Commit 21e47944 authored by Zhi An Ng's avatar Zhi An Ng Committed by Commit Bot

[wasm-simd][arm] Prototype i64x2.bitmask

Cleanup to simulator to remove repetitive logic to get instruction

Bug: v8:10997
Change-Id: I01f0b99f85788b41e4cab505fc94362d637c396f
Commit-Queue: Zhi An Ng <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarJakob Kummerow <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarBill Budge <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#71391}
parent 9e13573e
......@@ -3776,6 +3776,7 @@ void Assembler::vqmovn(NeonDataType dst_dt, NeonDataType src_dt,
int vm, m;
src.split_code(&vm, &m);
int size = NeonSz(dst_dt);
DCHECK_NE(3, size);
int op = NeonU(src_dt) ? 0b11 : NeonU(dst_dt) ? 0b01 : 0b10;
emit(0x1E7U * B23 | d * B22 | 0x3 * B20 | size * B18 | 0x2 * B16 | vd * B12 |
0x2 * B8 | op * B6 | m * B5 | vm);
......@@ -4437,7 +4438,7 @@ void Assembler::vmax(NeonDataType dt, QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src1,
emit(EncodeNeonBinOp(VMAX, dt, dst, src1, src2));
enum NeonShiftOp { VSHL, VSHR, VSLI, VSRI };
enum NeonShiftOp { VSHL, VSHR, VSLI, VSRI, VSRA };
static Instr EncodeNeonShiftRegisterOp(NeonShiftOp op, NeonDataType dt,
NeonRegType reg_type, int dst_code,
......@@ -4487,6 +4488,13 @@ static Instr EncodeNeonShiftOp(NeonShiftOp op, NeonSize size, bool is_unsigned,
op_encoding = B24 | 0x4 * B8;
case VSRA: {
DCHECK(shift > 0 && size_in_bits >= shift);
imm6 = 2 * size_in_bits - shift;
op_encoding = B8;
if (is_unsigned) op_encoding |= B24;
......@@ -4521,10 +4529,19 @@ void Assembler::vshl(NeonDataType dt, QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src,
void Assembler::vshr(NeonDataType dt, DwVfpRegister dst, DwVfpRegister src,
int shift) {
// Dd = vshr(Dm, bits) SIMD shift right immediate.
// Instruction details available in ARM DDI 0406C.b, A8-1052.
emit(EncodeNeonShiftOp(VSHR, NeonDataTypeToSize(dt), NeonU(dt), NEON_D,
dst.code(), src.code(), shift));
void Assembler::vshr(NeonDataType dt, QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src,
int shift) {
// Qd = vshl(Qm, bits) SIMD shift right immediate.
// Qd = vshr(Qm, bits) SIMD shift right immediate.
// Instruction details available in ARM DDI 0406C.b, A8-1052.
emit(EncodeNeonShiftOp(VSHR, NeonDataTypeToSize(dt), NeonU(dt), NEON_Q,
dst.code(), src.code(), shift));
......@@ -4548,6 +4565,15 @@ void Assembler::vsri(NeonSize size, DwVfpRegister dst, DwVfpRegister src,
void Assembler::vsra(NeonDataType dt, DwVfpRegister dst, DwVfpRegister src,
int imm) {
// Dd = vsra(Dm, imm) SIMD shift right and accumulate.
// Instruction details available in ARM DDI 0487F.b, F6-5569.
emit(EncodeNeonShiftOp(VSRA, NeonDataTypeToSize(dt), NeonU(dt), NEON_D,
dst.code(), src.code(), imm));
static Instr EncodeNeonEstimateOp(bool is_rsqrt, QwNeonRegister dst,
QwNeonRegister src) {
int vd, d;
......@@ -926,9 +926,12 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Assembler : public AssemblerBase {
void vshl(NeonDataType dt, QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src, int shift);
void vshl(NeonDataType dt, QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src,
QwNeonRegister shift);
void vshr(NeonDataType dt, DwVfpRegister dst, DwVfpRegister src, int shift);
void vshr(NeonDataType dt, QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src, int shift);
void vsli(NeonSize size, DwVfpRegister dst, DwVfpRegister src, int shift);
void vsri(NeonSize size, DwVfpRegister dst, DwVfpRegister src, int shift);
void vsra(NeonDataType size, DwVfpRegister dst, DwVfpRegister src, int imm);
// vrecpe and vrsqrte only support floating point lanes.
void vrecpe(QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src);
void vrsqrte(QwNeonRegister dst, QwNeonRegister src);
......@@ -2167,6 +2167,19 @@ CodeGenerator::CodeGenResult CodeGenerator::AssembleArchInstruction(
ASSEMBLE_SIMD_SHIFT_RIGHT(vshr, 6, Neon32, NeonU64);
case kArmI64x2BitMask: {
UseScratchRegisterScope temps(tasm());
Register dst = i.OutputRegister();
Simd128Register src = i.InputSimd128Register(0);
QwNeonRegister tmp1 = temps.AcquireQ();
Register tmp = temps.Acquire();
__ vshr(NeonU64, tmp1, src, 63);
__ vmov(NeonU32, dst, tmp1.low(), 0);
__ vmov(NeonU32, tmp, tmp1.high(), 0);
__ add(dst, dst, Operand(tmp, LSL, 1));
case kArmF32x4Splat: {
int src_code = i.InputFloatRegister(0).code();
__ vdup(Neon32, i.OutputSimd128Register(),
......@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ namespace compiler {
V(ArmI64x2Sub) \
V(ArmI64x2Mul) \
V(ArmI64x2ShrU) \
V(ArmI64x2BitMask) \
V(ArmI32x4Splat) \
V(ArmI32x4ExtractLane) \
V(ArmI32x4ReplaceLane) \
......@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ int InstructionScheduler::GetTargetInstructionFlags(
case kArmI64x2Sub:
case kArmI64x2Mul:
case kArmI64x2ShrU:
case kArmI64x2BitMask:
case kArmI32x4Splat:
case kArmI32x4ExtractLane:
case kArmI32x4ReplaceLane:
......@@ -2984,6 +2984,10 @@ void InstructionSelector::VisitI32x4BitMask(Node* node) {
VisitBitMask<kArmI32x4BitMask>(this, node);
void InstructionSelector::VisitI64x2BitMask(Node* node) {
VisitBitMask<kArmI64x2BitMask>(this, node);
namespace {
void VisitF32x4PminOrPmax(InstructionSelector* selector, ArchOpcode opcode,
Node* node) {
......@@ -2821,10 +2821,10 @@ void InstructionSelector::VisitI32x4SignSelect(Node* node) { UNIMPLEMENTED(); }
void InstructionSelector::VisitI64x2SignSelect(Node* node) { UNIMPLEMENTED(); }
#endif // !V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64
// TODO(v8:10997) Prototype i64x2.bitmask.
void InstructionSelector::VisitI64x2BitMask(Node* node) { UNIMPLEMENTED(); }
#endif // !V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 && !V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64
void InstructionSelector::VisitFinishRegion(Node* node) { EmitIdentity(node); }
......@@ -2153,11 +2153,38 @@ void Decoder::DecodeAdvancedSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr) {
int imm7 = (l << 6) | instr->Bits(21, 16);
int size = base::bits::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo32(imm7);
int shift = 2 * size - imm7;
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
out_buffer_pos_ +=
SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "vshr.%s%d q%d, q%d, #%d",
u ? "u" : "s", size, Vd, Vm, shift);
if (q) {
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
out_buffer_pos_ +=
SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "vshr.%s%d q%d, q%d, #%d",
u ? "u" : "s", size, Vd, Vm, shift);
} else {
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
out_buffer_pos_ +=
SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "vshr.%s%d d%d, d%d, #%d",
u ? "u" : "s", size, Vd, Vm, shift);
} else if (imm3H_L != 0 && opc == 1) {
// vsra.<type><size> Qd, Qm, shift
// vsra.<type><size> Dd, Dm, shift
int imm7 = (l << 6) | instr->Bits(21, 16);
int size = base::bits::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo32(imm7);
int shift = 2 * size - imm7;
if (q) {
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
out_buffer_pos_ +=
SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "vsra.%s%d q%d, q%d, #%d",
u ? "u" : "s", size, Vd, Vm, shift);
} else {
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
out_buffer_pos_ +=
SNPrintF(out_buffer_ + out_buffer_pos_, "vsra.%s%d d%d, d%d, #%d",
u ? "u" : "s", size, Vd, Vm, shift);
} else if (imm3H_L != 0 && imm3L == 0 && opc == 0b1010 && !q) {
// vmovl
if ((instr->VdValue() & 1) != 0) Unknown(instr);
......@@ -3883,28 +3883,28 @@ void Simulator::DecodeType6CoprocessorIns(Instruction* instr) {
// Helper functions for implementing NEON ops. Unop applies a unary op to each
// lane. Binop applies a binary operation to matching input lanes.
template <typename T>
template <typename T, int SIZE = kSimd128Size>
void Unop(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, std::function<T(T)> unop) {
static const int kLanes = 16 / sizeof(T);
static const int kLanes = SIZE / sizeof(T);
T src[kLanes];
simulator->get_neon_register(Vm, src);
simulator->get_neon_register<T, SIZE>(Vm, src);
for (int i = 0; i < kLanes; i++) {
src[i] = unop(src[i]);
simulator->set_neon_register(Vd, src);
simulator->set_neon_register<T, SIZE>(Vd, src);
template <typename T>
template <typename T, int SIZE = kSimd128Size>
void Binop(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, int Vn,
std::function<T(T, T)> binop) {
static const int kLanes = 16 / sizeof(T);
static const int kLanes = SIZE / sizeof(T);
T src1[kLanes], src2[kLanes];
simulator->get_neon_register(Vn, src1);
simulator->get_neon_register(Vm, src2);
simulator->get_neon_register<T, SIZE>(Vn, src1);
simulator->get_neon_register<T, SIZE>(Vm, src2);
for (int i = 0; i < kLanes; i++) {
src1[i] = binop(src1[i], src2[i]);
simulator->set_neon_register(Vd, src1);
simulator->set_neon_register<T, SIZE>(Vd, src1);
// Templated operations for NEON instructions.
......@@ -4114,15 +4114,40 @@ void ShiftLeft(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, int shift) {
template <typename T, int SIZE>
void ShiftRight(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, int shift) {
Unop<T>(simulator, Vd, Vm, [shift](T x) { return x >> shift; });
void LogicalShiftRight(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, int shift) {
Unop<T, SIZE>(simulator, Vd, Vm, [shift](T x) { return x >> shift; });
template <typename T, int SIZE>
void ArithmeticShiftRight(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, int shift) {
auto shift_fn =
std::bind(ArithmeticShiftRight<T>, std::placeholders::_1, shift);
Unop<T>(simulator, Vd, Vm, shift_fn);
Unop<T, SIZE>(simulator, Vd, Vm, shift_fn);
template <typename T, int SIZE>
void ShiftRight(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, int shift,
bool is_unsigned) {
if (is_unsigned) {
using unsigned_T = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
LogicalShiftRight<unsigned_T, SIZE>(simulator, Vd, Vm, shift);
} else {
ArithmeticShiftRight<T, SIZE>(simulator, Vd, Vm, shift);
template <typename T, int SIZE>
void ShiftRightAccumulate(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm, int shift) {
Binop<T, SIZE>(simulator, Vd, Vd, Vm,
[shift](T a, T x) { return a + (x >> shift); });
template <typename T, int SIZE>
void ArithmeticShiftRightAccumulate(Simulator* simulator, int Vd, int Vm,
int shift) {
Binop<T, SIZE>(simulator, Vd, Vd, Vm, [shift](T a, T x) {
return a + ArithmeticShiftRight<T>(x, shift);
template <typename T, int SIZE>
......@@ -4652,8 +4677,8 @@ void Simulator::DecodeAdvancedSIMDTwoOrThreeRegisters(Instruction* instr) {
case Neon64:
} else if (opc1 == 0b10 && instr->Bit(10) == 1) {
......@@ -5384,45 +5409,73 @@ void Simulator::DecodeAdvancedSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr) {
int l = instr->Bit(7);
int q = instr->Bit(6);
int imm3H_L = imm3H << 1 | l;
int imm7 = instr->Bits(21, 16);
imm7 += (l << 6);
int size = base::bits::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo32(imm7);
NeonSize ns =
static_cast<NeonSize>(base::bits::WhichPowerOfTwo(size >> 3));
if (imm3H_L != 0 && opc == 0) {
// vshr.s<size> Qd, Qm, shift
int imm7 = instr->Bits(21, 16);
if (instr->Bit(7) != 0) imm7 += 64;
int size = base::bits::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo32(imm7);
// vshr.s/u<size> Qd, Qm, shift
int shift = 2 * size - imm7;
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
NeonSize ns =
static_cast<NeonSize>(base::bits::WhichPowerOfTwo(size >> 3));
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(q ? kSimd128Precision : kDoublePrecision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(q ? kSimd128Precision : kDoublePrecision);
switch (ns) {
case Neon8:
q ? ShiftRight<int8_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u)
: ShiftRight<int8_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u);
case Neon16:
q ? ShiftRight<int16_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u)
: ShiftRight<int16_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u);
case Neon32:
q ? ShiftRight<int32_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u)
: ShiftRight<int32_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u);
case Neon64:
q ? ShiftRight<int64_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u)
: ShiftRight<int64_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift, u);
} else if (imm3H_L != 0 && opc == 1) {
// vsra Dd, Dm, #imm
DCHECK(!q); // Unimplemented for now.
int shift = 2 * size - imm7;
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
if (u) {
switch (ns) {
case Neon8:
ShiftRight<uint8_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ShiftRightAccumulate<uint8_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
case Neon16:
ShiftRight<uint16_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ShiftRightAccumulate<uint16_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
case Neon32:
ShiftRight<uint32_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ShiftRightAccumulate<uint32_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
case Neon64:
ShiftRight<uint64_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ShiftRightAccumulate<uint64_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
} else {
switch (ns) {
case Neon8:
ArithmeticShiftRight<int8_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ArithmeticShiftRightAccumulate<int8_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm,
case Neon16:
ArithmeticShiftRight<int16_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ArithmeticShiftRightAccumulate<int16_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm,
case Neon32:
ArithmeticShiftRight<int32_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ArithmeticShiftRightAccumulate<int32_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm,
case Neon64:
ArithmeticShiftRight<int64_t, kSimd128Size>(this, Vd, Vm, shift);
ArithmeticShiftRightAccumulate<int64_t, kDoubleSize>(this, Vd, Vm,
......@@ -5432,8 +5485,7 @@ void Simulator::DecodeAdvancedSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr) {
if ((instr->VdValue() & 1) != 0) UNIMPLEMENTED();
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
int imm3 = instr->Bits(21, 19);
switch (imm3) {
switch (imm3H) {
case 1:
Widen<uint8_t, uint16_t>(this, Vd, Vm);
......@@ -5452,8 +5504,7 @@ void Simulator::DecodeAdvancedSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr) {
if ((instr->VdValue() & 1) != 0) UNIMPLEMENTED();
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
int imm3 = instr->Bits(21, 19);
switch (imm3) {
switch (imm3H) {
case 1:
Widen<int8_t, int16_t>(this, Vd, Vm);
......@@ -5470,9 +5521,6 @@ void Simulator::DecodeAdvancedSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr) {
} else if (!u && imm3H_L != 0 && opc == 0b0101) {
// vshl.i<size> Qd, Qm, shift
int imm7 = instr->Bits(21, 16);
if (instr->Bit(7) != 0) imm7 += 64;
int size = base::bits::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo32(imm7);
int shift = imm7 - size;
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kSimd128Precision);
......@@ -5494,9 +5542,6 @@ void Simulator::DecodeAdvancedSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr) {
} else if (u && imm3H_L != 0 && opc == 0b0100) {
// vsri.<size> Dd, Dm, shift
int imm7 = instr->Bits(21, 16);
if (instr->Bit(7) != 0) imm7 += 64;
int size = base::bits::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo32(imm7);
int shift = 2 * size - imm7;
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
......@@ -5519,9 +5564,6 @@ void Simulator::DecodeAdvancedSIMDDataProcessing(Instruction* instr) {
} else if (u && imm3H_L != 0 && opc == 0b0101) {
// vsli.<size> Dd, Dm, shift
int imm7 = instr->Bits(21, 16);
if (instr->Bit(7) != 0) imm7 += 64;
int size = base::bits::RoundDownToPowerOfTwo32(imm7);
int shift = imm7 - size;
int Vd = instr->VFPDRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
int Vm = instr->VFPMRegValue(kDoublePrecision);
......@@ -1289,9 +1289,11 @@ TEST(15) {
uint32_t vsub8[4], vsub16[4], vsub32[4];
uint32_t vqsub_u8[4], vqsub_s16[4], vqsub_u32[4];
uint32_t vmul8[4], vmul16[4], vmul32[4];
uint32_t vshl8[4], vshl16[4], vshl32[5];
uint32_t vshr_s8[4], vshr_u16[4], vshr_s32[5];
uint32_t vshl8[4], vshl16[4], vshl32[4];
uint32_t vshr_s8[4], vshr_u16[4], vshr_s32[4];
uint32_t vshr_s8_d[2], vshr_u16_d[2], vshr_s32_d[2];
uint32_t vsli_64[2], vsri_64[2], vsli_32[2], vsri_32[2];
uint32_t vsra_64[2], vsra_32[2];
uint32_t vceq[4], vceqf[4], vcgef[4], vcgtf[4];
uint32_t vcge_s8[4], vcge_u16[4], vcge_s32[4];
uint32_t vcgt_s8[4], vcgt_u16[4], vcgt_s32[4];
......@@ -1801,6 +1803,19 @@ TEST(15) {
__ add(r4, r0, Operand(static_cast<int32_t>(offsetof(T, vshr_s32))));
__ vst1(Neon8, NeonListOperand(q1), NeonMemOperand(r4));
// vshr.s, vshr.u with d registers.
__ mov(r4, Operand(0x80));
__ vdup(Neon8, q0, r4);
__ vshr(NeonS8, d1, d0, 1);
__ add(r4, r0, Operand(static_cast<int32_t>(offsetof(T, vshr_s8_d))));
__ vst1(Neon8, NeonListOperand(d1), NeonMemOperand(r4));
__ vshr(NeonU16, d2, d0, 9);
__ add(r4, r0, Operand(static_cast<int32_t>(offsetof(T, vshr_u16_d))));
__ vst1(Neon8, NeonListOperand(q1), NeonMemOperand(r4));
__ vshr(NeonS32, d2, d0, 17);
__ add(r4, r0, Operand(static_cast<int32_t>(offsetof(T, vshr_s32_d))));
__ vst1(Neon8, NeonListOperand(q1), NeonMemOperand(r4));
// vsli, vsri.
__ mov(r4, Operand(0xFFFFFFFF));
__ mov(r5, Operand(0x1));
......@@ -1821,6 +1836,16 @@ TEST(15) {
__ vsri(Neon32, d1, d0, 16);
__ vstr(d1, r0, offsetof(T, vsri_32));
// vsra.
__ vmov(d0, r4, r5);
// Check same dst and src registers.
__ vsra(NeonU64, d0, d0, 1);
__ vstr(d0, r0, offsetof(T, vsra_64));
__ vmov(d0, r4, r5);
__ vmov(d1, r5, r4);
__ vsra(NeonS32, d1, d0, 16);
__ vstr(d1, r0, offsetof(T, vsra_32));
// vceq.
__ mov(r4, Operand(0x03));
__ vdup(Neon8, q0, r4);
......@@ -2197,10 +2222,15 @@ TEST(15) {
CHECK_EQ_SPLAT(vshr_s8, 0xC0C0C0C0u);
CHECK_EQ_SPLAT(vshr_u16, 0x00400040u);
CHECK_EQ_SPLAT(vshr_s32, 0xFFFFC040u);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vshr_s8_d, 0xC0C0C0C0u, 0xC0C0C0C0u);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vshr_u16_d, 0x00400040u, 0x00400040u);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vshr_s32_d, 0xFFFFC040u, 0xFFFFC040u);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vsli_64, 0x01u, 0xFFFFFFFFu);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vsri_64, 0xFFFFFFFFu, 0x01u);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vsli_32, 0xFFFF0001u, 0x00010001u);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vsri_32, 0x00000000u, 0x0000FFFFu);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vsra_64, 0xFFFFFFFEu, 0x2);
CHECK_EQ_32X2(vsra_32, 0xFFFFFFFFu, 0x0);
CHECK_EQ_SPLAT(vceq, 0x00FF00FFu);
// [0, 3, 0, 3, ...] >= [3, 3, 3, 3, ...]
CHECK_EQ_SPLAT(vcge_s8, 0x00FF00FFu);
......@@ -1630,7 +1630,7 @@ WASM_SIMD_TEST(I32x4BitMask) {
// TODO(v8:10997) Prototyping i64x2.bitmask.
WasmRunner<int32_t, int64_t> r(execution_tier, lower_simd);
......@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ WASM_SIMD_TEST_NO_LOWERING(I64x2BitMask) {
CHECK_EQ(actual, expected);
#endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 || V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64
WASM_SIMD_TEST(I8x16Splat) {
WasmRunner<int32_t, int32_t> r(execution_tier, lower_simd);
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