Commit 095aef6d authored by's avatar Committed by Commit bot

X87: RESUBMITTING: Bogus assert prevented chromium roll.

  port c2de9611(r35440)

  original commit message:
  Visit the Optimized Code Map on first call rather than closure creation.

  This is useful for escape analysis, and helps upcoming changes to
  type feedback gathering.


Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#35558}
parent 48f0597d
......@@ -828,6 +828,154 @@ void Builtins::Generate_InterpreterEnterBytecodeDispatch(MacroAssembler* masm) {
void Builtins::Generate_CompileLazy(MacroAssembler* masm) {
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- eax : argument count (preserved for callee)
// -- edx : new target (preserved for callee)
// -- edi : target function (preserved for callee)
// -----------------------------------
// First lookup code, maybe we don't need to compile!
Label gotta_call_runtime, gotta_call_runtime_no_stack;
Label maybe_call_runtime;
Label try_shared;
Label loop_top, loop_bottom;
Register closure = edi;
Register new_target = edx;
Register argument_count = eax;
__ push(argument_count);
__ push(new_target);
__ push(closure);
Register map = argument_count;
Register index = ebx;
__ mov(map, FieldOperand(closure, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
__ mov(map, FieldOperand(map, SharedFunctionInfo::kOptimizedCodeMapOffset));
__ mov(index, FieldOperand(map, FixedArray::kLengthOffset));
__ cmp(index, Immediate(Smi::FromInt(2)));
__ j(less, &gotta_call_runtime);
// Find literals.
// edx : native context
// ebx : length / index
// eax : optimized code map
// stack[0] : new target
// stack[4] : closure
Register native_context = edx;
__ mov(native_context, NativeContextOperand());
__ bind(&loop_top);
Register temp = edi;
// Does the native context match?
__ mov(temp, FieldOperand(map, index, times_half_pointer_size,
__ mov(temp, FieldOperand(temp, WeakCell::kValueOffset));
__ cmp(temp, native_context);
__ j(not_equal, &loop_bottom);
// OSR id set to none?
__ mov(temp, FieldOperand(map, index, times_half_pointer_size,
const int bailout_id = BailoutId::None().ToInt();
__ cmp(temp, Immediate(Smi::FromInt(bailout_id)));
__ j(not_equal, &loop_bottom);
// Literals available?
__ mov(temp, FieldOperand(map, index, times_half_pointer_size,
__ mov(temp, FieldOperand(temp, WeakCell::kValueOffset));
__ JumpIfSmi(temp, &gotta_call_runtime);
// Save the literals in the closure.
__ mov(ecx, Operand(esp, 0));
__ mov(FieldOperand(ecx, JSFunction::kLiteralsOffset), temp);
__ push(index);
__ RecordWriteField(ecx, JSFunction::kLiteralsOffset, temp, index,
__ pop(index);
// Code available?
Register entry = ecx;
__ mov(entry, FieldOperand(map, index, times_half_pointer_size,
__ mov(entry, FieldOperand(entry, WeakCell::kValueOffset));
__ JumpIfSmi(entry, &maybe_call_runtime);
// Found literals and code. Get them into the closure and return.
__ pop(closure);
// Store code entry in the closure.
__ lea(entry, FieldOperand(entry, Code::kHeaderSize));
Label install_optimized_code_and_tailcall;
__ bind(&install_optimized_code_and_tailcall);
__ mov(FieldOperand(closure, JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset), entry);
__ RecordWriteCodeEntryField(closure, entry, eax);
// Link the closure into the optimized function list.
// ecx : code entry
// edx : native context
// edi : closure
__ mov(ebx,
ContextOperand(native_context, Context::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTIONS_LIST));
__ mov(FieldOperand(closure, JSFunction::kNextFunctionLinkOffset), ebx);
__ RecordWriteField(closure, JSFunction::kNextFunctionLinkOffset, ebx, eax,
const int function_list_offset =
__ mov(ContextOperand(native_context, Context::OPTIMIZED_FUNCTIONS_LIST),
// Save closure before the write barrier.
__ mov(ebx, closure);
__ RecordWriteContextSlot(native_context, function_list_offset, closure, eax,
__ mov(closure, ebx);
__ pop(new_target);
__ pop(argument_count);
__ jmp(entry);
__ bind(&loop_bottom);
__ sub(index, Immediate(Smi::FromInt(SharedFunctionInfo::kEntryLength)));
__ cmp(index, Immediate(Smi::FromInt(1)));
__ j(greater, &loop_top);
// We found neither literals nor code.
__ jmp(&gotta_call_runtime);
__ bind(&maybe_call_runtime);
__ pop(closure);
// Last possibility. Check the context free optimized code map entry.
__ mov(entry, FieldOperand(map, FixedArray::kHeaderSize +
__ mov(entry, FieldOperand(entry, WeakCell::kValueOffset));
__ JumpIfSmi(entry, &try_shared);
// Store code entry in the closure.
__ lea(entry, FieldOperand(entry, Code::kHeaderSize));
__ jmp(&install_optimized_code_and_tailcall);
__ bind(&try_shared);
__ pop(new_target);
__ pop(argument_count);
// Is the full code valid?
__ mov(entry, FieldOperand(closure, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
__ mov(entry, FieldOperand(entry, SharedFunctionInfo::kCodeOffset));
__ mov(ebx, FieldOperand(entry, Code::kFlagsOffset));
__ and_(ebx, Code::KindField::kMask);
__ shr(ebx, Code::KindField::kShift);
__ cmp(ebx, Immediate(Code::BUILTIN));
__ j(equal, &gotta_call_runtime_no_stack);
// Yes, install the full code.
__ lea(entry, FieldOperand(entry, Code::kHeaderSize));
__ mov(FieldOperand(closure, JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset), entry);
__ RecordWriteCodeEntryField(closure, entry, ebx);
__ jmp(entry);
__ bind(&gotta_call_runtime);
__ pop(closure);
__ pop(new_target);
__ pop(argument_count);
__ bind(&gotta_call_runtime_no_stack);
GenerateTailCallToReturnedCode(masm, Runtime::kCompileLazy);
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