Enhancing profiling data processing code with functionality needed for the Dev Tools Profiler.


 - added properties / functions in view objects needed for WebKit's ProfileView;

 - added ability to count profiles for specific functions.

The tickprocessor functionality does not affected.

Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/99181

git-svn-id: http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@1823 ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 9156ed9e
......@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@ ProfileTestDriver.prototype.execute = function() {
......@@ -149,14 +153,14 @@ function Inherits(childCtor, parentCtor) {
Driver.prototype.enter = function(func) {
assertNoPathExists(this.profile.getTopDownTreeRoot(), this.namesTopDown,
assertNoPathExists(this.profile.getTopDownProfile().getRoot(), this.namesTopDown,
'pre enter/topDown');
assertNoPathExists(this.profile.getBottomUpTreeRoot(), this.namesBottomUp,
assertNoPathExists(this.profile.getBottomUpProfile().getRoot(), this.namesBottomUp,
'pre enter/bottomUp');
Driver.superClass_.enter.call(this, func);
assertPathExists(this.profile.getTopDownTreeRoot(), this.namesTopDown,
assertPathExists(this.profile.getTopDownProfile().getRoot(), this.namesTopDown,
'post enter/topDown');
assertPathExists(this.profile.getBottomUpTreeRoot(), this.namesBottomUp,
assertPathExists(this.profile.getBottomUpProfile().getRoot(), this.namesBottomUp,
'post enter/bottomUp');
......@@ -196,8 +200,8 @@ function assertNodeWeights(root, path, selfTicks, totalTicks) {
var pathWeights = [
[['lib1-f1'], 1, 14],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2'], 2, 13],
[['lib1-f1'], 1, 16],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2'], 2, 15],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1'], 2, 11],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1', 'T: F2'], 1, 1],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1', 'lib2-f1'], 2, 3],
......@@ -205,10 +209,12 @@ function assertNodeWeights(root, path, selfTicks, totalTicks) {
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1', 'T: F3'], 1, 5],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1', 'T: F3', 'T: F3'], 1, 4],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1', 'T: F3', 'T: F3', 'T: F3'], 1, 1],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1', 'T: F3', 'T: F3', 'T: F2'], 2, 2]
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'T: F1', 'T: F3', 'T: F3', 'T: F2'], 2, 2],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'lib2-f1'], 1, 2],
[['lib1-f1', 'lib1-f2', 'lib2-f1', 'lib1-f1'], 1, 1]
var root = testDriver.profile.getTopDownTreeRoot();
var root = testDriver.profile.getTopDownProfile().getRoot();
for (var i = 0; i < pathWeights.length; ++i) {
var data = pathWeights[i];
assertNodeWeights(root, data[0], data[1], data[2]);
......@@ -221,6 +227,7 @@ function assertNodeWeights(root, path, selfTicks, totalTicks) {
this.namesTopDown = [''];
this.counters = {};
this.root = null;
Inherits(Driver, ProfileTestDriver);
......@@ -262,16 +269,26 @@ function assertNodeWeights(root, path, selfTicks, totalTicks) {
Driver.prototype.extractRoot = function() {
assertTrue('' in this.counters);
this.root = this.counters[''];
delete this.counters[''];
var testDriver = new Driver();
var counted = 0;
for (var c in testDriver.counters) {
var flatProfile =
var flatProfileRoot = testDriver.profile.getFlatProfile().getRoot();
assertEquals(testDriver.root.self, flatProfileRoot.selfWeight);
assertEquals(testDriver.root.total, flatProfileRoot.totalWeight);
var flatProfile = flatProfileRoot.exportChildren();
assertEquals(counted, flatProfile.length, 'counted vs. flatProfile');
for (var i = 0; i < flatProfile.length; ++i) {
var rec = flatProfile[i];
......@@ -282,3 +299,50 @@ function assertNodeWeights(root, path, selfTicks, totalTicks) {
(function testFunctionCalleesProfileTicks() {
var testDriver = new ProfileTestDriver();
var pathWeights = [
[['lib2-f1'], 3, 5],
[['lib2-f1', 'lib2-f1'], 1, 1],
[['lib2-f1', 'lib1-f1'], 1, 1]
var profile = testDriver.profile.getTopDownProfile('lib2-f1');
var root = profile.getRoot();
for (var i = 0; i < pathWeights.length; ++i) {
var data = pathWeights[i];
assertNodeWeights(root, data[0], data[1], data[2]);
(function testFunctionFlatProfileTicks() {
var testDriver = new ProfileTestDriver();
var flatWeights = {
'lib2-f1': [1, 1],
'lib1-f1': [1, 1]
var flatProfileRoot =
assertEquals(3, flatProfileRoot.selfWeight);
assertEquals(5, flatProfileRoot.totalWeight);
var flatProfile = flatProfileRoot.exportChildren();
assertEquals(2, flatProfile.length, 'counted vs. flatProfile');
for (var i = 0; i < flatProfile.length; ++i) {
var rec = flatProfile[i];
assertTrue(rec.label in flatWeights, 'uncounted: ' + rec.label);
var reference = flatWeights[rec.label];
assertEquals(reference[0], rec.selfWeight, 'self of ' + rec.label);
assertEquals(reference[1], rec.totalWeight, 'total of ' + rec.label);
......@@ -185,25 +185,7 @@ devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.resolveAndFilterFuncs_ = function(stack) {
* Returns the root of the top down call graph.
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getTopDownTreeRoot = function() {
return this.topDownTree_.getRoot();
* Returns the root of the bottom up call graph.
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getBottomUpTreeRoot = function() {
return this.bottomUpTree_.getRoot();
* Traverses the top down call graph in preorder.
* Performs a BF traversal of the top down call graph.
* @param {function(devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node)} f Visitor function.
......@@ -213,7 +195,7 @@ devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.traverseTopDownTree = function(f) {
* Traverses the bottom up call graph in preorder.
* Performs a BF traversal of the bottom up call graph.
* @param {function(devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node)} f Visitor function.
......@@ -223,60 +205,96 @@ devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.traverseBottomUpTree = function(f) {
* Calculates a top down profile starting from the specified node.
* Calculates a top down profile for a node with the specified label.
* If no name specified, returns the whole top down calls tree.
* @param {devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node} opt_root Starting node.
* @param {string} opt_label Node label.
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getTopDownProfile = function(opt_root) {
if (!opt_root) {
return this.topDownTree_;
} else {
throw Error('not implemented');
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getTopDownProfile = function(opt_label) {
return this.getTreeProfile_(this.topDownTree_, opt_label);
* Calculates a bottom up profile for a node with the specified label.
* If no name specified, returns the whole bottom up calls tree.
* @param {string} opt_label Node label.
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getBottomUpProfile = function(opt_label) {
return this.getTreeProfile_(this.bottomUpTree_, opt_label);
* Calculates a bottom up profile starting from the specified node.
* Helper function for calculating a tree profile.
* @param {devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node} opt_root Starting node.
* @param {devtools.profiler.Profile.CallTree} tree Call tree.
* @param {string} opt_label Node label.
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getBottomUpProfile = function(opt_root) {
if (!opt_root) {
return this.bottomUpTree_;
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getTreeProfile_ = function(tree, opt_label) {
if (!opt_label) {
return tree;
} else {
throw Error('not implemented');
var subTree = tree.cloneSubtree(opt_label);
return subTree;
* Calculates a flat profile of callees starting from the specified node.
* Calculates a flat profile of callees starting from a node with
* the specified label. If no name specified, starts from the root.
* @param {devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node} opt_root Starting node.
* @param {string} opt_label Starting node label.
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getFlatProfile = function(opt_root) {
devtools.profiler.Profile.prototype.getFlatProfile = function(opt_label) {
var counters = new devtools.profiler.CallTree();
var rootLabel = opt_label || devtools.profiler.CallTree.ROOT_NODE_LABEL;
var precs = {};
precs[rootLabel] = 0;
var root = counters.findOrAddChild(rootLabel);
function onEnter(node) {
if (!(node.label in precs)) {
precs[node.label] = 0;
var rec = counters.findOrAddChild(node.label);
rec.selfWeight += node.selfWeight;
if (precs[node.label] == 0) {
rec.totalWeight += node.totalWeight;
var nodeLabelIsRootLabel = node.label == rootLabel;
if (nodeLabelIsRootLabel || precs[rootLabel] > 0) {
if (precs[rootLabel] == 0) {
root.selfWeight += node.selfWeight;
root.totalWeight += node.totalWeight;
} else {
var rec = root.findOrAddChild(node.label);
rec.selfWeight += node.selfWeight;
if (nodeLabelIsRootLabel || precs[node.label] == 0) {
rec.totalWeight += node.totalWeight;
function onExit(node) {
if (node.label == rootLabel || precs[rootLabel] > 0) {
if (!opt_label) {
// If we have created a flat profile for the whole program, we don't
// need an explicit root in it. Thus, replace the counters tree
// root with the node corresponding to the whole program.
counters.root_ = root;
} else {
// Propagate weights so percents can be calculated correctly.
counters.getRoot().selfWeight = root.selfWeight;
counters.getRoot().totalWeight = root.totalWeight;
return counters;
......@@ -316,10 +334,17 @@ devtools.profiler.Profile.DynamicCodeEntry.prototype.getName = function() {
* @constructor
devtools.profiler.CallTree = function() {
this.root_ = new devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node('');
this.root_ = new devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node(
* The label of the root node.
devtools.profiler.CallTree.ROOT_NODE_LABEL = '';
* @private
......@@ -359,10 +384,38 @@ devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.addPath = function(path) {
* @param {string} label Child node label.
devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.findOrAddChild = function(
label, opt_parent) {
var parent = opt_parent || this.root_;
return parent.findOrAddChild(label);
devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.findOrAddChild = function(label) {
return this.root_.findOrAddChild(label);
* Creates a subtree by cloning and merging all subtrees rooted at nodes
* with a given label. E.g. cloning the following call tree on label 'A'
* will give the following result:
* <A>--<B> <B>
* / /
* <root> == clone on 'A' ==> <root>--<A>
* \ \
* <C>--<A>--<D> <D>
* And <A>'s selfWeight will be the sum of selfWeights of <A>'s from the
* source call tree.
* @param {string} label The label of the new root node.
devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.cloneSubtree = function(label) {
var subTree = new devtools.profiler.CallTree();
this.traverse(function(node, parent) {
if (!parent && node.label != label) {
return null;
var child = (parent ? parent : subTree).findOrAddChild(node.label);
child.selfWeight += node.selfWeight;
return child;
return subTree;
......@@ -392,11 +445,10 @@ devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.computeTotalWeights = function() {
* @param {function(devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node, *)} f Visitor function.
* The second parameter is the result of calling 'f' on the parent node.
* @param {devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node} opt_start Starting node.
devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.traverse = function(f, opt_start) {
devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.traverse = function(f) {
var pairsToProcess = new ConsArray();
pairsToProcess.concat([{node: opt_start || this.root_, param: null}]);
pairsToProcess.concat([{node: this.root_, param: null}]);
while (!pairsToProcess.atEnd()) {
var pair = pairsToProcess.next();
var node = pair.node;
......@@ -416,16 +468,14 @@ devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.traverse = function(f, opt_start) {
* prior to visiting node's children.
* @param {function(devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node)} exit A function called
* after visiting node's children.
* @param {devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node} opt_start Starting node.
devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.traverseInDepth = function(
enter, exit, opt_start) {
devtools.profiler.CallTree.prototype.traverseInDepth = function(enter, exit) {
function traverse(node) {
traverse(opt_start || this.root_);
......@@ -507,8 +557,7 @@ devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node.prototype.findChild = function(label) {
* @param {string} label Child node label.
devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node.prototype.findOrAddChild = function(
label) {
devtools.profiler.CallTree.Node.prototype.findOrAddChild = function(label) {
return this.findChild(label) || this.addChild(label);
......@@ -77,6 +77,26 @@ devtools.profiler.ViewBuilder.prototype.buildView = function(
devtools.profiler.ProfileView = function(head) {
this.head = head;
this.title = '';
this.uid = '';
this.heavyProfile = null;
this.treeProfile = null;
this.flatProfile = null;
* Updates references between profiles. This is needed for WebKit
* ProfileView.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.updateProfilesRefs = function() {
var profileNames = ["treeProfile", "heavyProfile", "flatProfile"];
for (var i = 0; i < profileNames.length; ++i) {
var destProfile = this[profileNames[i]];
for (var j = 0; j < profileNames.length; ++j) {
destProfile[profileNames[j]] = this[profileNames[j]];
......@@ -94,6 +114,73 @@ devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.sort = function(sortFunc) {
* Sorts the profile view by self time, ascending.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.sortSelfTimeAscending = function() {
this.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return node1.selfTime - node2.selfTime; });
* Sorts the profile view by self time, descending.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.sortSelfTimeDescending = function() {
this.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return node2.selfTime - node1.selfTime; });
* Sorts the profile view by total time, ascending.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.sortTotalTimeAscending = function() {
this.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return node1.totalTime - node2.totalTime; });
* Sorts the profile view by total time, descending.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.sortTotalTimeDescending = function() {
this.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return node2.totalTime - node1.totalTime; });
* String comparator compatible with Array.sort requirements.
* @param {string} s1 First string.
* @param {string} s2 Second string.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.compareStrings = function(s1, s2) {
return s1 < s2 ? -1 : (s1 > s2 ? 1 : 0);
* Sorts the profile view by function name, ascending.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.sortFunctionNameAscending = function() {
this.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return devtools.profiler.ProfileView.compareStrings(
node1.functionName, node2.functionName); });
* Sorts the profile view by function name, descending.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.sortFunctionNameDescending = function() {
this.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return devtools.profiler.ProfileView.compareStrings(
node2.functionName, node1.functionName); });
* Traverses profile view nodes in preorder.
......@@ -125,12 +212,63 @@ devtools.profiler.ProfileView.prototype.traverse = function(f) {
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node = function(
internalFuncName, totalTime, selfTime, head) {
this.callIdentifier = 0;
this.internalFuncName = internalFuncName;
this.totalTime = totalTime;
this.selfTime = selfTime;
this.head = head;
this.parent = null;
this.children = [];
this.visible = true;
* RegEx for stripping V8's prefixes of compiled functions.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node.FUNC_NAME_STRIP_RE =
/^(?:LazyCompile|Function): (.*)$/;
* RegEx for extracting script source URL and line number.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node.FUNC_NAME_PARSE_RE = /^([^ ]+) (.*):(\d+)$/;
* RegEx for removing protocol name from URL.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node.URL_PARSE_RE = /^(?:http:\/)?.*\/([^/]+)$/;
* Inits 'functionName', 'url', and 'lineNumber' fields using 'internalFuncName'
* field.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node.prototype.initFuncInfo = function() {
var nodeAlias = devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node;
this.functionName = this.internalFuncName;
var strippedName = nodeAlias.FUNC_NAME_STRIP_RE.exec(this.functionName);
if (strippedName) {
this.functionName = strippedName[1];
var parsedName = nodeAlias.FUNC_NAME_PARSE_RE.exec(this.functionName);
if (parsedName) {
this.url = parsedName[2];
var parsedUrl = nodeAlias.URL_PARSE_RE.exec(this.url);
if (parsedUrl) {
this.url = parsedUrl[1];
this.functionName = parsedName[1];
this.lineNumber = parsedName[3];
} else {
this.url = '';
this.lineNumber = 0;
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
// A namespace stub. It will become more clear how to declare it properly
// during integration of this script into Dev Tools.
goog = { structs: {} };
var goog = goog || {};
goog.structs = goog.structs || {};
......@@ -273,6 +273,10 @@ TickProcessor.prototype.printStatistics = function() {
this.printCounter(this.ticks_.unaccounted, this.ticks_.total);
// Disable initialization of 'funcName', 'url', 'lineNumber' as
// we don't use it and it just wastes time.
devtools.profiler.ProfileView.Node.prototype.initFuncInfo = function() {};
var flatProfile = this.profile_.getFlatProfile();
var flatView = this.viewBuilder_.buildView(flatProfile);
// Sort by self time, desc, then by name, desc.
......@@ -361,8 +365,7 @@ TickProcessor.prototype.processProfile = function(
profile, filterP, func) {
for (var i = 0, n = profile.length; i < n; ++i) {
var rec = profile[i];
// An empty record corresponds to a tree root.
if (!rec.internalFuncName || !filterP(rec.internalFuncName)) {
if (!filterP(rec.internalFuncName)) {
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