Commit 14e0dd5e authored by's avatar

Remove custom JSON implementation from d8.

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git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent cab2719f
......@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ RequestPacket.prototype.toJSONProtocol = function() {
json += '"seq":' + this.seq;
json += ',"type":"' + this.type + '"';
if (this.command) {
json += ',"command":' + StringToJSON_(this.command);
json += ',"command":' + JSON.stringify(this.command);
if (this.arguments) {
json += ',"arguments":';
......@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ RequestPacket.prototype.toJSONProtocol = function() {
if (this.arguments.toJSONProtocol) {
json += this.arguments.toJSONProtocol();
} else {
json += SimpleObjectToJSON_(this.arguments);
json += JSON.stringify(this.arguments);
json += '}';
......@@ -1965,214 +1965,6 @@ ProtocolReference.prototype.handle = function() {
function MakeJSONPair_(name, value) {
return '"' + name + '":' + value;
function ArrayToJSONObject_(content) {
return '{' + content.join(',') + '}';
function ArrayToJSONArray_(content) {
return '[' + content.join(',') + ']';
function BooleanToJSON_(value) {
return String(value);
function NumberToJSON_(value) {
return String(value);
// Mapping of some control characters to avoid the \uXXXX syntax for most
// commonly used control cahracters.
var ctrlCharMap_ = {
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
// Regular expression testing for ", \ and control characters (0x00 - 0x1F).
var ctrlCharTest_ = new RegExp('["\\\\\x00-\x1F]');
// Regular expression matching ", \ and control characters (0x00 - 0x1F)
// globally.
var ctrlCharMatch_ = new RegExp('["\\\\\x00-\x1F]', 'g');
* Convert a String to its JSON representation (see To
* avoid depending on the String object this method calls the functions in
* string.js directly and not through the value.
* @param {String} value The String value to format as JSON
* @return {string} JSON formatted String value
function StringToJSON_(value) {
// Check for" , \ and control characters (0x00 - 0x1F). No need to call
// RegExpTest as ctrlchar is constructed using RegExp.
if (ctrlCharTest_.test(value)) {
// Replace ", \ and control characters (0x00 - 0x1F).
return '"' +
value.replace(ctrlCharMatch_, function (char) {
// Use charmap if possible.
var mapped = ctrlCharMap_[char];
if (mapped) return mapped;
mapped = char.charCodeAt();
// Convert control character to unicode escape sequence.
return '\\u00' +
'0' + // TODO %NumberToRadixString(Math.floor(mapped / 16), 16) +
'0'; // TODO %NumberToRadixString(mapped % 16, 16)
+ '"';
// Simple string with no special characters.
return '"' + value + '"';
* Convert a Date to ISO 8601 format. To avoid depending on the Date object
* this method calls the functions in date.js directly and not through the
* value.
* @param {Date} value The Date value to format as JSON
* @return {string} JSON formatted Date value
function DateToISO8601_(value) {
var f = function(n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
var g = function(n) {
return n < 10 ? '00' + n : n < 100 ? '0' + n : n;
return builtins.GetUTCFullYearFrom(value) + '-' +
f(builtins.GetUTCMonthFrom(value) + 1) + '-' +
f(builtins.GetUTCDateFrom(value)) + 'T' +
f(builtins.GetUTCHoursFrom(value)) + ':' +
f(builtins.GetUTCMinutesFrom(value)) + ':' +
f(builtins.GetUTCSecondsFrom(value)) + '.' +
g(builtins.GetUTCMillisecondsFrom(value)) + 'Z';
* Convert a Date to ISO 8601 format. To avoid depending on the Date object
* this method calls the functions in date.js directly and not through the
* value.
* @param {Date} value The Date value to format as JSON
* @return {string} JSON formatted Date value
function DateToJSON_(value) {
return '"' + DateToISO8601_(value) + '"';
* Convert an Object to its JSON representation (see
* This implementation simply runs through all string property names and adds
* each property to the JSON representation for some predefined types. For type
* "object" the function calls itself recursively unless the object has the
* function property "toJSONProtocol" in which case that is used. This is not
* a general implementation but sufficient for the debugger. Note that circular
* structures will cause infinite recursion.
* @param {Object} object The object to format as JSON
* @return {string} JSON formatted object value
function SimpleObjectToJSON_(object) {
var content = [];
for (var key in object) {
// Only consider string keys.
if (typeof key == 'string') {
var property_value = object[key];
// Format the value based on its type.
var property_value_json;
switch (typeof property_value) {
case 'object':
if (IS_NULL(property_value)) {
property_value_json = 'null';
} else if (typeof property_value.toJSONProtocol == 'function') {
property_value_json = property_value.toJSONProtocol(true);
} else if ( == 'Array'){
property_value_json = SimpleArrayToJSON_(property_value);
} else {
property_value_json = SimpleObjectToJSON_(property_value);
case 'boolean':
property_value_json = BooleanToJSON_(property_value);
case 'number':
property_value_json = NumberToJSON_(property_value);
case 'string':
property_value_json = StringToJSON_(property_value);
property_value_json = null;
// Add the property if relevant.
if (property_value_json) {
content.push(StringToJSON_(key) + ':' + property_value_json);
// Make JSON object representation.
return '{' + content.join(',') + '}';
* Convert an array to its JSON representation. This is a VERY simple
* implementation just to support what is needed for the debugger.
* @param {Array} arrya The array to format as JSON
* @return {string} JSON formatted array value
function SimpleArrayToJSON_(array) {
// Make JSON array representation.
var json = '[';
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
json += ',';
var elem = array[i];
if (elem.toJSONProtocol) {
json += elem.toJSONProtocol(true);
} else if (typeof(elem) === 'object') {
json += SimpleObjectToJSON_(elem);
} else if (typeof(elem) === 'boolean') {
json += BooleanToJSON_(elem);
} else if (typeof(elem) === 'number') {
json += NumberToJSON_(elem);
} else if (typeof(elem) === 'string') {
json += StringToJSON_(elem);
} else {
json += elem;
json += ']';
return json;
// A more universal stringify that supports more types than JSON.
// Used by the d8 shell to output results.
var stringifyDepthLimit = 4; // To avoid crashing on cyclic objects
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