We performed a truncating division. Correct the result if necessary.
Label done;
Register remainder = scratch0();
__ mfhi(remainder);
__ mflo(result);
__ Branch(&done, eq, remainder, Operand(zero_reg), USE_DELAY_SLOT);
__ Xor(remainder, remainder, Operand(right));
__ Branch(&done, ge, remainder, Operand(zero_reg));
__ Subu(result, result, Operand(1));
__ bind(&done);
} else if (!hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32)) {
__ mfhi(result);
DeoptimizeIf(ne, instr->environment(), result, Operand(zero_reg));
__ mflo(result);
} else {
__ mflo(result);
__ mflo(result);
......@@ -1220,7 +1335,6 @@ void LCodeGen::DoFlooringDivByPowerOf2I(LFlooringDivByPowerOf2I* instr) {
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kLeftCanBeMinInt)) {
// Note that we could emit branch-free code, but that would need one more
// register.
__ Xor(at, scratch, result);
if (divisor == -1) {
DeoptimizeIf(ge, instr->environment(), at, Operand(zero_reg));
......@@ -1261,50 +1375,6 @@ void LCodeGen::DoFlooringDivByConstI(LFlooringDivByConstI* instr) {
void LCodeGen::DoMathFloorOfDiv(LMathFloorOfDiv* instr) {
const Register result = ToRegister(instr->result());
const Register left = ToRegister(instr->left());
const Register remainder = ToRegister(instr->temp());
const Register scratch = scratch0();
Label done;
const Register right = ToRegister(instr->right());
// On MIPS div is asynchronous - it will run in the background while we
// check for special cases.
__ div(left, right);
// Check for x / 0.
DeoptimizeIf(eq, instr->environment(), right, Operand(zero_reg));
// Check for (0 / -x) that will produce negative zero.
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
Label left_not_zero;
__ Branch(&left_not_zero, ne, left, Operand(zero_reg));
DeoptimizeIf(lt, instr->environment(), right, Operand(zero_reg));
__ bind(&left_not_zero);
// Check for (kMinInt / -1).
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow)) {
Label left_not_min_int;
__ Branch(&left_not_min_int, ne, left, Operand(kMinInt));
DeoptimizeIf(eq, instr->environment(), right, Operand(-1));
__ bind(&left_not_min_int);
__ mfhi(remainder);
__ mflo(result);
// We performed a truncating division. Correct the result if necessary.
__ Branch(&done, eq, remainder, Operand(zero_reg), USE_DELAY_SLOT);
__ Xor(scratch , remainder, Operand(right));
__ Branch(&done, ge, scratch, Operand(zero_reg));
__ Subu(result, result, Operand(1));
__ bind(&done);
void LCodeGen::DoMulI(LMulI* instr) {
Register scratch = scratch0();
Register result = ToRegister(instr->result());
......@@ -1255,6 +1255,41 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoBitwise(HBitwise* instr) {
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoDivByPowerOf2I(HDiv* instr) {
LOperand* dividend = UseRegister(instr->left());
int32_t divisor = instr->right()->GetInteger32Constant();
LInstruction* result = DefineAsRegister(new(zone()) LDivByPowerOf2I(
dividend, divisor));
if ((instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero) && divisor < 0) ||
(instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow) && divisor == -1) ||
(!instr->CheckFlag(HInstruction::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32) &&
divisor != 1 && divisor != -1)) {
result = AssignEnvironment(result);
return result;
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoDivByConstI(HDiv* instr) {
LOperand* dividend = UseRegister(instr->left());
int32_t divisor = instr->right()->GetInteger32Constant();
LInstruction* result = DefineAsRegister(new(zone()) LDivByConstI(
dividend, divisor));
if (divisor == 0 ||
(instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero) && divisor < 0) ||
!instr->CheckFlag(HInstruction::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32)) {
result = AssignEnvironment(result);
return result;
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoDivI(HBinaryOperation* instr) {
......@@ -1268,7 +1303,13 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoDivI(HBinaryOperation* instr) {
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoDiv(HDiv* instr) {
if (instr->representation().IsSmiOrInteger32()) {
return DoDivI(instr);
if (instr->RightIsPowerOf2()) {
return DoDivByPowerOf2I(instr);
} else if (instr->right()->IsConstant()) {
return DoDivByConstI(instr);
} else {
return DoDivI(instr);
} else if (instr->representation().IsDouble()) {
return DoArithmeticD(Token::DIV, instr);
} else {
......@@ -1308,15 +1349,10 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoFlooringDivByConstI(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr) {
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoMathFloorOfDiv(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr) {
if (instr->RightIsPowerOf2()) {
return DoFlooringDivByPowerOf2I(instr);
} else if (instr->right()->IsConstant()) {
return DoFlooringDivByConstI(instr);
} else if (false && instr->right()->IsConstant()) {
return DoFlooringDivByConstI(instr); // TODO(svenpanne) Fix and re-enable.
} else {
HValue* right = instr->right();
LOperand* dividend = UseRegister(instr->left());
LOperand* divisor = UseRegisterOrConstant(right);
LOperand* remainder = TempRegister();
return AssignEnvironment(DefineAsRegister(
new(zone()) LMathFloorOfDiv(dividend, divisor, remainder)));
return DoDivI(instr);
......@@ -1336,6 +1372,21 @@ LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoModByPowerOf2I(HMod* instr) {
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoModByConstI(HMod* instr) {
LOperand* dividend = UseRegister(instr->left());
int32_t divisor = instr->right()->GetInteger32Constant();
LInstruction* result = DefineAsRegister(new(zone()) LModByConstI(
dividend, divisor));
if (divisor == 0 || instr->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
result = AssignEnvironment(result);
return result;
LInstruction* LChunkBuilder::DoModI(HMod* instr) {
......@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ class LCodeGen;
V(DebugBreak) \
V(DeclareGlobals) \
V(Deoptimize) \
V(DivByConstI) \
V(DivByPowerOf2I) \
V(DivI) \
V(DoubleToI) \
V(DoubleBits) \
......@@ -130,12 +132,12 @@ class LCodeGen;
V(MathExp) \
V(MathClz32) \
V(MathFloor) \
V(MathFloorOfDiv) \
V(MathLog) \
V(MathMinMax) \
V(MathPowHalf) \
V(MathRound) \
V(MathSqrt) \
V(ModByConstI) \
V(ModByPowerOf2I) \
V(ModI) \
V(MulI) \
......@@ -635,6 +637,24 @@ class LModByPowerOf2I V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> {
class LModByConstI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> {
LModByConstI(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor) {
inputs_[0] = dividend;
divisor_ = divisor;
LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; }
int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; }
int32_t divisor_;
class LModI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 3> {
LModI(LOperand* left,
......@@ -651,6 +671,42 @@ class LModI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 3> {
class LDivByPowerOf2I V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> {
LDivByPowerOf2I(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor) {
inputs_[0] = dividend;
divisor_ = divisor;
LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; }
int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; }
DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DivByPowerOf2I, "div-by-power-of-2-i")
int32_t divisor_;
class LDivByConstI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> {
LDivByConstI(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor) {
inputs_[0] = dividend;
divisor_ = divisor;
LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; }
int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; }
int32_t divisor_;
class LDivI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> {
LDivI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) {
......@@ -704,25 +760,6 @@ class LFlooringDivByConstI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> {
class LMathFloorOfDiv V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> {
LMathFloorOfDiv(LOperand* left,
LOperand* right,
LOperand* temp = NULL) {
inputs_[0] = left;
inputs_[1] = right;
temps_[0] = temp;
LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; }
LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; }
LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; }
DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathFloorOfDiv, "math-floor-of-div")
class LMulI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> {
LMulI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) {
......@@ -2639,8 +2676,11 @@ class LChunkBuilder V8_FINAL : public LChunkBuilderBase {
LInstruction* DoMathSqrt(HUnaryMathOperation* instr);
LInstruction* DoMathPowHalf(HUnaryMathOperation* instr);
LInstruction* DoMathClz32(HUnaryMathOperation* instr);
LInstruction* DoDivByPowerOf2I(HDiv* instr);
LInstruction* DoDivByConstI(HDiv* instr);
LInstruction* DoDivI(HBinaryOperation* instr);
LInstruction* DoModByPowerOf2I(HMod* instr);
LInstruction* DoModByConstI(HMod* instr);
LInstruction* DoModI(HMod* instr);
LInstruction* DoFlooringDivByPowerOf2I(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr);
LInstruction* DoFlooringDivByConstI(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr);
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