Commit 1d1567a3 authored by Mike Stanton's avatar Mike Stanton Committed by Commit Bot

[turbofan] Make serializer environment tracing more readable

Also, when --trace-heap-broker-verbose is on, we trace
bytecode-by-bytecode alterations to the environment.

Change-Id: I535a063cefd57f055711fdd7d7473cb63c963c7f
Reviewed-on: 's avatarMaya Lekova <>
Commit-Queue: Michael Stanton <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#61733}
parent 1aac6a43
......@@ -166,26 +166,6 @@ void JSHeapBroker::IncrementTracingIndentation() { ++trace_indentation_; }
void JSHeapBroker::DecrementTracingIndentation() { --trace_indentation_; }
class TraceScope {
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, const char* label)
: TraceScope(broker, static_cast<void*>(broker), label) {}
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, ObjectData* data, const char* label)
: TraceScope(broker, static_cast<void*>(data), label) {}
~TraceScope() { broker_->DecrementTracingIndentation(); }
JSHeapBroker* const broker_;
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, void* self, const char* label)
: broker_(broker) {
TRACE(broker_, "Running " << label << " on " << self);
PropertyCellData::PropertyCellData(JSHeapBroker* broker, ObjectData** storage,
Handle<PropertyCell> object)
: HeapObjectData(broker, storage, object),
......@@ -820,6 +820,17 @@ struct FeedbackSource {
#define TRACE_BROKER(broker, x) \
do { \
if (FLAG_trace_heap_broker_verbose) broker->Trace() << x << '\n'; \
} while (false)
#define TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker, x) \
do { \
if (FLAG_trace_heap_broker) \
broker->Trace() << __FUNCTION__ << ": missing " << x << '\n'; \
} while (false)
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSHeapBroker {
JSHeapBroker(Isolate* isolate, Zone* broker_zone);
......@@ -901,6 +912,26 @@ class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSHeapBroker {
static const size_t kInitialRefsBucketCount = 1024; // must be power of 2
class TraceScope {
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, const char* label)
: TraceScope(broker, static_cast<void*>(broker), label) {}
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, ObjectData* data, const char* label)
: TraceScope(broker, static_cast<void*>(data), label) {}
TraceScope(JSHeapBroker* broker, void* subject, const char* label)
: broker_(broker) {
TRACE_BROKER(broker_, "Running " << label << " on " << subject);
~TraceScope() { broker_->DecrementTracingIndentation(); }
JSHeapBroker* const broker_;
optionally_something) \
auto optionally_something_ = optionally_something; \
......@@ -916,17 +947,6 @@ Reduction NoChangeBecauseOfMissingData(JSHeapBroker* broker,
// compilation is finished.
bool CanInlineElementAccess(MapRef const& map);
#define TRACE_BROKER(broker, x) \
do { \
if (FLAG_trace_heap_broker_verbose) broker->Trace() << x << '\n'; \
} while (false)
#define TRACE_BROKER_MISSING(broker, x) \
do { \
if (FLAG_trace_heap_broker) \
broker->Trace() << __FUNCTION__ << ": missing " << x << '\n'; \
} while (false)
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
......@@ -67,16 +67,15 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Hints& hints) {
!hints.constants().empty() &&
out << "\t\tConstants (" << hints.constants().size() << "):" << std::endl;
for (auto x : hints.constants()) out << Brief(*x) << std::endl;
!hints.maps().empty() && out << "\t\tMaps (" << hints.maps().size()
<< "):" << std::endl;
for (auto x : hints.maps()) out << Brief(*x) << std::endl;
!hints.function_blueprints().empty() &&
out << "\t\tBlueprints (" << hints.function_blueprints().size()
<< "):" << std::endl;
for (auto x : hints.function_blueprints()) out << x;
for (Handle<Object> constant : hints.constants()) {
out << " constant " << Brief(*constant) << std::endl;
for (Handle<Map> map : hints.maps()) {
out << " map " << Brief(*map) << std::endl;
for (FunctionBlueprint const& blueprint : hints.function_blueprints()) {
out << " blueprint " << blueprint << std::endl;
return out;
......@@ -214,21 +213,43 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& out,
const SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::Environment& env) {
std::ostringstream output_stream;
output_stream << "Function ";
output_stream << "Parameter count: " << env.parameter_count() << std::endl;
output_stream << "Register count: " << env.register_count() << std::endl;
output_stream << "Hints (" << env.environment_hints_.size() << "):\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < env.environment_hints_.size(); ++i) {
if (env.environment_hints_[i].IsEmpty()) continue;
output_stream << "\tSlot " << i << std::endl;
output_stream << env.environment_hints_[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i << env.parameter_count(); ++i) {
Hints const& hints = env.environment_hints_[i];
if (!hints.IsEmpty()) {
output_stream << "Hints for a" << i << ":\n" << hints;
for (size_t i = 0; i << env.register_count(); ++i) {
Hints const& hints = env.environment_hints_[env.parameter_count() + i];
if (!hints.IsEmpty()) {
output_stream << "Hints for r" << i << ":\n" << hints;
Hints const& hints = env.environment_hints_[env.accumulator_index()];
if (!hints.IsEmpty()) {
output_stream << "Hints for <accumulator>:\n" << hints;
Hints const& hints = env.environment_hints_[env.function_closure_index()];
if (!hints.IsEmpty()) {
output_stream << "Hints for <closure>:\n" << hints;
Hints const& hints = env.environment_hints_[env.current_context_index()];
if (!hints.IsEmpty()) {
output_stream << "Hints for <context>:\n" << hints;
Hints const& hints = env.return_value_hints_;
if (!hints.IsEmpty()) {
output_stream << "Hints for {return value}:\n" << hints;
output_stream << "Return value:\n";
output_stream << env.return_value_hints_
<< "===========================================\n";
out << output_stream.str();
return out;
......@@ -269,6 +290,10 @@ SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::SerializerForBackgroundCompilation(
environment_(new (zone) Environment(zone, broker_->isolate(), function,
new_target, arguments)),
stashed_environments_(zone) {
TraceScope tracer(
broker_, this,
TRACE_BROKER(broker_, "Initial environment:\n" << *environment_);
Handle<JSFunction> closure;
if (function.closure().ToHandle(&closure)) {
JSFunctionRef(broker, closure).Serialize();
......@@ -276,10 +301,14 @@ SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::SerializerForBackgroundCompilation(
Hints SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::Run() {
TraceScope tracer(broker(), this, "SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::Run");
SharedFunctionInfoRef shared(broker(), environment()->function().shared);
FeedbackVectorRef feedback_vector(broker(),
if (shared.IsSerializedForCompilation(feedback_vector)) {
TRACE_BROKER(broker(), "Already ran serializer for SharedFunctionInfo "
<< Brief(*shared.object())
<< ", bailing out.\n");
return Hints(zone());
......@@ -305,6 +334,12 @@ void SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::TraverseBytecode() {
for (; !iterator.done(); iterator.Advance()) {
"Handling bytecode: " << iterator.current_offset() << " "
<< iterator.current_bytecode());
TRACE_BROKER(broker(), "Current environment:\n" << *environment());
switch (iterator.current_bytecode()) {
#define DEFINE_BYTECODE_CASE(name) \
case interpreter::Bytecode::k##name: \
......@@ -578,9 +613,6 @@ Hints SerializerForBackgroundCompilation::RunChildSerializer(
return RunChildSerializer(function, new_target, padded, false);
TRACE_BROKER(broker(), "Will run child serializer with environment:\n"
<< *environment());
SerializerForBackgroundCompilation child_serializer(
broker(), dependencies(), zone(), function, new_target, arguments,
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