Commit 216564af authored by's avatar

MIPS: Porting r10221 to ARM (avoid bailing out to runtime for short substrings).

Port r10250 (77889cc).


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Patch from Daniel Kalmar <>.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 7a93464c
......@@ -5972,7 +5972,7 @@ void StringHelper::GenerateHashGetHash(MacroAssembler* masm,
void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label sub_string_runtime;
Label runtime;
// Stack frame on entry.
// ra: return address
// sp[0]: to
......@@ -5990,53 +5990,35 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
static const int kFromOffset = 1 * kPointerSize;
static const int kStringOffset = 2 * kPointerSize;
Register to = t2;
Register from = t3;
// Check bounds and smi-ness.
__ lw(to, MemOperand(sp, kToOffset));
__ lw(from, MemOperand(sp, kFromOffset));
__ lw(a2, MemOperand(sp, kToOffset));
__ lw(a3, MemOperand(sp, kFromOffset));
STATIC_ASSERT(kFromOffset == kToOffset + 4);
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0);
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize + kSmiShiftSize == 1);
__ JumpIfNotSmi(from, &sub_string_runtime);
__ JumpIfNotSmi(to, &sub_string_runtime);
// Utilize delay slots. SmiUntag doesn't emit a jump, everything else is
// safe in this case.
__ JumpIfSmi(a2, &runtime, at, USE_DELAY_SLOT);
__ SmiUntag(a2);
__ JumpIfSmi(a3, &runtime, at, USE_DELAY_SLOT);
__ SmiUntag(a3);
__ sra(a3, from, kSmiTagSize); // Remove smi tag.
__ sra(t5, to, kSmiTagSize); // Remove smi tag.
// Both a2 and a3 are untagged integers.
// a3: from index (untagged smi)
// t5: to index (untagged smi)
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, lt, a3, Operand(zero_reg)); // From < 0.
__ Branch(&runtime, lt, a3, Operand(zero_reg)); // From < 0.
__ subu(a2, t5, a3);
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, gt, a3, Operand(t5)); // Fail if from > to.
// Special handling of sub-strings of length 1 and 2. One character strings
// are handled in the runtime system (looked up in the single character
// cache). Two character strings are looked for in the symbol cache in
// generated code.
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, lt, a2, Operand(2));
// Both to and from are smis.
// a2: result string length
// a3: from index (untagged smi)
// t2: (a.k.a. to): to (smi)
// t3: (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
// t5: to index (untagged smi)
__ Branch(&runtime, gt, a3, Operand(t5)); // Fail if from > to.
// Make sure first argument is a sequential (or flat) string.
// Make sure first argument is a string.
__ lw(v0, MemOperand(sp, kStringOffset));
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, eq, v0, Operand(kSmiTagMask));
__ Branch(&runtime, eq, v0, Operand(kSmiTagMask));
__ lw(a1, FieldMemOperand(v0, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(a1, FieldMemOperand(a1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
__ And(t4, v0, Operand(kIsNotStringMask));
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, ne, t4, Operand(zero_reg));
__ Branch(&runtime, ne, t4, Operand(zero_reg));
// Short-cut for the case of trivial substring.
Label return_v0;
......@@ -6046,74 +6028,16 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
__ sra(t0, t0, 1);
__ Branch(&return_v0, eq, a2, Operand(t0));
Label create_slice;
if (FLAG_string_slices) {
__ Branch(&create_slice, ge, a2, Operand(SlicedString::kMinLength));
// v0: original string
// a1: instance type
// a2: result string length
// a3: from index (untagged smi)
// t2: (a.k.a. to): to (smi)
// t3: (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
// t5: to index (untagged smi)
Label seq_string;
__ And(t0, a1, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag < kConsStringTag);
STATIC_ASSERT(kConsStringTag < kExternalStringTag);
STATIC_ASSERT(kConsStringTag < kSlicedStringTag);
// Slices and external strings go to runtime.
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, gt, t0, Operand(kConsStringTag));
// Sequential strings are handled directly.
__ Branch(&seq_string, lt, t0, Operand(kConsStringTag));
// Cons string. Try to recurse (once) on the first substring.
// (This adds a little more generality than necessary to handle flattened
// cons strings, but not much).
__ lw(v0, FieldMemOperand(v0, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
__ lw(t0, FieldMemOperand(v0, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(a1, FieldMemOperand(t0, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
// Cons, slices and external strings go to runtime.
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, ne, a1, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
// Definitly a sequential string.
__ bind(&seq_string);
// v0: original string
// a1: instance type
// a2: result string length
// a3: from index (untagged smi)
// t2: (a.k.a. to): to (smi)
// t3: (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
// t5: to index (untagged smi)
__ lw(t0, FieldMemOperand(v0, String::kLengthOffset));
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, lt, t0, Operand(to)); // Fail if to > length.
to = no_reg;
// v0: original string or left hand side of the original cons string.
// a1: instance type
// a2: result string length
// a3: from index (untagged smi)
// t3: (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
// t5: to index (untagged smi)
// Check for flat ASCII string.
Label non_ascii_flat;
STATIC_ASSERT(kTwoByteStringTag == 0);
__ And(t4, a1, Operand(kStringEncodingMask));
__ Branch(&non_ascii_flat, eq, t4, Operand(zero_reg));
Label result_longer_than_two;
__ Branch(&result_longer_than_two, gt, a2, Operand(2));
// Check for special case of two character ascii string, in which case
// we do a lookup in the symbol table first.
__ li(t0, 2);
__ Branch(&result_longer_than_two, gt, a2, Operand(t0));
__ Branch(&runtime, lt, a2, Operand(t0));
__ JumpIfInstanceTypeIsNotSequentialAscii(a1, a1, &runtime);
// Sub string of length 2 requested.
// Get the two characters forming the sub string.
__ Addu(v0, v0, Operand(a3));
__ lbu(a3, FieldMemOperand(v0, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
......@@ -6123,31 +6047,126 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label make_two_character_string;
masm, a3, t0, a1, t1, t2, t3, t4, &make_two_character_string);
Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
__ jmp(&return_v0);
// a2: result string length.
// a3: two characters combined into halfword in little endian byte order.
__ bind(&make_two_character_string);
__ AllocateAsciiString(v0, a2, t0, t1, t4, &sub_string_runtime);
__ AllocateAsciiString(v0, a2, t0, t1, t4, &runtime);
__ sh(a3, FieldMemOperand(v0, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
__ jmp(&return_v0);
__ bind(&result_longer_than_two);
// Locate 'from' character of string.
__ Addu(t1, v0, Operand(SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
__ sra(t4, from, 1);
__ Addu(t1, t1, t4);
// Deal with different string types: update the index if necessary
// and put the underlying string into t1.
// v0: original string
// a1: instance type
// a2: length
// a3: from index (untagged)
Label underlying_unpacked, sliced_string, seq_or_external_string;
// If the string is not indirect, it can only be sequential or external.
STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask == (kSlicedStringTag & kConsStringTag));
STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask != 0);
__ And(t0, a1, Operand(kIsIndirectStringMask));
__ Branch(USE_DELAY_SLOT, &seq_or_external_string, eq, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
__ And(t0, a1, Operand(kSlicedNotConsMask));
__ Branch(&sliced_string, ne, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
// Cons string. Check whether it is flat, then fetch first part.
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, ConsString::kSecondOffset));
__ LoadRoot(t0, Heap::kEmptyStringRootIndex);
__ Branch(&runtime, ne, t1, Operand(t0));
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
// Update instance type.
__ lw(a1, FieldMemOperand(t1, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(a1, FieldMemOperand(a1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
__ jmp(&underlying_unpacked);
__ bind(&sliced_string);
// Sliced string. Fetch parent and correct start index by offset.
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
__ sra(t1, t1, 1);
__ Addu(a3, a3, t1);
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
// Update instance type.
__ lw(a1, FieldMemOperand(t1, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ lbu(a1, FieldMemOperand(a1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
__ jmp(&underlying_unpacked);
// Allocate the result.
__ AllocateAsciiString(v0, a2, t4, t0, a1, &sub_string_runtime);
__ bind(&seq_or_external_string);
// Sequential or external string. Just move string to the expected register.
__ mov(t1, v0);
__ bind(&underlying_unpacked);
if (FLAG_string_slices) {
Label copy_routine;
// t1: underlying subject string
// a1: instance type of underlying subject string
// a2: length
// a3: adjusted start index (untagged)
// Short slice. Copy instead of slicing.
__ Branch(&copy_routine, lt, a2, Operand(SlicedString::kMinLength));
// Allocate new sliced string. At this point we do not reload the instance
// type including the string encoding because we simply rely on the info
// provided by the original string. It does not matter if the original
// string's encoding is wrong because we always have to recheck encoding of
// the newly created string's parent anyways due to externalized strings.
Label two_byte_slice, set_slice_header;
STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kAsciiStringTag) != 0);
STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
__ And(t0, a1, Operand(kStringEncodingMask));
__ Branch(&two_byte_slice, eq, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
__ AllocateAsciiSlicedString(v0, a2, t2, t3, &runtime);
__ jmp(&set_slice_header);
__ bind(&two_byte_slice);
__ AllocateTwoByteSlicedString(v0, a2, t2, t3, &runtime);
__ bind(&set_slice_header);
__ sll(a3, a3, 1);
__ sw(a3, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
__ sw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
__ jmp(&return_v0);
__ bind(&copy_routine);
// t1: underlying subject string
// a1: instance type of underlying subject string
// a2: length
// a3: adjusted start index (untagged)
Label two_byte_sequential, sequential_string, allocate_result;
STATIC_ASSERT(kExternalStringTag != 0);
STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
__ And(t0, a1, Operand(kExternalStringTag));
__ Branch(&sequential_string, eq, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
// Handle external string.
// Rule out short external strings.
STATIC_CHECK(kShortExternalStringTag != 0);
__ And(t0, a1, Operand(kShortExternalStringTag));
__ Branch(&runtime, ne, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(t1, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset));
// t1 already points to the first character of underlying string.
__ jmp(&allocate_result);
__ bind(&sequential_string);
// Locate first character of underlying subject string.
STATIC_ASSERT(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize == SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize);
__ Addu(t1, t1, Operand(SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
__ bind(&allocate_result);
// Sequential acii string. Allocate the result.
STATIC_ASSERT((kAsciiStringTag & kStringEncodingMask) != 0);
__ And(t0, a1, Operand(kStringEncodingMask));
__ Branch(&two_byte_sequential, eq, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
// Allocate and copy the resulting ascii string.
__ AllocateAsciiString(v0, a2, t0, t2, t3, &runtime);
// Locate first character of substring to copy.
__ Addu(t1, t1, a3);
// v0: result string
// a2: result string length
// a3: from index (untagged smi)
// t1: first character of substring to copy
// t3: (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
// Locate first character of result.
__ Addu(a1, v0, Operand(SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
......@@ -6160,30 +6179,17 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
masm, a1, t1, a2, a3, t0, t2, t3, t4, COPY_ASCII | DEST_ALWAYS_ALIGNED);
__ jmp(&return_v0);
__ bind(&non_ascii_flat);
// a2: result string length
// t1: string
// t3: (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
// Check for flat two byte string.
// Locate 'from' character of string.
__ Addu(t1, v0, Operand(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
// As "from" is a smi it is 2 times the value which matches the size of a two
// byte character.
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1 && kSmiTag == 0);
__ Addu(t1, t1, Operand(from));
// Allocate the result.
__ AllocateTwoByteString(v0, a2, a1, a3, t0, &sub_string_runtime);
// Allocate and copy the resulting two-byte string.
__ bind(&two_byte_sequential);
__ AllocateTwoByteString(v0, a2, t0, t2, t3, &runtime);
// v0: result string
// a2: result string length
// t1: first character of substring to copy
// Locate first character of substring to copy.
STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1 && kSmiTag == 0);
__ sll(t0, a3, 1);
__ Addu(t1, t1, t0);
// Locate first character of result.
__ Addu(a1, v0, Operand(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
from = no_reg;
// v0: result string.
// a1: first character of result.
// a2: result length.
......@@ -6191,75 +6197,14 @@ void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
STATIC_ASSERT((SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize & kObjectAlignmentMask) == 0);
masm, a1, t1, a2, a3, t0, t2, t3, t4, DEST_ALWAYS_ALIGNED);
__ jmp(&return_v0);
if (FLAG_string_slices) {
__ bind(&create_slice);
// v0: original string
// a1: instance type
// a2: length
// a3: from index (untagged smi)
// t2 (a.k.a. to): to (smi)
// t3 (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
Label allocate_slice, sliced_string, seq_or_external_string;
// If the string is not indirect, it can only be sequential or external.
STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask == (kSlicedStringTag & kConsStringTag));
STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask != 0);
__ And(t4, a1, Operand(kIsIndirectStringMask));
// External string. Jump to runtime.
__ Branch(&seq_or_external_string, eq, t4, Operand(zero_reg));
__ And(t4, a1, Operand(kSlicedNotConsMask));
__ Branch(&sliced_string, ne, t4, Operand(zero_reg));
// Cons string. Check whether it is flat, then fetch first part.
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, ConsString::kSecondOffset));
__ LoadRoot(t5, Heap::kEmptyStringRootIndex);
__ Branch(&sub_string_runtime, ne, t1, Operand(t5));
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
__ jmp(&allocate_slice);
__ bind(&sliced_string);
// Sliced string. Fetch parent and correct start index by offset.
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
__ addu(t3, t3, t1);
__ lw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
__ jmp(&allocate_slice);
__ bind(&seq_or_external_string);
// Sequential or external string. Just move string to the correct register.
__ mov(t1, v0);
__ bind(&allocate_slice);
// a1: instance type of original string
// a2: length
// t1: underlying subject string
// t3 (a.k.a. from): from offset (smi)
// Allocate new sliced string. At this point we do not reload the instance
// type including the string encoding because we simply rely on the info
// provided by the original string. It does not matter if the original
// string's encoding is wrong because we always have to recheck encoding of
// the newly created string's parent anyways due to externalized strings.
Label two_byte_slice, set_slice_header;
STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kAsciiStringTag) != 0);
STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
__ And(t4, a1, Operand(kStringEncodingMask));
__ Branch(&two_byte_slice, eq, t4, Operand(zero_reg));
__ AllocateAsciiSlicedString(v0, a2, a3, t0, &sub_string_runtime);
__ jmp(&set_slice_header);
__ bind(&two_byte_slice);
__ AllocateTwoByteSlicedString(v0, a2, a3, t0, &sub_string_runtime);
__ bind(&set_slice_header);
__ sw(t3, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
__ sw(t1, FieldMemOperand(v0, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
__ bind(&return_v0);
Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
__ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1, a3, t0);
__ Addu(sp, sp, Operand(3 * kPointerSize));
__ Ret();
__ DropAndRet(3);
// Just jump to runtime to create the sub string.
__ bind(&sub_string_runtime);
__ bind(&runtime);
__ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kSubString, 3, 1);
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