Commit 1f9bd09f authored by's avatar

Add ScheduleVerifier.

This adds a series of checks to the output of scheduling, including properties
of the RPO order, the dominance relation, phi placement, and the SSA property
that definitions dominate all their uses.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 97c135fa
......@@ -80,3 +80,4 @@ GRTAGS
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -248,11 +248,9 @@ Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCode() {
VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Lowered generic");
// Compute a schedule.
Schedule* schedule = ComputeSchedule(&graph);
// Compute a schedule.
Schedule* schedule = ComputeSchedule(&graph);
// Generate optimized code.
PhaseStats codegen_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CODEGEN, "codegen");
Linkage linkage(info());
......@@ -278,7 +276,10 @@ Handle<Code> Pipeline::GenerateCode() {
Schedule* Pipeline::ComputeSchedule(Graph* graph) {
PhaseStats schedule_stats(info(), PhaseStats::CODEGEN, "scheduling");
return Scheduler::ComputeSchedule(graph);
Schedule* schedule = Scheduler::ComputeSchedule(graph);
if (VerifyGraphs()) ScheduleVerifier::Run(schedule);
return schedule;
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
#include "src/compiler/verifier.h"
#include <deque>
#include <queue>
#include "src/compiler/generic-algorithm.h"
#include "src/compiler/generic-node-inl.h"
#include "src/compiler/generic-node.h"
......@@ -14,6 +17,8 @@
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/compiler/operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/schedule.h"
#include "src/data-flow.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
......@@ -243,6 +248,205 @@ void Verifier::Run(Graph* graph) {
static bool HasDominatingDef(Schedule* schedule, Node* node,
BasicBlock* container, BasicBlock* use_block,
int use_pos) {
BasicBlock* block = use_block;
while (true) {
while (use_pos >= 0) {
if (block->nodes_[use_pos] == node) return true;
block = schedule->dominator(block);
if (block == NULL) break;
use_pos = static_cast<int>(block->nodes_.size()) - 1;
if (node == block->control_input_) return true;
return false;
static void CheckInputsDominate(Schedule* schedule, BasicBlock* block,
Node* node, int use_pos) {
for (int j = OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(node->op()) - 1; j >= 0;
j--) {
BasicBlock* use_block = block;
if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi) {
use_block = use_block->PredecessorAt(j);
use_pos = static_cast<int>(use_block->nodes_.size()) - 1;
Node* input = node->InputAt(j);
if (!HasDominatingDef(schedule, node->InputAt(j), block, use_block,
use_pos)) {
V8_Fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Node #%d:%s in B%d is not dominated by input@%d #%d:%s",
node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic(), block->id(), j, input->id(),
void ScheduleVerifier::Run(Schedule* schedule) {
const int count = schedule->BasicBlockCount();
Zone tmp_zone(schedule->zone()->isolate());
Zone* zone = &tmp_zone;
BasicBlock* start = schedule->start();
BasicBlockVector* rpo_order = schedule->rpo_order();
// Verify the RPO order contains only blocks from this schedule.
CHECK_GE(count, static_cast<int>(rpo_order->size()));
for (BasicBlockVector::iterator b = rpo_order->begin(); b != rpo_order->end();
++b) {
CHECK_EQ((*b), schedule->GetBlockById((*b)->id()));
// Verify RPO numbers of blocks.
CHECK_EQ(start, rpo_order->at(0)); // Start should be first.
for (size_t b = 0; b < rpo_order->size(); b++) {
BasicBlock* block = rpo_order->at(b);
CHECK_EQ(b, block->rpo_number_);
BasicBlock* dom = schedule->dominator(block);
if (b == 0) {
// All blocks except start should have a dominator.
} else {
// Check that the immediate dominator appears somewhere before the block.
CHECK_LT(dom->rpo_number_, block->rpo_number_);
// Verify that all blocks reachable from start are in the RPO.
BoolVector marked(count, false, BoolVector::allocator_type(zone));
std::queue<BasicBlock*> queue;
marked[start->id()] = true;
while (!queue.empty()) {
BasicBlock* block = queue.front();
for (int s = 0; s < block->SuccessorCount(); s++) {
BasicBlock* succ = block->SuccessorAt(s);
if (!marked[succ->id()]) {
marked[succ->id()] = true;
// Verify marked blocks are in the RPO.
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
BasicBlock* block = schedule->GetBlockById(i);
if (marked[i]) {
CHECK_GE(block->rpo_number_, 0);
CHECK_EQ(block, rpo_order->at(block->rpo_number_));
// Verify RPO blocks are marked.
for (size_t b = 0; b < rpo_order->size(); b++) {
// Verify the dominance relation.
ZoneList<BitVector*> dominators(count, zone);
dominators.Initialize(count, zone);
dominators.AddBlock(NULL, count, zone);
// Compute a set of all the nodes that dominate a given node by using
// a forward fixpoint. O(n^2).
std::queue<BasicBlock*> queue;
dominators[start->id()] = new (zone) BitVector(count, zone);
while (!queue.empty()) {
BasicBlock* block = queue.front();
BitVector* block_doms = dominators[block->id()];
BasicBlock* idom = schedule->dominator(block);
if (idom != NULL && !block_doms->Contains(idom->id())) {
V8_Fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Block B%d is not dominated by B%d",
block->id(), idom->id());
for (int s = 0; s < block->SuccessorCount(); s++) {
BasicBlock* succ = block->SuccessorAt(s);
BitVector* succ_doms = dominators[succ->id()];
if (succ_doms == NULL) {
// First time visiting the node. S.vec = B U B.vec
succ_doms = new (zone) BitVector(count, zone);
dominators[succ->id()] = succ_doms;
} else {
// Nth time visiting the successor. S.vec = S.vec ^ (B U B.vec)
bool had = succ_doms->Contains(block->id());
if (had) succ_doms->Remove(block->id());
if (succ_doms->IntersectIsChanged(*block_doms)) queue.push(succ);
if (had) succ_doms->Add(block->id());
// Verify the immediateness of dominators.
for (BasicBlockVector::iterator b = rpo_order->begin();
b != rpo_order->end(); ++b) {
BasicBlock* block = *b;
BasicBlock* idom = schedule->dominator(block);
if (idom == NULL) continue;
BitVector* block_doms = dominators[block->id()];
for (BitVector::Iterator it(block_doms); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
BasicBlock* dom = schedule->GetBlockById(it.Current());
if (dom != idom && !dominators[idom->id()]->Contains(dom->id())) {
V8_Fatal(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Block B%d is not immediately dominated by B%d", block->id(),
// Verify phis are placed in the block of their control input.
for (BasicBlockVector::iterator b = rpo_order->begin(); b != rpo_order->end();
++b) {
for (BasicBlock::const_iterator i = (*b)->begin(); i != (*b)->end(); ++i) {
Node* phi = *i;
if (phi->opcode() != IrOpcode::kPhi) continue;
// TODO(titzer): Nasty special case. Phis from RawMachineAssembler
// schedules don't have control inputs.
if (phi->InputCount() >
OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(phi->op())) {
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(phi);
CHECK(control->opcode() == IrOpcode::kMerge ||
control->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoop);
CHECK_EQ((*b), schedule->block(control));
// Verify that all uses are dominated by their definitions.
for (BasicBlockVector::iterator b = rpo_order->begin(); b != rpo_order->end();
++b) {
BasicBlock* block = *b;
// Check inputs to control for this block.
Node* control = block->control_input_;
if (control != NULL) {
CHECK_EQ(block, schedule->block(control));
CheckInputsDominate(schedule, block, control,
static_cast<int>(block->nodes_.size()) - 1);
// Check inputs for all nodes in the block.
for (size_t i = 0; i < block->nodes_.size(); i++) {
Node* node = block->nodes_[i];
CheckInputsDominate(schedule, block, node, static_cast<int>(i) - 1);
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler
......@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@
#include "src/v8.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
class Graph;
class Schedule;
// Verifies properties of a graph, such as the well-formedness of inputs to
// each node, etc.
class Verifier {
static void Run(Graph* graph);
......@@ -21,6 +24,12 @@ class Verifier {
class Visitor;
// Verifies properties of a schedule, such as dominance, phi placement, etc.
class ScheduleVerifier {
static void Run(Schedule* schedule);
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler
......@@ -137,6 +137,17 @@ class BitVector: public ZoneObject {
bool IntersectIsChanged(const BitVector& other) {
DCHECK(other.length() == length());
bool changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < data_length_; i++) {
uint32_t old_data = data_[i];
data_[i] &= other.data_[i];
if (data_[i] != old_data) changed = true;
return changed;
void Subtract(const BitVector& other) {
DCHECK(other.length() == length());
for (int i = 0; i < data_length_; i++) {
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