Commit 07e1bb76 authored by's avatar

Port specialized constructor code for constructing simple objects to x64.

See for description. The x64 implementation follows the ia32 except it uses some additional registers to avoid spilling to the stack. Also tweaked the ia32 version a bit.

git-svn-id: ce2b1a6d-e550-0410-aec6-3dcde31c8c00
parent 74241d51
......@@ -1790,22 +1790,20 @@ Object* ConstructStubCompiler::CompileConstructStub(
// Allocated the JSObject, now initialize the fields and add the heap tag.
// ebx: initial map
// edx: JSObject
// edx: JSObject (untagged)
__ mov(Operand(edx, JSObject::kMapOffset), ebx);
__ mov(ebx, Factory::empty_fixed_array());
__ mov(Operand(edx, JSObject::kPropertiesOffset), ebx);
__ mov(Operand(edx, JSObject::kElementsOffset), ebx);
__ or_(Operand(edx), Immediate(kHeapObjectTag));
// Push the allocated object to the stack. This is the object that will be
// returned.
// returned (after it is tagged).
__ push(edx);
// eax: argc
// edx: JSObject
// edx: JSObject (untagged)
// Load the address of the first in-object property into edx.
__ lea(edx, Operand(edx, JSObject::kHeaderSize));
__ xor_(Operand(edx), Immediate(kHeapObjectTag)); // Clear heap object tag.
// Calculate the location of the first argument. The stack contains the
// allocated object and the return address on top of the argc arguments.
__ lea(ecx, Operand(esp, eax, times_4, 1 * kPointerSize));
......@@ -1846,9 +1844,10 @@ Object* ConstructStubCompiler::CompileConstructStub(
__ mov(Operand(edx, i * kPointerSize), edi);
// Move argc to ebx and retreive the JSObject to return.
// Move argc to ebx and retrieve and tag the JSObject to return.
__ mov(ebx, eax);
__ pop(eax);
__ or_(Operand(eax), Immediate(kHeapObjectTag));
// Remove caller arguments and receiver from the stack and return.
__ pop(ecx);
......@@ -1738,9 +1738,127 @@ void StubCompiler::GenerateLoadConstant(JSObject* object,
// Specialized stub for constructing objects from functions which only have only
// simple assignments of the form this.x = ...; in their body.
Object* ConstructStubCompiler::CompileConstructStub(
SharedFunctionInfo* shared) {
// Not implemented yet - just jump to generic stub.
// ----------- S t a t e -------------
// -- rax : argc
// -- rdi : constructor
// -- rsp[0] : return address
// -- rsp[4] : last argument
// -----------------------------------
Label generic_stub_call;
// Use r8 for holding undefined which is used in several places below.
__ Move(r8, Factory::undefined_value());
// Check to see whether there are any break points in the function code. If
// there are jump to the generic constructor stub which calls the actual
// code for the function thereby hitting the break points.
__ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset));
__ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, SharedFunctionInfo::kDebugInfoOffset));
__ cmpq(rbx, r8);
__ j(not_equal, &generic_stub_call);
// Load the initial map and verify that it is in fact a map.
__ movq(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset));
// Will both indicate a NULL and a Smi.
__ testq(rbx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
__ j(zero, &generic_stub_call);
__ CmpObjectType(rbx, MAP_TYPE, rcx);
__ j(not_equal, &generic_stub_call);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Cannot construct functions this way.
// rdi: constructor
// rbx: initial map
__ CmpInstanceType(rbx, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE);
__ Assert(not_equal, "Function constructed by construct stub.");
// Now allocate the JSObject in new space.
// rdi: constructor
// rbx: initial map
__ movzxbq(rcx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceSizeOffset));
__ shl(rcx, Immediate(kPointerSizeLog2));
// Make sure that the maximum heap object size will never cause us
// problems here.
ASSERT(Heap::MaxObjectSizeInPagedSpace() >= JSObject::kMaxInstanceSize);
__ AllocateObjectInNewSpace(rcx, rdx, rcx, no_reg, &generic_stub_call, false);
// Allocated the JSObject, now initialize the fields and add the heap tag.
// rbx: initial map
// rdx: JSObject (untagged)
__ movq(Operand(rdx, JSObject::kMapOffset), rbx);
__ Move(rbx, Factory::empty_fixed_array());
__ movq(Operand(rdx, JSObject::kPropertiesOffset), rbx);
__ movq(Operand(rdx, JSObject::kElementsOffset), rbx);
// rax: argc
// rdx: JSObject (untagged)
// Load the address of the first in-object property into r9.
__ lea(r9, Operand(rdx, JSObject::kHeaderSize));
// Calculate the location of the first argument. The stack contains only the
// return address on top of the argc arguments.
__ lea(rcx, Operand(rsp, rax, times_pointer_size, 0));
// rax: argc
// rcx: first argument
// rdx: JSObject (untagged)
// r8: undefined
// r9: first in-object property of the JSObject
// Fill the initialized properties with a constant value or a passed argument
// depending on the this.x = ...; assignment in the function.
for (int i = 0; i < shared->this_property_assignments_count(); i++) {
if (shared->IsThisPropertyAssignmentArgument(i)) {
Label not_passed;
// Set the property to undefined.
__ movq(Operand(r9, i * kPointerSize), r8);
// Check if the argument assigned to the property is actually passed.
int arg_number = shared->GetThisPropertyAssignmentArgument(i);
__ cmpq(rax, Immediate(arg_number));
__ j(below_equal, &not_passed);
// Argument passed - find it on the stack.
__ movq(rbx, Operand(rcx, arg_number * -kPointerSize));
__ movq(Operand(r9, i * kPointerSize), rbx);
__ bind(&not_passed);
} else {
// Set the property to the constant value.
Handle<Object> constant(shared->GetThisPropertyAssignmentConstant(i));
__ Move(Operand(r9, i * kPointerSize), constant);
// Fill the unused in-object property fields with undefined.
for (int i = shared->this_property_assignments_count();
i < shared->CalculateInObjectProperties();
i++) {
__ movq(Operand(r9, i * kPointerSize), r8);
// rax: argc
// rdx: JSObject (untagged)
// Move argc to rbx and the JSObject to return to rax and tag it.
__ movq(rbx, rax);
__ movq(rax, rdx);
__ or_(rax, Immediate(kHeapObjectTag));
// rax: JSObject
// rbx: argc
// Remove caller arguments and receiver from the stack and return.
__ pop(rcx);
__ lea(rsp, Operand(rsp, rbx, times_pointer_size, 1 * kPointerSize));
__ push(rcx);
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::constructed_objects, 1);
__ IncrementCounter(&Counters::constructed_objects_stub, 1);
__ ret(0);
// Jump to the generic stub in case the specialized code cannot handle the
// construction.
__ bind(&generic_stub_call);
Code* code = Builtins::builtin(Builtins::JSConstructStubGeneric);
Handle<Code> generic_construct_stub(code);
__ Jump(generic_construct_stub, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET);
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