Commit 07601b12 authored by Frank Tang's avatar Frank Tang Committed by V8 LUCI CQ

[Temporal] Add Calendar.prototype.dateUntil

Also add AOs: ToLargestTemporalUnit, ToISODayOfYear, RegulateISODate,
AddISODate, DifferenceISODate

Spec Text:

Bug: v8:11544
Change-Id: I03a28bf07ddfae036491e49cb06278d050ddebf6
Reviewed-on: 's avatarAdam Klein <>
Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#80166}
parent 7095683a
......@@ -304,8 +304,6 @@ TO_BE_IMPLEMENTED(TemporalCalendarPrototypeYearMonthFromFields)
/* Temporal #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.dateadd */
/* Temporal #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.dateuntil */
/* Temporal #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.month */
/* Temporal #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.monthcode */
......@@ -788,6 +786,7 @@ TEMPORAL_GET_BIGINT_AFTER_DIVID(Instant, EpochMicroseconds, nanoseconds, 1000,
TEMPORAL_PROTOTYPE_METHOD2(Calendar, DateFromFields, dateFromFields)
TEMPORAL_PROTOTYPE_METHOD3(Calendar, DateUntil, dateUntil)
TEMPORAL_PROTOTYPE_METHOD1(Calendar, DaysInMonth, daysInMonth)
TEMPORAL_PROTOTYPE_METHOD1(Calendar, DaysInWeek, daysInWeek)
TEMPORAL_PROTOTYPE_METHOD1(Calendar, DaysInYear, daysInYear)
......@@ -135,6 +135,10 @@ struct DateDurationRecord {
double months;
double weeks;
double days;
// #sec-temporal-createdatedurationrecord
static Maybe<DateDurationRecord> Create(Isolate* isolate, double years,
double months, double weeks,
double days);
struct TimeZoneRecord {
......@@ -781,6 +785,22 @@ MaybeHandle<JSTemporalZonedDateTime> CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(
inline double NormalizeMinusZero(double v) { return IsMinusZero(v) ? 0 : v; }
// #sec-temporal-createdatedurationrecord
Maybe<DateDurationRecord> DateDurationRecord::Create(
Isolate* isolate, double years, double months, double weeks, double days) {
// 1. If ! IsValidDuration(years, months, weeks, days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) is
// false, throw a RangeError exception.
if (!IsValidDuration(isolate,
{years, months, weeks, {days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}})) {
// 2. Return the Record { [[Years]]: ℝ(𝔽(years)), [[Months]]: ℝ(𝔽(months)),
// [[Weeks]]: ℝ(𝔽(weeks)), [[Days]]: ℝ(𝔽(days)) }.
DateDurationRecord record = {years, months, weeks, days};
return Just(record);
// #sec-temporal-createtimedurationrecord
Maybe<TimeDurationRecord> TimeDurationRecord::Create(
Isolate* isolate, double days, double hours, double minutes, double seconds,
......@@ -3402,6 +3422,65 @@ MaybeHandle<JSObject> MergeLargestUnitOption(Isolate* isolate,
return merged;
// #sec-temporal-tolargesttemporalunit
Maybe<Unit> ToLargestTemporalUnit(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSReceiver> normalized_options,
std::set<Unit> disallowed_units,
Unit fallback, Unit auto_value,
const char* method) {
// 1. Assert: disallowedUnits does not contain fallback or "auto".
DCHECK_EQ(disallowed_units.find(fallback), disallowed_units.end());
DCHECK_EQ(disallowed_units.find(Unit::kAuto), disallowed_units.end());
// 2. Assert: If autoValue is present, fallback is "auto", and disallowedUnits
// does not contain autoValue.
DCHECK(auto_value == Unit::kNotPresent || fallback == Unit::kAuto);
DCHECK(auto_value == Unit::kNotPresent ||
disallowed_units.find(auto_value) == disallowed_units.end());
// 3. Let largestUnit be ? GetOption(normalizedOptions, "largestUnit", «
// String », « "auto", "year", "years", "month", "months", "week", "weeks",
// "day", "days", "hour", "hours", "minute", "minutes", "second", "seconds",
// "millisecond", "milliseconds", "microsecond", "microseconds", "nanosecond",
// "nanoseconds" », fallback).
Maybe<Unit> maybe_largest_unit = GetStringOption<Unit>(
isolate, normalized_options, "largestUnit", method,
{"auto", "year", "years", "month",
"months", "week", "weeks", "day",
"days", "hour", "hours", "minute",
"minutes", "second", "seconds", "millisecond",
"milliseconds", "microsecond", "microseconds", "nanosecond",
{Unit::kAuto, Unit::kYear, Unit::kYear,
Unit::kMonth, Unit::kMonth, Unit::kWeek,
Unit::kWeek, Unit::kDay, Unit::kDay,
Unit::kHour, Unit::kHour, Unit::kMinute,
Unit::kMinute, Unit::kSecond, Unit::kSecond,
Unit::kMillisecond, Unit::kMillisecond, Unit::kMicrosecond,
Unit::kMicrosecond, Unit::kNanosecond, Unit::kNanosecond},
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_largest_unit, Nothing<Unit>());
// 4. If largestUnit is "auto" and autoValue is present, then
if (maybe_largest_unit.FromJust() == Unit::kAuto &&
auto_value != Unit::kNotPresent) {
// a. Return autoValue.
return Just(auto_value);
// 5. If largestUnit is in the Plural column of Table 12, then
// a. Set largestUnit to the corresponding Singular value of the same row.
// 6. If disallowedUnits contains largestUnit, then
if (disallowed_units.find(maybe_largest_unit.FromJust()) !=
disallowed_units.end()) {
// a. Throw a RangeError exception.
// 7. Return largestUnit.
return maybe_largest_unit;
// #sec-temporal-tointegerthrowoninfinity
MaybeHandle<Object> ToIntegerThrowOnInfinity(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<Object> argument) {
......@@ -3466,7 +3545,8 @@ Handle<String> UnitToString(Isolate* isolate, Unit unit) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).microsecond_string_handle();
case Unit::kNanosecond:
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).nanosecond_string_handle();
case Unit::kNotPresent:
case Unit::kAuto:
......@@ -3753,11 +3833,13 @@ Maybe<TimeDurationRecord> BalanceDuration(Isolate* isolate, Unit largest_unit,
// b. Set nanoseconds to nanoseconds modulo 1000.
duration.nanoseconds = modulo(duration.nanoseconds, 1000);
// 14. Else,
// 15. Else,
case Unit::kNanosecond:
// a. Assert: largestUnit is "nanosecond".
DCHECK_EQ(largest_unit, Unit::kNanosecond);
case Unit::kAuto:
case Unit::kNotPresent:
// 15. Return ? CreateTimeDurationRecord(days, hours × sign, minutes × sign,
// seconds × sign, milliseconds × sign, microseconds × sign, nanoseconds ×
......@@ -4511,13 +4593,16 @@ int32_t CompareISODate(Isolate* isolate, const DateRecordCommon& date1,
return 0;
inline int32_t floor_divid(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
return (((a) / (b)) + ((((a) < 0) && (((a) % (b)) != 0)) ? -1 : 0));
// #sec-temporal-balanceisoyearmonth
void BalanceISOYearMonth(Isolate* isolate, int32_t* year, int32_t* month) {
// 1. Assert: year and month are integers.
// 2. Set year to year + floor((month - 1) / 12).
*year += std::floor((*month - 1) / 12);
*year += floor_divid((*month - 1), 12);
// 3. Set month to (month − 1) modulo 12 + 1.
*month = static_cast<int32_t>(modulo(*month - 1, 12)) + 1;
......@@ -4906,8 +4991,7 @@ MaybeHandle<JSTemporalCalendar> JSTemporalCalendar::Constructor(
namespace {
// #sec-temporal-toisodayofyear
int32_t ToISODayOfYear(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month,
int32_t day) {
int32_t ToISODayOfYear(Isolate* isolate, const DateRecordCommon& date) {
// 1. Assert: year is an integer.
......@@ -4917,8 +5001,9 @@ int32_t ToISODayOfYear(Isolate* isolate, int32_t year, int32_t month,
// 5. Return date's ordinal date in the year according to ISO-8601.
// Note: In ISO 8601, Jan: month=1, Dec: month=12,
// In DateCache API, Jan: month=0, Dec: month=11 so we need to - 1 for month.
return day + isolate->date_cache()->DaysFromYearMonth(year, month - 1) -
isolate->date_cache()->DaysFromYearMonth(year, 0);
return +
isolate->date_cache()->DaysFromYearMonth(date.year, date.month - 1) -
isolate->date_cache()->DaysFromYearMonth(date.year, 0);
bool IsPlainDatePlainDateTimeOrPlainYearMonth(
......@@ -5135,6 +5220,227 @@ Maybe<DateRecordCommon> ISODateFromFields(Isolate* isolate,
// #sec-temporal-addisodate
Maybe<DateRecordCommon> AddISODate(Isolate* isolate,
const DateRecordCommon& date,
const DateDurationRecord& duration,
ShowOverflow overflow) {
// 1. Assert: year, month, day, years, months, weeks, and days are integers.
// 2. Assert: overflow is either "constrain" or "reject".
DCHECK(overflow == ShowOverflow::kConstrain ||
overflow == ShowOverflow::kReject);
// 3. Let intermediate be ! BalanceISOYearMonth(year + years, month + months).
DateRecordCommon intermediate = date;
intermediate.year += static_cast<int32_t>(duration.years);
intermediate.month += static_cast<int32_t>(duration.months);
BalanceISOYearMonth(isolate, &intermediate.year, &intermediate.month);
// 4. Let intermediate be ? RegulateISODate(intermediate.[[Year]],
// intermediate.[[Month]], day, overflow).
Maybe<DateRecordCommon> maybe_intermediate =
RegulateISODate(isolate, overflow, intermediate);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_intermediate, Nothing<DateRecordCommon>());
intermediate = maybe_intermediate.FromJust();
// 5. Set days to days + 7 × weeks.
// 6. Let d be intermediate.[[Day]] + days. += duration.days + 7 * duration.weeks;
// 7. Let intermediate be ! BalanceISODate(intermediate.[[Year]],
// intermediate.[[Month]], d).
intermediate = BalanceISODate(isolate, intermediate);
// 8. Return ? RegulateISODate(intermediate.[[Year]], intermediate.[[Month]],
// intermediate.[[Day]], overflow).
return RegulateISODate(isolate, overflow, intermediate);
// #sec-temporal-differenceisodate
Maybe<DateDurationRecord> DifferenceISODate(Isolate* isolate,
const DateRecordCommon& date1,
const DateRecordCommon& date2,
Unit largest_unit,
const char* method) {
// 1. Assert: largestUnit is one of "year", "month", "week", or "day".
DCHECK(largest_unit == Unit::kYear || largest_unit == Unit::kMonth ||
largest_unit == Unit::kWeek || largest_unit == Unit::kDay);
// 2. If largestUnit is "year" or "month", then
switch (largest_unit) {
case Unit::kYear:
case Unit::kMonth: {
// a. Let sign be -(! CompareISODate(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2)).
int32_t sign = -CompareISODate(isolate, date1, date2);
// b. If sign is 0, return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, 0, 0, 0).
if (sign == 0) {
return DateDurationRecord::Create(isolate, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// c. Let start be the new Record { [[Year]]: y1, [[Month]]: m1, [[Day]]:
// d1
// }.
DateRecordCommon start = date1;
// d. Let end be the new Record { [[Year]]: y2, [[Month]]: m2, [[Day]]:
// d2 }.
DateRecordCommon end = date2;
// e. Let years be end.[[Year]] − start.[[Year]].
double years = end.year - start.year;
// f. Let mid be ! AddISODate(y1, m1, d1, years, 0, 0, 0, "constrain").
Maybe<DateRecordCommon> maybe_mid = AddISODate(
isolate, date1, {years, 0, 0, 0}, ShowOverflow::kConstrain);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_mid, Nothing<DateDurationRecord>());
DateRecordCommon mid = maybe_mid.FromJust();
// g. Let midSign be -(! CompareISODate(mid.[[Year]], mid.[[Month]],
// mid.[[Day]], y2, m2, d2)).
int32_t mid_sign = -CompareISODate(isolate, mid, date2);
// h. If midSign is 0, then
if (mid_sign == 0) {
// i. If largestUnit is "year", return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(years,
// 0, 0, 0).
if (largest_unit == Unit::kYear) {
return DateDurationRecord::Create(isolate, years, 0, 0, 0);
// ii. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, years × 12, 0, 0).
return DateDurationRecord::Create(isolate, 0, years * 12, 0, 0);
// i. Let months be end.[[Month]] − start.[[Month]].
double months = end.month - start.month;
// j. If midSign is not equal to sign, then
if (mid_sign != sign) {
// i. Set years to years - sign.
years -= sign;
// ii. Set months to months + sign × 12.
months += sign * 12;
// k. Set mid be ! AddISODate(y1, m1, d1, years, months, 0, 0,
// "constrain").
maybe_mid = AddISODate(isolate, date1, {years, months, 0, 0},
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_mid, Nothing<DateDurationRecord>());
mid = maybe_mid.FromJust();
// l. Let midSign be -(! CompareISODate(mid.[[Year]], mid.[[Month]],
// mid.[[Day]], y2, m2, d2)).
mid_sign = -CompareISODate(isolate, mid, date2);
// m. If midSign is 0, then
if (mid_sign == 0) {
// 1. i. If largestUnit is "year", return !
// CreateDateDurationRecord(years, months, 0, 0).
if (largest_unit == Unit::kYear) {
return DateDurationRecord::Create(isolate, years, months, 0, 0);
// ii. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, months + years × 12, 0, 0).
return DateDurationRecord::Create(isolate, 0, months + years * 12, 0,
// n. If midSign is not equal to sign, then
if (mid_sign != sign) {
// i. Set months to months - sign.
months -= sign;
// ii. If months is equal to -sign, then
if (months == -sign) {
// 1. Set years to years - sign.
years -= sign;
// 2. Set months to 11 × sign.
months = 11 * sign;
// iii. Set mid be ! AddISODate(y1, m1, d1, years, months, 0, 0,
// "constrain").
maybe_mid = AddISODate(isolate, date1, {years, months, 0, 0},
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_mid, Nothing<DateDurationRecord>());
mid = maybe_mid.FromJust();
// iv. Let midSign be -(! CompareISODate(mid.[[Year]], mid.[[Month]],
// mid.[[Day]], y2, m2, d2)).
mid_sign = -CompareISODate(isolate, mid, date2);
// o. Let days be 0.
double days = 0;
// p. If mid.[[Month]] = end.[[Month]], then
if (mid.month == end.month) {
// i. Assert: mid.[[Year]] = end.[[Year]].
CHECK_EQ(mid.year, end.year);
// ii. Set days to end.[[Day]] - mid.[[Day]].
days = -;
} else if (sign < 0) {
// q. Else if sign < 0, set days to -mid.[[Day]] - (!
// ISODaysInMonth(end.[[Year]], end.[[Month]]) - end.[[Day]]).
days = - (ISODaysInMonth(isolate, end.year, end.month) -;
} else {
// r. Else, set days to end.[[Day]] + (! ISODaysInMonth(mid.[[Year]],
// mid.[[Month]]) - mid.[[Day]]).
days = + (ISODaysInMonth(isolate, mid.year, mid.month) -;
// s. If largestUnit is "month", then
if (largest_unit == Unit::kMonth) {
// i. Set months to months + years × 12.
months += years * 12;
// ii. Set years to 0.
years = 0;
// t. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(years, months, 0, days).
return DateDurationRecord::Create(isolate, years, months, 0, days);
// 3. If largestUnit is "day" or "week", then
case Unit::kDay:
case Unit::kWeek: {
DateRecordCommon smaller, greater;
// a. If ! CompareISODate(y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2) < 0, then
int32_t sign;
if (CompareISODate(isolate, date1, date2) < 0) {
// i. Let smaller be the Record { [[Year]]: y1, [[Month]]: m1, [[Day]]:
// d1
// }.
smaller = date1;
// ii. Let greater be the Record { [[Year]]: y2, [[Month]]: m2, [[Day]]:
// d2
// }.
greater = date2;
// iii. Let sign be 1.
sign = 1;
} else {
// b. Else,
// i. Let smaller be the new Record { [[Year]]: y2, [[Month]]: m2,
// [[Day]]: d2 }.
smaller = date2;
// ii. Let greater be the new Record { [[Year]]: y1, [[Month]]: m1,
// [[Day]]: d1 }.
greater = date1;
// iii. Let sign be −1.
sign = -1;
// c. Let days be ! ToISODayOfYear(greater.[[Year]], greater.[[Month]],
// greater.[[Day]]) − ! ToISODayOfYear(smaller.[[Year]],
// smaller.[[Month]], smaller.[[Day]]).
int32_t days =
ToISODayOfYear(isolate, greater) - ToISODayOfYear(isolate, smaller);
// d. Let year be smaller.[[Year]].
// e. Repeat, while year < greater.[[Year]],
for (int32_t year = smaller.year; year < greater.year; year++) {
// i. Set days to days + ! ISODaysInYear(year).
// ii. Set year to year + 1.
days += ISODaysInYear(isolate, year);
// f. Let weeks be 0.
int32_t weeks = 0;
// g. If largestUnit is "week", then
if (largest_unit == Unit::kWeek) {
// i. Set weeks to floor(days / 7).
weeks = days / 7;
// ii. Set days to days mod 7.
days = days % 7;
// h. Return ! CreateDateDurationRecord(0, 0, weeks × sign, days × sign).
return DateDurationRecord::Create(isolate, 0, 0, weeks * sign,
days * sign);
} // namespace
// #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.daysinyear
......@@ -5275,9 +5581,9 @@ MaybeHandle<Smi> JSTemporalCalendar::DayOfYear(
// a. Let value be ! ToISODayOfYear(temporalDate.[[ISOYear]],
// temporalDate.[[ISOMonth]], temporalDate.[[ISODay]]).
int32_t value =
ToISODayOfYear(isolate, temporal_date->iso_year(),
temporal_date->iso_month(), temporal_date->iso_day());
int32_t value = ToISODayOfYear(
isolate, {temporal_date->iso_year(), temporal_date->iso_month(),
return handle(Smi::FromInt(value), isolate);
......@@ -5455,6 +5761,64 @@ MaybeHandle<JSReceiver> JSTemporalCalendar::MergeFields(
// #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.dateuntil
MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> JSTemporalCalendar::DateUntil(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> calendar,
Handle<Object> one_obj, Handle<Object> two_obj,
Handle<Object> options_obj) {
const char* method_name = "Temporal.Calendar.prototype.dateUntil";
// 1. Let calendar be the this value.
// 2. Perform ? RequireInternalSlot(calendar,
// [[InitializedTemporalCalendar]]).
// 3. Assert: calendar.[[Identifier]] is "iso8601".
// 4. Set one to ? ToTemporalDate(one).
Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> one;
isolate, one,
ToTemporalDate(isolate, one_obj,
// 5. Set two to ? ToTemporalDate(two).
Handle<JSTemporalPlainDate> two;
isolate, two,
ToTemporalDate(isolate, two_obj,
// 6. Set options to ? GetOptionsObject(options).
Handle<JSReceiver> options;
isolate, options, GetOptionsObject(isolate, options_obj, method_name),
// 7. Let largestUnit be ? ToLargestTemporalUnit(options, « "hour", "minute",
// "second", "millisecond", "microsecond", "nanosecond" », "auto", "day").
Maybe<Unit> maybe_largest_unit = ToLargestTemporalUnit(
isolate, options,
std::set<Unit>({Unit::kHour, Unit::kMinute, Unit::kSecond,
Unit::kMillisecond, Unit::kMicrosecond,
Unit::kAuto, Unit::kDay, method_name);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_largest_unit, Handle<JSTemporalDuration>());
// 8. Let result be ! DifferenceISODate(one.[[ISOYear]], one.[[ISOMonth]],
// one.[[ISODay]], two.[[ISOYear]], two.[[ISOMonth]], two.[[ISODay]],
// largestUnit).
Maybe<DateDurationRecord> maybe_result = DifferenceISODate(
isolate, {one->iso_year(), one->iso_month(), one->iso_day()},
{two->iso_year(), two->iso_month(), two->iso_day()},
maybe_largest_unit.FromJust(), method_name);
MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_result, Handle<JSTemporalDuration>());
// 9. Return ! CreateTemporalDuration(result.[[Years]], result.[[Months]],
// result.[[Weeks]], result.[[Days]], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).
DateDurationRecord result = maybe_result.FromJust();
return CreateTemporalDuration(isolate, {result.years,
{result.days, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}});
// #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.tostring
MaybeHandle<String> JSTemporalCalendar::ToString(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> calendar,
......@@ -102,6 +102,11 @@ class JSTemporalCalendar
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> calendar,
Handle<Object> fields, Handle<Object> additional_fields);
// #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.dateuntil
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<JSTemporalDuration> DateUntil(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> calendar, Handle<Object> one,
Handle<Object> two, Handle<Object> options);
// #sec-temporal.calendar.prototype.tostring
static MaybeHandle<String> ToString(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSTemporalCalendar> calendar,
......@@ -473,26 +473,8 @@
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateFromFields/with-year-monthCode-day-need-constrain': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateFromFields/with-year-month-day': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateFromFields/with-year-month-day-need-constrain': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-infinity-throws-rangeerror': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-plaindatetime': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-string-with-utc-designator': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-zoneddatetime-timezone-getoffsetnanosecondsfor-non-integer': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-zoneddatetime-timezone-getoffsetnanosecondsfor-not-callable': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-zoneddatetime-timezone-getoffsetnanosecondsfor-out-of-range': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-zoneddatetime-timezone-getoffsetnanosecondsfor-wrong-type': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/basic': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/branding': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/calendar-fields-iterable': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/calendar-temporal-object': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/largest-unit-day': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/largest-unit-month': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/largestunit-plurals-accepted': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/largest-unit-week': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/largest-unit-year': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/no-options': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/throws-range-error-ToLargestTemporalUnit': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/throws-range-error-ToTemporalDate': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/throws-type-error-GetOptionsObject': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/day/argument-string-with-utc-designator': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/day/argument-zoneddatetime-timezone-getoffsetnanosecondsfor-non-integer': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/day/argument-zoneddatetime-timezone-getoffsetnanosecondsfor-not-callable': [FAIL],
......@@ -2200,7 +2182,6 @@
'intl402/DateTimeFormat/prototype/formatToParts/temporal-objects-resolved-time-zone': [FAIL],
'intl402/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateAdd/date-infinity-throws-rangeerror': [FAIL],
'intl402/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateFromFields/infinity-throws-rangeerror': [FAIL],
'intl402/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-infinity-throws-rangeerror': [FAIL],
'intl402/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/day/infinity-throws-rangeerror': [FAIL],
'intl402/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/era/argument-string-with-utc-designator': [FAIL],
'intl402/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/era/argument-zoneddatetime-timezone-getoffsetnanosecondsfor-not-callable': [FAIL],
......@@ -2630,7 +2611,6 @@
'built-ins/Temporal/ZonedDateTime/prototype/withPlainTime/year-zero': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateAdd/argument-string-invalid': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/argument-string-invalid': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/day/argument-string-invalid': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/month/argument-string-invalid': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/monthCode/argument-string-invalid': [FAIL],
......@@ -2730,7 +2710,6 @@
'intl402/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/eraYear/argument-string-invalid': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateAdd/options-wrong-type': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/dateUntil/options-wrong-type': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/monthDayFromFields/options-wrong-type': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Calendar/prototype/yearMonthFromFields/options-wrong-type': [FAIL],
'built-ins/Temporal/Duration/compare/options-wrong-type': [FAIL],
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